Acts of Atonement: A Single Dad Age Gap Romance (Men of WRATH, Book 1)

Acts of Atonement: Chapter 22

IF I WAS HESITANT about sharing the affair with Bella before, there is no way in fucking hell I’m telling her now. At least not right away. I need to figure out how in the world I’m going to soften the blow, if it’s at all possible.

I could see it now… “Hey, beautiful. Let’s order pizza tonight. Oh, by the way, my dad had an affair with your mom. Oh, and no big deal but the FBI suspects my mom was the driver who plowed into you three years ago.”

Yeah. Not happening.

I need to get with Ren so we’re on the same page regarding this new information. Don’t get me wrong, we aren’t going to keep this from Bella forever, the team and I just need to get some facts straight before we tell her.

Even if I don’t want to see it, there’s a correlation between the two tragedies that forever changed our lives and Bella’s recent attack. Once everything has been tied together neatly, I’ll come clean about everything. Rip it all off like a proverbial bandage.

“William, there you are,” Daniel Mathers greets me from behind.

I’ve been standing at the steps of the courthouse for the past few minutes, patiently waiting for my lawyer to arrive. I’m back in Dallas and it’s the day of my hearing with Heather. Needless to say, I’m eager to get this dog and pony show over with.

“Good morning, Daniel.” I nod my head and give him a half-smile. “I’m ready for this hearing and not willing to waste one more minute being married to Heather than necessary. Hopefully, Heather Hawthorne will soon be Heather Moody. We can force her to take her maiden name back, can’t we?” I ask while walking into the courthouse and toward the courtroom we’ll be in today.

“I’m sorry but it’s highly unlikely,” Daniel says apologetically. “Were you able to find any connections between Heather and the judge who presided over your case?”

“No. But Heather is definitely acting unhinged. I wouldn’t put bribery past her, though I couldn’t find anything that would indicate it.”

“Well, let’s hope that whatever connections she might have had with the other judge don’t extend to this one.” Daniel raises a brow while motioning toward the courtroom.

“From your lips to God’s ears,” I mumble under my breath before stepping into the room that holds the answer.

“What fucking horseshit is this?!” I exclaim loudly, not giving a damn who hears me.

“William. Quiet down, we’re still in the courthouse and I wouldn’t put it past anyone to eavesdrop.” Daniel places his hand on my shoulder trying to quiet me. “Especially after the hearing we just went through. I’m now certain more than ever that Heather has an inside connection with the judges presiding over your cases. You need to find out what it is. Our firm will do what we can to investigate, but you are the head of a security company. If anyone can locate the information, it’s going to be you.”

“I know. I know. I dropped the ball with everything we had going on with Aiden, I put the possible collusion on the back burner. I can assure you, I won’t be making that mistake again,” I huff out bitterly.

“Good. Today’s hearing was another anomaly but I believe we could still get around this. Heather’s attorney is basically implementing delay tactics. I have never seen a judge order marital counseling before. It’s possible, I just have never seen it. It’s such an archaic practice when it comes to the legal dissolution of a marriage.” Daniel furrows his brows as he shakes his head. “The closest I’ve seen to it is a judge ordering a cool off period, but the evidence in your case file clearly indicates this has been a long time coming and you are way past the point of marital counseling. Appointing a mandatory guardian ad litem for your child? Yes, that is totally reasonable. Appointing a mandatory marital counselor? Preposterous, given the circumstances.”

“Well good to know my case is the exception.” I let out a bitter laugh. “I’ll let you know how it goes with the counselor. Who knows, maybe Heather and I will work things out and I’ll be able to stop giving you all of my money.”

“Stop speaking such blasphemy. Sarcasm doesn’t suit you, old friend.” Daniel chuckles. “We’ll let you know if we find anything on the judges.” Daniel starts to walk away but turns back at the last moment. “William? Watch your surroundings at all times. This woman has connections in high places and you never know who’s watching.”

“Ten-four,” I say with a mock salute before walking toward my car.

As I approach the parking lot, I notice Heather is waiting by my Range Rover—again. This seems to be a post-hearing tradition for her.

“My dear husband. When will you get it that we are destined to be together for all eternity?”

Well that didn’t sound creepy as fuck.

“Heather, please step away from my car. I have nothing to say to you,” I say as calmly as possible.

“Sure. I’ll step aside as soon as you unlock the car and take me home. I’d love to see our daughter.” Heather’s smile widens comically at the mention of Harper. “By the way, how’s Aiden doing?”

“Great, actually. No thanks to you.” I narrow my eyes at her and glare. “Answer me one question, Heather. Why? Why did you set out to hurt Aiden?”

“Silly William. I didn’t set out to hurt Aiden, he was just a casualty.” Heather rolls her hand in the air, as if waving away a nuisance. “The real target was Bella. Is she still playing house with you?”

“What I have with Isabella is none of your business,” I spit out between gritted teeth.

