Acts of Grace: A Brother’s Best Friend Romance (Men of WRATH Book 4)

Acts of Grace: Part 1 – Chapter 23

The vibrating on the nightstand wakes me up from blissful sleep. It’s too damn early for anyone to be calling so it better damn well be an emergency.

My body protests at being pried from its favorite position, wrapped around Ashley. Every part of me begs to stay in bed with her, just a little longer.

The phone which had stopped vibrating starts its annoying buzzing once more and I know that it really must be an emergency.

Rolling out of the warm bed, I see the lit-up screen displaying the caller.


Fuck. I wonder if he’s found out about Ashley and me. If so, then I’ll have to bump up my schedule for coming clean.

Yes, I’d planned to do it sooner rather than later, but not this damn soon.

Walking into the living room, I answer the call. “Hello?”

“Titus, finally.”

I chuckle sarcastically into the line, “You do know what time it is, right?”

“Yes, but I just got a call from Marianna who told me the FBI will be heading over to Aiden’s later today. They want some more info on his deceased wife, which means they’re going to tell him about the cheating and her ties to both of my parents.”

Ashley’s parents.

“Shit, this has the potential to backfire in a major way. He’s still not at one hundred percent since suffering his accident. This is exactly the type of thing that could derail his progress.”

“Exactly. I was hoping the team could get together and head over to his place in an hour. That way we could break the news to him ourselves. This type of thing is always better when it comes from someone you know and trust.”

Another sarcastic laugh escapes me, “About that, it seems you may have told Bella some of the information on your mother. Weren’t we supposed to keep that under wraps until we figured out all the details?”

“Yeah, uh. Oh, do you hear Harper? She’s crying. Better go see what she needs.”

“Uh-huh. Convenient. See you later, brother.” I shake my head as I cut the line, laughing to myself.

That’s got to be a new one… Using your baby to get out of explaining things.

Heading back to the bedroom I see Ashley’s beautiful face, her long dark hair serving as a halo around her and framing the beautiful contours of her body.

Her abdomen is flat now, but with how we’ve been going at it, I’d be surprised if she weren’t already carrying my seed.

Birth control isn’t one-hundred percent effective, is it?

My cock stirs at the idea of filling her once more, claiming her in every way possible, and I’m tempted to keep the men waiting.

I meant what I said last night, she’s mine and no other will do.

I plan on making it official once this whole mess with her mother has been figured out.

Grimacing, my mind wanders to what it’ll entail and how it can all turn out.

I’ll talk to William and come clean.

Ashley and I are, and always will be, together.

Whether he likes it or not.

“Aiden, you really need to hire a full-time nanny,” Ren complains. “I can’t fill in for Bella all the time.”

“Bella can’t hold out on me forever. She loves the boys and will be back to her regular self in no time.” Aiden waves away Ren’s concerns.

I roll my eyes at the absurdity of his statement. If my being with Ashley has taught me anything, it’s that WRATH women are stubborn as fuck and if they set their mind to something, there’s no shaking them from it.

If Bella has decided she doesn’t want to go to college and become a writer, that’s how it’ll be. Aiden can pitch a fit until he’s blue in the face. Won’t matter. The WRATH lady has spoken.

William picks up a kolache, trying to act uninterested when most of us know that he and Bella have been together the last couple of months. “What’s going on?”

Ren smirks, no doubt catching on to the fact that William is trying to play dumb. “Bella has gone on strike ever since dear old dad over here shut down her dreams of becoming an author,” Ren turns toward Aiden again, “You need to bite the bullet, man. Apologize to her and hire a damn nanny. You were going to do that once she started college. So what’s the big deal?”

The whole team has managed to crowd around Aiden’s kitchen island, scarfing down kolaches and coffee as we watch this shit show unfold before us.

Aiden glares at his little brother, as if giving Ren the stink eye would make him see that he’s the one in the wrong. “The big deal is she dropped out of college before she’s even begun!” His shouting making his throat vibrate with each word. “If I hire a nanny, she will think that it’s okay for her to forgo all of her responsibilities to pursue a fruitless dream.”

William sneers, unable to hide how he truly feels about the circus going on before us. “Fruitless? Have you seen her work? She’s brilliant. There’s no doubt in my mind she could have a successful career as an author if she wished to be one.”

