A Wolf For The Gangster

Chapter 3

Avery hot night

The Don's huge body gets hot from every moan Kara lets out. He gives gentle lunges waiting for the moment to give her what the wolf asks for. Kara stirs in search of her own release.

“Puppy, you're 50 hot,” she murmurs.

She gives a deep thrust as she clenches her jaw and holds back as much as she can. She decides to increase her thrusts and leaves almost completely inside the wolf, who scratches her back every time he enters her. She fills every corner of h Jere,

“Oh, f**k," she growls when she feels the contraction that the wolf exerts around her.

Without a doubt, the Don feels so pleased that he doesn't want to finish yet.

He moves her hips in circles and thrusts into her hard.

Kara lets out a moan.

Sweat begins to slide down their bodies and the heat they feel is suffocating.

Gasps, grunts, and moans fill the small room.


He growls in disgust.

—Little puppy, don't call me alpha. “Better tell me Don,” she asks.

Kara nods.

“I can't take it anymore,” he gasps, stirs and feels a tingling in her belly.

Her breathing is labored by the approaching 0**m.

—Come on, puppy, cm.

Its like an order to her body.

She closes her eyes and lets out a loud moan that causes the Don's c**k to jump inside her v****a ready for release. He grunts because he doesn't feel ready to cum, but her body demands it, so he thrusts into her faster. Before freeing himse from her, he leaves the wolf and leaves a void inside her. He separates himself from her body. He doesn't need to touch himself to get there, because his flushed face and body wet with the wolf's sweat is enough stimulation, so he cums on Kara's belly, filling it with her thick, hot s***m. A hoarse moan leaves her lips and she sighs at how good it felt to possess her small body. He gets out of bed to go to the door and leaves. He leaves an exhausted Kara on the bed. The wolf does r have enough strength to get out of the mattress and wash herself,

On the other hand, the Don takes a shower to remove the sweat and the smell of s* that emanates from his body. If it weren't for the insistent burning in his back, he would think he just had a wet dream. He has not been pleased in all his fullness for years. No matter how much he tried to penetrate other women, he was never satisfied because his lovers ended up crying and complaining about the size of his c**k. It's a surprise to him that someone as small as Kara has managed to hold every inch of his c**k.

He sighs and lets his head fall against the glass wall of his shower.

When he feels clean, he leaves the bathroom and dries his naked body with a towel, walks to his closet and grabs a navy blue suit that fits his huge body. Once he is dressed, he leaves the room to go to his office to see how the shipment of weapons brought to him from India is going.

—Don, everything comes in perfect condition. Tomorrow at 10:00 pm the shipment arrives,” his right-hand man informs him.

He nods.

-Perfect. I want you to take care of that personally.

His escort nods from him.

—What do we do with the girl Alexandro sent? —curiosity.

she thought Don would send her to one of the brothels she runs in Venice.

“Make sure no one comes near her," he orders seriously. He will stay here until I decide.

—Whatever you say, Don.

His right hand does not understand why he decided to leave the girl, since she does not fall into the category of women I usually takes.

—Tell Minerva to bring him clothes and food. Also, tell him to take care of her so that she has a good stay at the mansion. That takes him by surprise, but he just nods without questioning his boss's orders.

After that conversation, they head to the Don's favorite club to play poker and hang out with some of his Italian mafia associates.


Kara wakes up around 7:00 am when Mrs. Minerva knocks on her door.

The young wolf covers herself with her quilts; In them she smells the essence of the Gift. That only causes the petite girl blush.

Forward. —Her voice comes out a little hoarse.

Minerva enters with a cart so she can load breakfast and other things she brought for Kara. Kara's curiosity is palpable when she sees the elegant lady. If it weren't for the fact that she is carrying a cart from which a delicious smell comes, sh would think that Minerva is the Don's mother.

“Good morning, miss,” Minerva greets with a smile. The Don asked me to take care of his needs. Here she brought him breakfast and a new item of clothing along with some personal hygiene items. “I hope you like the clothes I chose,” she says, kind and as polite as always.

—Thank you very much... —Leave the question of his name hanging in the air.

This causes Minerva to laugh for forgetting to introduce herself.

