Acts of Grace: A Brother’s Best Friend Romance (Men of WRATH Book 4)

Acts of Grace: Part 1 – Chapter 3

The night air cools my heated skin, flustered from the whirlwind of emotions flowing through me. That shit gives me vertigo. And by shit, I mean emotions. Like a disease, I steer clear of anything having to do with catching feelings, and what just happened in that room—in that airplane—felt an awful lot like feelings.

I couldn’t get out of that room fast enough. The longer I stayed, the harder it became to pull myself from her comforting touch and delectable body. Thankfully, every time I started to fall into her, visions of William finding us in bed together kept flashing through my mind, sending cold sweat running down my back.

What a fucking nightmare. I could see it all playing out now. What would start out as a verbal assault would soon turn into physical blows, ending with either one of us six feet underground. Neither of us are known for backing down, and although I love him like a brother, I’m not sure I’d let him take me out like that.

No, there’s no way in hell I could risk him finding out about my tryst with his sister.

A tryst. That’s all it was. That’s all it’ll ever be.

A world where Ashley Hawthorne is mine doesn’t exist. If she really knew what I was like, what monster lurks beneath, she wouldn’t want anything to do with me.

William knows, he’s seen it first-hand. If he ever found out about tonight…

My phone vibrates as I get into my blacked-out Escalade. Pulling it out of my pocket, the light illuminates my face of betrayal and I grimace.

“William, what can I do you for?”

“What can you do me for? What the fuck?” William chuckles into the line, no doubt wondering what the hell is wrong with me. “Well, for starters, you can tell me you got my sister home safe.”

Sucking in a deep breath before answering, I squeeze my eyes shut as if the action could help me unsee Ashley writhing beneath me. “Yeah, brother. She’s home safe. I have guards posted outside and you have your system in place. She’s safe for the night.”

“Good. I appreciate you going out to get her. You know I have my hands full with my crazy ex and Bella’s case right now. Any clue what caused her to break down like that? The last time I heard she was that upset was… well, you remember. You were there.”

“I remember, and she didn’t say.”

“You were with her for what, five hours? And she didn’t say?”

“Look, you know I’m not the prying type. Especially when it comes to emotions. Just know that she was settled when I left her.” I cringe, my stomach rolling at the way I left her—naked, flushed, and thoroughly fucked. 

“Fine, fine. Yes, I acknowledge you’re not a Chatty Cathy. Maybe I can get Bella to figure out what happened. If it was that boyfriend of hers, I’ll have his head on a platter.”

My throat tightens and breathing halts. “Boyfriend?”

“Yeah, you know the attorney she’d been dating for the past year? I’m sure I would have mentioned him before. He’s a pretentious little fucker, and a social climber to boot.”

“Must’ve missed it.” More like blocked it out of my memory. The thought of Ashley with another man makes me see red. My grip tightens around the phone, the skin across my knuckles crackling as it expands.

“Anyway, I’m sure I’ll find out soon enough. Thanks again, brother. I appreciate you going out to get her. I know she could have hopped on the plane alone, but from what you said, it sounded like she needed some support and we never leave a man behind… Or woman in this case.”

“No worries. It was my pleasure.”

“Alright, call me if anything changes.”

“Ten-four.” I press the ‘end’ button and throw my head back into the headrest.

What have I done? Not only did I take advantage of William’s little sister when she was emotionally vulnerable, but it turns out I could have turned her into a cheater.


What just happened?

It’s been hours since Titus left my room, and I can’t seem to make sense of what went down.
I sit up after restlessly flailing in bed. There’s no way I’m going to get any sleep.

Wrapping my arms around myself, I try to figure out what in the hell just happened.

One moment I’m bawling my eyes out for time wasted with my loser ex and the next I’m in the throes of passion with my dream crush only to be thrown off the cloud I was on and be slammed back onto earth with three little words. ‘I don’t do cuddly.’

What the fuck? What does that even mean? Does he not do affection or is that his way of saying he doesn’t do affection with me?

Do I even want a relationship after what Brad did to me?

There’s a soft knock at my door, causing my heart to stutter. Did Titus decide to come back?

Giving myself a mental facepalm, I come to terms that this answers whether or not I want a relationship with Titus.

