Abandoned Treasure

Chapter DEA Informant

Warrior Vic Knightly’s POV

Spider Monkey’s Condo, California

Sunday, December 13, 2018

“Take your shoes off, Vic,” Chase said with a smile. I was a little out of it as I slipped them off and went into her computer room. We pulled chairs out of the dining room and brought them over as Spider pulled up the screens. “As soon as the Sons messed with the Club, I had a friend start working on their computers. We infected their computers with a custom malware bot that granted backdoor access and mirrored their keystrokes. When they sent emails to other Clubs, it infected them as well.”

“English, please,” I said. “I’m not very tech-savvy. I’m lucky if I can set the clock on my microwave after the power goes out.”

Spidey laughed at me, making my heart speed up. “It’s all right; you didn’t get shoulders like that in front of a keyboard. We put something in their computers that made them our bitch. We were able to get all the files they stored on there, and while they used it, we could see everything they typed. The Presidents panicked when the news came out that three cops died in the attack on our Clubhouse. They transferred all their Club money into new accounts, sending it through a half-dozen offshore accounts first. Then they destroyed all the computer hard drives so the Feds couldn’t get them. I’m sure they thought they were safe from search warrants because they haven’t touched the money since then.”

“Where is it,” Chase asked.

“A bank in the Cayman Islands,” she said.

We looked at the numbers. “Holy shit, are those numbers real?”

I let out a whistle as well. “How much is that total?”

“Just under ten million dollars. They’ve been running drugs for a long time, and it’s a lucrative business. How much do you know about the drug trade?”

“Nothing other than what I’ve seen on television.”

Spider Monkey explained what a cash cow the industry is and the problems that brings. “It’s a cash business. The Sons were raking in lots of cash from their take in the trafficking, but lots of cash creates problems, too. It’s unwieldy, and you can’t buy cars with fat stacks of Benjamins without the IRS taking notice.”

“That cash in the accounts, that’s their take,” I asked.

“Well, it’s a small fraction of it. Most of the cash can be distributed directly to members for their use. A big chunk disappears when you launder it, and every bank transfer takes a percentage. By the time it gets into the accounts, there’s about half of what you started with.”

“Why give up that much?”

“Well, when it comes out, it’s usable. The money becomes taxable profits from shell corporations and can be brought back into the country. Money laundering is just as complicated as running drugs and far more lucrative. Many a lawyer and banker has made their fortune by processing cash.”

Chase leaned back. “So how do we empty their accounts?”

“We transfer it through other accounts we have set up. I have all their passwords; I just need your help.”

“I don’t know how you can.”

“I can walk you through, but I need you to be the one who does it. That way, we’re in this together.”

“Then what?”

She looked at Chase with a ‘duh’ look on her face. “What do you mean, then what? You and the Club have a shitload of money in YOUR accounts, and they are sad pandas with nothing.”

Chase shook his head. “No; if I do this, I have all the tax and money problems they had. How am I going to explain suddenly having ten million dollars? I’m just asking for the IRS to come after me, and you.”

They were looking at this wrong. “The goal is to hurt the Sons, not to make the Brotherhood rich, right?” They nodded. “So we don’t take the money for ourselves. We make anonymous donations from their accounts to worthy charities, and then we give the banking records to the Feds. Nothing leads back to the Club or us, and all that money does some good.”

“You’re a fucking genius, Vic,” Monkey said. It took Spider Monkey thirty minutes to transfer the money to a stack of reloadable debit cards. Meanwhile, Chase and I pulled up the websites of worthy charities and the GoFundMe pages of the Orlando victims. “Start donating, Chase. Vic, you come with me.”

“Wait, where are we going?”

“We’re getting ice cream because I’m hungry, and I can’t carry all of it back on my motorcycle. Grab your keys, big guy.” She hugged Chase and told him he was doing a good thing. “It didn’t feel right before, but this has me as excited as a kid at Christmas.”

I opened the door to my rental car for her, then went around to get in. She was rubbing my stiffy under my jeans before I could pull out of her driveway. “You are a big guy,” she said softly. “We’re going to have some fun.”

“Business first,” I replied. I put my hand over hers so Spider wouldn’t take it out and cause a crash on the short errand. I drove a few blocks to the ice cream shop, where she ordered three huge sundaes plus four quarts for the freezer.

