A Weekend With The Alpha

A Weekend with the Alpha Chapter 47

Three hours later.

I was in a red polka-dot sundress that reached my knee and a pair of black slip-on I found in the wardrobe, which was th perfect match. I figured Aaron had gotten them for me because they fit so well. My curly hair I make into a ponytail and once done, I stared at myself in the dressing mirror one last time to make sure I looked okay. I did and now the next was waiting for Aaron to call for me.

Leaving gave me a bittersweet feeling. Bitter because it meant I wouldn't have the Harts around me anymore, especially Aaron, and sweet because this was what I always wanted.

Not long after I finished dressing up, the male servant, Blake, came to usher me out of the room. I came downstairs for th second time in the days I've been here and I found the three younger Harts standing close, waiting. It warmed my heart t know that despite the chaos I caused while here; they were still here to say farewell.

“Promise you I'll visit?" I asked with expecting eyes as I stared at Sesi, who smiled widely. Our circumstances these past days didn't give us the time we needed. However, there was a lot I wanted to learn from her and I wanted to keep her clo: and build our relationship.

She nodded, “I will. I can't go anywhere, not when Zion already has my heart." She answered, smiling and fondling Zion's cheeks.

“And you?” I asked, staring between Damor and Ivan.

“Sure. You've got some balls, and Id like to learn from you. Zion is Furthermore the cutest Hart so far. So yes, I will visit ivan answered with a broadened smile that made his blue eyes sparkle.

“I never thought I'd say this, however, it needs to be said, so thank you. Thank you for everything. You're the best aunt an uncles Zion could have ever asked for”

This made them smile. “Ready?” Aaron asked, returning to the living room.

I turn to him and nodded, “we are.”

esi handed Zion over to Aaron and he balanced his son him his left arm. Zion waved at the three Harts and I saw his eye grow glassy and it broke my heart. He probably believes he will never see them again, and I did not know how to begin by telling him that wasn't the case here. I wished I could take them with me just for today.

“Can we come along?” Ivan asked, as if reading my thought.

Aaron hesitated, but when he looked at me, I nodded, and he nodded as well. “Sure, come along, but no trouble.”

ivan was the happiest and he step forward, taking Zion from Aaron's hands and heading out while the little boy giggled happily.

“You sure about this?” Aaron asked with a little sceptical voice.

“It's what Zion wants and, from the look of it, he is ecstatic." I tapped his shoulder and followed Ivan and Zion out as well The red Benza jeep was already waiting for us outside the house and we all got in.

“Can I use your phone and make a call?” I asked Aaron, who now had the key in the car's ignition. I wanted to reach out tc Lionel and tell him I was coming home. I had misplaced my phone during Diya's Bachelorette party and I haven't spoken reached out to anyone since then. I knew they would be happy to hear from me and learn I was okay today.

Without arguing, Aaron handed me his phone, and I dialled Lionel's number. He didn’t pick up, and I tried again. He didn’ pick up, and I felt uneasy with thoughts in my head. I called Diya even though I knew I was interrupting her honeymoon, but 1 had no other choice and I hoped she would pick up and not be mad.

After the first ring, she picked up, “Hello who's this?"

“Diya, it's me,” I said, and I felt her exhale sharply.

“Zera, my goodness! Where have you been? Lionel has blown up my phone in the past few days being worried sick becau he couldn't find you and Zion. At first, I thought he was joking around, then I realised he wasn't. I almost cancelled my plans for the honeymoon.”

“Ym glad you didn't, Diya, 1 am fine. I lost my phone. How's Greg?"

“Hes fine. Still passed out on the bed. I blew his mind out last night.”

I heard chuckling from the back seat and I knew everyone in the car had heard what she said, even though the call wasn’ on speaker. I knew their hearing ability had made them listen to what Diya was saying.

I turned to Aaron and found him chuckling. “Is someone there with you? I'm hearing noises in the background” Diya’s suspicious tone came up.

I shook my head, then realised she wouldn't see me. “No one. Why did you ask?”


“Has Lionel reached out to you since yesterday? I've tried his number twice, and it's unreachable.”

“He called a day ago to ask if you've reached out, but I have heard nothing from him yesterday and today."

“Okay, thank you. I'll keep calling him then."

“Do that. I'm glad you're okay. Please take care of yourself and Zion and stay safe. Send my love to him, okay?”

“I will" I answered, and the call ended. Then I turned to the people seated in the car with me. “You do not listen to peopl, calls. It's not right” I scolded them with a stern voice.

it was wrong and I would know. I did that five years ago and look where we are. They all mumbled inaudibly, “sorry,’ and Aaron wouldn't stop chuckling. And that was getting to me. “is something funny, Mr2” my brow shot up.

He shook his head, “No ma'am.” he replied just as expected.

I returned my focus to my phone and once again dialled Lionel's number and after a few rings; it went through.

“Hello? Lionel?" I called out, immediately relieved to have gotten an answer, “Oh, thank goodness you'r-"

“This is Shamsi’ came the unknown feminine and fragile voice of the stranger now in possession of Lionel’s phone. “hamsi?” I repeated because the name didn't ring a bell in my memory.

“Lionel’s girlfriend,’ she added, to clear my curiosity.

Oh, he's gotten a girlfriend within a few days. My brother is fast! I'd give him that. He said it and he did it. Good for him. “Who are you?” she demanded, snapping me out of my silly mind.

“I'm Zera Adams, his sister. Where is he?” and do not tell me you also blew his brains out.

“Oh,” her voice dropped in its tempo, “Lionel is in the hospital. He was involved in a crash on his way over to my place las night."

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