Acts of Mercy: A Stepbrother Romance (Men of WRATH Book 5)

Acts of Mercy: Part 2 – Chapter 15

The hours tick by and I still can’t shake the way she looked at me stepping out of my car. Pain. Through all of her fire, I could see it and I hate that I’m the asshole who put it there.

But fuck. What am I supposed to do? Give in to these sick feelings I have? Who lusts after their seventeen-year-old sister?

Stepsister. The devil on my shoulder whispers.

No. I can’t. It doesn’t change the fact that she’s my sister, even if only by law.

I’ll be strong enough for both of us.

I flashback to my strapping her seatbelt on. At that moment, I knew I could’ve kissed her—given in to the energy coursing between us.

But then what? I’d hate myself all over again, and it’s not like anything could come of it.

Needing a distraction, I call Titus up.

“What did you do?” Titus growls through the line, his question coming out before a damn hello.

“What the hell are you talking about?” I try to rack my brain, thinking of anything I’ve done that could’ve set him off, but nothing comes to mind.

“The party girl you left up in Oklahoma. That’s what. She won’t stop calling the office, and since you won’t return her calls there, she’s taken to calling me on my cell phone. Needless to say, Ashley isn’t thrilled.”

Ashley. His admission gives me pause. If he’s found a way around doing the impossible, then maybe so can I?

“Hudson!” Titus roars. “Did you hear what I fucking said?”

“Yeah. Yeah. Don’t get your panties in a twist. If you don’t want to deal with her, what makes you think I want to? I’m done with that job. If she calls, that’s an admin’s task. Not mine. And while we’re on the topic, care to tell me how this party girl has your number?”

Titus lets out a breath, the line filling with static. “Long story short, she’s bad news. As soon as I caught a whiff, I dropped her like a hot fucking potato. She’s the type to scare you with an accidental pregnancy if you know what I mean.”

My mind flits back to William and his baby momma drama and what my life could’ve been had my ex really been carrying our baby.

My whole body shudders, reliving one of the most horrible months of my life. “Yeah. I know the type well. Don’t go saying that shit around William, though. You might hurt his feelings.”

I chuckle, knowing it will take a hell of a lot more to hurt one of our brothers…. maybe something like sleeping with his sister.

“Trust me. I’m staying out of his hair. The last thing I want is to force a confrontation sooner rather than later.”

I let out a low whistle. “Wow. So things are serious then. You’re going to talk to him about Ashley?”

“How did this get turned around on me? We were talking about the little blond brat that wants to ride your dick so hard she’s willing to call up an old fling. Don’t think I don’t know why she’s calling. What’d you do to her up there that got her so strung up?”

“Whoa, whoa, whoa. I didn’t do jack shit to her.” My words come out rushed and a tad bit defensive. The thought of anyone accusing me of fucking a client is bad enough, but the thought of someone accusing me of fucking a client after I’ve dipped my wick in Alyssa feels like a betrayal.

Ridiculous since we aren’t together.

“Defensive much?” Titus chuckles, his tone knowing. “Would it be the worst thing if you did? I know I wouldn’t mind giving you my sloppy seconds.”

“Asshole. It’s not even about that. For one, I’m a man of honor. I wouldn’t do that to one of my brothers.” Titus sucks in a sharp breath and it’s as if my words have struck him, most likely thinking of how he’s fucking up with Ashley by going behind William’s back. “I’m sorry, man. I wasn’t even talking about what you have with William’s sister. It sounds like what you have is real. Something worth fighting for. Who’d have ever thought that stone-cold Titus would find love.”

He grumbles on the line. “Yeah, well you keep that shit to yourself. I haven’t even told Ashley as much. But enough about me. How’s your life? Besides a stalker client trying to ride you for all you’re worth.”

“Man, I don’t even get that. It’s not like she doesn’t have Daddy’s money. What the hell is she trying to bag herself a rich husband for?”

“Status. The men of WRATH are quite the commodity, and the number of available bachelors is dwindling down faster than water in the desert.”

I laugh. “That’s right. First William with Bella, and then Ren with Cassie.”

“Yes. And even though I’m worried about Aiden and Charlotte, I think they make a good match.”

He’s right. Technically Charlotte is still married to the senator, and there are so many complications it would make a Spanish Telenovela green with envy.

Titus cuts off my thoughts. “So, I guess that leaves you. Have you met any soul-sucking women lately? Anyone threaten to take away your sanity? Because I swear, that’s what’s happened to the rest of us.”

My mouth goes dry and my throat squeezes. That’s exactly what the fuck has happened. But I can’t admit it. Not to him, and I shouldn’t even be admitting it to myself.

“Uh-huh. I see. So who is it?” Titus’ tone went from jabbing to serious in a matter of seconds. “Come on, brother. I know you. You would’ve come at me with some smart-ass remark, but instead, I get crickets.”

“Nobody.” I quickly rush out. Smooth. Real smooth.

“Yeah. I don’t believe that for a second. Why are you trying to keep it from me? Is it someone I know? It’s not the party girl, is it? Please tell me it’s not the party girl.”

