A Wish

Chapter For the Things better Left Unknown

Knock! Knock! Knock!

Stein clearly heard the knocks, but his body told him to stay in the bed.

Knock! Knock! Knock!

Stein buried himself further inside his bed sheets.


He finally got out of his bed and groggily made his way to the door. He swayed left and right because he wasn’t done refreshing his body of magical supplies. Every step he took was equivalent to sucking the life out of the floor tiles. He yawned as he stretched his limbs. Bright, annoyingly refreshed eyes were the first thing he saw upon opening the door.

“I take it that you know what time it is?”

Luke bounced oddly so cheerful, “4 a.m.!”

Stein nodded and slammed the door in front of Luke’s face. He stared at the door for a few moments to check if Luke wasn’t going to do any funny business.

And so he was right as he heard continuous loud knocks.

Stein opened the door once more, “Go home.”

“What’s the name of the pretty lady?” He asked.

“None of your business. Go away.” Stein was about to close the door but Luke managed to keep Stein from doing it. Stein sighed as he gave Luke a deadpan, “My mind is still hazy because I am not completely recharged. Now will you please intrude at a later date?”

Luke flailed his hands in the air the moment Stein attempted to slam the door right in front of him again, “Just the name! Just give me her name!”

Stein raised a brow, “I’m sorry but I don’t know any pretty lady.” With that, Stein slammed the door with added extra pressure to completely shut out the other person.

4:30 a.m.

“STEIN!!!!!” Luke shouted as he knocked on the door. He heard heavy footsteps and found the door opening, “Oh! You’re awake! GOOD! So about this person!”


5:00 a.m.

“GOOD MORNING STEIN!!!!” Luke found himself drenched in water.

5:30 a.m.

“DUDE!!! WHEN ARE YOU GOING OUT?!?!?!” The door opened and revealed annoyed slimes that are half the size of his body. The slimes engulfed him then got him thrown out of town.

6:15 a.m.


Stein opened the door to see a dishevelled Luke. Even though he’s seeing Luke in such a poor state, it doesn’t make him all that satisfied because the amount of magic he gathered during those intervals were the very amount he used on Luke every time he was bothering him, “How long is ‘later’ for you exactly?” He tiredly said.

“About thirty minutes!”

“Oh really?” Stein mimicked the sound of amusement despite not looking like it. He looked around to see if there was anyone behind Luke.

“Who’re you looking for?”

“Risette...” Stein replied as he looked around more. After confirming that the girl wasn’t there, he shot a look towards Luke, “So what brings you here?”

Luke suddenly looked bashful as he held the hems of his shirt.

“Spit it or I’m gonna split you.”

“He wants to talk to the pretty lady with big boobs!!” Luke refrained the urge to shout as he covered the ginger doll standing by his shoulder.

Stein quickly noticed the little ginger and tried to grab it only to have his hand repelled, “And this is..?”

Luke darkly chuckled as he looked to the side, “Apparently I was supposed to arrest you for causing the flash flood but for some reason I couldn’t comprehend, I was cleaning your floor instead yesterday...” He gave Stein a bitter look and introduced the little ginger doll, “So as punishment, this little guy is going to speak my mind for the rest of the day...”

Stein just shrugged, “I like it...”

“Nonono! You are missing the point.” Luke looked left and right before leaning ever-so-close to Stein, “I’m saying that you are to blame for this one!”

“Nah. I chose to ignore the point.” Stein said in his defence. He dragged Luke inside. This was getting meddlesome; he had to say to himself. He called his slimes to help in assisting. Luke had to glare at the little boogers because of the previous encounter. Stein glanced at Luke, “I believe you’ve met them not too long ago...”

“You don’t say?” Luke sarcastically replied as he ignored the friendly gestures of the slimes. He swatted away their hands when the slimes were trying to apologize. Luke slowly shook his head at the slimes as if to say ‘No’ in the worst of manners.

The slimes ran back to Stein as they cried, “I ordered them to throw you out, you should be angry with me, not them.” He calmly explained.

“Dude, I almost died when they threw me out of town.” Luke said as he showed a horrendous face upon remembering the event. He could still remember the moment when he was about to fall into the magic restriction zone. If he wasn’t able to react immediately, he would’ve been dead meat. He shuddered in fear upon feeling the pit of doom during those brief moments.

“Hmm...” Stein contemplated in hopes of getting good words to say, “At least you didn’t die.” Smooth.

Luke looked in dismay, “That’s what you say?!”

“Did I say the wrong set of words?”

“YES!” Luke blurted, “You would normally say ‘Hey, I’m sorry!’ or something along those lines!”

