A Wish

Chapter The Supervisor

“I’m not Stein...” He said.

Lisa and Luke felt their hearts shatter to pieces. Lisa first went to grab ‘Stein’ by the shoulders, “You ARE Stein!” She said, emphasizing the being. She stared into his eyes, “You were out for five months remember?”

‘Stein’ shook his head in rejection of the idea, “If memory serves me right, I should be out for ten years...” He pointed at Lisa, “You were just fifteen when I last saw you... You were so reserved.”

Lisa just feverishly shook her head, “There’s nothing funny, Stein.”

“If anything, my name is Grim.” He said with a sense of finality.

Luke then approached ‘Stein’ claiming to be as Grim. Luke gave him a stern look of dismay, “Don’t play nasty games with us, Stein. We’re not laughing.”

“And I’m not joking.” ‘Stein’ replied. He went down the stairs then looked up to the other two, “Stein chased after the little miss.”

“Little miss..?” Luke echoed. He made eye contact with Lisa then nodded in synch with one another. Stein never called Risette ‘little miss’. It was always Risette and nothing more than that, but, “Did Stein ever call on Risette..?”

Lisa shrugged, “I don’t know how many times but yes.”

“He called her by her name just eleven times.” He said. He showed his fingers one by one eliminating them as he enumerated those times Stein called Risette by her name, “One was when he first met the girl. Second was when he knew that Risette wanted death. Third, fourth and fifth was when he ran after the girl when she learned something from him. Sixth was when he thought she was coming for a visit. Seventh was when he learned that she was abducted. Eight was when he wanted to rescue her. Ninth when he knew that she was in pain. Tenth was when he saw her being misunderstood. Eleventh was when he called for her for the last time.”

For the last part, he just hid his hands. He shook his head upon remembering Stein being broken more than ever, “Stein just happened to draw the short straw.” He looked around then sighed in dismay, “It’s not his fault though.”

“So you’re saying you’re Grim.”

He nodded, “Yes.” Then he placed his hands on his chest, “This is not my body though...”

Luke and Lisa went down the stairs and joined Grim at the ground floor. Luke gathered the courage to ask Grim that one particular question, “What happened to Stein?”

Grim darkly chuckled as he slumped at his favourite leather couch. He heard it creak but not to the extent like when he was in his large old man body. He wanted to run away from the question but given the look of these two, there was no room for changing the subject. He sighed, “Gone.”

Lisa wanted to charge at that person if not for Luke holding her back, “You better give us a damn good explanation, Grim.” She dangerously hissed.

Grim fixed his place on the leather couch then raised his hands defensively, “I can’t! One moment I was in the afterlife I blinked then I found myself here!” Grim maintained eye contact with Lisa, “Stein never got out from the second floor... I think...”

“LIES!” Lisa shouted.

“I’m telling the TRUTH!” Grim shouted back.

The earth suddenly rumbled for a brief moment.

Everyone was silent for a while. Luke gave a worried look over at Grim, “You are in the supervisor’s body. You need to control your emotions.”

Grim gathered a great deal of air then exhaled, “I’m sorry...” He then went back to the topic at hand, “Stein was depressed when he came back to the afterlife... He couldn’t do his functions properly. He couldn’t even eat. I couldn’t talk to him.” He shook his head as he ran a hand across his hair, “Someone tipped the balance inside Stein. He couldn’t become the person he used to be anymore.”

“That’s not anyone’s fault!” Lisa started, “Everyone suddenly changes for the sake of another!”

“I’m not saying someone was there to take the blame...” Grim sighed once more, “I’m just saying that the impact was too great for someone who attained something for the first time.”

“Stein got the heart and that was the second time.” Luke pointed out.

“No. Not the heart, but the feel of intense emotions gushing in all at the same time.” Grim said as he softly pointed one finger up to prove his point, “I know what happens in his outside life because I was there to listen every time... But not this time. Everything happened like a landslide and he wasn’t able to take his stand as he got swept along by the force.”

“H—how did you even manage to stay there?” Lisa asked, “How did you manage to stay in that afterlife?”

Grim pointed at the door, “I chose to stay rather than to explore what was outside.”

“Wha—What are you saying?” Luke stammered as he got confused by the gesture.

“When you die...” Grim said as he looked into Luke’s eyes, “You will wake up in this house. Stein will tell you that you went unconscious so the people brought you here. He will say that they are waiting for you outside. He’s going to open the door.” It was as though Grim was watching it happen before his eyes as he went into a trance, “He will show you out... The outside was all light so you won’t know unless you go outside... You’ll see Stein’s hands shiver even though he looked stoic and emotionless. The dead goes out and thanks Stein...” Grim bit his lip for a few seconds before continuing, “Stein accepts the gratitude then urges the dead to go outside... As Stein closes the door, he would always look so broken even though it was just someone he had barely met...”