“Can you eat all that?” I asked as we walked out.

“You’d be surprised at how much I can swallow,” she teased. She had to hold the tray, which kept her from messing with me on the return trip. We walked in to find Chase already done. “I hope you’re hungry,” she said.

“That’s a lot of ice cream,” Chase replied.

“Grab one and follow me.” She set the sundaes on a table, then took the cover off the hot tub. Pulling off her clothes, she got in naked and grabbed her dessert. “Nothing better than this,” she said. “Come on, boys, don’t be shy. I won’t bite.”

“I might,” I replied. I doffed my clothes and got in. Chase entered a few seconds later, and Spidey handed us our sundaes. “Rori won’t mind?”

“Spider’s been in our hot tub naked, and she would never do anything with the old man of a Steel Lady. You, on the other hand, are the dessert, not the ice cream.” Chase focused on eating, while Spider Monkey and I mixed that with playing around under the water. She had a leg over mine as she talked to Chase about her life since she last visited Arrowhead. When Chase finished, he took the dishes with him. “I have to make a phone call or two. You guys relax,” he said.

“I’ll take good care of your friend.”

As soon as Chase went inside, she turned around in the tub and went underwater, taking my cock to the root in a single move. “Fuck,” I said as she ran her tongue around my hardened shaft. Spidey kept the underwater blowjob going for a few minutes, only coming up for air when she had to. “Move up,” she told me. I sat on the edge and spread my legs, giving her full access. I couldn’t believe this tiny woman could lick my balls with my cock halfway down her throat! She was incredible.

She didn’t break the rhythm when Chase came out to ask for the password to her computer. “SpiderM1980,” she said before going back to work. As soon as he was gone again, my little tease stood up, straddled my hips, and placed me at her entrance. I watched as the head stretched her wide before popping in. “Fuck!” It took a minute of her moving slowly up and down before she could take all of me. She orgasmed loudly then, her tight pussy clamping down hard on me. “You’re fucking huge!”

“The bigger the dog, the bigger the dick,” I teased before attacking her lips with my own. She was leaning back, her hands around my neck as I pinched and squeezed her small breasts.

“My Big Dog,” she said as she started moving again. She started picking up speed after a few minutes, and her moans and orgasms began coming fast and often. She lost the ability to make words as I finally stood up, hands under her ass, and started jackhammering up into her. She screamed as she came hard on me, triggering my balls to let loose.

I was seeing stars as I finished, barely sitting down on the bench in the tub again. “Holy shit.” I held Spider Monkey to my chest as she came down from her high.

I lost my erection a few minutes later, finally popping out. “Shit,” she said. “Hand me that towel.” She stood up carefully, catching as much of the creamy flood as she could before it made the pool. “How long were you saving that up?”

“Months,” I said. “Sorry. You got me all wound up.” She moved over, sitting in my lap.We made out for a while while I ran my hands down her tight body and teased her nipples. She smiled when she felt Vic Junior twitching under her legs. “Let’s see if we can get another round in.”

It didn’t take long for her mouth-to-south to get a rise out of me. This time, she had me sit with my feet outside the hot tub before she climbed on the one-way train to Pound Town. I let her control the speed, and she started a slow and sensual ride. “Fuck, I can feel every vein in that thing,” she said as she bottomed out.

The tub edge wasn’t very comfortable, so I moved to a standing position until my arms got tired. “I think we should move this to a bed,” I said as I walked to the door with Spider speared by my dick. Chase was still on the computer. “We’re going to bed, you all right?”

“I’ll be fine,” he said.

“Guest room is first on the left,” Spider added. “Lock up for me?”


We fell asleep after the next round, but it wasn’t long before my alarm woke me up. Chase wanted to get on the road to Los Angeles. Spider got up with me and dressed before we went out to see Chase.

“I want to go with you,” she said.

Chase looked at Vic, then me. “Why?”

“I can help you. First off, I can guide you through the material on those flash drives on the way down so you can make plans. Second, I know you’re going to do some dangerous shit, and you’ll need backup. I can run surveillance, help with planning, anything you need.”

She was right. “I’ll keep her safe, and her talents do come in handy,” I said.

