Ace of Spades ( Mc No limits Book 2)

Chapter 25


"You have to pull yourself together! You can't be so weak in front of her. Nora has been through hell and she is strong and fighting. Seeing you like this will only make her fall back into her previous depression... The situation that happened is neither your fault nor hers. But your guilt over everything that happened is making it worse. If we don't help you both, it will destroy you. Get yourself together, Ace!" Duke told me as he pulled me aside to wake me up.

I was grateful to him for his honesty and his words that brought me back. Duke was many things, but above all, he was always a brother and my best friend. He loved me, I knew that, and he liked Nora too. I was far too emotionally tied to this mission to think logically, and it all seemed too much for me. I felt like a failure; I couldn't protect Nora and the guilt was eating me up. But Duke was right, I had to be strong for both of us. Nora quickly came back to herself after all the horrible things. I didn't know if she was really okay as she assured me.

She beheaded Ted, and even I, who had seen everything, was shocked by the sight. "It's her way of getting over everything," Ivy told me as we sat alone by the pool before King and Nora joined us. Maybe she was right, and Nora could come to terms with Ted this way. I know it will take a long time to process everything she experienced, but Duke was also right. I couldn't help her if I stood by her side in feelings of guilt and self-pity. I looked at her as she came towards me, she smiled and sat down on the lounger in front of me to lean against me. She didn't look for distance, and she didn't stay locked in the room like she did when she arrived in our community. And I'll be damned if I can't pull myself together. She was so strong and needed a stronger man by her side. I'm strong for both of us, I have to be.

When she asked me when we could go home, I was happy. Home? she said... our home.

Alejandro helped us save our girls and took us in to recover.

"Think of it as a vacation," he said, and King laughed. And that's what we did; we lay by the pool, ate well, and made friends with Alejandro's men. Ivy and Nora got along very well with Carmen; the women were the same age, and their similar experiences made them even better friends. "Don't forget your lucky charms!" Carmen shouted as we loaded our things into the car as we left for home in the morning.

"Thank you very much, Carmen, they are beautiful," said Nora as she took her lucky charm.

"This is Ojo de Dios. A traditional good luck charm from our ancestors, Huicholes Indians in Mexico," Carmen explained proudly. The women hugged each other and exchanged a few words that were meant only for each other. They laughed together and kissed each other on the cheeks as they said goodbye.

Alejandro gave us a warm hug as he said goodbye. Biker brothers, that is what we have become indeed. "I'm not going to kiss you! Take care of yourselves and call if you need anything. We are here for you," Alejandro said laughing to me and King.

"We're expecting you to visit," Ivy told Carmen with a smile as we got in the car after saying goodbye to everyone.

We were waved after as we left Alejandro's property, and a few bikers escorted us part of the route. The way home was much faster than our trip to Tijuana took. Probably because this time we drove laughing and singing and not under fear and stress. As we drove down the familiar streets that led to our community, we were all relieved. King honked at the gate, and the boys at the entrance celebrated our arrival. When we stopped in front of the bar, the whole community was waiting for us. Not only our brothers and sisters, even the old ones were there to greet us. Alice almost knocked over Ivy and Nora when she brought them into her embrace. She cried and laughed at the same time, and everyone cheered. I looked at Nora, who was beaming, and she looked back at me with a smile as the community celebrated our arrival.

Music was playing, and there was happy dancing in the street. King sat down on the bar steps and I followed him with our girls.

Duke, Storm, and Ink stood behind us and laughed at Gears as one of the originals forced him to dance. Even Doc seemed to be his old self again and warmly greeted Nora and Ivy as he sat next to us. Wrath and Alice talked a bit, and he nodded to her as she took a glass of juice and giggled.

"I have renewed the entire security system. This mistake will never happen again," said Void as he came to us with Erin. "I swear this time I secured everything. No fucker will be able to sneak up without making a noise," he said thoughtfully.

I know that Void felt responsible when the walls were crossed, and he wanted to make sure that everything was 100% safe from now on. King nodded and took Ivy in his arms. "I hope so," he said to him. We were all sitting in front of the bar when Alice got up and stood in front of all of us while the old people were still dancing.

"I want to toast our community! To friendship and family! Thank you for bringing my children their aunts back," exclaimed Alice.

"Children?" I asked in surprise.

"I'm pregnant. We're expecting a second child," Alice replied, and everyone cheered.

Nora and Ivy were excited about the news and were very happy for Alice, and Wrath looked so proud as we congratulated him.

"But we also have something for you. Ivy, your gym is completely set up and ready to be inaugurated, and Nora, your home is ready too. We all put the furniture together and set everything up," said Alice happily, and the girls beamed.

Ivy immediately got up and ran to the gym and laughed happily as she opened the door, and we all followed her.

"Let's go!" she shouted, howling like a coyote.

We all entered the gym and looked around. All the equipment was lined up, and there was a small counter in the entrance area. The treadmills were at the front, all the dumbbells were set up according to size, and the punching bags were hanging. The leg presses were lined up against a wall, and opposite were chess press machines. The last remaining jobs were done, and huge mirrors were set up that went over an entire wall.

"It's perfect!" Ivy said as she hugged King.

"It is," he answered proudly as he hugged her.

"We should have a joint opening!" Ivy said to Nora, who smiled at her.

"But my restaurant won't be ready for another month," Nora answered her.

"I don't give a fuck. I'll wait," Ivy said and winked at her.

Nora looked at me, her eyes shining, and she pressed herself even closer to me. "Are you all right?" I asked her worriedly as everyone in the gym looked around.

"I'll feel even better when we go home," she said to me, and I tilted my head to the side.

"Really?" I asked her smiling, and she nodded. "Well then let's go," I told her and took her by the hand.

We walked up the street and saw mom and dad on the way. Mom held back her tears as she hugged Nora, and John put his arm around me, proud of us all.

"I hope you like the house. I think everything will be in its place but if not, it's a small matter to move it," mom said to Nora.

"Thank you, Evelyn," was all Nora managed to say before she started sobbing. "You did all this for us," she added.

"Oh my darling, you belong to us. We want you to be well," said Evelyn and took Nora's hand. "You should look at everything. We're going to the party," John said, and Evelyn nodded to him.

We watched them as they ran down the street, hugging each other.

"Do you think we'll be like your parents one day?" Nora asked, looking at me.

"We'll be even better," I replied, laughing.

As we stood in front of the door to our home, I held Nora's hand. She took a deep breath before opening the door and walking in. It must be tiring for her to come back to this place after everything, and I was worried for her.

"Is everything okay?" I asked her, and she turned to me.

Her smile told me my answer, and she hugged me. Her little arms held me tight as she took a deep breath.

"This is our home," she said to me and looked up.

"It is," I answered her smiling.

Nora took me by the hand, and we walked through the rooms. All the work that still needed to be done was done, everything was neatly assembled and furnished. The living room looked bright and cozy with the lovely sofas that fit in perfectly. In the kitchen, there were fresh flowers on the worktop and vegetables that John certainly brought for us. She ran up the stairs, and I followed her. Nora looked at everything and her happiness was obvious.

"It's so beautiful," she said to me.

I opened the bedroom door and was amazed when I saw the black furniture, and the room now looked completely different.

"Holy shit," I said, and she giggled.

As she entered the room, I watched her touch the silk sheets with her hand, and she turned to me as I leaned against the door frame.

"Do you like it?" she asked.

"I like you," I said to her.

"Why don't you show me how much?" she asked me and grinned. Oh really?

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