—1 am Minerva, the Don's housekeeper.

—Thank you for everything, Lady Minerva.

She denies.

“Nothing ma'am, tell me Minerva or Mine,” she asks.

Kara nods.

—You tell me Kara.

Minerva nods.

“Need anything else?

—1 guess what you brought there is enough.

She nods and says goodbye.

with discomfort in the center of her legs, she gets out of bed to eat breakfast, which, by the way, is a lot for her, but she eats what she needs and leaves the rest when she is satisfied. She takes the clothes; It is a small summer outfit that consists of shorts and a short blouse that shows her navel. She also left him a set of white underwear from an expensive brand.

Walk to the bathroom, take your personal hygiene items, and leave your clothes on the side of the bed. She enters the shower and turns on the hot water to relieve the pain in her crotch. She gasps as the soap makes her sting. Without a doubt, the dimensions of the great Don managed to tear some places, but not so much that it hurts when it comes to having another s****I encounter. Furthermore, the wolf part of him will regenerate those areas that have been cut by the penetration of the Don in a couple of hours.

The omega part of Kara is upset because the alpha, as this side recognizes him, did not want to leave his puppies inside her. She feels used and does not want to have another approach with the alpha. Kara isn't very proud of having slept witl stranger either, but this isn't the time to complain about something she gladly did either.

She finishes washing her body, she leaves the bathroom wrapped in a towel, takes her underwear and puts it on, then th other clothes follow. She sighs and you look at the covers on the bed. She grabs them and removes them. She searches t room for a new game. When she finds it, she takes it upon herself to fix the mattress. She looks at the dirty bedspreads; She has no idea what she can do with them. She takes them to leave the bedroom with them, which by order of the Don does not have a lock.

When he is in the hallway he decides to follow Minerva’s scent. She walks along it until she reaches some stairs that take her to a huge room decorated in a very luxurious way with long sofas. She has a small glass table in the center and a lam that has crystals that look like diamonds. Kara is amazed by the luxurious room. She continues on her way to Minerva, wt is in the kitchen.

She is surprised to see Kara with the quilts in her hands.

—Kara, what are you doing? She—she asks, confused.

—'m looking for the laundry room to wash these quilts. Would you be so kind as to tell me where she is?

Minerva makes a horrified face upon hearing her request.

—0h, God, no. The Don finds out and the cleaning girls are dead. Pretty!

Some steps approach. Sᴇaʀᴄh thᴇ FɪndNøvel.ɴet website on Gøøglᴇ to access chapters of novels early and in the highest quality.

Yes ma'am? —A young woman Kara's age comes into the kitchen, suffocating.

She—take the lady's quilts and wash them. “God, girl, you have to be aware of all that,” she scolds her.

Bella apologizes and asks Kara for the quilts. At first she refuses, but then, resigned, she hands them over.

Thank you.

“There's no reason to give them,” Bella tells him before leaving the kitchen with the dirty quilts.

Kara says goodbye to Minerva to take a tour of the house without permission.

She crosses the room and enters another hallway. She breathes; She manages to smell the Don very close to where she i She walks until she reaches a half-open door. She takes a look and finds the Don sitting next to other men. The language they speak is strange to her, since she has never heard anyone speak Italian.

The young woman is so focused on what is happening inside the office that she does not realize that someone is very clo to the door. He is a chubby guy. He opens the door and leaves her exposed. Her heart races when the gazes of the five subjects, including the Don, focus on her. That of the latter is serious and that of the others is curious. The Don apologize to his partners and gets up. With long strides he is already at Kara's side and roughly grabs her arm to get her out of the sight of those men.

—What the hell do you think you are snooping around my house? “He,” he growls angrily.

Kara gets scared and immediately lowers her head in submission.

“I...'m sorry, 1 didn’t mean to be inopportune,” she whispers with fear.

—Go to the room. “Later I will charge you for your interruption,” she wheezes with quite a bit of anger in her voice.

She lets go of her arm as abruptly as before and gives him a hard look before returning to her partner. She leaves the po wolf trembling with fear.

Kara returns to her bedroom, where desperation and anguish fill her body.

