Acts of Grace: A Brother’s Best Friend Romance (Men of WRATH Book 4)

Acts of Grace: Part 1 – Chapter 6

Talk about the worst sleep ever. Might as well have been sleeping on a pile of rocks.

Don’t get me wrong, the rental home William found is absolutely stunning. The epitome of California chic, and my guest room is no different.

The king size bed has a massive cloud-like feather bed with extremely soft white bedding, but none of it did a damn thing to ease the turmoil in my brain and heart last night.

I’m coming out of the en suite bath, fluffing my wet hair with a bath towel when there’s a soft knock on the door.

Looking at the clock I see it’s only five in the morning, the kids won’t be up for at least another hour and a half.

“Come in,” I call out.

“Ashley, I’m so glad you’re up.” My brother comes in looking like I feel. He must’ve had a rough night too. “Bella wants to head out to the hospital in an hour and I’m going to drive her there. Just wanted to make sure you were up and had the monitors to the kids’ rooms.”

“Yes, to both. Hooked them up last night and had them charged and next to me the whole night. They’ve been out like a light.” Blowing out a raspberry, I close my eyes. “Wish I could say the same.”

William’s hand reaches out squeezing my shoulder. “I know. This whole thing has been hard on all of us. We’ll be visiting Aiden on a rotation schedule since there’s limits on how many people can visit the intensive care unit he’s in. The guys should be here later this morning doing research and working from the back office. We’re setting up a home base of sorts until we know what the next move will be with Aiden’s attackers. I’ll call them when I know more so we can go over the visitation schedule.”

William pulls me toward him, placing a kiss on my forehead. “Thank you. Seriously, Ashley. You’re saving my ass once again.”

Smiling up at my big brother, my heart fills up with pride. “Always. I know you’d do the same for me. You always have. Now go. I have to finish getting ready before the tiny dictators are up and harassing me for food.” I chuckle, remembering their request for Bella’s famous pancakes.

Bless their little hearts.

I’m the fun auntie, but I definitely won’t be plying them with the equivalent of Bella’s home cooking.

Not if they don’t want to end up at the hospital from food poisoning.

My body shudders as I close the door. Flashbacks of the one time I tried to cook Thanksgiving dinner assault me.

Our parents had just passed and I wanted to do something special that would bring William and I closer, so I decided to cook.

Bad idea.

Let’s just say we definitely became closer after taking turns praying to the porcelain god that night.

Ugh, never again.

“Ashley, you outdid yourself.” Titus’ eyes lock with mine as he picks up a piece of bacon from the breakfast spread on the kitchen island.

Meanwhile, Hudson snorts as he stuffs a slice of cantaloupe into his mouth. “You do know she didn’t make any of this right? Girl would burn water if it were possible.”

Flinging a dish towel at Hudson, I growl, “Hey! I ordered everything. That has to count for something right?”

Heat creeps up my face and I don’t dare look at Titus. I mean, I grew up with these guys so it’s no surprise that I’m no Susie Homemaker. My mother never taught me and we always had a hired chef so there was never a need.

“Dumb ass.” Titus smacks Hudson upside the head. “That’s no way to treat the woman who’s hosting your voracious ass. Be glad she decided to feed you. You know she didn’t have to.”

Hudson gives him the side-eye as he takes his seat at a barstool. “Sorry, Ashley. Meant no disrespect.”

“No worries. No offense taken. I’m used to your ways.” I wink at Hudson and hear a little growl from Titus.

Interesting. Is that jealousy?

Plugging my phone into the wall charger, I mentally prepare myself. It’s been off for the past thirty-six hours and I have no doubt my ex has left me numerous messages.

The vision of him running after me the other night makes my stomach want to revolt.

“Do we know when our visiting hours will be up?” Titus asks as he sips his coffee.

“William said he’d call.” Waving my phone toward the room, it decides to come to life, and the incessant dings start coming through, one right after the other.

“Damn, someone’s blowing you up. Is it William?” Hudson’s eyes narrow in concern, but turning to look at Titus, his expression is something completely different.

His face is scrunched up as if pained, meanwhile his eyes are narrowed, conveying a mixture of sadness and anger. What the hell?

Looking down at my phone, I confirm what I already know. “No, it isn’t William. It’s some asshole who can’t take a hint.”

I place my phone on silent before stepping away and grabbing a mug out of the cabinet.

“Hey, you sure you should be doing that?” Hudson calls out and I whirl around to see what he’s talking about. The twins are in the playroom and Harper is in her high-chair so she can’t be getting into trouble.

With furrowed brows, I inspect the room. That’s when I see it.

Titus scrolling through my phone.

“Mind your own business, Hudson,” Titus spits out as he scrolls through my device.

“Excuse me? What do you think you’re doing?” I slam my empty coffee mug on the counter next to Titus, but the asshole doesn’t even flinch.