“Oh but I beg to differ. You are my husband, and I’ll do whatever it takes to keep my husband. Including sabotaging Aiden’s recovery. How do you think he will react when he finds out his precious daughter has been sleeping with an older man—a married older man?”

Lowering my voice to a whisper, I issue my first real threat. “Stay the fuck away from Bella’s family. If you value your pathetic life even a little, you’ll do as I say.”

“Tsk, tsk, tsk,” Heather admonishes, pulling her phone from her bra and waving it back and forth. “That sure sounds like a threat, William. A threat I’ve fully recorded.”

I lower my head and let my eyes drop closed, trying to take in a centering breath. Instantly recognizing that I’ve fucked up.

How could I let this psychotic woman get the best of me?

I know how. I let anger blind me and I can’t afford to let that happen again. That little recording has the power to damn my court case and threaten my role in Harper’s life. I need to get it in my hands and destroy it.

“This changes things, doesn’t it?” Heather giggles, fully aware that what she’s just done has the potential to destroy me. “Here’s what’s going to happen, I need you to take me home. To our home. And then I need you to tell that homewrecker she needs to stay in California. Far far away from us. Then you’re going to bring Harper home so she can be with her real mommy, not some second rate stand-in.” Heather grins maniacally. “Doesn’t that sound wonderful?”

“Just peachy,” I force out, biting my tongue.


What a whirlwind couple of weeks. Dad has been undergoing supportive therapy with Dr. Ansley and it really seems to be making a difference. It feels as if I’m getting a little bit of my father back each day.

The kids and I have fallen into a routine as of late. Every morning we visit Dad before making our way to Griffith Park. I use the trails, merry-go-round, and observatory as bribery, letting them know they can have their pick of activities if they behave while at the hospital. So far so good.

We’ve just gotten back from the observatory and I’ve finally gotten the kids settled down for their naps when my phone rings.

God, I hope it’s William with good news about his hearing.

“Hey hot stuff, how’d it go?” I ask impatiently.

“Hello, Isabella,” I hear a familiar woman’s voice say.

“Bella, you’re on the car speaker. I’m with Heather and we’re on our way home right now,” William’s voice interrupts Heather’s greeting.

“William?” I hesitantly ask, my voice cracking in confusion.

Why is Heather in William’s car? Why is he taking her home? To his home?

“Heather is moving back in with me,” William responds after a long pause, his words stabbing me straight in the heart.

I feel as if all the air has been sucked out of my lungs. I’m gasping, unable to catch my breath. How can a few measly words cause such excruciating physical pain?

“Bella, we want you to stay in California. Heather will be watching after Harper from now on, so we’ll be sending for her soon.”

Another stab to the heart. I’m stumbling, needing to grasp onto the wall to keep me from falling.

No. This can’t be real. This has to be a nightmare.

“William?” His name comes out strangled, caught between a sob and a groan. I try to add more to the question but all that comes across the line is my ragged breathing.

“Yes, bitch. William and I are going home and I’ll be packing up all of your shit—”

“Enough, Heather,” William booms, cutting off Heather’s words. “Bella, we’ll be sending your things via courier and Ashley will be there later this week to pick up Harper. Are you okay with caring for her until then, or shall I arrange for an earlier pickup?”

My head is full of cotton as I try to make sense of what William is saying. What is happening right now?

My mind might be confused but my heart knows full well what’s going on, it’s being shattered into a million pieces with William stomping on its remnants for good measure. He’s leaving me for Heather. I let myself love him and even opened up to the possibility of a future, only to be dumped over the phone.

How could this man make love to me one day and then throw me out like yesterday’s garbage the next? How could he promise me he’d always be there and then abandon me at a time when I need him the most?

The phone drops and my entire body begins to shake, overwhelmed with the sudden barrage of thoughts and emotions running through me.

I’m a joke. Nothing but a fucking joke. They’re probably laughing at me right this very second.

I drop to my knees, unable to support the weight of the world seemingly crashing down on me all at once.

He’s leaving me. He’s leaving me all alone. My rock, my everything. I don’t understand. He promised he’d always be there.

Oh god, I’m going to be sick.

My stomach churns, letting out a noise before heaving out its contents onto the floor.

I’m sitting there—bent over and grabbing on to the wall—watching my tears mix with the literal bile that’s crawled up my throat, when it hits me. Like a ton of bricks, reality hits me. It was all a lie. William never cared for me. It was all a ploy to bag the nanny, the convenient pussy.

I blink several times, my tears continuously falling despite my best efforts to stop them. Realizing William is still on the line and waiting for an answer, I pull myself together and pick up the phone. I will not let him hear me cry. I will not let him hear me fall apart.

He might have taken my heart and soul, but I will not give him my dignity too.

Clearing my throat, I finally speak. “No. That won’t be a problem. I’ll pack all of Harper’s belongings and make a list of her current schedule. You can do with it what you’d like. If that’s all, I have to get to the laundry before the kids wake up.”

Not wanting to hear Heather’s grating voice, I cut the line and pray the worst of this betrayal is behind me.

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