Grim shook his head in dismay and clutched his head, “He didn’t want the other person to leave just yet.” He said as he let out a bitter chuckle, “He was lonely...” He breathed out. He covered his face as though to hide his current emotions, “He wanted company...” It was barely audible but they managed to hear it. He darkly chuckled, “This old man understands because he was there to witness it... That’s why I never left.”

The remaining two went speechless. Lisa suddenly felt a hard realization as one idea flashed across her mind, “How long has been Stein alive..?” She slowly asked, feeling that she might not be able to take in the answer.

“I remember Stein saying that... he was—” Grim coughed into his fist to hide the sudden change of tone, “He was there long before he could remember.”

Lisa gasped then felt weak to the knees. She felt like she stabbed someone while she didn’t have the right, “STEIN!! I’M SO SORRY! I NEVER HAD THE RIGHT! I NEVER HAD THE RIGHT!” She wailed out, “I’m so sorry I’ve said something horrible to you!” Their previous conversation flashed before her eyes.

“Aging and growing old are beautiful things. There is no point in living for a long time with no objectives in mind. There is a reason to why we have functions within our life span.”

“You don’t have the right to say that to me! I don’t want to hear those words coming from a puppet! You speak of life spans but you, yourself, don’t have that! Don’t speak as though you know the importance of life!”

“I know. I stay here to watch others go ahead. I stay here and watch creatures go ahead of me. I remember every people who used to come here but time tells them to pack up. Time does not exist for someone created by the hands of another person. If death was offered to me, I would probably welcome it with open arms. While you are here wishing to have your life extended, others are constantly wishing that they die the moment they sleep...”

She shut her eyes closed and covered her ears ever so tightly. She was regretting the harsh words she had said to Stein. She shouldn’t have said something so foolish since she didn’t know anything about Stein yet she said out something not worthy coming out of her. Stein was saying those set of words out of experience and not out of anything else. It wasn’t just a lesson for her. It was a wish that Stein had been longing for. Lisa frustratingly shook her head, “I’m such a horrible person.” She let out a deep exhale, “I thought that he owes me... but it was the opposite! I owe him..!”

Luke crutched down to comfort Lisa. He looked just as pained as her since he also owes a great deal from Stein.

“Stein probably had too many painful encounters, so he decided to kill off his own heart...” Grim commented. He tangled his fingers together then put them in front of his face, “He may have forgotten but who knows? It’s all a theory.” Grim was awfully bitter with every words that he released.

“Are you sure Stein never left the second floor..?” Luke suddenly doubted.

“No...” Grim whispered out, “I-I told you...” He stammered, “I blinked then I found myself here.”

“How does Stein go back to the afterlife?” Lisa asked still a bit jumpy right after her short breakdown.

“I don’t know. All I know is that he appears at unexpected times, so I can’t exactly say how...” Grim instantly replied, shaking his head in confusion as he started thinking of ways to get back to the afterlife.

Luke suddenly though of an idea, “Hey... Were there times that Stein would suddenly disappear on you..?”

Grim nodded, “Y... Yeah.. sometimes—there was one time that he kept disappearing on me every thirty minutes...” He suddenly remembered, “I couldn’t get a good conversation with him that time...”

“That’s it!” Luke exclaimed. Lisa and Grim gave questioning looks over to Luke who just grinned like an idiot for the idea that he had thought, “I was bothering his sleep that time so perhaps it was when he was sleeping!!”

“That’s a good idea, let’s try that!” Lisa commended as she gave Grim a knowing look, “I’ll put you to sleep.” She said with a tint of amusement in her voice.

Grim raised his hands defensively, How did you switch from gloomy to happy?! He mentally asked—but that wasn’t the point! “I’ll sleep! Don’t punch!” Grim said with a stern voice and finality.

Lisa clicked her tongue in disappointment and let Grim do whatever he was going to do.

Grim comfortable sat on his leather chair then closed his eyes.

It wasn’t even a minute that he escaped his mind.



Grim found himself in his favourite leather couch. He looked at his hands and saw that it was fat and hairy.

This was his body.

He stood up, surprised that it actually worked. Lisa and Luke weren’t anywhere to be seen. It was just him and Stein—supposedly. He looked around if it was the actual place of the afterlife. After confirming, he headed for the second floor. With every step he took equalled to an annoying creak made by the wood. Grim had to cover his ears at the noisiness it was bringing.

He gently opened the door and found that Stein was still there, looking outside at nothingness.

“Do you like it out there..?” Stein started, not looking at Grim who had a pained face.

