Absolute Chaos

Chapter 27.

Arriving at the boarders of Otamia, Kyzin led Mieli up the tall sand dunes and to the base of the great cities mountain.

They could see the huge pyramid that the sun God Temu had built a few thousand years prior, Mieli’s pace quickened, her long legs gliding easily through the red sands.

“I can feel the power of the Alzphaeta diamond, it is very close now Kyzin.” Sweat was streaming over her face and chest, running down her bronzed skin.

The cool breeze picked up around them, blowing the cold sand into a frenzy that bit at their flesh.

Hearing the faint but unmistakable screams of horror upon the wind sent ripples of fear amidst the Angel’s sheer soul, its eerie sound tasting of death and dread.

Mother Earth groaned in despair, the ground quaked, shifting below their feet, stretching fury under all of Otamia.

Mieli darted her eyes through the darkness until they locked with Kyzin’s. She grasped at his hand and blindly fled towards the pyramid, the ground rumbling with rage beneath their bare feet.


Reaching the base of the imposing building, Mieli halted him in mid stride.

“Kyzin...you should stay here, I do not know what to expect inside.” She tried to move past him, but it was now his turn to stop her, gripping her forearm, squeezing it tight, surprising himself with his ferocity.

“No Mieli. I am coming with you. I do not care of the consequences, I only care for your safety!.” He could not bare the thought of anything happening to his Angel, he would not let her enter the dark pyramid alone.

“Kyzin....I do not think you can grasp what Arawn holds in his hands. If he were to get hold of the Alzphaeta Diamonds other half...Kyzin...I fear for the Earth so.”

Mieli wriggled free from his harsh grip, rapidly blending into the pyramids shadows. Kyzin ignored her heeds, following straight at her heels.

“I can smell him...his putrid stench is all around me,.. Arawn is very near.” Mieli whispered into the dark wind.

“The Alzphaeta Diamond is far below the pyramid, buried deep under the vast chambers and tunnels, I can feel its power calling to me Kyzin, I can taste its pure fear. Please stay here, I need you to be safe.” She iterated, although she knew it was useless.

Emerald daggers shot into her pools of mercury, he didn’t speak, he just pierced her soul and showed her his pure love.

Both Mieli and Kyzin made their way into the large rectangular door of the pyramid and crept into the dark passageway. Here the huge granite floor ramped up towards the heart of the pyramids main chamber. They moved further into the darkness, the huge granite blocks may have been many cubits above their heads, nevertheless they still felt suffocatingly close.

Silver swirled to fluid, Mieli’s irises began to glow now that they stepped into the large chamber, they lit up the walls and ceiling in a dull misty glow.

Copper scents hung in the stale air, pushing more dread before her. She could see an alter in the middle of the limestone floor, stained a dark crimson and smeared in drying blood.

No one was here, however Mieli could feel both purity and wickedness had passed through here not long before.

“We need to find the shaft to the tunnels beneath.” She didn’t give Kyzin time to respond, quickly fleeing from the dark room, back down the passageway and into the nights cool air.


The screams from Otamia were louder now, they had mixed with the sound of many dogs snarls and howls.

Mieli and Kyzin looked at one another, she did not know what to do.

“Kyzin,...Arawn is somewhere in the maze below our feet, he is deep underground. I can feel his corrupt soul, he has to be stopped no matter what!...Yet I fear for the people of Otamia, I fear for your sister, I fear for Amaunet. I can only imagine what is happening in the great city as we speak.”

The distant noises terrified her, the humans cries forced their way into her ears, filling Mieli’s heart with a searing agony .

“Kyzin...you must find your sister!,....I will find Arawn.” The indecision she saw flicker through kyzin’s green eyes wrenched at her heart, she knew he was torn, knowing that he wanted to follow her into the complex web beneath the pyramid, yet she also knew he needed to find his little sister.

Desperately, Mieli grasped at Kyzin’s hand and looked up into his deep jade depths.

“It will be alright Kyzin....please go and find Masika.”

Fat tears swelled under her lids and silently cooled her burning skin. Kyzin’s strong hand tilted Mieli’s chin towards his face, brushing his full lips to hers, searching her soul.

“Mieli.....I cannot lose you...do you understand?....I know I have only known you a few short days, yet......I cannot fathom my heart...I have fallen in love with you Mieli!, my love for you is like no other....” He kissed her then, not knowing what else to say. Their worlds had collided and so had their hearts, their lips searing with heated passion, now fusing them as one.

Mieli wanted more than life itself to get lost in this moment, lock his sweet lips to hers for an eternity, staying in Kyzin’s arms forevermore, but she quickly pulled away from their inferno and without another word fled from the man she purely loved, back into the shadows in search of the shafts trapdoor.


Following her many complex senses, each one on high alert, Mieli coalesced with the dark shadows that danced at her feet, whilst her irises swirled in a pit of liquid mercury.

Finally she came upon the trapdoor, it was near a few huge boulders to the East of the pyramids main entrance. It stood wide open, its ancient wood folding out from the ground.

