Abandoned Treasure

Chapter Mass Hysteria

Jade Robert’s POV

West of Garden City, Utah

Thursday, November 8, 2007

I was burning up, and nothing was making it better.

I sat in the chest-deep water of the pond, trying desperately to cool my fevered body. Standing in the cold breeze, rolling in the snow, or dunking myself in freezing water didn’t work. No matter how cold it was around me, the fevers inside didn’t abate.

My brain was foggy, and I started to have visions. I saw myself heavy with a child while I sat in front of my computer. I sensed a man coming behind me, kissing the side of my neck as his hands held my shoulders. His lips set my body on fire. I closed my eyes and leaned my head back into his muscled chest. I shuddered as his hands moved around, cupping my swollen tits and squeezing my sensitive nipples.

The orgasm hit me without warning. My eyes opened, and my shaking body rode the wave of pleasure as I sat in the rocky pond. The relief didn’t last; my cat couldn’t self-relieve the need coursing through me. My fevered brain was thinking about a change to my human form to use my fingers when I saw the grey shape exiting the treeline.

My eyes got wide as my mind processed the danger. A predator, a wolf, running right at me! I leapt out of the water and took off in the opposite direction. The hill wasn’t steep, but the trees’ safety was far away. I ran as fast as I could, but the sound of his paws on the frozen ground kept getting closer.

Suddenly, I was tumbling. I spread my paws out to stop the rotation, skidding to a stop in the snow and grass, but that was as far as I got. Sharp teeth closed around my neck, and a heavy body pressed me against the frozen tundra. I tried to get away, but the vise grip on the back of my neck only tightened. He growled in frustration, and I stilled before he broke my neck.

My body was on fire from his touch, and my mind finally caught up. Mom was sending help, and that help was the rogue werewolf. He wasn’t a tom, but he had a dick and a tongue and could keep up with the demands of a heat-crazed female.

I gathered my hind legs under me, raising my hips, then moved my tail aside in invitation. The wolf was as big as the mountain lions I’d used for heat relief in the past, so my rear legs had to push way up to get into position. I felt his fiery rod searching for my ready sex and moved myself into place. He found it, and pushed forward with a savage thrust of his hips.

I came hard, hissing with the pain of his big cock invading my tiny body. He gave me no time to adapt to his size, pounding away on me like a bongo drum during a solo. As much as it hurt, it helped; I was orgasming repeatedly on it. Each release brought the fevers down a little.

My mind cleared enough to think about what I was doing. Sex with a wolf was not natural, but I liked it. My insides slowly adapted to his size and the force of his fucking. My hissing turned to growls, never purrs. Clouded leopards don’t have the bone structure in the throat to purr like other cat species.

The wolf, Mom said his name was Nathan, was like a machine. His long-stroking with his big cock was a completely different feeling from mating with the cougars. They had a shorter cock, maybe seven inches long, with a barbed tip. Once it was inside, the barbs would drag against my insides while he short-stroked me to completion in thirty seconds or less. The barbs would stimulate ovulation, so late in my heat, I would have a better chance to take.

Nathan’s cock felt fantastic once I got used to the size. I relaxed, amazed at how long he could go. What a cougar lacked in staying power, he made up for in recovery time. My last heat, he’d mated with me over fifty times the first day. If Nathan could go five, I’d be a puddle in the snow by nightfall!

I relaxed under his onslaught, enjoying the sensations, when I felt something different. It felt like a fist banging against my swollen lips, demanding entry. Nathan stopped thrusting and started pushing this grapefruit into my already-stretched opening.

I struggled and growled and tried to get away, but he was having none of it. I felt his teeth break the skin on my neck as he kept pushing. I screeched when it popped inside, passing out seconds later from the pain.

I woke up sometime later, the sharp pain gone, but an incredible fullness remained in my vagina. Nathan was licking my neck as his cock continued its assault on me. It was different now; when he pulled back, the swollen part of his dick would rub against my g-spot, but it couldn’t get out. On the way in, it rubbed my insides, unlike anything I’d felt before.

I came hard as his strokes came faster. I felt his teeth bite down on my shoulder as he pushed that cock in as far as it could go and he started to fill me with sperm. It set my orgasm off again, making me see stars. When he let go, I twisted my head and bit his neck and left shoulder in revenge.

I was panting, and wanted out, but that thing in me wouldn’t let go. I tried to wiggle away, only to have the pain of it stop me. Thankfully, he moved slowly to the side, easing us down to the snow until we were on our sides with his wolf dick buried deep inside. “That fucking hurt,” I thought to myself.

I felt something in the back of my head, a pressure, like a hand raised up in the back of a classroom. I thought about it, and it came through in a male voice. “Thank Luna she didn’t run away! She might have pulled my dick off.”

My jaw hung open. “What the hell was this voice in my head? Who are you?”

I’m Nathan. I’m… shit! If I didn’t know better, I’d say you are my mate!”

“Clouded Leopards don’t have mates. We’re solitary cats.”

“Well, we’re talking over a mental link that werewolves have. You aren’t related, and I’m not the leader of a Pack, so you must be my mate.”

I shook my head, not understanding a thing that was going on. “How? I don’t even KNOW you!”

“My wolf won’t say, but he’s awfully pleased with himself. What is your cat saying?”

I checked with my animal side. My cat had been fucked senseless, my heat was temporarily satisfied, and a strong male remained deep inside her. “She’s thrilled,” I replied. “Still, you’re a wolf. How could you mate me?”

