Acts of Grace: A Brother’s Best Friend Romance (Men of WRATH Book 4)

Acts of Grace: Part 1 – Chapter 12

“Come on, man. It’s been almost seven days since you came back to town. This is the first time you’ve been out, the least you could do is put on a smile.” Hudson chortles before rolling in his lips. “Well, a smile by your standards is more of a smirk.”

“Ha ha. I’m not amused.” I survey the club scene, and even though this place isn’t my norm, there should still be enough to catch my interest.

“I’m not here to amuse you. I’m here to snap you out of whatever weird mood you’ve been in. I swear, every time I look at you, I’m unsure if you’re constipated or just depressed.”

I give him the side eye. The sad part is, he’s not wrong.

This whole thing with Ashley has thrown me off my game.

I can’t be with her, yet nobody else can even make my dick twitch.

“What about that brunette over there.” Hudson points at a petite woman with wavy brown hair by the bar.

For a second there, my heart clenches. The woman looks so much like Ashley, but of course it’s not her. “No. No fucking brunettes.” I snort at my unintentional pun.

“What’s so funny?” Hudson’s brows come together as he studies my face.

“Nothing. Just, no brunettes.”

“Uh-huh. Nothing my ass.” He takes a swig of his vodka tonic, his judging eyes never leaving my face. “Look, man. It’s clear you’re hung up on whatever you and Ashley had.”

“We didn’t have anything,” I growl.

“Save it and hear me out.” Hudson raises a hand, palm exposed. “We both know there’s always been an unspoken rule about little sisters.” His face puckers as if he’s tasted a lemon, but doesn’t elaborate. He doesn’t have to, I know full well what he’s saying is true.


“That rule is the only thing holding you back from Ashley, and clearly the reason behind your constipation.”

“I’m not constipated, fucktwad.”

“Right. Well, anyway, like I was saying… This is clearly something more than just a fling. Something enough that could obliterate that unspoken rule and maybe give you and Ashley a real chance at something.”

His words dig deep, stirring something in my black heart and making it spark to life—but then common sense hits. There’s no way William would be okay with this even if my intentions with her were pure. Something I can’t even convince myself of.

Every time I see Ashley, all I want to do is dirty her up. Fuck her so raw that she’s left nothing but a mess of tangled hair, sweat and cum. There’s nothing pure about that.

Looking back to Hudson, I shake my head. “No, man. Even if what you’re saying is true, I’m not what Ashley needs. She needs someone who’s strait-laced. Someone who’d give her a family, the proverbial picket fence and all that shit. Not me. I wasn’t made for that.”

“Okay. If you say so.” A blonde approaches our VIP table, sashaying past us. “Hey, doll. My friend here’s been admiring your beauty all night. Couldn’t take his eyes off you. Only problem is, he’s a bit shy.”

The tall blonde looks me over, licking her lips as her eyes take in every inch. Before I know it, she’s lowered herself onto my lap, arms hooked around my neck. “Well, Daddy. I bet I can fix that.”

One of her hands trails down my arm, slowly hovering over my biceps and forearms and stopping at my Patek Philippe. Of course she wouldn’t miss the three-hundred-thousand-dollar watch.

I’m not a flashy man, but this is the one luxury I allow myself. It was a gift from my mother. When she escaped Europe, she didn’t have much. Just this watch and me in her womb.

Pulling my hand away, my lip curls. Having enough of Hudson’s experiment, I take both of her hands and stand her up. “Thanks, doll. I think there’s been a mistake. My friend here has had one too many. I’m not looking for anyone tonight.”

The blonde looks back and forth between the two of us, a mixture of confusion and frustration marring her face.

“Cindy,” I call to our waitress who arrived with a fresh bottle of vodka. “Would you mind setting up our friend here with a table in the VIP? Place her charges on my tab.”

At my words, the woman’s demeanor transforms from sour to sweet. Good, hopefully that’s enough to make up for Hudson’s asshole move.

I’m all for a good mind fuck but all parties have to consent. Otherwise, it’s just plain cruel and I don’t do cruel. At least not with women.

As soon as Cindy and the blonde have cleared the area, Hudson pipes up. “So much for you not having a thing for Ashley. I’ve never seen you turn down a fun time. And that woman,” his thumb points back toward the blonde, “was in for a good time.”

“That woman was in for a sugar daddy. You need to be able to spot them better or you’ll end up like poor William. Last I heard, Heather is wanting to drop the divorce since she found out the prenup gives her nothing if she leaves.”

Hudson shakes his head, “I wouldn’t wish that woman on our worst enemies.”

“You say that but here you are, trying to saddle me with Heather’s clone.”