Mieli looked down into the pitch black, sniffing the stale air that wafted through the large gap, the silver swimming inside her eyes, glowing into the darkness, lighting up the deep dark shaft below.

Once Mieli reached the bottom of the long shaft, she stood very still, holding her breath, straining her ears into the suffocating maze, yet only an eerie thick silence loomed in the still dark air.

Taking in a huge gulp of stale air, the Angel moved into the tunnels, dissolving amidst the blackness, knowing exactly which turns to take, her Chaos moving within, showing her the way.

Reaching a granite staircase of forty two stairs, she ascended slowly, inching further down into the Earths great depths.

Temu had built this amazing complex thousands of years before, the splendour in each depiction and hieroglyph on the limestone was breathtaking to say the least.

Mieli walked out into the huge chamber which held forty two pillars, twenty one on each side of the long room. Arawn’s evil stench churned all around her, he had recently been here, although he was not here now.

Dark shadows danced beside Mieli now that she crept through the silence, her heart thumping in her chest like a crazed animal. She now came upon eight stairs on the opposite side of the room, the dull silver glow from her eyes illuminating each small step.

At the top of these steps a large stone door stood open, she could see the perfectly cut rectangle ‘tomb’ through the ornately carved door. She knew Arawn was not in the smaller chamber, her heart slowed a little, yet not enough to put her at ease, it still thumped a hectic rhythm under its delicate curved cage.

Mieli climbed the eight steps and peered inside the magnificence. Pure wonder sprung into her eyes, liquid mercury whirled in astonishment and splashed tiny silver stars of light over the small chambers walls.

The room was incredible!, it took the dark Angel’s breath from her lungs and ignited a pure inferno in her heart.

The chamber revealed stunning paintings that would rock ‘DaVinci’s’ world if he were yet born, they littered the walls and ceiling taking the Angel’s breath from within.

Mieli looked around and above her, turning in slow circles, mouth agape in wonder. The unimaginable detail left her speechless, the exquisite designs of the cosmos and Angelic winged beings filled the little room.

Temu and the human artists who crafted the small chamber would have taken a painstaking amount of time on each tiny sun and star. Every depiction was outstanding, the detail completely beyond her, stunned, lost for words at all the wondrous creations they had intricately etched and painted onto the smooth limestone walls.

Finally Mieli drew her attention to the astounding rectangular sarcophagus that nearly filled the floor of the small chamber. It was unusual, made mostly from red granite and lined with smooth limestone, yet she did not recognise what the hard black stone casing was made from that covered the large vault.

The lid of the sarcophagus had an engraving of a beautiful woman with Angelic wings depicted with a small tiara upon her head, with what looked to have a viper on it. Underneath the Angel, the words ‘Liainhayiy Alfawdaa’ were inscribed in Chaos’s Divine language, the very first language of the stars. These two words translated to ‘Infinite Chaos’.

Mieli was having a hard time looking away from the splendour she was witnessing, however she needed to find Arawn, not ogle at the beauty she now stood amid.

Without another thought Mieli spun around, headed towards the door and fled the ornate chamber, sprinted down the eight stairs, across the huge space in front of her and up the tall staircase.

She came to the long passageway, it was at least 100 cubits long and the Angel now sprinted as fast as she could down its entire length, her irises pushing the silver glow ahead of her, lighting the tunnel afoot.

Once Mieli was at the end, she turned to her right, flew down this smaller tunnel, then right again, following her Chaos deeper into the vast maze. She now found the passageway narrowed considerably, the air moved like a thick sludge through her lungs, trying desperately to squeeze the life from her.

Crawling through the tight space, the dark Angel forced her lithe body further under Mother Earth, closer and closer to her scorching core.

The passageways twisted and forked, each turn became darker than black. The fear inside her was deafening, it was thrashing around inside her head, every fibre of her essence was telling her to turn back, to flee out through the claustrophobic hell she had forced herself into and breathe sweet fresh air once more.

Mieli finally came to the passageways end. A small wooden trapdoor lay smashed open, the archaic wood splintering around the narrow space.

Taking a huge breath of the oppressive hot air, she climbed down into the pitch black...

The temperature climbed the further into the Earth she crept, sweat had drenched her linen wrap, her dark hair plastered to her neck and back, sodden against her copper flesh.

As Mieli descended deeper, the unmistakable sounds, though muffled, of sheer terror rose from above, ringing throughout the web of passages and slammed inside her heart.

An immense power swelled from above her, Mieli knew right away the great Goddess Amaunet was alive, she could hear her Goddess amid her essence, her power overwhelming Mieli with renewed strength, pushing her down, deeper underground.

It felt like an age before she reached the bottom, knowing now Arawn was very near and so was the Alzphaeta Diamond.

Mieli could stand down here, not understanding, yet she could breath a little easier down here too, although the air still crushed her chest and lungs.

The shadows shifted, making way for their Angel as she walked through a small tunnel that led out to a huge arched doorway, the noise from above echoing off the harsh passage rocky walls.

Holding the stale air between her lungs, her heart attempted to leap from her chest as she walked under the imposing arch and into complete doom.

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