“It’s not the damn party girl,” I grit out, only to realize what I’ve just fucking done.

“Aha! So there is a girl!” Titus laughs triumphantly, and I can’t blame him. He just handed my ass to me when I should’ve known better. We’re in the business of security and he just played me.

“Let’s just drop it. It’s not like anything is going to happen. I’m the eternal bachelor, remember?”

“Sure. Sure. That’s what we all think until we’re going down and the girl is shouting ‘Timbeeeeer.’”

Just then, an image of Alyssa in tight jean cutoff shorts and a flannel button-up tied off at the waist comes to mind. My cock twitches with the need to divest her of her imaginary lumberjack outfit.

I shake my head. What the fuck is wrong with me?

Titus takes my silence as refusal when in reality I’d been daydreaming about what I could never have. “Fine. You keep your secrets to yourself. We’ll all find out soon enough. Trust me, brother, when a woman grabs hold of your heart, there’s no escaping it.”

“Look at the time. I have to go pick up Alyssa from William’s.” I try diversion, but it backfires.

“Shit, that’s right. Your little sister is in the wedding party now.” He pauses, every second of silence ratcheting up my nerves. “Ashley is there, too. Meet you there in thirty.”

The line goes dead. Not even a damn goodbye.

I suppose I shouldn’t be surprised. He started off the conversation with an accusation instead of a greeting for fuck’s sake… But still. This feels different.

As I walk my ass to the SUV, I can’t help but feel as if I’m walking to the gallows.

Titus knows me well, and if he’s in the same room as Alyssa and me, I know he’s bound to sniff something out.

I can’t let that happen.

That asshole beat me here.

I spot Titus’ blacked-out Lambo parked in the drive as I pull up to William’s Highland Park home. “Thirty minutes, my ass,” I grumble to myself.

My mood is sour as I walk through the front doors, not even bothering to knock. Security is here and they know to expect us, never daring to cross one of the five founders of WRATH.

As soon as I step into the hall, I hear Alyssa’s breathy laughter; the sound making my cock pulse in place. Jesus. I’m in deep shit if my body reacts to the mere sound of her.

Trying to school my features, I enter the living space where all the ladies are sitting, enjoying drinks and banter.

As if sensing my presence, Alyssa’s eyes find mine. Her entire body flushes while her eyes dart from me to the drink in her hand. After a beat, she not-so-discreetly drops the champagne flute onto the console table behind her, practically spilling the entire contents in the process.

“Alyssa.” My eyes narrow and jaw clenches as I stalk toward her, but Cassie interjects.

“She wasn’t drinking, if that’s why you’re so upset. I gave her my glass to hold while I pulled some dresses. That’s not a problem. Is it?”

Not even a week of these knowing each other, and the ladies are already covering for her like she’s one of their own.

“Sure it’s not.” Titus’s voice comes up behind me and I flinch, hopefully unperceivably. “Right, Hudson? Even if she were drinking, you’re no one to lecture. Don’t you remember what we were doing at… How old are you, sweetheart?” His eyes are full of glee as he looks over to Alyssa’s doe eyes, wide with horror.

“I’m… seventeen.”

“Yes. Seventeen. That’s right.” The motherfucker is practically gloating as he walks around me, his full-on grin begging to be punched. “Don’t be such a hard ass, Hudson. It’s not like letting her have a drink or two is going to steal your sanity, is it?”

His words from earlier hit me full force, and there’s no doubt he thinks he’s caught me. “No. Not a problem at all. I just don’t want her getting into trouble on my watch and it getting back to my father.”

Bella comes around and hugs me. “Well, good. The ladies of WRATH are no snitches.”

“Snitches get stitches,” Cassie calls from behind a clothes rack.

I’m about to say something when William growls, “Get your hands off my pregnant wife.”

I squeeze Bella in a side hug, wanting to antagonize someone, anyone, as long as the attention isn’t on me and my sister. “But she’s so huggable. And technically, she isn’t your wife yet.”

Bella slaps at my chest, “Don’t you dare poke the bear.”

I release her and head over to the armchair next to Alyssa, lowering down while trying not to breathe her scent in. A quick glance at Titus lets me know he’s watching my every move like a hawk.

“Bella is right. There are two things you never fuck with, my woman or my kids.” He wraps her in his arms from behind, his hands falling to her rounded belly.

Visions of Alyssa, swollen with child flash before me and I have to physically shake my head, pushing those thoughts out. What the fuck?

“Everything okay, Hudson?” Ashley looks on with concern while Titus goes to stand behind her. Even though they’re together, I’m the only one in the room who knows it.

At least I think I am. I catch the glances the women throw at each other and I’m left wondering if they’re in on the secret too.

“Hudson? Ashley asked you a question.” Titus quirks a brow. “Everything okay?”

I narrow my gaze. “Yes, it is. Just hungry. Haven’t eaten anything since breakfast.”

“Well, then it’s decided. You’re staying for dinner.” Bella claps her hands together excitedly as I internally groan. That just means I’ll have another couple of hours of dodging Titus, the bloodhound.

Great. Fucking great.

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