Chapter Chapter Thirteen.

Derick Winston an out of work drug user had once worked with the Ministry of Alien Research as a Marine. His service contract had come up for review, however as he was reported to have a prescribed drug problem, his position was terminated at the end of his ascribed service contract. This had devastated him, and soon after his dismissal, his drug misuse increased as did his depression, he had wanted to remain in service, even if it meant sweeping the floors.

But to be disregarded so blatantly, had shocked him, and had unhinged his fragile mind, he had needed the security of his old position, heck he needed the wage, and he had been a good operative, and at first working within field operations but had become injured via an alien attack upon a facility they were guarding and holding an alien Grey prisoner. As such he was prescribed strong experimental medication which was opiate based, and in time he had become dependent upon the drugs.

In fairness to Derick, it was not his fault, and he had even been in line for promotion, but now three years later he was an emotional wreck, and basically upon the human scrap heap as no one wanted to employ a person with a medical injury and a history of drug misuse, as such he had become bitter and mentally unstable, and wanting revenge.

Derick had come to the Greys attention one day after been abducted and upon reading his mind, they decided he was possibly useful to them, and offered him drugs which were unobtainable to humans in exchange for agreeing to work for him, however within Derick’s mind, he never saw that the Greys were manipulating him, but to his eyes, he saw his old service buddies who had come to help him. As such he thought he was gathering secret intelligence and trying to help them root out so called moles from within the Alien Research Units.

Heck he was working for his country once again, and even been paid a wage and given new medication to help him combat the constant pain of the injury. What he was unaware of, was his mind was been manipulated and to him it was real, he was deep undercover and gathering intelligence, and passing it on any time he discovered something useful.

He still genuinely had some military friends who would occasionally share a drink with him, and talk about the old days, and even occasionally after a few to many drinks, and then they would start talking about their work, and what he was missing.

Derick took the new medication and it truly numbed the physical pain, it also sharpened his mind, and after a few months of genetic manipulation, Derick was placed back upon the streets a new man, only he was now under the Greys influence and had no idea he was working directly with the enemy of his country.

What made it worst was his sister, she worked within the secretary section of the intelligence pool, and had been trying to get her brother help, as she thought the military were wrong in treating him so badly, especially as it was their fault for prescribing him experimental medication which caused his addiction, and eventual loss of employment.

When she had seen how vastly improved her brother was, she was thrilled and over joyed with happiness for him. He had told her he had volunteered for a new medical treatment for ex-military, and it had changed the quality of his life. He even appeared to have employment and a wage, and looked as well as acted, so much better.

They would meet every four weeks and go out for an evening meal, and just talk, spending time together and catching up on old times, heck it was her brother, and he was a good ex-Marine, who was up for promotion, he had been security cleared and trusted.

Any way Derick’s sister Louise loved him, and she knew he was trustworthy, and this new treatment had transformed him back into the brother she had known, trusted and loved. What she had not known, every piece of gossip and information was been recorded, collected, collated and passed on back to the Greys. Her brother was no longer the man he had been, his mind was deeply compromised and under alien influence, and every time Louise spoke about her work, she was passing on valuable intelligence without even realising it.

The greys singled Derick out and on the regular time he was to have an evening with his sister, they knew where she was going to be, and had informed the Borgets Queen they had a suitable operative in mind and was awaiting her orders. The Queen tried one desperate act and sent out some two thousand plus single manned ships with cloaking abilities to try and pass earth’s outer defences, and that of The Others.

She only needed one single ship to make it into earth’s atmosphere, even if the pilot eventually died, as long as one single fragment of the ship made it to earth, the nanorobotics would do the rest, and as long as the Greys retrieved it and then took it to their base control centre so it could infiltrate their systems. As it happened one ship, a pilot and several fragmented pieces of wreckage made it to Mexico, all other ships were destroyed by The Others, and earth space defence.

The Atlantions immediately sent out crafts an operatives searching out any possible wreckage as they were aware it could be compromised with nanorobotics technology, and were very aware of the danger it presented if found and came into contact with any form of computers. Once it found its way into the Greys military and research base upon earth, it immediately started rebuilding itself, and within two months was fully operational and there was a Borgets hive station now upon planet earth.

Louise was not forgotten, nor was Derick, they had simply been placed upon hold as regards any further action to be taken until the new hive station was operational. All of the entire earths World Wide Web had become infected, and every computer connected no matter how advanced the virus software was, had become compromised, and the service providers who themselves were now infected, were not aware of their security breach.

