Acts of Mercy: A Stepbrother Romance (Men of WRATH Book 5)

Acts of Mercy: Part 1 – Chapter 3

That sweet red truck is like a beacon, begging me to pull over to the memories of my college years.

It’s the exact year and color too. I’ve been hunting for a 1975 K5 Blazer to add to my collection, and this might just be the one.

I park my mustang behind it, seeing that the driver has the hood up.

Perfect. This will give me a good excuse to buy it from them. Hell, I’ll be doing them a favor, right?

I’m preparing my sales pitch when my words catch in my throat.

Hot fucking damn.

Long muscular legs lead up to a tight ass, clad in the tiniest jean shorts with the cheeks peeking out like juicy little orbs, just asking to be bitten.

Red hair cascades over her back, the ends grazing the top of that delicious ass I wouldn’t mind grinding my cock against.

My dick twitches in my slacks and I have to tell him to calm down. I know it’s been months since we’ve been with anyone—thanks Arkansas—but I’m pretty sure being greeted by a stranger with a hard on isn’t something women traveling alone take kindly to.

“Need help?” I tentatively ask, the lust running through me, making my voice come out extra deep and rough.

The gorgeous redhead hits her head before whirling around, shooting me a withering glare that dies as soon as her eyes fall on me.

Okay. Good to know that the feeling of appreciation is mutual. Maybe I can get a car and a lay.

“Sorry. Didn’t mean to startle you, Miss. I just saw this beautiful K5 Blazer on the side of the road and wanted to see if you needed any help.” Smooth. Offer to help, point out what’s wrong and then hit her with my offer.

“Um. Yeah, actually. It’s making a knocking sound and I’m not sure what to do.” She nibbles on her lower lip as her hand comes up, rubbing the back of her neck—the action bringing my eyes to her chest, her full breasts constrained in nothing but a red sports bra.

I internally groan. How is this gorgeous creature standing out here by herself, dressed like that? I know I’m a gentleman and I would never take advantage of a woman, but the same can’t be said for many.

Clothes are no excuse for a man coming onto a woman with unwanted advances. But holy fuck, I just want to throw my jacket over her and shove her back in her car.

I shake off these irrationally possessive thoughts and gesture toward her engine. “May I?”

She steps aside, a small smile playing on her fuckable lips. “Of course, please do.”

As I pass by her, I’m grateful for the reprieve of having to face her head on. No matter what I tell myself, my cock has a mind of its own, responding to all of her cues—the nibbling of her mouth, the sudden pickup in breathing, and yes… even her perusal of my body.

I’m not ashamed to say that I’ve been around the block and I know when a woman is into me. And Little Red is definitely into me.

Aha, I found the culprit. The head gasket.

Making sure my dick has calmed down enough, I pivot my body back toward the beauty. “I’m sorry, Miss. It looks like it’s the head gasket which can be pricey to fix. Not sure how attached you are to this baby, but I can give you five-thousand for her and drop you off wherever you need to go.”

I inwardly flinch. I know it’s a lowball offer, but I love to bargain. Yes, I know I’m a fucking millionaire but who doesn’t love a good haggle now and then.

Even so, I feel like an ass. Looking at Little Red now, she’s like a deer in headlights—those big green eyes looking at me in astonishment. I’m not sure if it’s at my extremely lowball offer or her not expecting someone to outright offer to buy her truck from her.

Before I can retract my offer, I see fire flare behind her emerald orbs as her lips turn up into a predatory smile.

“So you want Big Red?” She stalks toward me, her hand reaching out and pressing against my chest before trailing down onto my abs and stopping just above my belt buckle.

What the fuck? She’s gone from innocent hottie to take-charge hottie in two seconds flat.

I can definitely get behind this.

“Yes. I want Big Red.” I smile at the name she’s given her truck, so similar to the one I’ve given her. “But the fact that you’ve named your truck tells me you’re probably not going to sell it without a fight. How about twenty thousand? Will that be enough?”

I let my hand come to her face, the back of my fingers caressing her rosy cheeks. She really is stunning.

Unlike any other woman I’ve seen before. She has this natural beauty about her. Like she’s glowing from within.

Little Red shivers under my touch, letting me know I’m having the same effect on her that she is on me.

Her fingers graze my belt before slowly dipping underneath, pulling me toward her until we’re a mere breath apart.

My breathing hitches, her bold actions so at odds with her initially sweet demeanor and catching me off guard. Who is this little stranger ensnaring me in her web?

“Okay. I’ll sell you Big Red for twenty-K and…” Her pink tongue pokes out, licking her upper lip as visions of that wicked little mouth taking my fat cock flash before me.

“Baby, at this point you could ask me for a million dollars and I’d comply. Willingly.” Probably not smart to alert her to the fact that, one, she holds that sort of power over me, and two, that I have that kind of money. But ask me if I care.

Little Red stands on her tiptoes, her green eyes looking at me with a mixture of hesitation and hunger before whispering, “A kiss.”

I close my eyes and breathe in deeply.

I’d have given her a kiss without the demand. But now that I know she wants me as bad as I want her, all need for formality is gone.

This big bad wolf is about to take Little Red for a ride.

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