Stein rolled his eyes to Luke’s direction, “If I did apologize, would you accept it so easily.” He finished preparing the food for his visitor, “In exchange for a near-death experience, would a simple ‘I’m sorry’ fix the damage?” He said as he placed the food on the table for Luke to eat. He saw the dumbfounded look on Luke, “I figured as much.” He commented.

Luke watched Stein head to the door and open it. He saw that there was a petite girl by the entrance. As much as he saw her as cute, he really preferred the other lady. Sighing to himself, he decided to eat the food.

A few moments later, he saw that the girl was asked to sit just in front of him. Luke suggested the food to the girl but she politely declined saying that she already ate before she came here. Shrugging, Luke continued to eat.

In the midst of eating, Luke finally remembered his purpose of visiting, “HEY!!!” he shouted, surprising Risette by the intense volume during the process. Luke stood up, slamming his palms on the floor, “In exchange, help me win over the pretty lady!!”

Stein threw a rotten tomato at Luke’s face, “I already told you... I don’t know any pretty lady.”

Luke noticed the subtle change on Risette’s face. He was experienced enough to tell that this girl was hoping Stein would say that she’s pretty. Luke gave Stein a cold look, “Are you sure about that?”

Stein finished the design on the food for Risette. Then he felt a stab in him. He knew the reason immediately, “I’m positive. Though if you’re going to ask if I know a cute lady, I can tell you who she is...” He said while keeping a stoic face.

Luke saw the expression on Risette to change from slightly irritated to subtly pleased. He inwardly smiled at the reaction of the girl, “In any case, I’m talking about your customer yesterday...”

Stein placed the food for Risette on the table, “Her name’s Lisa, and if anything, she is not pretty.”

Luke looked offended on Lisa’s behalf as he let out a gasp, “What are you saying?!”

Stein gave Risette a house blend tea, “I’m saying she’s a failed succubus. She keeps bringing in new bodies to replenish herself...” Stein added more sugar until it was to Risette’s liking then continued the rest of his sentence, “She’s the only succubus that I know who wouldn’t want internal friction—”

“WOAH! Too much information!” Luke raised his hands saying that Stein should stop before it got too graphical. He drank his water, partly irritated that he was completely being treated like a third wheel even though he wasn’t supposed to be. He coughed into his fist, “So... I want a favour to ask..!” He twiddled with his thumbs as he gathered the courage, “Please help me win over Lisa!”

Stein stared for a while then, “No.”


“She hates guys.”

“Then what do you call yourself?!”

“A vessel...”

The place suddenly fell into great silence. Only the sounds of platters echoed in the house. Luke suddenly felt the air get tense as he continued to eat the food Stein prepared for him. He looked at Risette who was eating as well. The surprising part was that Stein was handling this girl with great care as though she was a fragile being—well all girls are fragile except for some but, seeing Stein like this was a great change of pace.

“And you were saying..?” Stein said, indicating for Luke to continue.

“I still want your help! Consider this as your payment for throwing me out of town!” Luke said with full determination.

Stein just sighed in defeat as he agreed to Luke, “Fine.”

Luke did a fist pump of victory. His eyes somehow caught a small smile from Risette then his eyes shot to Stein who was gripping the edge of the table. He smirked at the turn of events. This operation might be a win-win situation for the both of them.


“Stein! You better give me an appropriate reason for calling me here!” Lisa said as he headed her way to Stein’s place. She had her hair tied up to a messy pony tail, which was something new because she would usually show off the beauty of her hair.

“Remember Luke?”

Lisa untangled hes hair, “If you mean that gross guy, then yeah.”

“He likes you...” Stein left, leaving a dumbstruck Lisa.

Stein walked behind the trees to meet up with Risette and Luke.

Luke seemed disturbed as he grabbed Stein by the shoulders, “Why did you say it that way?!”

Stein shrugged as he avoided eye contact, “The easier, the better...” He looked behind Luke to see if Risette was—

She’s not there. Stein nudged off the hands and looked for Risette. He looked around until his eyes finally land on Lisa who was accompanied by Risette. He slowly shook his head as he covered his face in an exasperated manner.

Luke found Stein’s action weird until he found out why. He looked defeated as he saw the two girls get along just fine. He dashed right away as he felt like he shouldn’t lose to Risette. Stein just sighed in dismay upon seeing Luke’s display of stupidity. He joined the group and apologized on Luke’s behalf because it was simply disgracing and grossing out Lisa.

Stein dragged away Luke for a few minutes and gestured Risette to continue to whatever they were discussing about. After a few minutes of forceful dragging, they were finally back to where they were hiding. He let go of Luke then watched the two girls converse for a while before returning his gaze back to Luke, “I already told you that she hates guys yet you jump right in and make a horrible impression on her.”

