Accepting My Twin Mates by Unwise Owl

Chapter 6

Accepting My Twin Mates Chapter 6
Chapter 6 – Mates? As In Plural?!
“No... I did,” she lifted her head up to meet my stunned eyes. “I rejected him... or at least, I tried to.”
“What do you mean?” I nudged gently.
I was still completely floored that Lucy of all people would initiate a rejection. She may have been a fiery little pixie, but she
always gave people a chance and she wanted her mate more than anything. She had saved everything for her mate, something
I was slightly envious of. But if I found out someone like Finley f*****g Jacobs was my mate, I think I would nope out of that
situation too.
“I really was exhausted that day, but I was so excited too. I thought it was because I had my wolf, finally. When I went into town,
that’s when I saw Finley coming out of a cafe with another she-wolf. We both saw each other and neither of us was best
pleased,” she sighed heavily, more annoyed than anything and wiped at her face. “He just left her there looking speechless and
dragged me down the street to talk, away from anyone.”
She reached up onto the bedside table to grab a tissue and we both leaned back on the side of the bed.
“Goddess, the tingles...” Lucy looked up to the ceiling. “I always had this really stupid crush on him that I just couldn’t shake and
I always hated myself for it.”
A sentiment I knew too well... and I was growing increasingly wary of my own stupid crush.
“For a second, I actually thought he was going to accept me... then when he started ranting about having some Omega as a
mate... I just lost it. My wolf saw red and wanted me to do it too,” her lips pulled into a scowl. “I just focused everything I had into
breaking the bond’s tether, I was so mad at him. But he fought it and wouldn’t accept the break, said I’d regret it.”
Topics of rejections were pretty unpleasant and taboo, but we were still given all the facts growing up. Both sides had to accept
the bond’s fracture, to suffer the rift that tore away at their very soul. If one side fought it, the invisible tether, no matter how
mangled, distorted and frayed, would persevere.

“A few hours later... I felt it,” her lip quivered again. “The pinch in my heart... my wolf howled, feeling he was with someone else
and betraying the bond. I hate feeling so hurt and broken over someone I don’t want. And because he keeps using the bond
against me, my shifting sickness isn’t healing, it got worse.”
That bastard was using the bond as some warped revenge, all because she had the balls to know her worth and that was far
more than Finley would ever be. All this time, the lingering broken bond that he abused was slowly eating her away. I had never
heard of anyone abusing the bond for this length of time.
“I’ve tried rejecting the bond on my own, but it just won’t work and every time I do, he goes on some fuck-rampage. And he’s
been exceptionally busy while he’s been away,” she rolled her eyes. “I barely even feel it anymore, I haven’t felt a thing since I
went on the medication. You were right about that one, I should have gone earlier.”
“You should’ve told me,” I couldn’t keep the hurt from my tone. “I could’ve helped you through all this, or at the very least, held
him in a headlock while you cracked some micro nuts.”
‘Or hacked them off,’ Evva bristled, already sharpening her claws.
She laughed tearily, “I know, I know... I was just so ashamed,” her voice grew quiet. “I know I shouldn’t be... but I can’t help
feeling like I’m not enough. The one person who’s supposed to love me unconditionally, can’t stand me...” and with those last
words she broke down all over again.
Any slight I might’ve felt about her keeping all of this a secret disappeared immediately. I wrapped my arms back around her,
letting her know I would never turn away from her. She was in a terrible situation, not knowing how to handle it or even what to
do. But she wouldn’t be on her own anymore.
“What if we went to the Alpha and Luna? Or his mom and dad? They can make him accept this. I’ll come with you and
everything,” I offered.
“What if they just side with him? He’s the Beta and I’m just...”
I cut off her ramblings, “they won’t. This isn’t the sort of reputation Alpha Isaac will want for a future Beta of his pack and Beta
Kate won’t tolerate her son abusing his position of power.”
Our pack may have been stuck in its archaic and elitist hierarchy, but Alpha Isaac wouldn’t risk anything tarnishing the pack’s
reputation. Sadly, on the flip side, if Finley had accepted Lucy, I doubt they would have been thrilled about that either; except for
Tamlyn, but she was an exception in most things.