“Ummm, I’ll take Harper into the playroom with the boys. I think she wants to see me beat their little smug behinds on Mario Kart.” Hudson awkwardly slides out of his seat and heads toward Harper. “I think your auntie and Titus need to figure shit out.”

He boops my niece on the nose as both Titus and I admonish, “Language!”

“At least you two can agree on something.” Titus rolls his eyes as he picks little Harper up and walks away. “Don’t think I didn’t notice the tension between you two on the jet last night.”

My jaw drops as I gape at them exiting the room. Unable to form words.

“Ignore him. He won’t say anything. I’ll make sure of it.” Titus’ deep voice brings me back to his current transgression—hacking into my phone.

“He’s not the one I’m mad at right now.” My eyes narrow as I shove a finger into his chest, his very firm and toned chest. “Are you going to tell me how you got into my phone without my passcode?”

Without any trace of remorse, Titus looks me dead in the eyes. “I know all of your pass codes. For fucks sake, you haven’t changed them since high school. You should really look into updating them.”

My mouth hangs open for the second time this morning. “Excuse me? How can you say that so nonchalantly? That’s my privacy. What business is it of yours whether or not I decide to change my pass codes or not?”

Titus puts down my phone and backs me against the counter, caging me in with his strong arms. “You forget one thing, min skatt. On more than one occasion, your brother has tasked me with caring for you. I take that duty very seriously.” His face lowers to mine, our noses brushing against one another, breathing each other in. “You are mine to protect and I’ll do what I see fit as long as it ensures one thing. Your safety.”

I blink, unable to think clearly through this haze of lust that’s suddenly come over me. Having him this close is dangerous.

“Okay. Explain to me how going through my phone is helping you keep me safe, because from where I’m standing it seems more like an invasion of privacy than a safety ploy.”

His lips turn up on one side and it takes everything in me not to rise up to my tippy toes and lick that sensual mouth.

“And how do you like your current point of view?” His eyes are trained on my mouth, his thick fingers reaching up and pulling my lower lip free from the assault of my teeth.

I revel in the feeling of his rough thumb stroking my lip back and forth—hypnotized by the movement I almost forget what started this in the first place.

“No.” I push him away, or try to. The man is built like a steel post. “You don’t get to change the subject and try to distract me. Answer the question. Why are you looking through my phone?”

Pushing himself off from the counter, he groans into his palm and walks away. “Damn it, Ash. Why didn’t you tell me you had a boyfriend?”

The air is sucked from my lungs and I stand there, flailing like a fish out of water. “What? Oh my god. Is that what this is all about? God, no!” I shriek while running toward him, turning his body once I’ve reached him. “I don’t have a boyfriend. Not as of thirty-six hours ago, anyway. I caught him red-handed with another woman. Also, there may have been some chicken-noodle soup involved.” I smile to myself remembering their shocked expressions as noodles and broth ran down their foreheads.

Titus tilts his head to the side and purses his lips, “Do I want to know?”

Closing my eyes, I let out a breath. “Ugh. I feel like such an idiot. I don’t know how I didn’t see the signs. Maybe it was because I really wasn’t invested.”

Bringing both hands to my face, I groan.

“Shhh. All that matters is that you’re free from that jack-ass.” Titus envelops me in his arms, and presses his palms to my back, rubbing up and down. “I’m sorry.”

Peeling my face from his chest, I look up. “For what? Going through my phone?”

“Ha! No. I’m not sorry about that at all.” He presses a kiss to the top of my head. “I’m sorry for taking advantage of such a tender situation. I shouldn’t have let us go that far, little treasure.”

“Don’t.” I shove at him, trying to break free from his hold, but he isn’t budging. “I’m a grown woman and I knew what I was doing. I wanted everything you gave me. I wanted you.”

Titus sucks in a sharp breath, his arms dropping from my body as if I were on fire. “Don’t say that, Ash. You don’t know what you’re saying.”

My brows drop and eyes narrow. “I know exactly what I’m saying. Seems to me like you’re the one who isn’t sure of things. One minute you’re all over me and the next you’re dropping me like a hot potato.”

Titus’ lips press into a grimace as he shakes his head. “I’m just trying to keep you safe. I’ve always wanted to keep you safe. And you and me? That would only end in nothing but disaster.”

My eyes narrow into tiny slits as my heart threatens to shatter. I’ve had enough of this push and pull, staying in front of him any longer will have me either stabbing him with a kitchen knife or me breaking down into a puddle of tears.

Choosing self-preservation, I walk toward the charging cellphone, yanking it from the wall. “Well, you can start by fucking off and staying the hell away from me and my phone.”

Exiting the kitchen, I head to my room, needing a moment to gather myself before I tend to the kids.

I’m hanging on by a thread as it is, and it’s a damn miracle my self-esteem hasn’t gone and jumped off a cliff by now.

Good thing I know what I bring to the table, and honey, my cup runneth over.

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