“Look man, I love you like a brother so I’m always going to give it to you straight. Seems to me like the only thing holding you back is you. I’ve seen the way that woman looks at you. You could be a raging pile of dog shit and Ashley would still look at you like you hung the moon.”

“What is it with you and shit? You have some weird obsession with fecal matter we don’t know about?”

Hudson rolls his eyes. “That is not my kink. Stop trying to change the subject. What I’m trying to say is that you’re so hung up on you not being the right guy for her, when really, that’s something she should be deciding for herself. You can’t make that call for her.”

I stand, having enough of Hudson’s intervention. “Thanks for the advice, brother, but you don’t know what the hell you’re talking about.” I take one last sip from my glass before slamming it on the table. “I’ll be out of pocket for the next twenty-four hours. If you need me, use the back line.”

Hudson’s lips roll in, fighting a smile. “Mhm. Send Ashley my regards.”

Giving him my back, I head toward the valet. I’d knock his lights out if he weren’t so damn right.

There’s only one place I want to be right now, and it sure as fuck isn’t Dallas.


TITUS: come outside.

I blink at the screen, waiting for the text message to disappear. This can’t be real right? The last time I spoke to Titus, things weren’t exactly friendly.


My stomach flutters at the command. Could he really be here?

Quickly throwing on a soft cardigan over my silk camisole and pants, I head for the door. There’s only one way to find out and I’m not waiting around in my room.

The night air smells of freshly cut grass but it’s devoid of Titus’ signature scent. Okay? Where is he?

TITUS: head to the left of the drive.

Okaaaay. This is getting stranger and stranger. If I weren’t sure we had the home surrounded by guards, I’d be heading back in. This is something straight out of a horror movie where you’re yelling at the screen telling the girl to not go in the basement.

I reach the end of the drive when a pair of strong hands I know all too well reach out and pull me behind a large oak.

“Min skatt.” His deep voice rumbles through me, making my legs shake.

“Titus,” I whisper. “What are you doing here?”

Looking up into his eyes, I see his pained stare. “I needed to talk to you.”

“Okay. I’m here. Talk.”

“You know I don’t do relationships. I wasn’t built for it.”

I cock a brow, wondering where the hell he’s taking this. “Yes, and?”

He takes in a deep breath, looking up at the house before continuing. “But what I can do are agreements.”

“Agreements?” My brows drop as they push together. “What kind of agreements?”

His eyes come back to me, making my chest vibrate with pent up emotion. “I’ve never done this before. Not with someone I know well. But if you’ll accept, it would be exclusive. A physical relationship between the both of us where you’re willing to try out… different things.”

I bite the inside of my cheek, unsure of what to say. Is he talking about a sex contract? “But it would be exclusive right?”

His eyes light up, like a little kid at Christmas. “Yes. Just you and me.”

Biting my lower lip, I smile. “Okay. I’d like to hear more about these ‘different things’ you’d want to try.”

Titus picks me up by the waist and twirls me around. “How about I show you?”

Carrying me bridal style, he takes me to a blacked-out SUV down the road.

“What about the guards, won’t they see us leaving together?”

Titus chuckles. “They know better than to say anything. The five WRATH men are equal partners. They wouldn’t dare rat one of us out to the rest. Not if they know what’s good for them.”

Titus pulls the back-passenger door open and slides me in, quickly following and closing the door behind him.

All of a sudden, nerves that had been lying dormant show up like ants at a picnic and I start running my mouth. “Wow, the backseat. I haven’t gotten it on in the backs—”

“No.” Titus presses his fingers to my lips as his jaw clenches and nostrils flare. “No talk of you and anyone else. Ever. Understood?”

I nod my head slowly, kissing the pad of his fingers.

Titus purses his lips at that. “Remember our word?”

“Diamonds,” I breathe out, my voice husky and low.

“Good girl.” Titus sits in the middle of the back seat, grabbing me by the waist and hoisting me over him so that I’m straddling his hips while facing him. “If any of this gets too uncomfortable or you want to stop, use our word.”

I nod slowly as excitement begins to wash over my nerves.

Slowly laying me down the center console, Titus grabs the right passenger seatbelt and then the driver’s, bringing them both toward me and binding my arms above my head.

My breathing picks up and nipples harden. Never in my life have I done anything like this.

If I were being honest, I’d only been with a handful of men and none of them were worthy of mention.

“You okay, min skatt?” Titus’ eyes are a mixture of concern and lust, his inner battle as apparent as my heaving chest.

“Yes, Titus. I want this. I want you.”

The skin around his eyes crinkles and his luscious lips form into a devilish smile. “Good, because I want you. And I’m not holding back.”

Tip: You can use left, right, A and D keyboard keys to browse between chapters.