Acts of Grace: A Brother’s Best Friend Romance (Men of WRATH Book 4)

Acts of Grace: Part 1 – Chapter 21

“Ilove your place!” Bella steps into the newly furnished apartment.

“Thank you. I’m so proud of how everything turned out. I couldn’t have done it so quickly without your help, Cassie.”

The pint-sized blonde plops onto the white linen couch, one of the pieces she helped me pick out for my new place. “You’re so welcome. It’s so much fun shopping on someone else’s dime. Especially since the turn around was only a couple of weeks. Nothing racks up the fees like rush deliveries.”

“Ugh, don’t remind me.” I shake my head as I pour all of us a glass of rosé. “But, hey, I’d pay it all over again if it meant not having to shack up with William anymore.”

“He’s not that bad. Bella blushes as she places a hand over her glass, signaling she’s not having any. “And thanks, but I’m not having any today. My stomach hasn’t been right since the Thai we had last night.” Her hand flies up to her mouth as if she’s going to hurl.”

“Of course! Let me get you some fizzy water. Hopefully that helps settle your stomach.”

It’s been about a week since Bella’s been back in town, and Aiden was discharged from the hospital. He’s made immense progress and he’s even up and talking, only needing the assistance of a nurse for routine therapy.

Cassie takes a sip of her drink, before asking what we both want to know. “So, how are things with William since you got back?”

Bella flings herself back into the white egg chair. “Ummm, Dad doesn’t know about William and me if that’s what you’re asking. We’re waiting until he’s stable before telling him.”

“I still can’t believe you forgave him for that stunt he pulled with Heather. I know they weren’t actually together, but still.”

“I hate to agree with Cassie, since William is my brother, but she’s right. I can’t believe it either.” I place a glass of sparkling water in front of her, noticing her extra pale complexion. “You sure you’re okay? You’re looking sort of clammy.”

Bella reaches for her drink, taking a small sip. “I’m fine, it’s probably just a mild case of food poisoning. And as far as forgiving William, trust me… I’m still making him work for it.” She bites at her bottom lip and smirks.

It’s my turn for my stomach to roll. Holding up a hand, I plead, “Stop. No further details necessary. I’m more than okay with you two being together but I draw the line at hearing my brother’s sexual proclivities.”

Bella and Cassie both let out a cackle, “Okay, let’s switch topics then.” They both peer at me with a devilish grin. “So, how’s Titus doing?”

My face heats, “Titus? Why would I know anything about Titus?”

“Uh-huh.” Bella shakes her head. “You can’t fool us. We see how you two look at each other. And don’t think we’ve missed Titus’ things lying about the apartment either.”

Cassie smirks, “Hey, it’s not like we can blame you. WRATH men are in a class all their own.”

I chuckle, “I take it that means things between you and Ren are going well?”

Cassie beams as she flips through one of my style magazines, “Can’t say that I have any complaints. Well, other than my mom trying to get Ren and I to walk down the aisle already. I swear, that woman is more obsessed with Ren than I am.”

She’s grinning ear to ear, no doubt thinking of Bella’s uncle, one of the five men of WRATH.

I sigh into my drink, “Admittedly, I’m a bit jealous. You two get to openly be with your men.”

“Hey, I still have to hide it from my dad. We’re afraid that the information will hinder his recovery. There’s so much we’re having to keep from him, it feels as if I’m constantly walking on eggshells. I can’t even imagine what he’d do if he found out about my mom, or your mom for that matter.” Bella tips her glass toward me, her head shaking in disapproval.

My brows furrow, confused at her words. “My father, you mean. He’s the one that had the affair with your mom.”

“Sure, that’s only the first part. The real kicker is how your mom found out, got jealous and tried to kill us by running my mother and me off the road three years ago.”

My jaw drops and chest tightens. What the hell is she talking about?

Bella’s face turns chalk white as Cassie gives her the side eye. “Oh my god, you didn’t know, did you?”

Cassie smacks Bella on the thigh. “Her mouth hanging wide open would be a clear indication she was clueless. Here, let me pour you another drink while Bella spills the beans. Something your man, or your brother at the very least, should have done already.”

“I’m so sorry, Ashley. I though you would’ve known by now. Specially with how close you and Titus have been.”

“Clearly, we’re not.” I groan, knowing I shouldn’t give her attitude. She’s not the one who’s at fault. “I’m sorry. Please tell me what my brother and Titus both think I can’t handle. That’s the only reason I see them keeping something like this from me.”

Bella winces, “Well, you already know about the car accident that killed my mom three years ago. The police reached out to the men and told them they found the car that ran us off the road. It was recovered from the river when the police were doing a dive, searching for a jumper.”

Cassie does the sign of the cross before bringing her thumb to her lips as she mumbles, “I can’t believe people are still jumping off that bridge.” Her eyes look between Bella and me. “I’m sorry, continue.”

“No we get it. They need to do something about the rails.” I make a mental note to write a letter to our mayor and tack it on right below reaming my brother for his latest fuck-up.

Bella nods before continuing. “Yes, well, they found the car and were able to figure out who the driver was. Turns out your mom bought the car from a cash lot. The owner was able to identify her and everything.”