I felt him lick my tender shoulder. “Wolves complete the mating during sex when the male bites the female on the shoulder, and she bites him back. I don’t remember doing it, but I got your neck good.”

“I bit you hard in return,” I replied. “I remember being pissed at you, so I got you good.”

I know, you’ve got some long damn teeth!”

“So do you, you big oaf. Don’t you need permission to mate someone?”

He looked away from me and then licked my ears. “If your cat didn’t want me, she wouldn’t have bitten me back.”

I wanted to move and stretch, but my movements didn’t get me much. “Can you let me go? I want to go somewhere more comfortable.”

Instead of his cock shrinking, the movement gave him a new life. “Not if you keep moving like that. You’re smaller than a wolf female so that knot won’t let you go for a long time.”


“It’s a wolf’s means of increasing the chances of fertilization. A spongy ball-like swelling on the base of the penis keeps us locked together and stops any sperm from leaking out.”

I can feel your seed sloshing inside me. If it were possible to get me pregnant, you would.”

He started to move his hips, and I growled softly as the good feelings returned. He ended up on top of me again, short-stroking me to three more orgasms before he filled me with more of his manly essence. He laid down again, leaving us locked together in the snow. “Why aren’t you worried about getting pregnant?”

I told him about cat mating practices and the role of the barbs in stimulating ovulation. “You’re doing a great job with my heat, but without an egg release, this goes nowhere.”

“If you ovulated, could I even get you pregnant? Dogs and cats aren’t genetically compatible.”

I had to think about that for a bit. “I’ve never heard of it. I’d have to ask Mom.”

“Maybe Georgina would know,” he said. “We’re part human, after all.”

I settled down with my head on his front leg and thought about it. Even in the best conditions, heats rarely led to pregnancy in our kind. This was my fifth heat since reaching sexual maturity. I’d suffered through my first, then took a cat partner for the next three. “I don’t mind if it doesn’t happen. I have school and hacking and so much else going on right now! I don’t have time for a kitten.”


“That’s right, you wolves don’t shift until your teens. Cat babies can shift in the womb, and our kind can shift while pregnant.”

He thought about it for a minute. “Makes sense. You don’t have a Pack to protect your females.”

“If we shift back, it will be impossible to get me pregnant. With how ovulation gets triggered in our bodies, it can only happen in cat form.” I wiggled my hips a bit to get away.

I don’t know. I kind of like having you knotted,” Nathan replied. He started moving his hips, and I was lost to the pleasure shortly after. The sun had set before he finally pulled out, leaving a puddle of fluids on the trampled ground.

He licked at my abused sex, sending shivers up my back. “We should go back to the cabin and get something to eat before my heat hits again,” I said. “I hope you brought something, or you’ll be hunting for me.”

“Mom packed a bag,” he told me.

I struggled onto my paws, my body stiff and hurting from the hours of sexual activity. He wasn’t much better. ‘Red as the head of a dick on a dog’ certainly applied here. It looked like it had been rubbed with sandpaper.

The difference in our size was almost comical as we stood up. I walked under his chest, only having to dip my head down! I came up under his jaws, licking them with my rough tongue as a low growl rumbled through his chest. “I don’t smell any threats.”

“Agreed. We need to be careful, though. This isn’t our territory.”

“I don’t know where Art is, but he won’t mind me using his place for a heat. He’s a good cat.”

“I didn’t know there was such a thing until recently,” Nathan replied. I walked out from under him, heading towards the trees.

And now?”

“Isra is a good woman, cat or otherwise. You are my mate, so the Goddess Luna must approve of you. How am I to think differently?”

“You shouldn’t. You must be a good wolf, or so many people wouldn’t be risking their lives for you.”

He stopped moving, and I did the same. “I’ve done bad things in my life, Jade. I thought having to live without my mate and child was a deserved punishment.”

“And now?”

He came up and licked my cheek. “Now I know nothing, Jade. If Luna is giving me a fresh start, I’ll take it.”

“Good answer,” I said as I turned back.

We made it to the cabin, which was locked. We grabbed our clothes and food from our vehicles before heading to the back. The lock on the four-season porch door was open, and the hot tub was filled. We shifted inside, and I turned on the gas heater for the space while Nathan uncovered the tub. I got my first good look at his body and liked what I saw. He was tall, muscled like a fighter, and showed the scars of a hard life. He stepped into the warm waters while I grabbed towels from the cabinet and set them on the table.

“You’re beautiful,” he told me as I walked to the tub.

I blushed. “I’ve got the body of a ten-year-old,” I complained.

“No. You are compact, strong, and graceful like a dancer.”

“I don’t have the big tits and ass people like these days.”

He stood up, his manhood standing at attention. “You do this to me, Jade.” He held his hand out and helped me climb into the tub. I ended up in his lap, seated fully on the cock that stretched me just as much in this form but without the knot.

We spent the next two days of my heat in our skin, making love dozens of times each day. We’d shift and run in the snow in between, but we didn’t couple in animal form for birth control purposes. Art never returned, but I left him a note and some money on the porch.

I kissed my mate before getting into my car. “Call Mom when you are on the road,” he told me. “Let her know what happened.”

“Cats and dogs, living together, mass hysteria?”

“We shall see, my beautiful mate.” He followed me out and stayed in my rear-view mirror until I turned west, and he had to turn east.

I made the call. “Mom, it’s me,” I told her. “I’ve got news.”

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