Abandoned Treasure

Chapter Shifting Allegiances

Alpha Rori Nygaard’s POV

Arrowhead Pack Beach

Monday, July 27th, 2020

I could see the surprise in Nathan Storm’s face. “You want ME to join Arrowhead Pack?”

“Yes, and quickly,” I replied. “There is a storm coming, Nathan. No one can guarantee what the Alphas will do after hearing your story. As a Pack member, I can protect you and your family.”

“Why would you do this? It’s going to go over like a fart in church.”

“You and Jade have shown your true character. You have courage, talent, and loyalty. I don’t think you’re the same wolf who killed my mother.”

“I’m not,” he said. “Are you sure? Your cousins won’t like this a bit. They want to see me burn.”

“That’s my problem,” I replied.

“What about Jade?”

“When she returns, she can join as well.”

He looked off, linking someone. “My family is coming. Isra is not; we don’t think she can join a Pack without being mated to a wolf. My children are part wolf, so they can join. I submit to you, Alpha Rori. You can bring us all in at the same time.”

The guards didn’t have orders to stop his children from coming, and they were soon running down the dock. I stood as they sat on the bench, and we completed the ceremony to add them to the Arrowhead Pack. I felt each of their wolves in my head as they joined, and linked them to congratulate them.

I could feel confusion, excitement, and anger surging through the Pack as they linked to the others. “Nathan Storm and his girls Khoi, Bao, and Chao are now in our family. Please extend them a warm welcome as the newest members of Arrowhead.”

Most were happy, but one of the warriors was first to question me. “Alpha, he murdered your MOTHER!”

“Wayne Kerr, I’ve forgiven him for what he did as a young man at the direction of his Alpha. I wouldn’t have asked him to join if I didn’t trust his character now.”

The Pack soon fell in line. Some of them had things in their past that I’d overlooked when I brought them in; this was just bigger than most. The girls all gave me a hug, then ran ahead to join their friends at the beach. They were thrilled they could use the link with them now. I led Nathan back to the beach, where the welcoming committee was not near as welcoming. Several other Alphas were standing in wait, and a few were NOT happy.

“WHAT HAVE YOU DONE,” Alpha Martin thundered. Enforcers moved closer to Chair Colletta and Frank, while my warriors moved closer to me. Martin’s Betas looked around nervously, knowing they were outnumbered.

“I brought Nathan and his family into the Arrowhead Pack,” I replied evenly.

“I have a signed warrant for the arrest of Nathan Storm on a charge of murder,” Chief Enforcer Trestman replied.

“Let me see it.” He stepped forward and handed me the document, signed by my mother-in-law. I turned to Nathan. “Nathan Storm, you are under arrest. You are not to leave the Arrowhead Pack grounds without an escort and my permission.” The second part was an Alpha order, which he acknowledged with a bow of his head.

Luna Rebecca was furious, but her mate was smart enough to hold her back. “He belongs in the CELLS!”

Pack Law was on my side; we'd used the same reasoning to get Coral out of custody in Bitterroot. If an Alpha committed to deliver a prisoner for trial, the Council couldn't hold him. “Nathan returned here voluntarily knowing the warrant was coming. He’s my pack member, and he’s properly restricted pending trial. We all know that if he breaks Alpha command, his life is forfeit.”

Martin looked over at the Chief Enforcer. “Can’t you do something about this? It’s a COUNCIL warrant!”

“He’s under arrest, and his Alpha determines the restrictions he is place under,” Mark replied evenly. “It is Alpha Rori’s responsibility to deliver Nathan for trial. We are allowed to monitor but not interfere.”

“He was a ROGUE until three minutes ago!”

Mark shrugged. “He was arrested as a member of the Arrowhead Pack. There’s nothing I can do, Alpha.”

That settled it. I looked over at Beta Vic. “Vic, escort Nathan to his room.”

“I’ll take him,” Alpha Sawyer said. “We need to talk.”

“Vic, you drive them.” I trusted Sawyer, but I wanted more protection along the way in case one of our visitors tried something stupid. I waited until they left. “Can we go sit down? I left dessert on the table.”

“And we know how cranky a pregnant wolf gets without her food,” Chase said as he took my hand. “We have a lot to discuss, my mate.” He turned to the others. “Let’s sit down and discuss this like rational leaders.”

I didn’t expect that from you, Rori,” Colletta sent. “It’s going to go over like a turd in the swimming pool with the Alphas.”

We sat down at our long table again, but the guards stayed close by. I dug into my strawberry shortcake while everyone calmed down. “Remind me of the process now, Chief Enforcer.”

“The Council will appoint a prosecutor. Nathan and his lawyer will be allowed time to review the evidence and prepare a defense. A trial date will be scheduled at least three days from now to allow the jury to assemble.”

I needed information. “Sawyer, when do you want the trial scheduled?”

“I need a preliminary hearing with the Council and the Alphas first. It’s too late to get them together now, so I suggest a video call at ten in the morning.”

“For what?”

“He’s going to plead guilty to the charge, so the trial is a formality. I’m challenging the jurisdiction of the Council.”

That would be fun. “I’ll set it up.” I turned to Chair Colletta. “Sawyer Nygaard is the defense lawyer for Nathan Storm,” I started. I could see people wince, knowing how many times he’d gotten me and others off. “He’s requesting a preliminary hearing tomorrow at ten in the morning with the full Council and the Alphas.”

Colletta looked over at her Chief Enforcer. “Make it happen, Mark.”

“Yes, Madam Chair.” He left to make the notifications.

Colletta looked over at Alpha Martin next. Since he filed the complaint, he couldn’t serve on the jury. “Have you selected a prosecuting attorney?”

“My personal lawyer, Pat McGroin.”

“Very well. Rori, will we be using your conference room for the hearing?”

“Yes, Madam Chair.” I had to keep things formal for official business.

“I’ll see you all at breakfast, then. Frank and I have a lot of work to do tonight.”

We all stood while they left with their Enforcer escort. Martin and Rebecca left next. That left only Alphas Keith and Coral Sexson, and Alphas Carson and Heather Nygaard. Both families traveled here today, and their children were playing on the beach with their nannies. “This is going to be fun,” Carson said with a smile. “Sawyer loves this shit.”

I cracked a smile at that. “He doesn’t get a chance to play lawyer unless one of us is in trouble.”

“So he’s had lots of practice,” Chase said with a laugh. “We should get going.”

“Yeah, it’s time to put the babies to bed.” We wished everyone a good night, then headed home. Chase banged me good in the shower, leaving me feeling all tingly and satisfied as we climbed into bed. I could tell he was thinking about something as I tucked into his shoulder. “Something bothering you?”

“You didn’t talk to me about bringing Nathan into the Pack before you did it.”

“I know,” I whispered. “I was afraid you’d say no.”

“You forgave him, and he fought for us. Why would I refuse him?” He looked into my eyes. “We are a team, Rori. It hurts you don’t trust me enough to seek my counsel first.”

“I’m sorry.”

“I love you to the moon and back, Rori.”

He fell asleep, but I didn’t. He was right. I was the dominant Alpha in our relationship, but Luna gave me him to balance my leadership. I’d disrespected him and his position by taking this action alone.

My tears stained the pillow until I finally fell asleep.

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