Accidentally in Love with the Best Friend

Chapter 13.|Trapped With The Wolves|


Two weeks? Was I crazy? When Justin stated those facts that made it clear Toby was the one in the wrong, I still wanted to blame Justin. It would’ve just been easier. I finally announced two weeks because I knew denying us the friendship we grew up on would probably hurt me even more than Justin himself.

So, when I saw how his expression morphed into one of anger and despair, I knew I needed to reassure him it wouldn’t take that long. Living the past few years like strangers was something I never wanted to experience again.

That’s why when Justin took off into the woods, I just had to follow him. I couldn’t let him believe that I was never going to be friends with him again. I don’t know what it was, but even as I lost sight of him, I still felt the need to pursue him, to justify my actions and words.

But as I walked farther, the more I realized how lost I was. I wasn’t one to venture into the forest much, especially with the tales about the vicious wolves and such. But Justin couldn’t be that much farther ahead of me, so if I were to be attacked, he would jump out and protect me, right?

I continued farther still and saw a cave opening up ahead. Praying I would be able to find Justin in here, I entered warily. Just as I got through the mouth, I ended up in a cavern room, with very little light to see by.

But just enough to see the ginormous form of a wolf in front of me. I screamed, hoping that Justin would hear before I passed out.

The last thing I saw was the wolf turning its head to look at me with it’s piercing green eyes.

When I regained consciousness, the first thing I noticed was that I had moved. Originally, I had been by the entrance of the cavern, but now, I was deep, deep, deep into it.

While trying to figure out where I was I heard a bone-chilling growl from somewhere nearby. That was when reality hit me. I was stuck in this cave, with no way out, and a big bad wolf ready to eat me up. I started shaking, my heart beat only increasing as I struggled to get oxygen in.

Suddenly, those piercing green eyes returned, but this time, they were right in front of me. I let out a shriek, trying to shrink back into the wall so that it wouldn’t notice me. I wanted to tell it to stay away, but with the way I was shaking, I didn’t think it to be possible.

The wolf leaned it’s head down like it was going to snap at me before gobbling me whole. Finally, my voice returned to me. “S-s-sta-y-y a-a-wa-y-y. I-I-I d-don’t-t t-tast-te g-good.” The wolf only cocked its head at me, and the small movement showed me just how big it was. This was no ordinary wolf, this was twice the size of any one I had seen.

It put it’s head down slowly, not making any quick moves and started to whimper. It only made me shake more, not knowing what it wanted from me. I took that as my chance to call for help. Or more accurately, for Justin. “JUSTIN! JUSTIN, HELP ME! HELP! I’M STUCK!” I kept on yelling over and over but to no avail. I guess he just never heard me.

The wolf, on the other hand, seemed to be getting annoyed with all my screaming, and then it hit me. What if the wolf ate Justin? It looked big enough to swallow a human whole, and while Justin would be a full meal, I would be an easy-to-eat side order.

Finally, in an effort to stop my constant screaming, the wolf jumped on me. I thought that was it, there was my life. How was I supposed to get out now when this wolf obviously wanted nothing more than to eat me?

A low growl sounded deep in the wolf’s throat as he leaned down. Luckily, he had distributed his weight just so that he wasn’t crushing me, but still managed to completely cover me in his silky black coat. Looking down, eye to eye, I braced myself for the impact of his canines ripping my throat out.

To my surprised, however, all I felt was his tongue soothingly running up and down my neck. His eyes closed and his tail slowly began to beat against the floor, much like any domestic dog. Meanwhile, I laid on the floor, paralyzed. Was this how all wolves treated their food - licking it down before they mauled it?

But for some reason, I felt oddly calm the longer this lasted. Faint sparks sizzled in the places the wolf had recently touched, and I felt lulled. I told myself not to get used to it, to stay on alert. But my body defied me, as it began to calm down, and soon my eyes fluttered closed. Before I knew it, I was asleep.

I woke up, startled, to find the cave pitch black. I had been sleeping peacefully and looked around to see what might have caused me to wake up suddenly.

A loud, menacing growl echoed through the cave, and I shrunk back in fear. The wolf was not happy, but I wasn’t sure why. Wait, what if it was Justin, finally coming to rescue me?!

After a few minutes of running my hands along the walls, I finally found my way to the entrance back into the mouth of the cave. In the moonlight, I was able to see a good portion of the interior, which showed large shadows and jagged rocks.

I looked further to see the wolf facing off with a slightly smaller brown wolf. The brown wolf’s eyes lit up upon seeing me, and when it tried to take a step forward, the black wolf leaped in its way, snapping at its face.

That started a whole scuffle that turned into biting and pouncing on each other. This was definitely not, Justin. Even though I was by the exit, I would have to walk through the dog fight to make it out. That was something I was not willing to do.

So, instead, I sat down on the stone cold ground, and rocked myself back and forth, trying to evade the sleep that kept trying to consume me.

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