A Winter's Tale - Book I

Chapter Love Like - Winter

I felt like a puzzle finally finished and glued together, hung on the wall for everyone to gaze at proudly. Reynard was the glue I never realized I needed. I had been putting myself together little by little, but it never stuck. I would fall apart again with a little change or strain. Now I felt strong and held my head a little higher.

The way he spoke to me, and loved me, was remarkable. I wanted nothing more than to stay in his arms.

"Do you think you'll have a big family like Ma and Pa?"

Yukio, ever the curious one, spoke to me over a stack of paperwork. I chose to work at the warehouse for the morning, hoping without the sight of my Yeti I could focus. I was wrong, my brain chock-full of images from our nights and days of play.

I smiled, shrugging.

"I don't know. We haven't really talked about that, to be honest."

She raised a reddish eyebrow. Her eyes, gorgeous azure pools, held my attention. Picking up a little wooden doll she moved her gaze to it, her cheeks slowly growing pink. Now I was the one raising an eyebrow.

"What's on your mind, Yukio?"

She shrugged, a little too focused on the toy.

"Not much. Just that...with as much as you guys shake that house you might want to talk about it sooner rather than later."

My gasp was loud, the pen dropping from my hand as I stood in indignation. Did she really just say that? I knew we weren't the most innocent-minded women, she borrowed my books all the time, but lordy. No, not the educational ones. Well, they might teach adults a thing or two. Like over the age of eighteen, adults.


She laughed, dropping the toy onto my desk and running toward the door. She was too adorable for her own good.

"Love ya, sis! See you later!"

Sitting back down I laughed, shaking my head. Though she was very forward about her point, she had a point. I needed to have a sit down with Reynard because we hadn't touched any form of protection yet and I needed to make sure we were on equal footing in this subject.

That night, as I made hot cocoa and my sexy man sat in the book nook reading about Yetis once again, I resolved to talk to him. We needed to be open with one another, for both of our futures.

Handing him a mug I sat beside him on the large loveseat I had made for him to fit on. He had gratefully helped, his craftsmanship almost too natural. A gift, truly.

Letting him finish the chapter he was on was nerve-wracking, but I didn't want to be rude. Still, my heart was racing. Could he hear it? Lord, I couldn't stop it though. When he shut the book it was with a quizzical look my way.

"You're going to stare holes through my skull staring that hard."

I laughed, cheeks rosy with embarrassment as I busied myself with drinking from my cup. Why was I so nervous? Wasn't this a normal conversation to have? A responsible one?

"Tell me what's on your mind, bunny."

Right, straight to the point. Sitting my mug on a table close by I took in a calming breath and locked my eyes onto his. He raised an eyebrow, worry filling those sweet irises.

"Is everything okay?"

I nodded, my hands moving to his after he sat his mug down as well. I was anxious and on edge, but I really shouldn't be. This wasn't a subject that would make or break us, right?

"I want kids."

His eyes widened a little and I dropped my hands away from his and into my own lap. Okay, backpedal a bit.

"What I mean is, do you want children? If so how many?"

He looked taken aback, his eyes moving to the fireplace as if the stones were suddenly very entertaining. I bit my lip, keeping quiet as he thought things through. It was a lot to ask of someone within months of knowing them, I knew that. Still, we weren't like normal couples.

The connection we had was instantaneous, but he was the one who had asked me to take a chance on him. It hadn't been easy to throw myself into a spontaneous relationship that I didn't plan or know if I could trust. I did it though, because my heart felt linked to his.

"When I met you I knew I wanted you. What I felt the first time with you wasn't just lust. It was passionate and all-consuming. I knew I had to have you, but I hadn't thought past you and me. When I did stop to think about the future the only thing I could see was my own parents. My dad was the loving one, but he stayed with my mom knowing full well she hated me. Wasn't that bad on him too? I swore I would never be that way. I promised myself that my kids, if I ever had any, would have two loving parents who adored each other and them."

What was I feeling? His mother hadn't been a good parent, I knew that, but did he see me as he saw her? Was he ready for kids, or a future together? I wanted nothing more than to take his pain away and kiss the scars on his heart. I knew over time we could grow together, love the past away, and embrace a brighter future. Did he want that with me?

Turning he grabbed my hands gently in his own, those eyes icy blue when he met mine. He must be feeling a lot to shift like that. What was he thinking about? How could I help him?

"You're nothing like her, my mother. I know that, have for a while now. You're kind to your family and everyone in the community, just like your own mother. You're selfless, devoted, trustworthy, and above all else, I see a light in you I've never known before. I love you, your soul, and your heart. I want children with you, maybe too many by your standards. I want a huge family of mini Winter's running around, daughters and sons. Maybe a tiny Reynard or two."

I couldn't stop the tears flowing down my cheeks as I laughed, jumping toward him. Wrapping my arms around the back of his neck I covered his face in kisses. His laugh was beautiful, muscular arms wrapping around my waist as he held me close.

"Is that a yes? Should we start right now?"

I could only nod, his book forgotten as he lifted me up and against his chest. Carried to the bedroom I felt like a sinful queen, and I loved every second of it. I love Reynard, my Yeti, my sweet teddy bear of a giant. I wouldn't change a thing about him.

In a cabin, at the North Pole, I found the love of my life. For an immortal that was truly a feat for love to be proud of. I would make sure to cherish him, his wounded heart, and his lover's soul, for the rest of time.

"I love you."

His smile was brilliant as he looked down at me, my back pressed into silky sheets.

"I love you more, my little bunny."

Next chapter will be updated first on this website. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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