A Weekend With The Alpha

A Weekend with the Alpha Chapter 64

Part 5

The University was now back in session and at the end of the first week. The heads of the institution hosted a welcome back party in which the professors and staffs of the University were in attendance at the Sheraton Hotel and towers even hall. It was a meet and greet. This way, the old staff would get to meet with the new staff and lecturers and the new ones would get acquainted before the semester resumed fully.

A few familiar faces I got to see were Jerome, Xena and Daniel. I had stalked Daniel's social media page to keep up with hi life and affairs, but it was harmless. I wanted to know he was safe and from what I saw; he seemed to manage his life wel so far, which was a good thing. I wished sometimes that things could have gone a different way. Sometimes I wished we jt remained friends and never attempted relationships, but we did, and I had to live with that reality forever.

Our gazes met, and we stared at each other for a while. His eyes, however, looked void of any and every emotion and I looked away before guilt would make me do something terrible.

I did not know why I would feel guilty. We ended things amicably.

“After you cheated physically and mentally on him.

I moved to the bar corner in the hall and demanded a glass of sparkling water. I needed to count down the hours left in this suffocating event.

“Long time no see." I heard Daniel say from behind and I spun around to meet him, almost splashing the content in my glass on myself.

“Daniel... Yeah, umm. Longest time no see.” I stumbled upon my words but still reached balance.

“Yeah, well, I had to disconnect and reconnect. I didn't know a vacation could do wonders, but it did.” he shrugged and then he eyed me with curious eyes. “How have you been?”

I nodded and took the glass to my lips to have a sip. “It has been good so far. I can’t complain.” I mumbled the rest to myself.

“How's Zion?"

“He's doing great. I left him with Diya before coming over.”

“Cool, somehow I missed him. I missed you as my friend and trusted accomplice in trouble.” he smiled and I chuckled.

“I missed you too," I said, hugging him before I could stop myself.

He tightened his grip around me before pulling away and scratching his head. “I hope Aaron Hart is treating you like you deserve!’

His name took me back to the discussion we had three weeks ago. I told him I was going to think about his proposal, but have not given a response since then. I was scared.

I knew all about who a mate was now and what the responsibilities of one were. I also knew who an alpha was and what I responsibilities were, and I didn't think I was caught up for it. I wasn't proud of saying this out loud, but I feared giving to much and not being able to cope when he would finally leave. As if I hadn't given up too much of my heart already.

Ves, I thought I was ready for it, but I wasn't. I am a coward who chickened out. I wanted to be the brave girl Aaron always said I was, but that was not happening, and I didn’t know how long it would take to summon the courage.

I knew the longer time I stayed sceptical, the lesser time he has, but I didn't know if I was ready to deal with reality. Besides, things had gotten awkward again. He must have sensed my withdrawal because he gave me space as well. Thoug he never neglected his duties as a father, he didn't come over to pick Zion up as he used to. Instead, he would send his driver or Ivan. He was giving me all the time and space I needed and I still couldn't make up my mind.

I guess the new spelling of coward was ZERA.

“We aren't dating..."I trailed off and my eyes caught sight of Aaron walking in through the hall entrance with grace and confidence.

He had his elbow out and the pretty brunette who had a cheerful smile on her face had her hands around it. Once fully inside where people were, he took her hand around his elbow and slowly patted it. The lady smiled at him and she looke beautiful with that adorable smile on her face.

I didn’t have the right to be mad. It's been three weeks since he had waited for my response and I had failed to give him one because I wrapped myself up in fear. But it didn't make it hurt less.

“He must have found someone who wasn't such a grown child and could decide! my mind judged me.

A part of my heart clenched at his affections towards her. It didn't feel right that they both looked good and I turned awa only to face Daniel, who still stood beside me, not willing to go anywhere. I knew he also saw Aaron and could see the tension that came upon me.

“Don’t worry, I will ask nothing."

I wouldn't answer even if he was about to ask, though.

After another hour and I stayed glue to the bar, Daniel took his leave, saying something about meeting up with the new professor Wole that would head the physics department.

I stayed at the bar, wishing the hour would run faster so I could leave this nightmare called a party. I had stared at Aaron and his new girl earlier and they had gone to meet with the vice-chancellor, and they seemed to have the time of their Li with how happy they were while talking to him. The image took another shot to my heart, and I vowed never to look at hi again. My heart was too fragile for this pain.

If they served alcohol, it would have been better, but sadly, they didn’t. I had to deal with this night in the way I knew bes by doing nothing.

“A glass of sparkling water for me and the lady, bartender,” Aaron said, and I knew he had made his way over to me. He must have seen me and figured I would stay here the whole night if given the chance, and he took the bold step.

Not that it made me feel any better.

“l want no more sparkling water,” I grumbled under my breath, but he heard and I knew what his next question would be. “Then why are you still here?”

Isn't it obvious? Because I don't want to face you. Or deal with the image of you and Ms perfect at the back.

“Cause I want to,” I answered, and we wandered into silence.

The bartender served the two glasses of sparkling water and while he reached for his and took a drink; I didn't touch min He dropped the glass and ran his hand over it. “I waited,” he said, breaking the silence that had lingered between us. “Yo never gave your answer.”

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