Ace of Spades ( Mc No limits Book 2)

Chapter 8


As I listened to Alice talk about my recovery and mention different options, I felt a little bad. She went shopping for me and came back with lots of bags full of clothes which I looked at. I was grateful and surprised by her gesture because I hadn’t put on new clothes in a very long time. Since I’d been here, I’d only worn things that were available in the house, a few shirts, and pajamas.

Alice brought me some of her things to wear, but I didn’t accept anything. I was afraid of all these people, of the situation in front of me, but especially of Ted. After all this time, my fear of Ted was so great that I was no longer myself.

Everything seemed possible for this family, and they were looking for a solution that would help me. Evelyn had often told me about therapists who could help, and all they did was worry about me. Since I’ve been here, there hasn’t been a day where I’ve been treated badly or felt bad about how they treated me. I’m just shitty, and my trust in people is very low.

“I hope you like the things. I just picked what I thought you would like,” Alice said and smiled at me as I looked at the clothes.

“It’s all very nice, Alice. But I don’t have any money for it,” I said ashamed.

“What money, girl? This is a gift for you,” she answered me, and I looked at her in surprise.

Gifts for me... I never remember getting gifts.

“Thanks, Alice,” I said ashamed.

“Oh, that’s the least I can do,” she replied, smiling.

“I hope the size fits. I had a hard time with the underwear,” she said with a laugh.

Underwear... I looked at the bag with all the things and pulled out a pair of underwear. I held them in my hands, and tears came of their own accord.

“Oh, honey, if you don’t like them, I can exchange them,” Alice said worriedly when she saw me like that. I just shook my head. I was very grateful and hugged her.

“Thank you, Alice,” I said again, and she held me in her arms.

“I want you to understand that we are here to help you, Nora. No one will harm you as long as you are here. You are safe,” she said reassuringly.

“Besides, I don’t think anyone could get past Ace. The boy practically lives on your doorstep,” she added with a laugh.

“He doesn’t have to do that anymore. I’m fine. Doc said he’ll find me a therapist... Ace has a life; he doesn’t have to watch over here anymore,” I said as I wiped my tears.

“He doesn’t do it because he has to, Nora... In the beginning, yes, but I think over time he decided to do it,” she explained to me.

“I just don’t want to continue to be a burden. He probably has other plans besides fighting with me,” I said.

“You had a fight?” she asked worriedly.

“Well, not really an argument... I yelled at him, and he hugged me,” I replied.

“Oh... are you okay? I’ll talk to him,” she said.

“No, it’s okay...” I answered her quickly. She tilted her head to the side and looked at me, smiling. “You like Ace,” she said knowingly.

I didn’t answer, but I liked him. He was very nice to me from the start. His concern for me was always clear, and I felt safe with him. When I found out what they were doing here I was very angry with Ace. Not because of the safe house but because I thought he was only doing it because he had to and not because he wanted to. When I yelled at him that night and said that Ted had abused me, he didn’t leave. He wasn’t angry or disgusted with me, and I didn’t see any pity in his eyes, just pain for me. He was concerned about my well-being and talked to me until I calmed down. He didn’t have to do any of that, but he did it anyway.

“It’s ok if you like someone, Nora. There’s nothing wrong with that. Besides, Ace doesn’t have a girl,” she said, wiggling her eyebrows.

“Oh no... I’m... no. Ace deserves better than me. I’m broken... disturbed,” I told her, and she just looked at me.

“We all have our problems, Nora. None of us are problem-free. You have the opportunity for a new life. With the right help, you can do it too... Plus, Ace is here because he wants to, not because he has to. He is a biker girl, and since the lockdown was lifted, he hasn’t left the community even though he could. It’s ok if you like him, I think he likes you too,” Alice said, and I looked up at her. Her smile was so big that I had to smile myself.

“Let’s look at the make-up. You need to cover up your red cheeks a bit,” she said, laughing, and I think I just blushed even more.

As we sat together, she talked about biker life, which I didn’t know, and learned her rules and obligations.

“Why are you and Ivy called Old Ladies? You’re not old,” I said ignorantly, and she laughed.

“Ol Lady doesn’t stand for old... but Off Limits Lady. That means that we belong to a biker, and the others have to treat us with respect. I think you’re an Ol Lady yourself, and not just because you live in a safe house,” she answered me, laughing.