On the few occasions a technician discovered something wrong, the nanorobotics became aware of their actions and started observing them, and took action if they feared been reported. The next day the operative would simply have vanished and never to be found again, or if the situation was more vital and immediate action was taken, with an electrical surge, which usually fried their brains and they were found burnt to a crisp.

The problem was even the phone system required computer technology and these were all infected, so even if an issue was found, the moment the technicians used their phones or computers to report an issue they were compromised, and immediate action was taken, as such the nanorobotics had remained undetected for over three months, until a technician working within the military realised an unusual amount of his friends were dying unexpectedly or simply vanishing overnight.

His younger brother who was a computer technician had been teaching him regards his work, as Adrian the older brother had been a mechanical technician with some computer knowledge, but had wanted a promotion within his younger brothers section, as it was two pay grades higher, so his brother had started teaching him all he needed to learn.

Only he came to Derick one day and told him something was seriously wrong and proceeded to tell him he had discovered a serious security flaw within the World Wide Web, stating it was infected with an unknown technology. The next day he had simply vanished overnight and never to be found again. As he had taken no direct action upon discovering the fault, the nanorobotics had not needed to take immediate action, but had started observing him, even via CCTV and also by intelligent TV and sat navigation.

All had seemed well and the technician had not attempted to contact anyone via any computerised device, and even the Intelligent TV within his home had been observing him as soon as he entered his home. Fortunately within his workshop there was no computerised equipment intact, and he had seen his brother and spoken to him, and who later left via the garage, as he only lived three blocks away?

When Adrian became aware of his younger brothers disappearance, he became concerned, at first he had not taken his brother seriously, when he told him friends and technicians were dying or vanishing, and that he had discovered a serious security breach upon the World Wide Web.

But now he was unsure and reported it audibly to his immediate superiors, who fortunately were wise enough to not use a phone, fax or any form of computer system, as they were aware of the orders of compromised technology been sought by high command, and any incident regardless of how small or seemingly insignificant was to be audibly reported immediately, and away from any computerised equipment.

The information eventually made its way to High Command and then to the Atlantions, Jennie had been informed and Sandra became aware, knowing the Atlantions needed to be immediately informed. Sandra passed the information upwards and an immediate check of computers using the World Wide Web, discovered the nanorobotics infection.

This presented a serious compromise of security, as any operative who went home and used their laptops, tablets or any computerised equipment, were at risk of having files compromised and of been observed and listened upon, and any careless conversation could bring about disclosing serious security breaches and compromising other operatives and operations.

Also all conventional military ran off the World Wide Web, and as such were now fully compromised, as was the intelligence agencies and the Alien High Command was placed into immediate lockdown, sealing off the base and having all operatives brought in for their safety and security. This had been the Queens plan, she had ordered the Greys to abduct Louise and Derick, and Derick was held and used as leverage to force Louise to comply.

She was given a single ladies makeup compact, which she was to use when at her work station, and allow the dusted talc to settle upon her keyboard. That was all she had to do, and if she did, then Derick would be released and she would never be disturbed again. Well that is what she was told by what to her was a Military looking General, who simply told her this was a security exercise, and her brother was playing his part in role play, and that he was in no real harm, this was simply to test if station security was suitable, and to see if it could detect a mock attack.

As Louise played a vital function in secretarial work handling top secret data, she was recalled to work, and placed at first within a holding pattern, where all personnel were checked and then passed to return to work. When Louise came to her turn she was led into a medical room and told to strip and stand against a wall facing it, so that a bio genetic machine could scan her and see if any implants or skin contact nanorobotics had compromised her.

As she undressed and stood before the wall, all of her clothing was taken and burnt, and her belongings were examined.

As she stood there the ray of light engulfed her and before she knew what was happening she had been beamed aboard an unknown ship, and she was unable to move, and semi frozen in place. There a voice in her mind calmed her. “Louise we are aware of the military exercise, you have done well and proved to our superiors the security is working. The compact was found and we are going to allow you to use it, but first you must help us to help you.

Louise could feel her mind been calmed and then before she knew it, she was back in the medical room and unaware of what had transpired. As she was given new clothing to wear, she was handed back her personal belongings and passed for work. Louise made her way to her work station and sat before her computer console, as she switched the machine on, she logged in and started working.

Three hours later when others had gone for a coffee break, she went to the vending machine, purchased a coffee and a muffin, and returned to her desk, from there she got out her makeup compact, and opened it, and applied talc to her face, allowing the talc to settle upon her keyboard. Placing the compact away, Louise drank her coffee, and ate her muffin, and then returned to working.

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