Either Aiden is absolutely clueless about what William’s outburst could imply, or he’s simply choosing to ignore it. “What is this, gang-up-on-Aiden day.”

Hudson finally chimes in with some reason. “No. It’s keep-it-real-with-Aiden day. Bella told us you were released from Dr. Ansley’s care and that means no more sugar-coating things.”

Aiden lets out a low whistle, “Well, shit. If you’ve been sugar-coating things before, I can’t wait to hear what you have to say now.”

Hudson runs a hand through his hair, nervously shifting his gaze between everyone. “The reason we’re here is to talk to you about your wife. Well, more like something involving your wife.”

Here it comes…

“You mean my adulterous spouse? By all means, please tell me what could be worse than finding out the woman you’ve idolized was sleeping with one of your friend’s father,” Aiden grits out while staring at William.

I let out a breath, knowing it’s my turn. “It’s not worse, per se. It’s just news that could be considered shocking.”

Aiden waves his hands, motioning me to move on with it. “Well, what is it then? We don’t have all day.”

I’m about to continue when William holds up a hand, letting me know he wants to be the one to come clean since this is about his mother. It makes sense. That’s how I’d want it too if I were in his shoes.

“We found out who the driver was the night of the car accident three years ago. Aiden, before I tell you, you need to understand that the authorities believe it was an intentional hit. The person who ran into your wife and daughter did so with the intent to harm, and most likely kill.”

Aiden’s expression goes from annoyed to concerned. “You mean to tell me someone set out to hurt my wife and daughter? How the fuck did I not know about this.” His features contort into ones of outrage. “When did you find out about this? Is the person still out there?”

A female voice responds in place of William’s.

“Oh, she’s very much out there. Isn’t she, William?” Heather trains her wild gaze on her husband, cocking the revolver nestled in her outstretched hands.

At once, we all turn our eyes toward the madwoman who’s begun to pace back and forth in Aiden’s kitchen.

“Heather, what are you doing here?” Aiden asks, his brows furrowing in deep confusion.

“You mean they haven’t clued you in?” She laughs, waving her gun in the air in a circular motion. “Well, sit down, darlin’. I’m about to fill you in.”

While this crazy bitch is laughing it up, staring at William, I silently round the island. As soon as I’ve cleared her periphery, I lunge from behind, knocking the revolver from her hand and tackling her to the ground.

The men around me act in unison, quickly getting the things we need to secure her meanwhile we figure out what the fuck to do with her.

I drag her to a chair where William and Hudson zip tie her arms and legs.

As soon as she’s subdued, I turn toward Aiden. “Where the fuck is your security team, Aiden?”

“I gave them the day off. I’m a fucking SEAL. I don’t need a damn security detail,” Aiden rebuffs.

“You gave them the day off?! You might not need the security, but Bella and the twins do. For fuck’s sake, what would’ve happened if they were in the room when Heather came in wielding her gun?” William roars, the veins in his neck pulsating wildly.

Bella suddenly steps into the kitchen, rushing toward William. “I’m here. I’m okay. And the twins are over at the neighbors for a play date.”

William glares at Aiden over Bella’s head, “You got lucky.” He takes two steps forward and pulls Bella into an embrace before placing a kiss to her forehead. “I’m so fucking glad you’re okay.”

I wince at their public display of affection. If we didn’t think things were interesting enough already, they’re about to be.

“What the hell is going on?” Aiden looks between William and Bella, confused by their PDA.

Heather cackles from her seat, “You didn’t know, did you? Daddy’s perfect little angel isn’t so perfect.”

“Shut your mouth, Heather.” Bella growls out, before turning toward her father, about to come clean but William beats her to it.

“I’m in love with your daughter, Aiden.” William says it so matter-of-factly, and all of the air is sucked from the room.

Welp, there goes any semblance of breaking this nice and easy.

“How fucking sweet,” Heather chimes in, breaking the standstill. “Well, fuck you and your happily ever after. Marissa—Oh wait, she goes by Shannon now.” Heather rolls her eyes and shakes her head before continuing. “Shannon promised me this would be easy and that everything would be okay. She and I were supposed to be on some remote island sipping daiquiris by now, not having a care in the world. But nooooo. William wouldn’t take me back because of this little bitch.” Heather points her head toward Bella as we all stare on watching this lunatic’s confession.