“Besides, we need to do something before your first heat hits... it hasn’t hit already, has it?”
She shook her head. That was both a relief and a worry.
“No, thankfully. But I don’t know how much longer it’ll hold off. I’ve been shifted for four months now...” she sighed, hugging her
knees close to her chest.
A she-wolf’s heat came twice a year and was the only time she could become pregnant. They also only started after a she-wolf
shifted; the huge spike in adrenaline that accompanied the shift triggered the reproductive cycle. However, she-wolves that had
their wolf spirit only, tended to have fertility issues. Meeting your mate or becoming marked could trigger an early heat, so Lucy
was at risk of becoming overdue. The symptoms of a heat without your mate were mild and manageable; a slight fever, some
cramps, and some slight horniness. Some self-isolation to avoid unmated males’ attention and avoid triggering their mating ruts
was all that was needed. That was why the pack had a she-wolf heat facility near the ski resort on Crystal Mountain so that it
could always be staffed and guarded by mated wolf warriors. Going into heat when you had a mate... was a little more intense.
“Come on, let’s get you to bed. I’ll sleep in here with you if you want?” I pulled her up.
“Ok, but I draw the line at spooning,” she tried to smile, sniffling.
“It’s a good job your heating’s working then.”
I quickly left to brush my teeth for the night and change into something lighter to sleep in. Like most full-grown wolves, I would
usually sleep bare. The feeling of clothing at night felt restrictive and unnatural, and now my wolf had begun to emerge, the cold
was starting to lose its biting edge with my natural body temperature starting to rise. I was not about to sleep naked with my best
friend, though. That would be just plain awkward.
I returned to Lucy’s room and slipped under the sheets alongside her and curled myself up in her much smaller bed. She lay
facing me and I took her hand, lacing our fingers together in comfort.
“That guy, you said you accidentally mind-linked once. It was Finley, wasn’t it?”
“Yeah,” she huffed, knitting her brows together. “He was flirting with another she-wolf in front of me in the kitchens. She was
completely not into it and mind-linked me, saying she felt sorry for whoever his mate would be. I froze, panicked and linked back
something about him being a jackass.”
“Nothing untrue,” I snorted.

‘If that asshat starts anything tomorrow, you better believe we finish it,’ Evva grumbled.
Lucy slept the whole night through, I was actually jealous. I had woken up periodically, with a fluttering sensation springing up
within my chest. I was trying to ignore it but it was becoming harder as the morning approached.
I dressed in a simple thin pale silver-blue sweater, dark grey knitted leggings and a pair of espadrilles. I was going to be running
around all morning, so I wanted to be comfortable.
Lucy had decided to forego her medication for today. It interfered with her mind-linking and she would need it currently more than
ever. Plus, she was missing hearing her wolf’s voice clearly. It wasn’t right that she had to restrain a part of herself just because
of one prick.
Even though it was hectic, everything was right on schedule. I was trying to catch a short break with a quick bite to eat before I
had to head out to the event hall and check that the piano had been moved to the right spot and still in tune. I had just finished
my breakfast muffin and my mouth was filled with banana when Janet’s nasally voice interrupted my precious food time.
“Good, you’re not doing anything. Take this to the Alpha wing,” she dropped a large hamper in my lap.
Because my mouth was full, all I could offer was a muffled protest and accidentally spat a blob of banana in her face.
‘Well, you’ve charmed her thoroughly now,’ Evva snuffled at the irritation plastered on Janet’s ruddy face.
“Why the Luna would let you loose around distinguished guests, I’ll never know,” she wiped her cheek. “Quit complaining,
everyone else is busy. Just leave it by the door for the Alpha and Luna.”
She whirled around, her dark braid following her motion, and marched away before I could say another word, or in my case,
make an ass out of myself.
I hurled the banana peel into the trash and shoved the rest of the fruit in my mouth, annoyed; it wasn’t worth arguing over.
Grabbing the basket of rather inviting-looking clothing, I set off in the direction of the Alpha family’s home. It was essentially a
whole house attached to the pack house with separate entrances both inside and out. I hadn’t set foot in their home for over four