“It’s nice...” Grim answered back, not so sure how to properly respond to Stein’s level of gloominess, “Lisa and Luke are worried for you...”

Stein remained idle, “I gave you the link to my body. I feel hopeless...”

Grim sighed, “Hey... come on... take a walk outside or something. Just so you can clear your mind.”

Stein gave a short rejection, “Don’t want to. I don’t need to.” He was practically whispering out all his words but the silence managed to amplify his voice. Stein slightly tilted his head up, “She had such an impact on me...” He started, “I was taken in by her light. I just kept following, wondering where such an energetic light would take me...” He sighed, “I never knew...”

Grim managed to show a small smile even though he knows that Stein wasn’t looking, “You like her.”

“Just from seeing smile... I kept falling—then I realized that it was a signal for the heart. But I didn’t have a heart that time, so the signal just fell—then I fell. It’s funny because—” Stein felt like choking, “Because if I just knew, then I could’ve prevented this from happening... If I was unconscious back then, I could’ve stopped her from going out that door! She could’ve stayed! I should have known!

“But you don’t...” Grim said, partially guilty for being so blunt.

“THAT’S WHY!!” Stein exploded. He stood up and gave Grim a brief glare. Right after that, he mellowed out, “I didn’t know what would happen next...” He gave Grim a helpless look, “I want to chase her, Grim..! But I can’t leave this place alone... Not when I know that the ones who would wake up would feel so abandoned when they wake up to this situation.” He shook his head in utter dismay, “This is what I feel every time I wake up in this realm. I never sleep. I just keep waking up in different dimensions. Try doing it sometimes...”

Grim just shrugged his shoulders, “I already did. Just now...”

Stein shook his head in denial of the thought, “No. You knew that there was someone was waiting for you on the other side. You should try waking up alone in a place where only you are the one in the area. Try waking up and one day you’ll understand that waking up is the worst nightmare of your life.”

Grim wanted to retort but no words came out, “I can’t say anything good out of this. And I can’t say that I understand your pain since I never encountered it. But someone who’s as understanding as you should deserve his own happiness.” He didn’t want to say anything but Stein was a friend in need. He wanted him to be happy. Grim put his hands on his hips, “This old man can handle it.”

Stein shook his head again, “Not when you have a heart.”

“I can.” Grim said, “Please trust me.”

“It’s not that I don’t trust you... It’s more of I am worried for you.” Stein said in defence, “You can’t stay here unless you give up your heart.”

“Yes I can, Stein. I’m different from you...” Grim started as he walked forward to Stein, “You never extended your hand for help. Unlike me, I bothered you to take me under your wing.”

“You’re saying a big mistake, Grim!” Stein said in defence as he backed away from Grim, “I never wanted connections. It hurts to see people go ahead of you. It hurts even more when you have a deep connection with the other person! Why can’t you see that Grim?!” he shouted out.

“Because I chose not to. I know. It hurts to see someone so close die. It hurts even more when you know that you’ll never see them again. I want you to be happy, Stein! I don’t want to see you pushing yourself down way deep into a pit of despair. That’s not you!” Grim shouted back grasping Stein by the shoulders, “Right now, you need help and I can only push you to your only answer.” He gave Stein a stern look, “And that’s going out.”

“No..!” Stein shakily breathed out, “You’ll be left alone.”

“Don’t worry.” Grim managed to blurt out, “This old man can make a company of his own. Right now, you need someone else’s company and not mine.” He forcefully dragged Stein out of his room and down to the ground floor.

Stein was practically forcing his way out of Grim’s grip but the old man was far too strong in terms of physical strength. Stein tried to make the progress slower as he pressed his feet on the ground. Grim sighed then proceeded to carrying Stein like a sack of potatoes.

“Nonononono!! Please stop Grim! I don’t need to go out!”

Grim just huffed and shook his head, “No. This old man says you need to go out.”

“Grim! Please no!!” Stein uncharacteristically shouted.

“This is your only chance, Stein.” Grim exclaimed. He put down Stein then rotated him so he could face the door, “In the next world, you’re categorized as an ancient spirit. Remember that time you told me that?”

“Yes but—”

“You go out there, and you’ll see that there is more to life than just being bound inside the four corners of this room.” Grim lectured. He can see Stein’s hesitations. He was sure that Stein wanted to go outside but he was such a worry-wart for Grim the old man. Grim showed a toothy grin, “You’re not supposed to waste your youth.” He patted Stein by the shoulders again, “You’re supposed to cherish it.”


“You are special—everyone is! But you have a spirit more understanding than anyone can attain. You, my friend, are a treasure. A treasure that does not shine is not a treasure but an abandoned property.” Grim said to shut Stein up, “I don’t what’s going to happen next, but for now think of chasing that girl.”

