Abandoned Treasure

Chapter Mykayla

Mykalya Pierce’s POV

Arrowhead Pack House

Tuesday, April 2, 2019

(Trigger warning- child sexual assault)

I stayed in the back of the kitchen, helping to decorate the cupcakes for today’s lunch. “Nice job, kiddo,” Lisa said as she walked by. “You have talent.”

It wasn’t much, but I’d added a little twist of my wrist that made the flowers more interesting. I liked working in the baking section; the place smelled great, and I didn’t have to go out among all the strange adults visiting this week. I finished one tray and went to reload my icing bag when Juliett tapped my arm. “I ran out of baking powder. Can you get a five-pound box out of the dry goods storeroom? I’m a mess.”

She had flour on her face and was overwhelmed making rolls, so I nodded and set my bag down. The walk-in freezers and storage pantries were on the other side of a hallway that ran along the side of the kitchen from the dining wing to the loading dock. I was opening the door to the storage room when I heard a voice that made my stomach roll. “Little Mykayla,” he said.

I turned towards him with my eyes down, hoping he would leave me alone. Philip was a teenager in the Council’s retraining program when I escaped to Arrowhead. He was never old enough to abuse my guardians, but he’d tease them about what he would do when he came of age. He’d tormented me for years, telling me about all the things he’d do when the Alpha ‘turned me loose.’ “May I help you, sir?”

He grabbed me by the hair and shoved me inside. “You were born to serve real men, and your training starts NOW.” He pulled down on my hair until I dropped to my knees. His other hand unhooked his belt and unzipped his jeans. I started to scream, but he stopped that with a painful slap. “Yell out, and I’ll beat the shit out of you.”

I wished I could link someone, but I didn’t have my wolf yet. I watched in horror as his jeans dropped, exposing his arousal as he pulled one leg out. “You know what to do, bitch.”

He pulled me closer, and I put my hands out to stop it. I didn’t want this! He couldn’t DO this! We weren’t at Bitterroot anymore! He forced my face closer and gripped my jaw painfully. “Open wide.”

NO!” My answer growled up from somewhere deep in my brain. I felt like my mind got shoved out of the way aside as something else came forward. My body exploded in pain, and I saw myself lashing out.

Suddenly, my eyes were sharp and focused on the man. I snapped, my teeth ripping into the soft flesh before I shook my head from side to side. “FUCK! GET OFF ME,” he screamed as my teeth tore free. I dropped to four paws and struggled to stand up. His foot crashed into my chest before I could move away. I flew into some boxes, whining as I struggled to get up again.

“YOU FUCKING BITCH! I’LL KILL YOU!” He was holding his shredded dick with one hand while he tossed a fallen box out of the way. I ducked between some others, only to have him kick them aside.

And then the door slammed open.

A giant of a man stood there, his eyes taking in the scene as I hid in the corner. He took a deep sniff, and rage filled his face.

He wasn’t mad at me. One big hand grabbed Philip by the neck and lifted him from his feet. I could see claws extending, puncturing his skin as he struggled to free himself. The man looked back at me, then threw the man through the door and into the concrete wall across the hallway.

“Stay here,” he growled.

I saw Philip get up and try to run, but my rescuer was having none of that. He hit him in the kidney, making him scream and drop to his knees. I moved out of my hiding place, poking my head out as he followed him into the empty dining area. One more punch knocked him on his ass, then the big man sat on his chest and started beating the shit out of him.

People started streaming out of the other wing, and Alpha Rori was in the lead. I ran to her, hiding behind her legs as I shivered in fear. She picked me up, and I buried my face in her shoulder.

I couldn’t stop shaking.

“Тимур отойди,” someone yelled.

“What’s going on here?” I recognized him as the Council Chairman. I didn’t like him.

“My pack. My decisions,” Rori said. Beta Teri came up and took me from my Alpha. I whined, not wanting to leave Rori’s arms, but my new wolf was relaxed. She walked us away while I kept my eyes closed.

I opened them again as we reached the tunnels. My wolf could smell everything, and my vision was better, even in the low light. I wanted to talk to someone, but I didn’t know how. Anything I said came out as a yip or a whine. “You’re going to be all right, Mykayla. Alpha Chase is coming to the clinic to check you over.”

I let out a yip, struggling against her. “Do you want to walk?” My tail wagging must have been enough of an answer because she set me down again. My chest hurt, but my wolf was happier this way. I swayed for a moment before taking a step. “Come on, kiddo. Take your time.”

I got the hang of walking, and I was sniffing everywhere. Every one of my senses seemed better, more vibrant, and more exciting. Stairs were a challenge, but Teri talked me through it. Jumping up on the exam table wasn’t happening, though. Alpha Chase came into the room and helped me up. “How is she doing?”

“Scared, and breathing deeply hurts her. I could feel her tense up a few times.”

“Just relax, Mykayla. I’m going to see where it hurts.” His hands felt warm as he checked me out from nose to tail. I whined when he felt the left side of my chest, but the rest felt good. He even scratched my ears! “I need you to shift back to your skin to finish my exam,” he told me.

No! I shook my head no, then stuck my muzzle between his arm and chest. I was safer this way; no one ever hurt my friends while they were in their fur. Teeth and claws could defend me. There was a reason none of my people got to shift until Bitterroot got disbanded.

