Acts of Atonement: A Single Dad Age Gap Romance (Men of WRATH, Book 1)

Acts of Atonement: Chapter 5

IT’S BEEN A WEEK since the incident with Bella at the bar. Things have been tense around the house, but I’ve been doing my best to avoid her and any potential confrontation.

Today, however, that will be impossible. It’s her dad’s cookout and there is no way anyone could miss Bella in her neon pink bikini. It’s like one of those old cartoons where all the flashing arrows point to the main character. -> Tightest body up ahead -> Next turn, Heaven on Earth –> Hot babe right here -> All signs pointing straight to God’s gift to mankind, Bella.

She’s sitting poolside in a lounge chair, sipping on a pink drink, face hidden behind large black shades—obscuring her gorgeous eyes—her long black hair is in a sloppy top knot, with wavy wisps cascading down her face. She’s absolute perfection. My gaze follows the curves of her body and land on her dainty feet when a blond plops down on the edge of her chair, whispering something into her ear.

“Whatcha lookin’ at?” Titus shoves my shoulder, a wide grin splaying across his face.

Ren appears to my left. “Oh man. You’ve got that same look you did at the bar last week. Too bad the ladies by the pool are off-limits. Especially my niece.” He chuckles, not realizing how his words hit too close to home.

“You’re off your rocker, Ren. I’m not interested in Bella or her friend. I was just in my head, thinking of a new contract I’m trying to pull in.”

“Sure. That’s what that look of desire was all about. Your desire for a new contract.” Ren rolls his eyes and shoves a cold beer into my hand.

“They have tight little bodies. I wouldn’t fault you for looking.” Titus lets out a low whistle. “But Aidan would straight up chop your balls off if you came anywhere near Bella or her friend. Price is too high if you ask me.”

“Nobody asked you because nobody is interested. Quit stirring up trouble where there is none.” My blood is boiling at the thought of anyone else laying their eyes on Bella—anyone but me—so I try to change the subject before I go all caveman on Titus and Aidan figures out what we’re all talking about. “Speaking of the bar, how’d it go with the blond you set your sights on, Ren? I haven’t heard you talk about anyone since. Has the eternal bachelor finally settled down?”

Ren’s eyes narrow as he looks over toward the girls, spitting out his beer in the process.

“Whoa there, buddy.” I tap Ren on the back. “What happened?”

“Beer went down the wrong pipe… I think big bro might need some help manning the grill. See y’all later.” Spinning on his heels, Ren heads toward the outdoor kitchen without so much as a backward glance. That was weird.

“What was that all about?” Titus points a thumb toward Ren.

“No clue, brother. No clue.”

As I take a long pull from my beer, Bella gets up from her lounge chair and starts to head toward the house. I have to find a way to talk to her. This awkwardness between us needs to end, if only for Harper’s sake. I’m sure she’d benefit from having Bella and I being on talking terms again.

“Gotta take a leak.” I motion toward the house with my bottle and make my escape.

Making sure Aiden is occupied, I slide in through the French doors and into the kitchen. Where did you run off to, little moon? As if on instinct, my feet carry me toward the right and up the stairs, where Bella’s room is located.

As soon as I turn down the hallway, I see Bella entering her room. Gotcha. I lightly tap on the door frame, not wanting to enter her space without consent. Things between us are strained enough as it is and I sure as hell don’t want to add more fuel to that fire.

Bella lets out a gasp as she whirls and clutches her chest. “You scared the shit out of me. What are you doing up here?”

“I wanted to talk… privately.” I run my fingers through my hair, unsure if this is such a good idea.

“What is there to talk about? Everything is fine. I’m fine.” Bella spits the words out a mile a minute, a clear indicator things are not fine.

“Look, I don’t want things to be weird between us. I want you to know you can always count on me if you ever need anyone to talk to. I know you take on a lot of responsibility and must need an outlet—”

Bella cuts me off before I can finish my sentence. “Right. I’m going to talk to my dad’s friend who also happens to be my boss about what I do for stress relief.” She rolls her eyes, sarcasm rolling off her in waves.

“Stress relief? Is that what the deal at the bar was?” My eyes narrow and brows drop as I look at her, waiting for an answer.

“Keep your voice down,” Bella whisper-shouts, worrying her bottom lip. “And yes, it’s something like that. Between being the perfect student, perfect sister, perfect role model, and perfect daughter… I just need something for me. Something that’s solely mine. For my pleasure, regardless of what anyone else thinks or feels.” Bella’s gaze shifts back and forth between me and the door, letting me know she’s finding this topic of conversation about as comfortable as I am.

Sensing her distress, I move closer in an attempt to soothe her. With the back of my hand, I reach out and caress her face. “Don’t play a role with me, Bella. You’re perfect the way you are.”

At my words, Bella squeezes her eyes shut and inhales deeply. “You don’t understand. You couldn’t possibly.”

