Accidentally in Love with the Best Friend

Chapter 25.|Losing Touch|


Tears ran down my face as Carmela rubbed my back. “Hey, we all didn’t know he was a jerk.” I had come to her house the minute I ran from the willow, from Justin, from my feelings. Carmela took me in and comforted me as I sobbed all night. She was such a good friend - she gave me a tub of my favorite ice cream as we watched all my favorite movies until we passed out.

When we woke up at ten o’clock in the morning, we decided that school was something we could get to later.

After a cup of coffee, everything that happened last night came back to me and made me break down once again. I felt like a complete emotional mess, but Carmela helped me just the same.

“I-I confessed how I felt to him after he told me he had wanted me to be more than friends for just about two years, and then he turns all sarcastic. He told me he was a wolf - and that he was the one that trapped me. I don’t know if that’s a metaphor or some weird analogy, but it made me realize that what he said previously was probably all false.”

“Don’t take it too harsh,” Carmela sighed as she stood up to start her day. “You weren’t even that into him, it wasn’t like the two of you had started a relationship.”

I looked down as she gave me a weak smile before leaving the room. What I wasn’t telling her, however, was the fact that I wasn’t alright. That it did feel like we had originally been in a relationship, because I knew one thing was for sure.

I was in love with him, whether I liked it or not.

I ended up heading home around lunch time, since I realized some alone time would be best. Carmela was fine with it, so I went right ahead.

Laying in front of the TV, eating a bag of potato chips, I realized something. Love could be the best thing ever, and it could enable you and make you stronger. But it could also turn on you, stab you in the back, and take everything you have. It was definitely a two-way street.

I sighed, running a hand through my unruly hair. How this had developed, I wasn’t quite sure.

But I knew, then and there, that I wasn’t going to let this get to me. No, I was going to learn from this and take something rich and valuable from it.

I stood up, turning off the TV as I went to get properly dressed. I was going to go out, and do something productive, even if it wasn’t school, I still wanted to have something to do.

I found my feet steering me around town before I really knew where I was going.

The park appeared in front of me, with many children playing in it. For them, school was already out. Highschool ended in five minutes.

I found myself in front of the willow tree, and couldn’t help but brush aside the curtain, curious about what I’d find.

Much to my disappointment, however, the inside was bare - not a trace of the date-gone-wrong that had unfolded here just last night.

I closed my eyes and breathed in the sweet air as I treasured the moment. Well, that was until I felt the presence beside me.

I turned abruptly to see Justin standing beside me, a sad smile on his face. Taking a closer look, I was able to make out the bags under his eyes, and messier than usual hair. I bit my lip, inwardly debating whether it was due to our argument or the work his father had been piling on him.

“I hoped I’d find you here.” His voice cut through the silence like warm chocolate, but I fought the urge to look at him in such a way. I had to stay strong, even if it was the last thing I did.

“Stay away from me.” Although my voice came out in a low whisper, the threat in it was still very much real.

He chuckled bitterly, shaking his head. “If only I could do so such thing.” Justin’s pained gaze met mine before he uttered the words I never thought I’d hear from him. “I’m in love with you, Harper.”

I didn’t make it too far before I finally broke down and collapsed. I wanted to believe Justin - I really did. But I couldn’t help but be fearful of the fact that he was again just playing with me, and, that if I confessed something, he would have nothing but a good laugh.

I wasn’t far from where Justin had confessed, just right across the field in an area of patchy grass, towards the entrance of the woods. I wanted to get away from him, but at the same time, I didn’t want to be alone.

As I sobbed, I could make out faint footsteps walking towards me. I curled up into a tiny ball, before shooting over my shoulder, “Just leave me alone already!”

When the footsteps came to a halt but didn’t move away, I turned to throw a death glare at who I thought was Justin. Well, that was until I looked and saw something I never wanted to see again.

It was the black wolf, the very one that had trapped me and almost taken my life just a few nights ago.

I screamed, but my throat was raw from all the tears, and besides, there wasn’t much time before he was hovering over me, his snout in my face.

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