Abandoned (Born From Shadows #2)

Chapter Chapter Twenty-Six

Tatianna’s body was already awake from the moment she heard the soft flapping noise swish through the air in the room. Tap. Tap. Tap. The repetitive striking of a peak against Tatianna’s check, shocked her into motion. She brushed the bird from her shoulder, her eyes slowly opening to view its blue wings. Wings that were tainted with red.

It was the Queen’s bird fluttering helplessly around the room. Nylif released a soft growl as the bird screeched. Tatianna stood up from her makeshift bed, knowing that the Queen’s bird being here was not a good sign. She followed it out of her room, being cautious with every turn yet also struggling to keep up with the frantic bird who occasionally bashed into the stone walls in panic.

Nylif’s soft feet padded beside her till she reach the slightly ajar door that led into the Queen’s quarter. She could smell the blood already, but she could also hear a faint heartbeat. She stood there frozen a heavy descions pressing down on her shoulders. It would be so simple for her to just turn the other way. Walk away and all her problems would be gone. The temptation of freedom or to do the right thing.

She pushed the door further open until the full scope of the massacre was in her view, at its heart the struggling Queen fighting for her next breath.

Blood. Blood. Blood.

She knew she was supposed to be appalled. Grimace at the sight. But this was the Queen’s blood, and she did not care if was inside or outside the Elf’s body

The mess of the room indicated that there was a struggle, red was sprayed around the room and coated the walls like icing on a cake. She kneeled down till she could see into the Queen’s aqua eyes. They were full of fear, but also hope from the sight of someone. Someone to help.

As much as she wanted too she couldn’t let the Queen die, not till she got answers. Tatianna’s hand slowly moved and pressed against the gaping wound toward the base of the Queen’s neck. Applying pressure. Feeling the pulse thumping against her hand.

Her eyes glanced around the room towards a dagger lying on the floor with red sparkling on the blade. The violet-coloured bone and wooden handle more familiar to Tatianna than her own face. It was her dagger; she had thought they would have destroyed it but here it laid beautiful and deadly.

The Queen’s body was covered in wounds that weren’t healing, courtesy of the Kaddeian steel. Given the proper treatment she knew that the Queen could recover. “Why did you take me as your prisoner?” she asked using this opportune moment to interrogate the Elf who had made her life hell for the past few months.

“I coul…dn’t kil-kill you,” she struggled to get out. Blood had started to drip down the side of the Queen’s mouth but all that encouraged was for Tatianna to move faster.

“Why not?”

A small cough of blood was the answered she was given in response before the Queen could finally speak again. “Yo-you’re par..ents. Help,” the Queen replied, the only word that was clear was ‘help.’

Before she could ponder on the question a pair of feet running towards the door caught her attention. She acted quickly. Without hesitation.

Her hand grabbed the hilt of her dagger and she stabbed it straight into the Queen’s neck knowing it was her safest bet. The heartbeat diminished as the footsteps crescendo towards her. She hid the blade under her garments and turned to face the person who was about to walk into the room.

“Tatianna,” Tyrion said in shock, looking around the room then finally at the Queen.

“I didn’t do it I-,” she tried to explain, twisting the truth with a lie before her voice was interrupted by a very high-pitched screech. She covered her ears trying to seek relief before the noise stopped and a small blue bird laid dead beside the Queen.

Panicked ran through her like thread through a sewing needle. Weaving its way through her skin as the true consequence of her actions came into her mind. If they found out…she wouldn’t see the light of day. Luckily for her It wasn’t the first time she had evaded the consequences for a crime that she committed.

Her senses went into full alert every fall of dust she heard. Every shift in the corner of her eye she saw with exquisite detail.

“The guards heard that, they’re coming. I-I can’t be seen here. They’ll think I did it,” Tatianna told Tyrion making her voice stutter to try and emphasise the innocent act. “Please, please you have to help me,” she begged.

Tyrion stared at her eyes, but she was strong and kept up the façade. If she could make her eyes reflect the feelings, she wanted to fake then her lies would be seen as the truth. The best way to do this was funnel her fear and panic of going to prison. Pushing away the hopeful thought of freedom and just focusing on all the negative repercussions.

She thought of the different ways out if he said no. She couldn’t fight him on her own, but with Nylif she might stand a chance. She had never seen him in action, but she doubted he was horrible considering the muscles on his arms.

“Come with me,” he told her, washing away all thoughts she had of fighting her way out.

“Thank you, thank you so much,” she sighed. “I promise I’ll return this favour.”

“I’m counting on it,” he replied. Tatianna’s thoughts went cold at the certainty in his voice. What have I gotten myself into? She asked herself.

Whatever is necessary to survive

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