A Weekend With The Alpha

A Weekend with the Alpha Chapter 58

My eyes pried open as the door to my room cracked and I saw Zion dragging himself through and towards my bed. I had just closed my eyes not so long ago trying to sleep and the strain lingered in them now that I stared at my son.

“Zion, baby, what's wrong?” I asked.

“I couldn't sleep,” he grumbled, already climbing onto the bed and crawling over to my side.

I pouted, “Oh honey, I'm sorry. Do you want to sleep with mommy?"

He bobbed his head, and I opened my arms to him, tightening them when he got into it. I kissed his hair and rested my head on the pillow.

Not long after he came into my arms, he fell asleep, but I couldn't sleep. I kinda saw these sleepless nights and unending thoughts coming, but I let my heart think for me.

The memories of what happened between me and Aaron at Zion's party kept me up. I didn't need a psychic to know my want for him had gotten out of control for a while now. My inability to control my desire for that man had led to what happened, and that wasn't the problem. The problem was the fact that I couldn't stop thinking about it, obsessing about The memories plagued my mind, making me want more, making me want him.

I was slowly falling into the pattern and my old ways. The feelings didn't leave like I thought they would. They remained, more than I expected.

It felt like a drug. He was my drug. One touch and I was back, needing more. He wasn't giving me more, however; he had given me nothing.

It's been two weeks since our encounter and his thoughtful message and since then I have gotten nothing. It didn't faze n at first. We were both people with lives and the fact that he wasn't hung up on what happened was a bonus to me. But th first day went by and the second day did the same and the third and the first week.

it felt as if nothing happened between us and I wasn't sure I like the idea of that, not when I thought about him and what happened every day. I didn't want to believe he moved on. Aaron wasn't that kind of man. He wasn't the man that would lead someone on, was he?

I wanted to call or something, but I didn’t want to appear as the desperate one. I wasn't desperate, was I?

Fk! I was desperate. I was desperate for him, for his touch, for his attention, for his kisses. It felt like a drug and staying two weeks without it didn’t help.

I had seen him a few times since the birthday and a few times I've gone over to his place to pick Zion up. We have smiled each other and then acted as if nothing happened between us. I didn't like it, but there was nothing I could do.

Or was there?

Today, Zion would be at his father's til the evening and in the last three weeks, Aaron had enrolled him in swimming classes. It wasn't something I agreed to at first. Swimming was an important knowledge everyone should have. 1 didn't, bt that wasn't the point. The point was he was teaching him all the fun things like riding a bicycle, art and swimming, and I was stuck with teaching him the piano and how to be a decent human being.

I didn’t want my insecurity speaking for me and so I let Zion have all the fun on Mondays, Wednesdays and Fridays. I pick him up from his father's and bring him home. Usually, 1 go into the evening, pick him up and say hello to Aaron, who alwa had a warm smile on his face. It didn't help that whenever I saw him; I remembered his long fingers buried in me. Or his r full lips locked on mine, kissing, suckling and tasting. I had a filthy mind that did evil things to me and most times; I had 1 snap myself out of it like a fool.

He didn’t seem bothered, and I wondered how he could be so calm after what we did. Did he not want me anymore? Was playing hard to get? Urght All these questions and no answers.

I stared at myself in the mirror, knowing I needed to take decisions into my hands.

I couldn't wait for Aaron to decide. We didn't have that much time and I didn't have that much patience.

I picked out my slim hand red crop top and my black high-waisted jeans and put them on. My hair, I made into a ponytail and applied light make-up and red lipstick to match my top.

It was getting to evening, and I wanted to pick Zion up from Aaron's place, but I also wanted to pick something else up frc where I left off.

I gave myself one last glance at the mirror before reaching for my keys and black jacket and hurried out of the room. I ha over an hour before Zion finished with his swimming classes. Perhaps I would get to talk to Aaron and ask him what happened to him and why he had acted as if nothing had happened.

“Your choice of outfit says you want more than to talk’

Shut up!

I got down and made my way into the house, my stomach tightening in agitation because I was about to confront the mar that affected me like no other. The man I couldn't hide from.

I pushed the door open and stepped into the wide living area which appeared void of anyone and I made my way throug] it, minding my step and taking it slow.

I didn’t want to run into anyone that wasn't Aaron. This outfit wasn’t meant for them.

After a while of wandering around and not finding anyone, I realised my error. I should have called before coming. I dippe my hand into my pocket and pulled out my phone to dial Aaron's number when I heard footsteps from behind. I stilled ar the hair on my hair rose with each step taken until they were fully erect.

“You're an hour early.” Aaron's voice came from behind, and I could feel his heated gaze on me.

I swallowed, knowing that as well. “I know,” I admitted, feeling a little cold despite the jacket I had on. “I came to see you. summoned the courage to say it out loud.

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