Aadhya Strength Of Pandavas

Chapter 34: THE WEEDING


Aadhya was sitting under the moon light with light breeze flowing, she was thinking about today's events and the upcoming events that might take place due to this decision, somewhere blaming her self for her sakhi's misfortune and was in pure guilt about how her sakhi's life has turn like this because she arrived late, if only! If only she arrived some time before! She let's a sad sigh and thinks how Draupadi was anxious and looking forward to her married life, with questions and doubts filled in her, how her wonderful married life has turned upside down and how she has to take in all the criticism, looks and words of the world, if only!! if only she arrived a little earlier, she would have stopped all this!

Kanha was coming out after talking with Draupadi and saw Aadhya sitting alone, he walked towards her, reaching there he calls out, "Aadhya what topic is keeping you so deep in thoughts?" making her came out of her thoughts, she looked up and gave Kanha A sad smile and signed saying, "nothing, just some thoughts" Hearing her answer Kanha smiled and said, "sharing the problem lessens the pain Aadhya and you never know I might end up giving you A solution you need" hearing this reply she decided to speak out her thoughts.

"I'm just thinking about what happened today and how I might have been able to save this from happening, I know it's sakhi's boon from last birth but this might turn very bad, she has to take in all the criticism, looks and words of the world, plus boon or not this situation not normal, however you see it and I feel guilty about reaching late if only I arrived earlier I -" Kanha cut her off saying "why are you blaming your sel for things which are not in your control? As you said it was her boon, now in this life it's her destiny to fulfill, shouldn't you support her right now? Instead of being sad and thinking about the if's you should stand besides her and give her the courage to fulfill her destiny" hearing this made Aadhya realise that she should be supporting Draupadi right now and be besides her and not be sitting here in self guilt, she smiled at Kanha and said, "thank you Avyukt, you have made me realized what I should be doing!!, yet again you have helped me."

Kanha then asked, "yet again? When was the first time" acting oblivious, aadhya chuckled and replied, "that I shall tell you some other time Avyukt, you tell me what you are doing here at this time? Are you hungry and in search for a company again?" making kanha smile and say, "no this time I came here seeing you sitting alone" Aadhya nodded in reply, then they sat in a comfortable silence or should I say Aadhya started to have new thoughts about Kanha occupying her mind.


Seeing her still confused about her feelings towards me and trying to figuring out her thoughts I decided I shall take the first move, I said, "so Aadhya how did you meet draupadi I remember you calling her you sakhi right now" aadhya smiled hearing me question and told me everything about their meeting and giggling she added, "she told me how you always give her the answers in riddles, I see you still have't changed that style of yours" hearing this even I let out a small laugh and replied, "I believe that people should find the answers to their question themselves" making Aadhya smile at my answers. We sat there feeling the breeze for sometime then I said, "we shall go sleep tomorrow is a big day" she turned to me thinking about tomorrow she nodded sadly still feeling sad about it, we both got up and said our good nights and went our ways to sleep.



After getting ready for the day Aadhya went to the temple to do her puja, on her way she saw a lotus, and had a idea, she took the lotus and went towards Draupadi's chamber, going there she told the maid, "go and tell your princess that her sakhi Madri wishes to enter" the maid nodded and went inside, after coming back she said, "you may go in princess" she nodded and smiled at the maid and went in, going in she smiled and said, "getting ready for the big day sakhi, I brought you a gift" Draupadi looks at her and said, "what was the reason you asked to enter as madri?"

Aadhya smiled at the question and said, "I was your friend first and A friend is A person who is always there to support you no matter what, and is there with you on your every difficult step, will be there to celebrate your happiness and will be there to cry in your sorrow, but will correct you in your wrong as well, so I come here as your friend to support you and be there with you on your big day, now don't you want to see your gift?"

Draupadi smiled a little touched about what aadhya said and replied, "yes I want to see your gift" aadhya smiled and showed the lotus she was hiding behind her and said, "this is the reason we met and the reason of our beautiful friendship, so I wanted to give this lotus to you, plus I want to tell you lotus symbolizes it's ability to remain untilled and pure, despite it's muddy and murky enviorment" Draupadi smiled heartily knowing what Aadhya wanted to convey and replied, "thank you sakhi, you yet again washed away my doubts and made me calm" taking the lotus she held it tightly, talking for a while Draupadi then asks aadhya, "sakhi are you still going to wear your shadvi cloths?" realizing it Aadhya chuckled and said, "I shall go get ready as well, meet you later" Draupadi nodded and Aadhya went to get ready.

Everyone was ready and waiting for the bride, as soon as she entered everyone smiled at her, she was about to go on the manpad when drupad said, "wait before we began this marriage want to ask some questions from maharishi Ved Vays, in front of my eyes my daughter is going to enter a life which is more painful than a funeral pyre, you accepted this marraige as dharma but will the world accept it? how will she get happiness from this terrible sacrifice of her? hearing this

Mahaishi replied, "you are right King Drupad, princes marriage is based on seven vows taken by the bride and the groom, but this is not a normal marriage, in order to make it sucessful and righteous I want you to take some additional vows. Just like a plant can't be grown at two places, like a minister can't work for two kings, just like that dedication can be only towards one person pandu putro, so tell me how will one women fulfill her duties towards all five of you at the same time."

Yudhishtir replied, "one can't be

dedicated to five but five can be

dedicated to one Maharishi, we five

brothers dedicate ourselves to

princess Draupadi and we will accept all her decisions" impressed Ved Vyas said, "splendid Yudhishtir, Draupadi will be wife to only one of you for one year, during that period only that person can enter her chamber who she has given the right to" everyone agreed to this then Shrikhandini asked, "but isn't the basis of a relationship remembrance lord? Then how will she free herself from the joy and sorrow she shares with one of them after a year? She will get crushed from all the memories lord" hearing this question Draupadi replied, "I will perform an asutere meditation before the holy fire every year, by forgetting the relation of the past year I will purify my soul" making everyone surprised, Arjun adds, "not only princess Draupadi but we shall also to the meditation with her every year, we take the oath."

"I have one more question, prince have to marry multiple time for various reasons, if the pandavas bring their other wives what will be the situation of my daughter beacause people do not fulfil their duties towards someone which everyone has a right on" asked Drupad, to which Bheem replied, "I will answer this question as I'm the only one married, I promise that will never bring my other wife in the nagar, where ever we live

only be one queen which ere will

be princess Draupadi." After that everyone took a oath before the holy fire and the marraige started. After all the vidhi's and taking the blessing of the elders, Aadhya came to take their blessings making Nakul and Sahadev feel superior so they said, "kalyan ho putri Aadhya" she looked up shocked and said, "I'm only few miniutes younger then you both crakheads, may the lord provid Bhabhi the strenth to bare these both crackheads, wait all of them are crackheads so yeah please god give bhabhi the strength to bare my crackhead brothers" she said joining her hands, this scene lighten up everyones mood and finally all of them had a genuine smile.

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