“Come in,” I call out into the dark.

The door creaks open and a tall figure steps into the room, my heart sinking at the realization that it’s just my brother.

“Hey, sis. I’m sorry to wake you, but there’s been an emergency.” William’s down-turned mouth and furrowed brows have me hopping out of bed faster than the speed of light.

“What’s the matter? Is Titus okay?”

William’s brows lift to his hairline and it’s then I realize that I’ve given myself away. “Yes, Titus is okay.” His brows come back down and press together. “Is there a reason he wouldn’t be?”

“No, it’s just he’s the last person I saw, so the first person to come to mind.” God, I hope he buys this. “Anyway, tell me what’s wrong? Is there anything I can do to help?”

“I’m glad you ask, because we will definitely need your help.”


Williams’ hand reaches behind his neck, rubbing it slowly. “Yes, Aiden was injured while on a job and he’s now in a coma. Bella didn’t handle the news well, justifiably so. She lost her mother when she was fifteen and now her father…”

My hand flies up to my open mouth where I’m gasping for air. “Oh my god! That’s horrible!”

My brother, William, and four other men are the original founders of the Men of WRATH, a national security firm. There’s always the risk of injury, but nothing like this has ever happened before. Especially not to Bella’s father, Aiden. He’s a former Navy SEAL and assigned to the highest profile cases because of his skills and training.

“Yes. You know Bella has been helping me with Harper as well as caring for her own twin brothers, but I’m afraid she’s not going to be able to keep up her nannying responsibilities right now. Aiden is being cared for at a top facility in California and we all fly out in a couple of hours. I was hoping you could help with the kids in the meantime. What do you say, Ash? Can you come with us to California?”

“Of course! Don’t worry about the kids.” I take his hands in mine and squeeze. “Anything for Bella. Poor girl must be distraught.” My thoughts flashback to when I was interviewing her for the nanny position. We’ve seen her grow into the young lady she is today and something so tragic couldn’t have happened to such a good person.

When her mother died, she took on the responsibility of caring for her two little brothers, carting them around from soccer to karate and foregoing whatever social life a girl her age would be accustomed to.

William’s voice breaks me out of my thoughts. “Thank you. She’s sleeping right now, but you know the kids’ schedule.”

“Say no more. I’ll be up with them and getting them ready for the trip. What time do we fly out?”

“Nine in the morning. I’ve already arranged for the rental home where we’ll be staying, and you’ll have your own room and en suite there. I can’t thank you enough for this. You’re a lifesaver.”

Looking deep into his eyes, I can see that he’s really hurting, and I’m not sure if it’s just for his friend Aiden or the nanny he’s grown so fond of. A niggle tells me it might be a bit of both. “I’ll always be here for you, and for Bella. Family is everything.”

William gives me a small smile, “Yes. Family is everything. Speaking of family, what kind of a shit brother would I be if I didn’t ask about what landed you back in Dallas. Tell me it wasn’t that worthless boyfriend of yours.”

Mayday, Mayday. Change of topic, ASAP. “Nothing you need to worry about right now. I promise we will talk about it when the time is right. You have a ton on your plate and my problems are nowhere near the level of tragedy that yours are.”

“This isn’t a competition, Ashley. You know I’m always here for you. I know I’m not as good as one of your girlfriends, but I’m family and I’ll always have your back.”

His sentiment brings tears to my eyes. God, if he only knew. But there’s no way I could tell him, for if I tell him I risk divulging what transpired between his friend and me on that airplane.

Shaking my head, I sigh. “I know brother, but now is not the time.”

He places a kiss on my forehead, “Whenever you’re ready, I’m here.”

I nod, unsure if there will ever come a time where I’ll freely tell him what happened. Pushing him out the door, I whisper-shout, “Enough about me, go get some sleep. I doubt you’ve had any so far and we’re leaving in a couple of hours.”

“Yes ma’am.” William chuckles as the door closes behind him.

Yeah, I doubt he’d be laughing if he knew what really happened with Titus and me. Groaning against the door, I let myself slide down to the floor.

What have you gotten yourself into this time, Ashley?

But as the memory of Titus sliding his thick fingers inside of me makes my lady parts clench, I can’t bring myself to care.

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