An overwhelming sense of protectiveness comes over me and I’m flooded with the urge to shield her from any and all harm—which is ridiculous. She’s not mine to protect, and even if she were, there is no way of protecting someone from absolutely everything.

Pushing my errant thoughts aside, I pull her in for an embrace, wrapping my arms under hers and holding her tightly against my bare chest. I bury my nose into her neck, smelling that delicious mixture of amber and vanilla I’ve grown to crave. “Let me in. Let me understand,” I whisper, gently nuzzling her ear.

I feel her shudder beneath me, but before she can respond, we hear Aidan’s distinct voice down the hall. I quickly release her, putting some distance between us, just in time for Aidan to appear in the door frame. “Bella—”

“Hey, Dad. Just came up to find some aloe gel. William is turning into a lobster and I thought I had some left over from our week at the lake.” Bella waves the tube of aloe gel she managed to procure from thin air and throws it to me.

I catch the tube and make a show of squirting some into the palm of my hand before liberally applying it to my face and chest. “Bella. Always a lifesaver,” I say with an awkward chuckle.

“Right. Well, I was actually coming up here to see if you knew where William was hiding. I wanted to introduce him to your aunt, Mariana.” Aidan motions to the woman standing behind him.

I’d only met Mariana once, at Lucia’s funeral. From what I recall, she travels constantly as an agent for the Federal Bureau of Investigation, only visiting once in a while to see her sister’s family.

“Hello, Mariana. It’s nice to see you again, and under much better circumstances.” I wave the tube of aloe in my hand. “I would reach out and shake your hand, but I wouldn’t want to get you dirty.”

“I wouldn’t mind getting dirty with you one bit…” Mariana’s gaze turns predatory as she reaches out her hand, placing her palm on my bicep.

Bella clears her throat. “Well if you all will excuse me, Cassie is waiting downstairs.”

I’m not interested in Mariana but blowing her off and chasing after Bella would be a massive indicator to Aidan that Bella and I are hiding something. I’m not ready for Aidan to know anything, especially since I don’t fully comprehend what the hell is going on between his daughter and me.

Having no other choice, I play the part of the available bachelor and go along with Aiden’s ambush of a setup. What a clusterfuck.


My stomach churns as I make my way down the stairs. An odd sense of jealousy overcame me when I saw Mariana place her perfectly manicured hand on William. I was so flustered I didn’t even manage to say a hello before storming out, not that anyone noticed. I’m sure the two lovebirds are already busy making plans for an official date—something I could never have with William.

This is so stupid. I have no right to be jealous. The man is thirteen years my senior, my dad’s friend, and my boss. Even if for some reason he were interested in me, it would be a cold day in hell before us being together would be a possibility.

Regardless, my stomach is still in knots at the idea of him with Mariana.

“What’s that face all about?” Cassie raises her brows in question as I approach the lounge chairs.

“Remember what happened at the bar with William? Well, he just confronted me in my room and it was the first time we really talked since Uptown.” I say in a hushed tone, taking the drink she’s offering up in solace. “Long story short, we talked, I got upset, he hugged me—it was amazing—we almost got caught hugging by my dad, and then my dad tried to set him up on a date with my aunt Mariana.”

“Holy shit.” Cassie urges the drink to my lips. “Drink up, chica. It’s fortified with booze and Lord knows you can use it right now.”

“Ha! I really shouldn’t. It will give me the liquid courage I need to go yank Mariana away from William.” Sighing, I lay my ass down on the lounge chair. I have no right to claim William, and I know it.

“Bella?” I hear William call my name, concern evident in his tone.

Turning around to face him, I wonder how much of my conversation with Cass he heard. “Hey. What’s up?”

“The girls who are watching the kids today, do you trust them?” He nods toward the kids’ area where all the party-goers dumped their offspring upon arrival.

“Yes. They’re our backup babysitters for when neither Dad nor I can watch the twins. I thought we needed a childcare station for the cookout, knowing all the adults would be too busy to keep a proper eye on the kids. I sure as hell didn’t want a repeat of the baptism shenanigans.” I give a half-hearted chuckle. “Why do you ask? Did one of them do something wrong?”

“No. I was thinking I would ask one of them to sit for Harper sometime this week, so you and I could go out and talk.” He’s describing what could very well pass off as a date.

“That sounds lovely,” Cassie chirps in, reminding me she’s been here the whole time. “I could watch Harper if neither of the girls are available. I have tons of experience seeing as how I’m an auntie six times over.” Cass raises her brows as she takes a sip from her drink. “My siblings have been very busy.”

“How does Monday at six sound?” William looks toward Cassie expectantly.

“Perfect! Harper and I are going to have the best time.” Cassie smiles as she shoos William away. “Now go and give us some space so we can gossip about you behind your back.”

“Cassandra Marie Martinez!” I squawk in disbelief.

Chuckling, William brings both of his hands forward, palms up in a pacifying gesture. “Sounds good, ladies.” And with a wink, the man I’ve been lusting after turns around and leaves.

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