Acts of Grace: A Brother’s Best Friend Romance (Men of WRATH Book 4)

Acts of Grace: Part 1 – Chapter 16

What a clusterfuck of a day.

I spent the entire time at the party trying to stay away from Ashley. Every time I’m near her, all I want to do is pull her into a corner and take her.

I’m not psychic but I’m pretty sure that would end in her brother and me coming to blows.

To make matters worse, the opportunist neighbor was trying to use his girls to make a move on what’s mine.

That shit won’t fly.

“Grumpy much?” Hudson teases as he takes a sip of his drink.

I take a sip of Scotch, ignoring my friend’s teasing and let the amber liquid warm me as I relax into the leather seating.

We’re at a bar in Malibu where a sea of tanned blondes abound—very much Hudson’s choice of lay.

Looking back at my friend, I finally give him my retort. “This is what I always look like. You on the other hand, I’m surprised you’re not out there picking out your beach bunnies for the night.” I raise a brow, noting that he isn’t being himself either.

“Didn’t you get the memo?” Ren chuckles as he walks back from escorting Ashley to the lady’s room. “He’s into redheads now.”

Hudson punches Ren in the arm, sending my brows shooting upward. “Wow, what’s that about?”

Hudson narrows his eyes at Ren, “Nothing. Ren’s just being a dumb ass.”

Ashley smirks, “There’s nothing wrong with liking redheads, Hudson.”

I smile into my glass, loving the way my little spitfire had to get in on the teasing.

I let my eyes linger on her beautiful frame. She’s absolutely stunning tonight. Her long hair cascades around her shoulders, showing off her ample breasts, breasts that make my mouth water remembering how delicious they taste. Following the line of her cleavage, the little black dress she’s wearing hugs her tiny waist, a waist I’m dying to dig my fingers into once more.

Ren clears his throat, making me look toward him. His raised eyebrow questions me from afar, no doubt wondering what the hell I was doing eye fucking William’s little sister.

What can I say? Knowing William and Bella decided to hang back at their house has me relaxing a little more around Ashley.

So what if I’ve given myself a little more liberty.

Raising both shoulders I smirk, as if to say, ‘what are you going to do about it.’

As expected, Ren chuckles and shakes his head. He won’t call me out. He knows that this would be something between me and William.

“Did someone say redheads?” The man who fell off the radar last week appears as if summoned.

Brad, Ashley’s ex is at our table, staring at my woman as if he has the right.

“So this is where you’ve been,” I growl while standing. I’m a good four inches taller than his five-eleven and I use every bit of my height to intimidate the cowardly fuck.

His green beady eyes peer up at me behind his gold rimmed frames. What did Ashley see in the dick? “Ah, I wasn’t aware that you were looking for me.” His face turns back toward Ashley, “Had you needed me, darling, you should have called.” He tries to reach his pale hand over to Ashley’s, but I intercept.

“Don’t. Don’t you dare fucking touch her.”

Ren and Hudson stand but don’t come any closer. They’ve got my back and will act if I need them to, but I’ve got this one handled.

“I’m not sure what you think you’re doing here, but if Ashley wanted you, she would’ve called. If her ignoring the hundreds of messages you’ve sent her didn’t give you a hint, let me do you the honors.” My hand lands on his frail shoulder, squeezing with enough force that his face winces. “I’ll escort you to the door where you can find your way back to the airport. You aren’t wanted here.”

He tries to turn around, but I’ve got a good grip. Despite my threats, he manages to tilt his head back and shout, “I’ll call you later my love. There’s so much we need to catch up about. Especially your mother!” At his words, my body tenses.

What does this fucker know about Ashley’s mother?

It was my understanding that the men of WRATH were the only ones who knew about her.

Tilting my head back, I confirm that Ashley was out of earshot when this dickwad yelled out. Once I’m assured Ashley didn’t hear, I motion for Hudson to follow me out. We’re going to need more information from this twat before we send his ass back to Florida.

As soon as we’re outside, I slam his body against the brick exterior of the building.

“Talk.” I push my elbow into his chest until he squeaks.

“I—I don’t’ know what you’re talking about.” The coward has the balls to act as if he didn’t just drop a bomb on Ashley.”

“He’s talking about Ashley’s mom, you scumbag. Look, Titus is a master when it comes to torture. You don’t want to get on his bad side, so I suggest you get to talking before he starts sticking keys under your nail beds.” Hudson, chuckles as Brad grimaces.

The thing is, Hudson isn’t exaggerating. I’ve actually done that before.

Pushing on Brad’s chest a bit more, he starts to talk. “Okay, okay. Ashley’s mom has been looking for her. That’s all. She showed up in Florida and asked if I’d seen her. I know how lonely Ashley’s felt, so I wanted to surprise her with the news. Maybe even win her back.”