My hands fly to my stomach, its flipping making me feel as if I’m about to vomit. “But why? All this time we thought she’d been a victim of my father’s killer.”

Cassie’s brows raise, practically hitting her hair line. “Isn’t it obvious. Seems to me, she found out about your dad cheating with Bella’s mom and she wanted to end her husband’s lover.”

“I’m going to be sick.” I stand only to pace along the expansive glass windows to the outside. “I mean, I guess it makes sense, I just never wanted to see it.” Stopping, I place my hands on my knees and dry heave. My god, you don’t think she killed my father, do you?”

I look toward my two best friends, hoping they can tell me I’m wrong, but all I see is sadness and pity.

“I’m not ruling it out.” Bella’s melancholy voice hits me right in the chest.

“If this is all true then, my mother not only killed your mother, but she also killed my father.”

Cassie steps behind me, handing me a cold wet towel. “Let’s not jump to conclusions. The men are looking into the connections now.”

Whipping back around at Cassie, I can’t help but lash out, “You knew too?”

Taking two steps back, Cassie slowly nods. “I’m sorry. We thought for sure you’d also known.”

“Clearly not.” Placing the cold rag to my face, I take in a deep breath and try to make sense of what I’ve just learned. “So what are they planning now that they’ve discovered this information? Are they looking for my mother? Why isn’t she in custody already.”

Bella sinks back into her chair, chewing on her bottom lip. “They’re trying to locate her but with everything else they have going on with William’s case being finalized and my dad’s recovery, everything has sort of been stagnant.”

My jaw ticks. I’m not only upset at the fact that the men have kept this information from me, but the fact that they haven’t been acting on it digs the dagger in even deeper.

Had I known, I would be doing everything possible to find that wretched human being.

I was never close to my mother, a woman who was always drunk or on some sort of happy pill that never really made her all that happy. Calling her mother would be too generous a description.

When she went missing after our father’s death, I was upset but not devastated. I was closer to my dad, so it was no shock I was grieving his loss over hers.

The way I found him, laying in a pool of his own blood, detracted from whatever sadness I could have felt for my absentee mother.

“I’m so sorry, Ashley.” Bella is no in front of me with both arms extended.

Taking her up on her hug, I let my new best friends surround me with love. “No. Thank you for telling me. I appreciate you both beyond words.”

It’s true. Had these women not come into my life, I’d be clueless.

With a brother who’s extremely overprotective and a lover who doesn’t communicate, I’m walking blind while everyone around me has x-ray vision.

“Of course we’d tell you. Remember, we never sugar coat things and always tell it like it is. But we will always have your back. No matter what.” Cassie beams, repeating what she told me when I first joined their tribe of two.

“Yup, we’re ride or die, bitches!” Bella shouts as Cassie and I laugh before shouting in unison, “Ride or die!”


She hasn’t answered my calls and I know she’s alone in her apartment. The girls left about an hour ago and Ashley’s yet to give me the all-clear.

Fuck it. I’m going up anyway.

As I’m riding up the elevator, my head is going through all the possible things that could’ve pissed Ashley off.

She’s not some delicate flower I have to tend to every hour of every day, and I haven’t done anything different for her to be upset about.

I shake my head, groaning at the absurdity of my thoughts.

What the hell is wrong with me.

I’ve gone from being a no relationship, no feelings type of man to someone who pre-games possible fights with their lover.

The elevator door opens and the first thing I see stops me dead in my tracks.

Ashley at her door, in a little black dress, talking to Jacob.

No. Just, no.

Walking past the realtor, I walk through the threshold and grab Ashley by the waist, bringing her small frame to mine and landing a very intimate kiss on her pouty lips.

She’s mine and if this proverbial pissing on a fire hydrant doesn’t do the trick, maybe a fist to the face will clear things up.

Ashley clears her throat, “Jacob, you’ve met Titus, my friend.” She gives me the side eye as she over-annunciates ‘friend.’

The asshole has the balls to smirk at the status Ashley has given us. “Yes, I had the pleasure of meeting him the day you signed your lease. Like I was saying before we were interrupted, there’s a weekly happy hour every Friday. It’s up on the deck and every tenant over twenty-one is welcome. Since you just had your birthday, I thought we could include you in this month’s festivities.”

Ashley squeals, “Oh, I’d love that! Is it okay if I bring a couple of friends?” Mr. Slick eyes me, hesitating with his response, but Ashley cuts him off before he’s had a chance to say anything. “Bella and Cassie would love to be my plus ones!”

My brows push together, not happy with what she’s said. The girls aren’t twenty-one yet, and there’s no telling what sort of jackals are waiting to prey on the young and inexperienced.

I’m about to say something when Slick cuts it. “Ah, yes. They are more than welcome.” His seedy smile is on full display, no doubt thinking of all the things he could do to lure and trap Ashley and her friends.

Yeah, good luck with that buddy. These ladies are the Women of WRATH. They are queens in their own right and there isn’t a man in our team that wouldn’t die to protect them, let alone keep them away from predators like this fool.

Having heard enough of his bullshit, I decide to cut this conversation short. “Right, well now that you’ve given out your invitation, Ashley and I would like to get to our evening.”

Ashley looks up at me, murder gleaming in her baby blues. “Yes, Titus and I have a lot to discuss.”

Well, fuck.

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