“Fine. We all go in our rental and rotate drivers. We’ll get breakfast on the way out of town. Spider, pack for a few days. We leave in fifteen minutes.” Spidey hugged me and ran back to her bedroom. “I hope this works out. I don’t want her getting in trouble. Go get our rental and back it in front of her garage.”

Chase linked me as she resigned from the Steel Ladies to protect them, just like Chase had. They came out and loaded the bags in the trunk of the Infiniti Q50. She had Chase sit in the backseat so they could both see her laptop while I drove.

I set up the navigation system for the Los Angeles DEA headquarters; it was a little more than a five-hour drive. As soon as I drove away, Spider Monkey started to work with him. “Everything I gave you is on this computer,” she said. “What have you looked at already?”

“I read all the information the Task Force has. They have lots of information, but I can see why they haven’t started arresting people yet. They have suspicions, not proof. What I’m looking for is some information I can get to Director Grimes now so they get an early win.”

“It doesn’t matter which Chapter it is, right?”

“No, in fact, I’d rather not get the Los Angeles chapter all riled up yet.”

“Okay, I think I know what you need.” It turned out that she’d been conducting surveillance on the Oakland chapter for a while. She had information on the drug shipments coming by container. “What I learned is that the Sons are using the docks to bring drugs in via container ships. They bribe the Dock Supervisor and Customs agents so they skip the drug dog and x-ray checks. The container gets loaded on a truck and taken to a warehouse the Sons own. The drugs are removed, repackaged for the other Chapters, and those guys leave in their cars to return to their Chapters for further distribution.”

“You found all this out by listening to their phone calls?”

“Most of it. I pieced the rest together using financial records, shipping manifests, and property records. It helped that the Customs Supervisor asked for more money over the phone.” She was still tapping on the keyboard when I got to the freeway. “This month’s shipment arrived at the Oakland terminal last night. It will offload today; the Club drivers are at the Clubhouse now. The container will go to the warehouse this afternoon, and they will drive out with the product tonight.”

“You’re sure?”

“Yep.” She had all the details. “I was debating calling it in myself, but it’s better if you do it.”

Chase called Frank Grimes while I listened in. “This is Director Grimes.”

“Its Frame. I have a tip for you; grab a pen.” It took a few minutes to give him all the information needed.

“You’re sure about this,” Frank asked.

“Positive. I have more information, but it’s not stuff I can share.”

“It doesn’t matter. Your information is specific enough to get warrants, and if it pans out, we won’t need anything else. Thank you. If we can prove multiple chapters are involved in drug distribution with this bust, it makes the RICO case of a criminal conspiracy easy.”

“I’ll have more for you later, Frank. Good luck.” He hung up and turned the phone back off before removing the battery. “You’ve earned yourself far more than a new motorcycle this time,” he told my girl.

“I don’t do this for money; if I hacked for cash, I’d be just another criminal. I did this for the Club, and now I’m doing it for you and Vic.”

“You’re not a common thief; you’re Robin Hood,” Chase said. “Imagine all the people who will get help because of what we did with their money last night. And the information you got on this drug deal is going to hurt them bad. We didn’t buy you that motorcycle because we wanted to bribe you. We bought it because you earned it.”

“Every time I fire it up, I remember how excited I was when I found out about Possum’s rescue,” Spider said. “I don’t want money out of this, but I do want something.”

“Just ask, and it is yours,” Chase told her.

“Oh, I will. Now, let’s go through some of the other stuff. Are you thinking ‘shock and awe’ or ‘Chinese water torture’ when it comes to the Sons?”

Chase got serious. “I want them to suffer. I want them to think the Club is falling apart. I want people turning on each other and making deals.” Spider went back to typing while Chase called Frank back. “It’s me again. I forgot something. When you apply for the search warrant, include in the affidavit that your informant got the information from the Vice President of the chapter, Carlos Pachino.”

“Did you?”

“Does it matter? All you put in writing is what your informant just told you. When you arrest these guys, segregate Carlos early, then release him.”

“They’re going to think he’s a snitch and kill him, Frame.”

“Why, that would be illegal, Frank. Just do it.”

I smiled as I drove south. The Sons weren’t just a violent gang; they were scumbags who ruined lives with their poison.

They had this coming.

Tip: You can use left, right, A and D keyboard keys to browse between chapters.