She is very afraid of what that man can do to her.

Her body emits small tremors and she curls up in her bed to wait for the worst.


Time passes slowly in all those hours.

Kara hasn't stopped shaking while her brain sends her different torture methods. Her developed ears manage to pick up heavy footsteps approaching her room. The door opens and the imposing figure of the Don makes an appearance. His loc is serious and at the same time dark. One of the things the Don hates is when people get involved in things they shouldn His body vibrated with anger as he saw how his partners looked at the wolf.

—1 want you in front of me naked. Now," he orders calmly with his fists clenched.

Kara feels the anger he exudes. Without hesitation, she does what he asks so that his punishment won't be worse. “Kara...” is the first time the Don says her name, which didn't come out the way she expected. Her name in the Don's mou was heard in a dark way—do you know what punishment I give to people who snoop into my affairs? She grabs her hair with one hand and tightens her grip.

That squeeze generates a burning sensation on her scalp.

“No. —Her voice comes out in a small thread loaded with fear.

He sighs knowing that what he will do with the little girl will be very bad, but he deserves it for snooping around.

“If you were anyone, I would gouge out your eyes,” she says. Kara trembles harder, “but since you are a hole worthy of my c**k, I feel satisfied and I haven't gotten bored of it, I will give you five spanks with my belt.” —He caresses her back up ar down— Kneel on the couch.

Kara's trembling body walks over to the couch and kneels.

The Don takes out his belt and looks at the trembling body of the little girl who does what he asks without refuting. He walks over at a slow pace and wraps the belt around her hand a little so it's not so long and is just a small measurement. Although he wants to punish her, he is also not going to use enough force to break the skin on her back with a spank, he will apply enough force so that the spank leaves a small sting, nothing more.

The first spanking comes without Kara expecting it. Her back curves at the impact and a pitiful moan escapes her lips. Th wolf knows that the Don has not used his strength to its full capacity, otherwise he would already be crying his eyes out from the pain.

—Do you know why I punish you, Kara? —The Don's voice comes out slow and calm.

She nods.

He gives another blow very close to her buttocks. The mark of her belt quickly remains.

The Don's body feels hot with each passing second. Deep inside him the feeling of doing something bad settles, but even so, he lets out a third lash. The wolf arches her back from him. The omega part of him feels humiliated by what happens. The fourth and fifth lashes come one after the other. You hear the sound of the belt falling to the ground. Behind her the Don's irregular breathing can be heard. The wolf's cheeks are soaked.

The Don undresses, releases his powerful erection and stands behind the wolf.

She moves away from his touch.

“Il don't want to,” she whispers.

He frowns at her.

She grabs Kara's hair and holds her hip to keep her still. That's enough to overpower her small body.

“You do not get itz —He doesn’t hear any response from the wolf— Here you do not decide and you do not have the will refuse what I ask. If I want to F**k you, I will. “I take you however I want and wherever I want," she barks.

She brings her c**k closer to Kara's entrance to melt into her, although the wolf doesn’t want to.

“Please, no," she begs, but the Don doesn’t stop and impales her completely.

She gasps and tightens his grip on her hair. He dominates her and takes her regardless of her complaints.

He thrusts hard and hits her hips against the wolf's a*s. Her balls collide as he melts completely inside her. At no point does she stop.

Kara sobs as she is taken against her will again.

“shut up,” he growls, tired of her sobs. Your body is mine, your will is mine and everything about you belongs to me until get tired of F*****g you. If it happens you won't want to know where you're going next. —His threat of her tenses Kara's entire body. He squeezes her va and brings the Don closer to his 0****m. If you don't understand it, I'l make sure you understand it. He comes out completely and goes back in all the way.

Gasp. Her balls tremble at the approaching 0****m. He thrusts her hips several times and then pulls out of her. She lets o a hoarse moan as her hot cum stains Kara's buttocks. Likewise, she flops down on the couch. She takes a deep breath to control her breathing and loosens her grip on the wolf's hair, as she cries inconsolably for what she did to her.

—I can't stand your whining. “You better be as touchy next time as you were the first time,” she mutters.

She leaves the room and leaves the wolf with enormous sadness.

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