Abandoned Treasure

Chapter Exit Strategy

Nathan Storm’s POV

Alameda, California

Thursday, December 17, 2018

“Shit’s going down in Minnesota now,” I told my mate as she focused on her computer screen. She was assigned to home now, not officially on suspension, but not allowed to work. Washington had acted quickly as the number of compromised individuals continued to grow. Those arrested already were turning in others as part of plea deals.

Everyone was under suspicion now.

Jade’s replacement arrived from the Florida office before she left last night. Her new boss told her to stay home until the investigation cleared her.

Jade looked up at the television as I turned the volume up. “More shocking events this morning regarding the violent biker gang, the Sons of Tezcatlipoca. Sources within Law Enforcement confirmed that sixteen severed human heads were ‘hung like Christmas ornaments’ on the Border Fence east of San Diego last night. The victims are believed to be senior leaders of the Sons of Tezcatlipoca, who escaped the coordinated raids yesterday on clubhouses in multiple cities. Such public displays are commonplace in the Mexican drug wars. Experts believe the Sons of Tezcatlipoca gang and the Sinaloa Cartel are actively engaged in a turf war with the Tijuana Cartel. In other news, 911 calls in northern Minnesota reported Sons of Tezcatlipoca gang members involved in a kidnapping and attacks on two Two Harbors area homes. Law Enforcement has so far been unable to access the property due to the blizzard still raging in the area. Lake residents are reporting multiple attackers and residents dead or injured.” They showed a satellite image of Lake Arrowhead with circles showing the properties affected. “We will bring you additional details as the news breaks.”

We just looked at each other. “How the FUCK did they get to Minnesota so fast?”

Jade shook her head. “The men would have had to have left when the raids were going on to get there before the storm hit,” she said. “Oakland and Los Angeles are over a day’s drive. The Denver and Texas chapters are closest, but those are still a good sixteen hours away. The only thing I’m sure of is that they couldn’t have flown. The Feds would have them flagged in the system, and they wouldn’t have firearms.”

She was right. “They must have sent people north as soon as Manilo scented Chase and Rori at the funeral.”

She shook her head as she pulled up Google Maps. “They KNOW how dangerous those cats are! Why weren’t they better prepared?”

The Pack grounds were perfect for recreation but not defense. “It’s only a half mile or so from that house they said was the kidnapping site to Rori’s home, and at this time of year? The ice is probably thick enough to drive a truck there.”

Jade switched screens. “I’m going to watch the Werewolf Council site. They must be going nuts with how much Chase and Rori are in the news.”

I kept searching media sites for more details to come out. It didn’t take long before the first call came to the Oracle’s line.Jade answered it. “Identification code?”

“Two-zero-six Bravo.”

“Voice match. How may I help you, sir?”

“Updated orders?”

We need to keep them in the area until the Feds can get them,” I linked her. "Or get them to die in a foolish attack."

Jade nodded. “Operation failed. Report your status.”

“Five units at rendezvous, none participated.” That meant five chapters sent groups already. “Return?”

She ordered him to wipe out everyone and everything at Arrowhead. “Wait for remaining units, then carry out orders.”

That wasn’t the answer he expected, so it took a few seconds to answer. Would he listen, knowing his leadership was dead or in jail? “Understood.”

He hung up, and Jade took off her headset. “Think they’ll stay?”

“I don’t know. Everything I know about the Sons says they are completely loyal to their Club.”

“Then let’s hope they stick around. They can’t hide their tattoos or faces forever, and Arrowhead will be ready if they attack."

The press was all over the “Sons-sickles” found frozen to death on Lake Arrowhead. The men were ill-prepared for the weather and must have lost their way walking across the lake. The press had photos from the ice fisherman who discovered the bodies, plus cellphone video of the Sheriff’s men using a chainsaw to separate them from the frozen lake.

All I heard was that the men were part of the Los Angeles charter. I’d have to wait until the authorities released their names.

Jade found out the Council was holding an emergency meeting at Oxbow Lake tomorrow, with all Alphas in attendance. “What do you think this is about?”

“Arrowhead,” I said. “They fear any attention, and Chase is all over the news. It’s a danger to us all if his nature is exposed.”

“What will they do?”

I shrugged. “At a minimum? They tell him to shut up and stay out of sight. Worst case? They execute him.”

“They’d kill an Alpha?”

I nodded. “Killing is the Council’s favorite way to solve problems.”

“It’s the Cartel’s way, too,” she replied. “We have to figure out how to get out of this mess once the Sons are no longer a threat to us.”

She was right. “The only person who knows of us is a cooperating witness now,” I replied.

“Unless Alejandro turned over information on us to the Cartel when they started using us. Right now, we are helping the Cartel eliminate a liability. We must ensure they don’t start seeing the Oracle as a liability. We continue to operate as we have been with the remaining Sons.” She leaned back in her chair and stretched, her shirt tight across her firm breasts. “It can’t last forever.”

I picked her up and set her on my lap. “It’s not just them. The DEA is crawling all over the computers at your work. I know you’re good, but everything you do might leave tracks. What if you get caught up in their dragnet?”

She snuggled into my chest. “What do you think we should do?”

“Disappear,” I replied. We had alternate identities prepared for just this eventuality. “Sell the house, move out of state, and disappear.”

“And the Oracle?”

“Shut the whole thing down as soon as we finish with the Cartel and the Sons. It’s been a good run, but our people will survive without it.” I hated to take away something that had made life easier, but our safety was more important.

The Cartel wouldn’t hesitate to use my family against me.

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