A Winter's Tale - Book I

Chapter Snow Angel - Reynard

When that door, slightly shorter than me, opened up I had no idea what was waiting for me. The woman I caught sight of was like a dream, an angel. Her eyes were green as jewels and sweet as the warmth of love. Her hair was black as night and looked so soft I had to stop myself from reaching out to make sure she was real.

Her cheeks and nose were a bit rosy, but when she looked up at me her whole face grew red and I was lost to her. My heart, my soul, it was here. With her. I found myself thinking the word home over and over again. She was home, my light in the darkness of life.

It didn't stop there though. She looked to be almost six foot tall, her body curvaceous and full. I wanted every inch of her against me and I hadn't even spoken to her yet. I had lovers in towns my family had passed through. I was technically fifty years old when my father died at seventy. I don't look a day over thirty to thirty-five depending on who you ask.

Still, this attraction was more than a physical need. The way her bright red robe was slipping open wasn't helping anything though. She was gorgeous, but I didn't know what to say. I had been mad and frustrated moments before. At the snow, the way my life was going, and fate in general.

Was this the world's way of telling me to shut up? When she spoke, and invited me in without any caution, I wanted to get mad all over again. Was she crazy? Surely she had more common sense than to let every stranger that knocked on her door in her house. She looked human, vulnerable.

"Forgive my intrusion."

I felt my heart rate speed up when she told me where to put my coat and boots, knowing full well I wasn't wearing any shirt underneath this fur. Still, I listened as she walked away, my eyes on her round backside. Damn, who was this woman? A snow monster? A crazy lady? Mrs. Claus? That thought made me look down in shame.

Was this lady the wife of Santa Claus? Jesus I needed to clean up my act. What if I was here, at the North Pole, and I was looking at Mrs. Claus like a freaking snack? Would they kick me out of here? Was the big man's wife really this hot?

I would have to correct all of those kids' books because damn them all for making her out to be some old lady baking cookies. I was not ready for Playboy Bunny Granny.

“Do you like hot cocoa?”

I was standing in a little kitchen, the ceilings tall enough to feel comfortable under. Looking over her was becoming an addiction already, my hands itching to touch her hair or skin. Fuck, I was doomed man. I forced myself to speak.

“That’s fine, thank you.”

She looked gorgeous, angelic, and yet the embodiment of sin. Her voice was sweet as sugar cookies and it was making my twitching cock harder with every word.

“I have tea and coffee as well if that would be better?”

I knew what would be better, but lifting her onto these counters and kneeling to taste what was under that robe might be a poor start. No, I needed to play nice here. Being part Yeti means heightened hormones, desires, needs, and stamina. It also means I'm stronger than a human and could hurt her if I wasn't careful.

All that on top of the fact that she was probably getting her package straight from the big man made my dick soften a little.

Shaking my head was all I could manage, following behind her as she made her way back into the living room. I tried to keep my eyes and mind busy remembering my surroundings, but my gaze always came back to her.

When she motioned for me to sit down I almost laughed at the size of the chair, but she seemed to catch herself rather quickly. Pointing to the window seat she seemed more at ease once I was sitting. It was a pleasing feeling knowing she was so aware of my size and wanted me to be comfortable. No one had ever cared about me in such a way. I felt like a person.

“Forgive me. I’ll have to get larger furniture.”

Her place seemed nice and cozy. She definitely liked to read. If she was the Christmas man's wife where was he? She was standing by the fireplace, a log in her hands, and all I wanted to do was beg for this to not be a dream. Had I died in the blizzard and gone to the afterlife?

“Are you cold?”

Cold? Was I cold? No, not with Yeti blood running through my veins. I preferred the cold, my skin always felt feverish. Shaking my head she took that without question and made her way closer to me. It took a lot of self-control not to reach out just to touch her hand. I couldn't allow myself to act like an idiot.

“What’s your name?”

Her voice was unlocking a warmth in my chest I thought I had lost a long time ago. What had she asked? My name? My eyes were on her lips, my voice rushed as I answered.


Her lips turned upward a bit into a smile and it took me out. She was too much, her beauty ethereal.

“Mine is Winter.”

Winter? If took me off guard, not going to lie. A woman, living in a snowy area that was quite possibly the North Pole, and her name was Winter? Does Mrs. Claus have a first name?

“If my name surprises you knowing my father is Santa Claus might be the cherry on top of the sundae.”

Her...father. Why did that make me feel so elated? It was like the weight of the world was just thrown off my shoulders. She was his daughter, with no ring on her finger. Did these people follow human customs? I was in the safe zone, maybe.

Her laugh brought me back to reality, my gaze locking onto hers. I needed her. Tasting that mouth, so sweet, was locking me down like an animal in chains at her feet.

“Don’t worry, he uses the front door. No sliding down chimneys when it comes to family.”

Shit, I had a perfectly good chimney she could slide down. Ok, that was a bit much. Inwardly I slapped myself, lecturing the beast in my skin that wanted her so badly. She was an angelic woman who deserved more respect than lewd comments.

“Winter Claus.”

Saying her name felt right. My heart was so full it might burst. Should I question the sudden need I had to be with this woman? Did I ever?

"Yes. I have nine siblings, all wintery names."

Nine siblings? Holy snow gods, how fertile was her mother? Was she the same? Kids. She might be able to have kids, and here I was thinking of every way I could touch her.

