A Wound that Never Heals

Chapter 30

Chapter 30 Ms. Garcia Doesn’t Suffer From Depression
Darlene’s pupils suddenly enlarged. She came out of the wardrobe and
pounced on Vivian. “Nonsense! It’s impossible! Mr. Oliver is still alive. He
can donate his heart to my brother!”
Vivian took a step to the side and avoided Darlene’s pounce. She took out a
photo from her mobile phone and reached it to Darlene.
“Proof of Death. Take a good look at the date. The day before yesterday, he
died. Alonso Oliver, forty–two years old. You should still remember this information, right?”
Darlene desperately shook her head. When she saw the photo, she retreated
in horror. “Impossible. This is impossible.”
Vivian knew that she would not believe it. People with depression could not
be provoked the most, but how could Vivian not let Darlene suffer more?
Vivian called the director of the hospital, who answered the phone quickly.
Because of Avery, the director also knew Vivian.
Vivian said directly, “Mr. Hickman, Oliver is dead, right? Can you think of
other ways to let Nigel have a heart transplant?”
Talon said helplessly, “Ms. Sheridan, it’s not that we don’t want to help. If
we can, we will definitely help you. Mr. Oliver had already passed away three
days ago. He can’t donate his heart.”
Vivian gloated, but she said with pity. “I see. That’s really a pity. Can you find

another one?”
Talon said truthfully, “Then chance is one in a million. Forgive me for being
blunt, it is too difficult to find a second one.”
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If not for taking care of their emotions, Talon could have directly said that it was impossible to find a second one.
Vivian smiled at Darlene and hung up the phone. Darlene let out a rapid and frantic gasp.
She took a step closer and whispered into Darlene’s left ear, “Tell me, why did Mr. Oliver suddenly die? Did someone do
something to him?”
Darlene felt that Vivian seemed to have said something, but she did not hear it.
Her left ear was injured, and her hearing was worse than the previous. But she could still hear from others. However, if someone
leaned close to her left ear and whispered, Darlene would not be able to hear it.
Darlene clenched her hands and asked her, “What did you say?”
Vivian did not find anything strange. She just thought that Darlene did not believe it.
There was no one else in the bedroom. She saw that Darlene’s phone was still on the bedside table, and Darlene couldn’t record
what she said.
So Vivian simply said proudly, “How can I let you get what you want? Mr. Oliver has been seriously ill for a year. It is really
painful, so I helped to think of a way to let him get rid of the pain...”
Before Vivian could finish her sentence, Darlene suddenly lost control and pounced over to grab Vivian by the neck. “You did it!”
Vivian retreated all the way to the door and laughed lowly, “Yes, it’s me. So what? Will Avery believe you? Can anyone help you?
“Darlene, people like you and your brother are supposed to die! How dare
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you seduce my man!”
Darlene’s eyes were red. “Vivian, I will kill you with my own hands!”
Darlene was injured. Although she was pinching Vivian’s neck, she did not have the strength.
Vivian retreated all the way to the stairs.
The complacent look on her face turned into great fear and uneasiness.
Vivian screamed, “Help... Help! Ms. Garcia wants to strangle me!”
Vivian felt pity that Avery was not there. Otherwise, he would have seen with
his own eyes how Darlene had gone crazy and pinched her.
Darlene lost control of herself and said angrily, “You were the one who
harmed my brother. You destroyed that heart!”
Vivian lowered her voice and approached Darlene. “So what if I harmed him?
It’s a pity that he is your brother.
“Even if someone helped Nigel find a suitable heart, I could still destroy it.
Speaking of which, I have to thank Avery for helping me stall for time, giving
me a chance to destroy it.”
The servants downstairs immediately ran over when they heard this and said
anxiously, “Ms. Garcia, calm down. Please don’t do anything stupid!”
Vivian immediately stopped provoking Darlene, and she looked so scared
that she was shivering. “Come quickly and save me.”
Darlene’s mind was filled with Vivian’s words. “Even if someone helped

Nigel find a suitable heart, I could still destroy it.‘
It took Nathen a whole year to find a suitable heart. But it was all ruined by
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Darlene could no longer control herself. Her eyes were filled with hatred as she tightly gripped Vivian’s neck. “I will kill you with
my own hands right
Vivian directly fell. She reached out, seeming to grab Darlene, but in fact, she pushed Darlene away.
Vivian let out a scream and quickly rolled down the stairs.
She fell straight back, and the back of her head slammed heavily on the
stairs. Although the servants quickly saved her before Vivian rolled to the
bottom of the stairs, blood quickly flowed out of her head.
Vivian moaned in pain, “It hurts. My head hurts. Help me. I want to see
Cyrus had just come in, and when he saw this chaotic scene, he immediately
said in a low voice, “Call Mr. Gallard and send Ms. Sheridan to the hospital.”
Darlene looked at Vivian, who was lying on the ground in a daze, and the
sharp sound rang out in her ears again.
The sound was too loud, and she could not hear anything. She even began to
forget whether she had pushed Vivian just now.

Darlene hated that woman, but she did not seem to push Vivian just now.
Darlene trembled violently. In the chaos downstairs, she stumbled back to the bedroom. She hid in the wardrobe in horror and
grabbed the tightly
closed door.
What about Nigel? What should she do?
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The torture she had suffered in prison that month and the torture that she had suffered from Avery because he believed Vivian
became vivid in
Darlene’s mind.
Darlene’s mind was filled with immense fear and despair.
Vivian only left the emergency room at noon.
It was dangerous to have a head injury. Sometimes, if one was unlucky, their life might be in danger.
Therefore, the doctor did not dare to be negligent. Moreover, Vivian was
Avery’s woman. The doctor carefully checked and confirmed that there were
no major problems. Only then did he transfer Vivian to an ordinary ward.
Avery let out a sigh of relief when he saw that Vivian was fine. It was only
now that he remembered to investigate what had happened.
One of the servants who followed him immediately told the entire process of
Darlene pushing Vivian down the stairs.
What Vivian had told Darlene in advance, the servants of Scenery Villa did

not know. They only saw Darlene strangling Vivian at the entrance of the
stairs. Then, Vivian lost her footing and fell from the stairs.
Avery said in a low voice, “Where is Darlene?”
Cyrus replied, “Sir, ever since Ms. Sheridan fell down, Ms. Garcia has been
staying in the wardrobe in the bedroom. No matter how I called her, she was
unwilling to come out. Perhaps she is also frightened.”
Avery frowned. “Darlene is suffering from depression. I didn’t expect her mood to be so unstable. Vivian, sorry to let you suffer.
Have a rest. She has a
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psychological problem. I’ll have to ask the doctor to take a good look at her later.”
He did not expect that Darlene’s psychological illness would be so serious. Speaking of which, he should specifically tell Vivian
not to see her.
Vivian finally understood what Avery meant. Avery blamed all the faults on Darlene’s psychological illness, so he would not
pursue Darlene.
Vivian thought, did I fall down the stairs for nothing?
Vivian’s hand, which was under the quilt, clenched tightly and secretly gave a wink to the department director who followed in.
The department director immediately came over and said hesitantly, “Mr.
Gallard, we have checked again. Ms. Garcia didn’t suffer from any depression
or mental illness. Dr. Elicott made a mistake last time, and we have
suspended him for the time being.”

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