Luke stared at the ground, “I know but I’m a frustrated person.”

Stein nodded in agreement, “Well, I’m glad that you understand that part. But did you also understand that you were an idiot back then?”

Luke shot a glare, “Don’t rub it in.” He scowled.

Stein felt that someone was staring at them. He turned around to see that Risette was signalling them to go there. Stein dragged Luke once more, “Let’s go...”

Stein and the forcibly dragged Luke was once again in front Lisa who was giving Luke a disgusted glare, “Hello.” She sternly said.

Stein chose to ignore as he made a conversation with Risette. Luke dumbly stared at Lisa, unable to utter even a single word.

“It was love at first sight please go out with me!” The ginger doll shouted. Luke grabbed the doll and clamped its mouth shut. He didn’t utter a word as he watched Lisa’s reaction. He remained stoic and strangely composed while profusely sweating.

Lisa raised a brow at the odd behaviour then scoffed, “As if I’d believe the words of a man.” She crossed her arms then snapped her head to the side.

“Please believe me!” The ginger doll shouted as it got out of Luke’s grip. Luke tried to catch the ginger doll but it keeps managing to escape his hand, “I never thought that I’d actually feel this! Please reconsider!” Luke turned red as a tomato as he finally caught the ginger doll. He mustered the remaining of his courage as he looked over to Lisa who was actually thinking of reconsidering. Luke gave Lisa eyes that seemed to shout out an expectation coming out from her.

Lisa looked around with unease before finally landing her eyes on Luke. She then looked at Risette who seems to be enjoying her uneasiness. The girl was feverishly nodding her head to approve of Luke. Lisa then directed her eyes on Stein who doesn’t seem to understand the atmosphere as he avoided eye contact.

“I’ll be the happiest man alive if you say yes...” The ginger doll blurted the moment it got out of Luke’s grip... again. Luke decided to hide the ginger doll under his jacket. He stared at Lisa with hopeful eyes.

Lisa cringed at the thought of accepting this guy, but it would be a big shame for the guy if she rejected him here and now. That would be very disappointing, especially with this kind of crowd. Speaking of crowds, the number of people expecting her answer seems to be increasing as well. Lisa took a heap of air then released it as a sigh, “I’ll give you a chance...”

Luke shone brightly upon hearing the answer.

“BUT!” Lisa raised a finger on him as she gave a demeaning look, “One wrong move and you’re out!”

Luke gave out a bright smile as he extended his wings to signify the intensity of his happiness, “I won’t let you down!” He shouted as he attempted to hug Lisa—who dodged it with the least of effort.

“Don’t push your luck!”

Luke chuckled awkwardly, “Right...” He said as he scratched the back of his head.

The crowd clapped at them which was very disturbing because it was just the four of them when this had started.

Risette enjoyed the scene she saw as she giggled to herself. Stein noticed the odd behaviour, “Why did you laugh?”

The girl watched the interaction between Luke and Lisa then giggled once more, “I just thought that they seem to have good chemistry.”

Stein didn’t get her words, “I think chemistry has nothing to do with it.”

“I don’t mean chemistry as in elements but as in chemistry in compatibility...” Risette continued to watch the two with fond eyes.

“I didn’t get to know you better today all thanks to him...” Stein said as he also watched Luke and Lisa’s interactions with one another. He sighed then stared at the open space, “I should do something to make up for it...” He rolled his eyes to Risette’s direction, “Do you want something?”

Risette just shook her head in response, “I like it this way... Besides...” She beamed at Stein, “Seeing people show their effort in love somehow makes you feel the same as well!”

Stein just nodded in agreement even though he couldn’t possibly respond to it, “How does it feel?”

Risette was woken up once more to the fact that Stein can feel but not react. She shrugged her shoulders, “It’s a fluttery feeling that leaves you in the air...”

“Fluttery feeling...” Stein reached for his empty chest and stared for a little while, “If I have a heart, will I know that feeling?”

“When you get one, I guess...” Risette replied.

“And that heart would be yours...” Stein said, feeling his chest. He stopped to wonder, “But when the heart is gone, what would happen to you..?”

Risette felt like she suddenly fell into an endless pit. She swallowed a lump before shaking her head, “I don’t know, really...” She looked at the ground like it was the most interesting thing in the world.

I told a lie again...

Stein felt the words come into his mind as he directed his head at Risette by impulse.

I’m really sorry that I had to deceive you... But if I say the truth, you’ll probably hesitate. And if you hesitate, you might regret. There is great pain in bringing reactions to emotions. I wish that you could live with just you without a heart.

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