Chapter Chapter Two.

1923 some 100 years past, Miss Jennifer Jones aged 7 years, had been playing hide and seek outside in an old quarry with her friends. Jennifer had found a wonderful hiding place, it was a small hole, and when she crawled on all fours, she could enter, and only some two metres further in it opened up to a cavern, which strangely reflected a light from some unknown source.

The first time she had found it, Jennifer was unsure and just hunched within the entrance, but the more she used it as her hide out, the more confident she had become, and her friends had never once found her. So, her confidence grew and she wanted to see where it led. There was something about it which comforted her, and the fear had left her mind, she also had a secret friend there who made her laugh and gave her candy, so she was keen to meet her friend again.

It was its home and had said she was welcome to visit any time the lights were on, but if the lights were off, then she was not to enter. As Jennifer snuggled her way into the open space, she felt a hand take hold of her, and she turned to face her friend as…, as…, that was all she remembered, as then a beam of light engulfed her, and Jennifer and her new strange friend were transported aboard an orbiting ship above earth.

Jennifer awoke finding herself laying upon a cold steel type slab and she was in pain, something was hurting her within her waist area, and the lights hurt her eyes, she wanted to scream, but found her body unable to move, and then her friend gripped her hand and all the pain went away, Jennie calmed and saw in her mind, her human friends still looking for her, and she laughed knowing they would never find her, as her hide away was behind a cluster of bushes, and within an almost unseen hole in the ground.

Jennie had only found it by accident one day, when desperately needing to use a toilet and not wanting her male boy type friends to see her, so she had made her way behind the bushes and squatted to have a pee. It was only then she realised there was a small hole within the ground and later determined to investigate, but found the area was great to hide from her friends.

Now as she lay upon the cold slab her semi naked body was undergoing some type of intrusive probing, but the pain had gone away and she closed her eyes and slept, only to reawaken back in her hide out, and with no memory of what had previously transpired. To her mind it had only been minutes since she entered, but now she could hear adult voices calling her name. A voice within her mind told her she had fallen asleep, and as she made her way out from her secret hide out, Jennifer called out, and was found and taken home.

Ten years later aged 17 years…, well almost 18 years as her birthday was only two months away, and Jennifer decided to revisit the old quarry area, and where her parent had banned her and her friends from ever visiting again. It was strange as over the year’s children had gone missing, and some of the locals claimed the area was haunted. Jennifer knew different, yet something in her mind had prevented her from ever talking about it.

Now it was a beautiful hot summer’s day, and some of the young adults had taken to swimming in the quarry’s lake, others fished it, while the families laid upon the grass and just enjoyed the sun. Jennifer had gone with a group of friends, and there she secretly met up with Simian, her child hood boyfriend. Together they sneaked away so they could spend time together, and Jennifer led Simian to her old secret hideout.

The next day she awoke within her bedroom, and had no memory of how she came to been at home, her parents were acting normal and as if nothing had been wrong, yet Jennifer just could not understand why she had no memory of what had transpired, or of how she came to be home. She could remember the friends and her visiting the quarry, even leading Simian to her secret place, but from there, she had no memory, and this disturbed her.

As Jennie dressed and made her way downstairs her family greeted her as if all was normal, and her mother brought her some toast and a warm drink. “Simian and his sister called around to see you, but I told them you were still asleep, so they said they would visit later,” said Jennie’s mother.

Her mother paused only for a moment and breathed in and then exhaled. “That Simian is a nice young man have you given any thought into courting him, he comes from a good respectable family, and you have known him since you were five years old, heck his mother is one of my best friends,” her mother said.

Jennifer blinked in shock. “Mum…, what brought that on,” enquired Jennifer. Her mother smiled. “Well not a lot happens in this small village and as soon as it does…, well let’s just say everyone knows quicker than you would believe,” replied her mother. Jennifer gasp, “We have done nothing wrong…,” her words were cut short. “We know Jennifer, but you were seen walking together, and then you both…, kind of vanished, and others could not find either of you for over three hours, or…, well…, people are talking.”

Jenny looked stunned, but her mother continued talking, “So your father and I have decided you either marry the boy, or we send you to live at my sisters in her home.” “No…, no you have no right,” screamed Jennifer, “Simian is my friend and we get on really well, but I promise you mum, we have done nothing wrong, I just took him to view a cave system I found and we kind of lost time.”

Her mother looked at her, you don’t mean that hole in the ground by those bushes that never seem to age or die, do you?” Jennifer went quiet…, “How…, how do you know of them,” she enquired. Her mother sat down and wiped her brow, “Oh Jenny I had hoped you were going to be spared…, but alas no…, It looks as if the curse will not let go.” Her mother then went quiet, as tears trickled from her eyes. “Have they…,” she paused and swallowed, and then tried again. “Have they been visiting you as well?” inquired Jennie’s mother.

Jennifer looked at her mother in shock, “They…, who are they mum I do not understand.” For a brief moment her mother thought she was wrong…, but then she asked another question. “A tall thin kind of man who makes all your fears go away, he used to visit my mother from her childhood and in time started visiting me…, he…, he was not human?”

Jennifer gasp… and went quiet not wanting to face her mother. “Child it is alright, you have done nothing wrong, we just…, well we kind of thought you had been bypassed,” came the reply. Jennifer sniffed and wiped her eyes; the tears were kind of salty and hurt. “Mumma what is happening…,” inquired Jennifer.

Her mother just stroked her hair and then spoke, “Jenny my darling we do not truly know, but…, well these life forms have an interest in our family, and we are treated well…, well other than the invasive…,” Her words cut short as she also wiped away tears from her eyes. “We are healthy and live a long life but there is a cost…, all I know is they are trying to create something and…, and we are involved.

At that Simian walked in with Jennie’s father, “Jennie my love you have a visitor…,” said her father. But he cut short his words as he looked at his wife and his daughter before him. Their eyes met and Jenny’s mother gave a slow nod of her head. Jack her father stood almost as if he was rooted to the ground, his eyes were wide open yet the expression upon his face was one of anger.

Looking at his daughter the anger got the better of him, and he moved forward to attack her, preferring to end her life rather than see his beloved daughter suffer the indignation and pain he knew was to come. But a beam of light engulfed the entire room, and then in the blink of an eye, the room was empty and Simian, Jack his wife and daughter found themselves aboard a space ship, all unable to move except Simian. “I cannot allow you to harm your daughter sir, that would be wrong and unacceptable,” said Simian, as his appearance transformed, and before them stood a tall looking older human, and different to that of the Simian, they knew.

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