Grim went past Stein, smoothly evading Stein’s hand that was supposed to stop him from going to the door. Grim just smiled at Stein, he opened the door. Light came from the outside.

Grim started to shake under his emotions. He just kept the smile for Stein’s sake.

Of course, Stein knew this routine. He did this every time someone died.

Grim was turning red, and Stein was starting to feel it again. Grim grinned and let the tears roll down as he squinted his eyes, “Everyone’s waiting for you outside.”

Stein shook his head, “Don’t make me do this..!”

“Just do it...” Grim mouthed.

Stein bowed his head then covered his face, “Thank you so much..!”

Grim nodded to the gesture, “This is nothing. You should go now... They’re probably waiting...” His voice was quivering and choking as he watched Stein take his timid steps to the door.

Stein paused on his tracks as he was a few centimetres away from the outside. He grabbed Grim and gave him a tight hug, “I was thinking of throwing you out instead... but you beat me to it...” Stein whispered as he gave Grim a reassuring pat at the back. He chuckled then Grim also chuckled. Grim saw tears roll out of Stein’s eyes.

“This old man is going to miss you...” Grim said.

“Me too...”

Stein moved towards the light outside. He was slowly being engulfed by the light.

Then Stein’s silhouette couldn’t be seen anymore.

Grim slowly closed the door. He clenched his chest then laughed in pity for himself, “I wasn’t ready for that...”



Grim woke up and felt the worst headache he had ever had. He felt gloomy, knowing that his old friend went out to go to the new realm waiting for him. He saw that Lisa and Luke were sleeping over at the vacant seats. He chuckled to himself. He produced blankets out of thin air then covered the two with it.

He saw the gentle, sleeping faces of the two. Love knows no bounds perhaps. He looked at the window and found out that it was already dead of the night.

Was it really that long?

He sighed then knowingly smiled. He was just content that his old friend was finally looking for his happiness and not the other’s.


Grim turned around and saw Lisa shuffle in her place. She looked troubled for one moment then mellowed out the moment Luke’s hand managed to hold a firm reassuring grip on her. He just smiled at the little wonders.

In any case, it was silent. So silent, that he felt like there was nothing to do.

At least, this place had company compared to the other.

“Hmm... Stei—no—Grim..?” Luke said as he got up from his position, partially blushing as he found his hand on Lisa’s body, “What happened..?”

Grim let out a knowing smile, “Stein was gone... It seems like he wanted to find happiness...”

“I see...” Luke dumbly commented. He gently nudged Lisa awake to have her hear the news while it was fresh.

“Hey...” Lisa groggily said as she rubbed her eyes followed by a yawn, “Stei—No—Grim..?” she fixed herself as she sat up straight, “What happened..?”

Grim just repeated his words, “Stein was gone... It seems like he wanted to find happiness...”

Lisa just nodded, “So he wants happiness...” She said as she looked at Grim, “How did that happen..?”

Grim turned gloomy as he looked at the side, “I actually told him to find it...” He said, “I don’t feel guilty. I just feel sad for him and his state...” He looked at Lisa and Luke who both looked like wanting to hear more. Grim let out an uneasy chuckle, “He was such a worry-wart. I know that I’m old and I know that I’ll be left alone but he just couldn’t think of his own happiness.” He said. He scratched his head, “I tried to tell him off but the words kept flinging back at me. He knows it best. He was the supervisor after all. So I practically told him that he should find his own happiness, even if it meant casting off his burdens, duties, and other responsibilities to someone else. And guess what?” Grim fiddled with the ends of his jacket, “... I gladly offered myself.”

“Then what about Stein??” Lisa blurted out, “He’s not supposed to die! He told that himself!”

“It’s because the world would instantly crumble if he did die.” Grim replied as he looked at the ground, “It was actually him and the feeling of desperation. He actually wanted to die but his sense of duty stopped him from doing so...” He opened his palms then stared at it with great wonder, “It was like... he was the first person to die, and he didn’t know that he was just supposed to go outside... so he assumed. Until time ate him away.... ultimately forgetting that he was supposed to go outside. His time in the afterlife became a link. Thus he became the supervisor...” He put the palm on his face then shook his head dejectedly, “This is so weird! The history of the supervisor suddenly flashed in my mind...”

Grim looked so frustrated at the information going inside his head. He darkly chuckled to himself upon receiving information, “I can’t beat Stein..! I think I already lost the moment I became the supervisor...”

“Why?” Luke asked.

Grim darkly chuckled once more, “Stein was alive for nearly thirty-five thousand years. No one wants to live that long..!”

“You can just pass it to another person...” Lisa suggested.

Grim cringed, “Can’t...”


“I need to surpass his thirty-four thousand, six hundred, fifty-two years of existence.”

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