“Ten kids. Wow, they’ve been busy.”

Did I just say that out loud? About her parents? I needed to slow my roll. Or I could pick up the pace, and her. Fate brought me to her, and dropped me on her doorstep. Surely that meant something, right? At least to a madman, it would. Currently, I feel like one.

“So, Reynard, are you here for long?”

Her question knocked me into the past, ping-ponging me right back to the present with her. Why was I here, at the North Pole, that's what she really wanted to know. I could see the curiosity in her eyes but she was trying to be gentle.

It was a trait I wasn't used to seeing in a person, at least not directed at me. Patience, empathy, a gentle understanding. That cracked all of my feelings into shards as I sat my mug down and clasped my hands together. Looking down I couldn't meet her eyes, the sweet color of them making my heart ache.

“My father died and he talked a lot about this place when I was growing up. I didn’t have a plan past coming here.”

Did that make sense? Would she understand what I meant? Probably not. I didn't explain deeper, not wanting to feel the pain my chest was trying so hard to fight off. Then her hand rested over mine and I wanted nothing more than to fall to my knees and rest my head in her lap. Childish feelings of hope surfaced in my heart and I tried to crush them before she could.

“You’re looking for him here, in the memory.”

I couldn't believe my ears. It was like she had read my mind, but surely she was human just as she appeared to be. My gaze met hers suddenly, in awe of her abilities. The cold I felt when her hand slipped away left me feeling all alone once again.

“My parents are my world. I can only imagine I would do the same for them.”

She was blushing like crazy and I could hear her heart racing. What was she thinking? Her robe was falling open a bit, but my full focus was on her face. Those bright green eyes were so full of kindness it was practically breaking my heart.

“I can’t pretend to know your pain, Reynard, but I am here if you need to talk about it. Or anything. I will not judge your mourning or how you deal with it, ever.”

I lost all senses then, her words smothering me as I fell to my knees before her. When I kissed her it felt like two worlds colliding. She was peace and happiness, but I was the chaotic dark. She tasted of honey and chocolate and all I wanted was to consume her.

She seemed shocked at first but quickly leaned into me, giving me the courage to deepen the action. Our mouths melded in a heat that I could never properly describe in even the most beautiful and poetic words.

She was begging for more, her lips opening for me as my tongue slid against hers. The timid way she touched my chest made me think she was new to this. Or maybe it was just the sudden surprise of it all, which would make perfect sense.

What if she didn't want this? I wanted her like Hell but I didn't want to scare her. I had been so caught up in the emotions, the moment, that I hadn't thought it all through. What now? Bed her? Stay or go?

I had to stop, separating from her lips to rest my forehead against hers. This was not what I wanted. Did I want her? Very badly, but in more ways than physical. When I found her house there had been no light, lantern, or fire. Still, something led me through the blizzard directly to her. Fate, or delusion.

I was not about to muck it all up for a one-night booty call. I needed her to know I wanted her, but I didn't even know what I wanted. She was a stranger, yet I felt compelled to have her. It was irrational madness brought on by grief. It had to be.

“Forgive me. I thought I could control myself better.”

She seemed out of breath, her reply slow and unsure. Had I messed this all up already? What did she want from me? I was a stranger to her and she had welcomed me into her home with so much kindness. I crossed a line.

“It’s...quite alright. Nothing to...apologize for.”

Looking into her eyes made me realize we were both crossing a line here. Those emerald irises were chock-full of need and a fire that wouldn't be put out easily. I wanted more of her, to kiss her and touch her and have her begging on her knees.

“I’m so sorry Reynard, but I can’t give you what you want.”

Her sudden, rushed words made me sit back a bit. What was she talking about? What did I want? What did she think I wanted?

She slipped out of the chair and away from me, making me turn to watch her as she walked a few steps and then stopped to look at me again. She was unbalanced but seemed determined. Did I make her feel weak in the knees?

“I don’t know you. You’re gorgeous, there’s no doubt, and sweet. Gentle, you’re gentle as well, for as much as I’ve seen. We’re strangers though honey, and I can’t risk getting attached to someone that might just be passing through.”

She thought I was gorgeous, gentle, and even called me honey but I was supposed to take that as a no and walk away? Maybe I should. It would be easier for both of us, but when was easy a path I walked in life?

Then she grabbed those red silk ribbons around her waist and pulled, the fabric pulling taut against her budded nipples. She wanted this as much as I did and damn it all if I wasn't a risk taker. Before I could stop myself I was on my feet and moving in on her. She was an angel and I was surely the devil because the way she made me want to sin felt right and heavy in my pants.

“I can lead you to Daddy tomorrow or whenever the storm lets up some. I’m sure you’re eager to meet him. I would hate to waste your time.”

Daddy? Did she seriously just say that in such an innocent tone? Everything in me swore by the end of this she would only be using that word to beg me for more. It was a kinky thought, an image of her tied up in ribbon making it complete.

“Winter Claus, I am eager for one thing at the moment.”

I had to say her name. Every time I looked at her I wanted to call to her. This was unnatural, lustful longing and perhaps love at first sight. If such a thing exists.

I had to believe in it as my hand tangled into her hair and my other palm lay flat between her plentiful breasts. I could see the shimmer of my blue eyes in hers as she looked up in revelation.

“I am eager to cherish my time with you.”

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