“Mykayla, do you trust me?” I shivered and let out a yip to tell him I did. “The man who did this will die today. He violated you, and he broke the rules by touching a female against her will. Alpha Rori is laying down the law to our visitors as we speak.” I dropped down to my chest and looked up at him. “You need to shift so I can bring your wolf into our Pack. You want that, don’t you?” I yipped again. “Once you are Pack, you can link with everyone else. Do you know how to shift?”

I’d seen it before, so I nodded. “Shift back, Mykayla.” I started shivering and shook my head again. I knew it would hurt, and I didn’t want that. Chase and Teri tried to talk me into it. I held out for a few minutes until Chase used his Alpha command. My wolf complied, and the pain came back. My howl became a scream as soft fur changed to pale skin. “Good girl,” Chase said. “Teri, grab some blankets from the warmer across the hall.”

I sat on the table as Alpha Chase checked my ribs. “They look bruised, but I’d like an X-ray to verify that.” Teri covered me up as he went to get the machine. It didn’t hurt, and he turned the screen so I could see. “You’ll be fine in a few days.”

He brought me into the Arrowhead Pack and taught me how to link him if I needed his help. Teri held the doors open as he carried me down the hall to one of the other rooms and set me on the bed. “I have to go, Mykayla. Rori needs me at the meetings, but I’ll stop in later. You’ll be sore after your shift for a day or two, but this will help you sleep.” He gave me a fruity drink before Teri tucked me in. They turned the lights out, and I eventually fell asleep.

I opened an eye when the door opened, and Tammy and Taylor walked in. My wolf relaxed with my guardians here, and I fell asleep again.

The next time I woke, I was in my fur again. Another wolf was lying on the floor, but it wasn’t my Moms. My wolf didn’t mind him being here, so I went back to sleep.

I woke up, shifted back to human form, and stretched; the pain wasn’t as bad now. Taylor was sitting next to the bed, and the big wolf was gone. “How are you doing, baby?”

“Better, Mom.”

“I’m so sorry this happened to you,” Tammy said. “We let you down.”

“You couldn’t have known, Mommy. It’s not your fault.” I sat up, and my two guardians wrapped me in their arms. When we’d finished crying, Tammy handed me some new clothes. Holding my arms above my head hurt, so they helped me put the shirt on. “Is that man gone?”

“He’s dead, baby,” Taylor responded in my head. “No one will hurt you again, not after what Timur did to him.”

“Who’s Timur?”

“The man who pulled him off of you,” Tammy responded. “This is so nice, being able to talk to you like this.”

“I thought wolves didn’t shift until they were older.”

“Most wolves shift between fourteen and seventeen years of age. Yours came out early to protect you.”

I heard a knock at the door. I could smell the angry man again, and I started to shiver. “May I come in,” the deep voice asked.

My shivering got worse, and I moved behind my Mommy. Taylor got up and opened the door to reveal the giant man. Looking back at me, she stepped out and closed the door again. I could still hear her, though. “She’s been through a lot, and she’s afraid.”

“I would never hurt her.”

“I know that, but that isn’t her experience with men.”

“My wolf won’t let me rest until I know she’s all right.” I heard something drop to the floor, then a soft whine. Taylor opened the door to let a walking carpet in. He was the biggest wolf I’d ever seen, with dark brown fur and golden eyes. His tail was wagging fast as he looked at me.

My wolf was happy, and I knew he wouldn’t hurt me. I came out from behind Mommy as he walked over. He didn’t have to put his paws up to put his head in my lap. Tingles shot up my arms as I touched his fur, and he rumbled his pleasure as I scratched his ears and neck. He looked up and licked my face, making me squeal. “He’s so big and strong,” I said.

My guardians got off the table, and Timur jumped up to replace them. Somehow, he managed to lie down, curled around me as I leaned on him. My Moms covered us with the blankets again, and I rested on my big wolfy as she turned the television on to my favorite show.

“Mykayla? It’s Coral. Can I come in?”

“Alpha Coral? Please,” I said.

I grabbed the remote, muting my show.Coral smiled at me. “How are you feeling?”

“Everything hurt when I shifted back. I wanted to stay wolf. I’m safer that way, but Alpha Chase ordered me to.”

“It’s a good thing he did, though. I wouldn’t be able to talk to you since I’m not your Beta anymore,” she said. “And I didn’t want to leave without saying goodbye.” She sat on the bed and hugged me. “You have a friend?”

“My mate.” My Moms told me that was why I felt the tingles when we touched, and felt so safe around his wolf. “I didn’t ask for one.”

“He is kind of big.” We giggled as Timur chuffed in annoyance. “Mates are a wonderful blessing, and you have years to get to know Timur before you make any decisions. Don’t block him out just because other men have hurt you.” She kissed my head. “He is a good man, but make him prove himself to you.”

“If I have to,” I said. We talked for a few more minutes before Coral had to leave.

Chase checked on me after dinner, which Mommy brought to us in our room. I laughed as Timur ate the four big steaks in four bites. We stayed overnight in the room, long enough for all the strange people to leave the Pack again.

Timur didn’t leave. He did snore, though.

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