Accidentally in Love with the Best Friend

Chapter 28.|Alpha and Luna|


I stood in my white gown, looking in the mirror. I felt like I was getting married, and in the werewolf world, that was what it was like.

So yes, after lots of thinking, I decided to remain Justin’s mate. I wasn’t about to let someone like Casey sink their claws into him - not on my watch!

Apparently becoming the Alpha and Luna of the pack was sort of a big deal. It was Saturday, and yesterday Justin had officially turned the ruling age for his pack. The Elders and Pack Council had wanted to know his decision on who he chose to be by his side at all times, and he presented me.

Now, today was finally here. All of the new leaders would be assuming their roles as well as be reintroduced into the pack.

My hair was tied into a loose bun and light but beautiful make up had been applied to my face. I had been told multiple times that I looked beautiful, but even now, the nerves still got to me. I yearned to see Justin, but custom had it that we couldn’t see each other in private until the ceremony commenced. Last night, at the birthday party we had held for him, he promised me that the pack would love me, and that I would do fantastic at the coronation.

I wanted my family and friends like Carmela to be here, but they’re regular humans with no insight of this world, so they just wouldn’t understand.

When it was time, tradition had it that the Luna would meet the Alpha out on stage, so as I headed out, I saw Justin in a suit, a warm and loving smile on his face. I looked out into the crowd, only to see thousands of pairs of eyes all trained back on me. I gulped, trying to keep the nerves down as I stood in my place, waiting to get this over with.

“I, Landon Copeland, have gathered the pack here today, for a momentous moment. One, that will decide the future of our pack. Your new leaders have come!” The pack cheered, not the polite clapping I had been anticipating.

“We have your new Alpha, Luna, Beta and Gamma, who are ready to be sworn in.” I glanced behind me to see Jeremy and some other boy standing a ways behind us, looking professional, but just as nervous also.

A slight growl caught my attention, and I turned my head in Justin’s direction, only to find him growling at the two boys behind us. I chuckled lightly, knowing that he was getting jealous because I gave them some attention. It had been like that lately - every time I looked at anyone who was male that wasn’t Justin for more than a second, he would get all territorial.

This went unnoticed to the rest of the pack, including his father, and they continued. “We will be doing our Alpha and Luna first. Can Justin Copeland and Harper Morris please step forward?” We both obliged, coming to stand beside the retiring Alpha on the stage.

There was a pedestal I hadn’t noticed before when I walked in with a bowl of swirling grey water and a large silver knife on top. “Justin Copeland, do you agree to become the next Alpha, with all the tasks and tests it will bring along the way? Do you agree to be responsible for seeing to it that the pack is well and caring undyingly for your mate?” At this portion of the speech, Justin looked at me.

“I do.”

Landon then turned to me. “Harper Morris, do you agree to become the next Luna, with all the tasks and tests it will bring along the way? Do you agree to be responsible for the well-being of the pack and caring undyingly for your mate?”

Was it even a question? I loved Justin, and there was no way I would ever leave him, or his pack -our pack, now. “I do.”

“Then by the power of the moon goddess,” Landon said, his voice booming throughout the room. He picked up the silver knife, slicing open Justin’s palm along with mine, “I pronounce you Alpha and Luna of the Silver Sword Pack!” He put our bleeding hands together, before sinking them into the water, connecting us with the pack.

Voices echoed in my head from the pack members welcoming me. Just because I was human didn’t mean I couldn’t participate in mind links, which was something I was grateful for.

Justin and I locked hands as we took the place of Landon. Now that he was no longer Alpha, he could no longer lead the coronation. I stood on the side mostly, and let Justin finish saying the things for the ceremony. He had practiced this for months now, while I still had only known about this all for less than a week.

I got to slice their palms. though, which I guess counted for participating in something.

It was late at night as Justin and I cuddled up together, watching a movie. “You did great,” he whispered in my ear, making me shiver in delight.

“Thanks, you weren’t so bad yourself.” He chuckled slightly, sliding an arm around my waist.

“I honestly don’t know what I’d do without you by my side,” he said, smiling down at me.

“Me neither.”

And before I could even comprehend what was happening, his lips were on mine, and that was all that mattered.

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