years, having been taken off the staff rotation for it. Nearing the Alpha family’s door, Alpha Isaac himself hurried through looking
confused at why I would be there.
He shared a few similar traits to his sons, having the same hulking broad build and jet black hair. His skin was far paler in
comparison, but what was identical were his eyes. Both he and the twins had the same deep midnight blue irises.
I tried to clear my throat, almost choking on what was left of my mouthful of fruit.
‘It truly is a mystery why people think you’re unrefined,’ my wolf sighed.
Goddess, just bury my head already.
“I was just bringing you your laundry,” I offered up the basket with an awkward smile.
“Perfect timing, thank you,” he moved to open the door, seeing as my hands were full. “I’d take it from you but my sons have just
pulled up. It’s all theirs anyway. Could you take it to their rooms?”
“Uh, sure? I’m not supposed to be in there though...” I began to worry. I didn’t need any further excuses to land my ass in
“Don’t be silly. Anyone says anything, you direct them to me,” he said with a finite tone, leaving no room to argue. “And if you
could close up the windows too? My mate wanted to air their rooms out with them being gone so long.
I gave a tight-lipped smile and nodded, heading in through the open doorway. Nothing much had changed, the entrance hall was
still exquisitely decorated. It was a little too modern for my tastes with painted furniture instead of rustic woods that I preferred,
but I did love the natural tones of blues, greens and browns. There was the odd Egyptian artefact and piece of artwork that
blended in perfectly with the décor, items that I remembered from before.
The closer I came to the stairway the more these wicked heart palpitations in my chest grew. I suddenly started to feel jumpy and
Evva’s unsettled pacing wasn’t helping. Don’t tell me I was about to shift, I didn’t have time for this and certainly not in the middle
of the Alpha’s home!
Goddess, just dump the basket and get out.
I figured the twins’ rooms wouldn’t have moved location, so I hastened my pace to get this over with before my heart beat out of
my chest.

I knew the door in front of me was Astennu’s bedroom. The idea of entering somewhere so... intimate... was difficult to
comprehend. Why did I feel so nervous, almost excited? I hesitated for a brief second, psyching myself up to just open the door.
Balancing the hamper basket in one hand, I fumbled for the door knob.
It was faint but instant. The scent of tree sap engulfed me; sweet, earthy and comforting.
‘Ohhhh baba,’ Evva sighed, enthralled by the heavenly aroma.
Oh s**t, more like.
This wonderful scent was dull and faded, but it was everything. This had to be a mistake. This wasn’t happening. I ran to the
window to close it, throwing the basket in my hands carelessly to the floor and hoping it was just the pleasant scents of the
woodlands outside.
...It wasn’t.
I hurriedly left, ripping the opposing door open that led to Badru’s room. Again, the smell was dulled, but now my wolf senses
were awakening, it was there. Cinnamon and nutmeg; spicy, heady and maddening. And again, I slammed the window closed
with more force than I meant, wishing it was just some outside aroma wafting in and confusing me.
‘I need to roll around in this scent too,’ Evva fawned.
‘We need to get the f**k out, is what! I refuse to believe this is real,’ I began to panic and practically ran from the room.
I froze in the hallway, exiting Badru’s room. My attention immediately settled on two huge and identically broad figures at the
other end. The heated intensity of their eyes pierced my very soul. Two sets of identical deep sapphires pinned me to the spot,
the scent of an exotic forest worked its way towards me, wrapping around me as though it were their hands upon my flesh.
Oh hell, they were my mates... the twins... both of them!

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