“Watch yourself, Heather. You will not talk about Bella like that,” William warns her through clenched teeth.

“You can’t control me.” Heather scoffs. “I will not let you hold me back, William Hawthorne. You screwed me over once with that damn prenup and I will not let you do it to me again.”

“Is that what this is about? The prenup?” William laughs sardonically.

“Yes! If you would have let me walk away with some money, this wouldn’t even be happening right now. Once I realized I wasn’t going to get anything from you, I had to come back. Otherwise I’d be left with nothing. That’s when your genius mother approached me, talking about some hair-brained scheme to clean you out once you and I were back together. Apparently her stash of money had run out and she was in need of replenishing her funds too.”

“Fucking money. It all boils down to money and greed. Coveting that which isn’t yours to possess.” William shakes his head in disgust.

“Of course it’s about money. Haven’t you been paying attention? Well, the part where your mother killed your father… that was more out of blind jealousy. But I mean, someone was threatening to take away her cash cow, so could you really blame her?”

“Yes!” We all shout in unison. How could this woman thing there was any justification for decapitating someone.

“Whatever. Just be glad I didn’t try to kill you and Bella, like your mother did with your father and Lucia. Though trashing Bella’s car felt pretty damn good.”

“That was you?” Bella gasps in surprise at the same time as William shouts, “Of course it was my mother!”

“Yup.” Heather pops her P, seemingly unaffected by being handcuffed to a chair.

“Yes to what? You were the one who vandalized Bella’s car, or my mother was the one who murdered my father?” William asks what we already presumed to be true.

“Yes to both of those. I shot Bella’s tires out with that gun right there.” Heather points her head toward the gun inside the plastic bag. “It was a gift from your treacherous mother. Said she couldn’t look at it any longer, something about it being the gun she used on your father.”

William shares a knowing look with the rest of the team. We had suspected as much and now this vile human has confirmed it.

“I never should have trusted that woman. But she assured me over and over again that she could make it so I could win my hearing and get back into William’s good graces.” Heather laughs maniacally. “We hadn’t counted on William fucking the nanny, though. That definitely threw a wrench in our plans.” Heather turns her head to look at Bella. “You dug your heels in real good, didn’t you honey.”

Bella narrows her eyes at Heather, unable to keep quiet any longer. Don’t blame me if you never appreciated what was right in front of you. You were the one who walked away from a life with William and Harper. Throughout this entire breakdown of yours, you haven’t even mentioned her once!”

Damn. She’s right, though.

“You could have them both for all I care. I just needed the money. Instead, I get a call from the mastermind herself telling me that the jig is up. That there are warrants out for our arrest and she’s going into hiding. Do you think the brain decided to take her underling with her? Noooo. That’s too much to ask for. After all, I only did every little thing she asked of me, including keeping her damn secrets. Did y’all know she was the hit and run driver that killed Lucia? If only she could have killed Isabella too.” Heather hocks a loogie, aiming it at Bella but missing by a long shot.

A second later there’s a loud bang at the front of the house. We all crane our necks, trying to figure out what the hell has happened now. Before long, a team of heavily armed police officers and FBI agents descend into the kitchen.

“Looks like your time is up, Heather.” Bella snickers. “You’re going down after that beautiful confession you just delivered.”

“I have no idea what you’re talking about. I haven’t said a word this entire time, and you can’t prove otherwise.”

The entire room goes silent. This crazy woman is trying to pass off her ranting as nothing more than a figment of our imaginations!

“Ma’am? Ma’am? Are you still there?” A woman’s voice breaks through the silence, everyone turning to look at where the stranger’s voice is coming from. “Ma’am? Ma’am, this is the 9-1-1 dispatcher you called about the home invasion.”

Bella’s confused face turns into one of recognition as she brings her smartwatch to her mouth, “Yes! I’m still here. I’m so sorry. I forgot I called you from my watch.”

“Oh, don’t worry. I just wanted to let you know that it’s our protocol to record all incoming calls. This entire conversation has been recorded and can be pulled up for future review, if you’d so wish.”

“Well, shit,” Heather mumbles under her breath as the entire room breaks out into a combination of snickers or outright laughter.

Looks like there will be some justice after all.

Looking at Aiden’s face, I can’t say that William and Bella will be spared.

That guiser is about to blow, and there’s no stopping what’s to come.

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