His words knock the wind right out of me.

My little treasure has been so lost, so alone, and here I’ve been building a wall between us, only further adding to her solitude.

“Okay, even if what you’re saying is true, you know we have a tail on you. You do something, we’ll be watching. You say something, we’ll be listening. Tread lightly. You don’t want to end up further down our shit list than you already are.” Hudson begins to turn around thinking that I’m done with this fool and Brad’s shoulders even drop, thinking all danger has been averted.

They’re both wrong. Oh so very wrong.

I rear my hand back and punch the cheating asshole straight in the nose, blood gushing out almost immediately.

He bowls over, clutching at his face and crying out in pain. “What the fuck!? I told you what you wanted to know!”

“Yes, you did. But that didn’t change the fact that you cheated on Ashley. You mess with her, you mess with me.” I spit at his cowering body before wiggling my fingers goodbye. “Remember. Tread lightly.”

We’re headed back to the VIP area when I hear Hudson behind me, “Oh, shit!”

Turning to him I see he’s pointing at where we left Ashley and Ren.

Ashley’s eyes are wide open in horror as she looks at Ren talk animatedly on the phone. Her hands are up as if she wants to touch him to calm him down, but is afraid to do so.

What the hell? What could’ve happened since we stepped outside?

Rushing toward the two, I reach Ashley first. Pulling her into me, she shakes her head, her eyes so full of sadness.

“She’s a fucking teenager, William. Have you lost your goddam mind? For fuck’s sake, her father is in the hospital right now. How could you take advantage of her right now?”

My eyes widen in horror, right along with Ashley’s.

William and Bella?

Bella and William?

Ren’s face is beet red as he clutches the phone, pressing it tightly to his ear, “You’re just lucky I’m not in front of you right now. Your mouth wouldn’t be able to spew out the bullshit it’s spewing because I’d be beating it in. You’re batshit crazy if you think you love her… How, William? How can you love her? She’s still a fucking child!”

My stomach drops and the wind is knocked out of me for a second time tonight.

Fuck. William has just confessed to loving Bella. Bella is just as off-limits as Ashley is.

You don’t fuck your friends’ little sisters, nieces, or daughters. You just don’t.

And to fall in love… My eyes wander back to Ashley, who’s undoubtedly going through the same emotions as I am.

Guilt. Horrible gut-wrenching guilt.

Ren’s voice fades as I try and find a way to make this right. Fix the relationships that I’ve destroyed with my selfish needs.

Looking back at Hudson, he just shakes his head, as if he too is disappointed.

Fuck. What have I done?

“It is wrong, William. She’s eighteen. One year younger and it would be punishable by law…”

I cringe, thinking Ashley isn’t that much older than Bella. Am I a cradle robber on top of everything else, too?

Ren hurls his phone at the ground, the thing smashing into a million pieces. “Can you believe that fucking shit!?” His eyes are wild as he looks at the rest of us. “I mean, I thought we all knew family was off-limits!”

Ashley and I remain quiet, unable to muster a word, because, how could we? We’re guilty of the same damn thing.

Thankfully, Hudson takes pity and decides to step in. “Is it the age thing or the family thing? You know, Bella acts much older than she is. She’s been through a lot in her life and she’s not your typical teenager.”

Ren runs his hands through his hair, pulling at the ends. “I know man, but she’s my sprout. I held her in my arms when she was born. It just doesn’t feel right.”

Hudson’s lips roll in as he looks between Ashley and me, “Mmmmhm. You know, the way I see it, wouldn’t you rather her be with someone you trust and love? There are so many ass holes out there, at least you know that if William says he loves her, he really means it. He’d never hurt her… not intentionally, at least.” His shoulders rise and fall as if it’s no big deal when we all know it really is.

“Don’t tell me you’re taking his side. Not you.” Ren turns back to Ashley and me, “And you two? Are you guys on William’s side too?”

Ashley and I stare at each other, not knowing what to say. To deny that Bella and William could work would be to deny us and whatever we have.

“Fuck!” Ren roars, throwing down a couple of hundred dollar bills onto the table. “I’m out of here. I can’t with you guys. You two have Ashley covered. I’ll see you tomorrow.”

Without another word, Ren storms out of the VIP area and out into the night.

I can’t say that I blame him.

William broke one of our cardinal rules.

A rule punishable by banishment from WRATH securities and worse, our friendship.

Throwing back my drink, I can’t help but wince.

I’m guilty of the same crime and it’s only a matter of time before I’m caught. The question is, what the hell am I going to do about it until then?

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