The thought of her referring to Ace made me blush again. I’ve been attracted to Ace since the beginning. At first, I just thought it was the security he offered me, but when I think back on it, it was more than that. The way he calmed me down and talked to me, the way he treated me and looked at me. Even when he hugged me it wasn’t bad for me, I felt safe. His presence was comforting as if everything bad went away when he was with me. And his eyes... I’ve never seen such beautiful eyes in my life that show so much emotion. Just thinking that this perfect man could feel anything for me was absurd.

“I’ll let you try on your new clothes now, and I’ll see you tonight,” Alice said happily and left.

I looked at the woman in the mirror who was smiling at me. I had a life before everything that happened, and I had to get that back. I’m not going to let Ted win and destroy me. As I was changing, I stood in the room nervous about the barbecue party Alice was having. I didn’t know who was going to be there, and fear spread through me. When I heard the knock on the door, I smiled at myself in the mirror. I knew that It was Ace. I could feel his presence, and when I opened the door, he was standing in front of me and looking at me. His eyes slid over my body, and for a second, I was just a girl being picked up by a man.

“Hi,” I said, and his eyes snapped to mine. He seemed nervous, and when he said, “You look great,” I knew I was blushing again.

We went to Alice’s house together, and I was happy. Ace came to pick me up not because he had to but because he wanted to make me feel safe. As we walked into the back garden of a small cozy house, I heard children laughing and people talking, the smell of the grill wafted into my nose, and rock music could be heard.

“If you don’t feel well anymore, let me know, and I’ll take you home,” I heard Ace say, and I nodded as I looked up at him.

“Nora!” I heard Alice call as she waved at me.

She came towards us with a little girl that looked exactly like her. Little Drew seemed to be a happy child, and Alice’s husband, Wrath, was a nice man and caring father. I was also greeted by the other bikers who were there. Everyone kept their distance respectfully, and I saw familiar faces. Storm was standing at one of the bar tables with a younger man, and Gears just nodded at us as he sat with some of the prospects. Doc was happy to see me and gave me a friendly smile. My nervousness seemed to subside as we stood together and talked. We ate, and after Alice introduced Erin to me as another Ol Lady, we chatted comfortably while Ace was standing with the men, and they were drinking beer. Every time I looked at Ace, he was already looking at me, and I had to smile when Alice noticed this too.

“It’s not like he keeps an eye on you all the time,” Alice said laughing, and Erin had to laugh too.

“I think I’ll make another bracelet later just to be prepared,” Erin said, and Alice nodded.

“You sure do girl,” she replied laughing.

“What bracelet?” I asked confused, and they both showed me theirs. These people took security very seriously, and their girls all wore a GPS chip in their bracelets. Even little Drew had one. I was thrilled.

“Oh..there’s someone coming,” Erin said, and we looked at the young man who was coming in our direction.

“You should keep moving,” I heard Ace say behind me as he came in our direction, and the young man stopped.

“I’m sorry, Ace, I didn’t know she was here with you,” said the young man.

“Well, now you know,” Ace answered and watched him leave us again.

I looked at Ace, who was looking at me worriedly. His eyes slid over my face to make sure everything was okay.

“Are you okay?” he asked me, and I smiled at him and nodded.

“Sure she is, she doesn’t have to worry about someone talking to her, the prospect is shitting his pants right now,” Alice said, laughing.

“You have to excuse the prospects; they know very little about club business so he thought you were just a friend who was here. They’re stupid and young. But Ace is there to drive them away,” she added, and Erin laughed.

“You should show her the pool,” Alice said to Ace and winked at him. Erin followed Alice as she walked over to the kids, and I looked at Ace.

“Come on,” he said and laughed at his sister who obviously made it clear that she wanted to leave us alone. Alice had a beautiful house with her husband. The back garden was amazing and full of flowers, and behind it was a cozy pool surrounded by high hedges and various flowers. Next to the pool, there was a round white bench with a table and different-colored cushions that made everything seem more comfortable. I was visibly impressed and beamed as I looked at Ace, who smiled at me. I’ve never been jealous in my life, but when I saw this beauty I was a little bit. This community seemed like a hidden paradise, and I was in the middle of it.

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