A Weekend With The Alpha

A Weekend with the Alpha Chapter 38

Aaron's POV I hated the look she gave me. It made my blood boil in my veins to see it. She gave me the same look when I saved her ar my son from being harmed by the man called Henry. She looked at me as if I was some sort of monster that needed to be kept as far away from her as possible. I didn't know why, but it hurt to see the look on her face because it made me feel like a monster. As if I didn’t kill Henry to protect her. I had kept an extra eye on her after I found out I had a son with her. She might not know this, but almost all the other alphas naturally hated the Harts. We had the strongest bloodline, and we have had natural successions of alphas for ove ten generations. We've been believed to have the blood of the great king Xavier Ainsworth flowing through our veins. With this great power came great responsibility. Since our powers were more than the one an average wolf or alpha shou possess, we needed someone who could match it. My quest to find one in the last seven years had been futile and withot a balance for my powers, these powers would collapse within me and weaken me from the inside out. it would only get worse unless, of course, I find a mate, one that is true. When I met Zera I felt that bond, but she was human and I knew it had to be a mistake, yet every moment I spent with her felt right and made me feel as though I had found the one for my soul. I waited for her to reach out and, looking back now, I could see how that was a mistake on my path. I should have searched for her, I shouldn't have left the decision-making to her and her alone. A month became tw months and two months became four and I realised she had moved on with her life. Perhaps she didn't feel the connect the way I did. She wasn't my mate. If she was, she would have reached out. I told myself to move on, vowing to never give the next person I'd feel the bond for the chance to walk away ever again. Finding out a child had come forth from the weekend I spent with her years ago came as a blessing, not just to me but to the rest of the family, and I still remember the smile on all their faces. The baby was a sign of hope, a sign that we as a family would still get to keep the power in our bloodline, even if finding my true mate no longer mattered. That was why I wanted Zion all to myself to protect him. I knew that just like his existence was a sign of hope to the Hart’ family; it was a sign of power and dominance to the other alphas around the world, which would compel their loyalty. I knew they didn't like that and would want to eliminate Zion as fast as they could. I didn't know who was behind the attac but 1 planned on finding out and before then, I had to make sure to keep Zion and the stubborn little lady called Zera saf I didn't see the attack coming, but that was my error and it came so close that I would have lost the two people I cherish the most in the world. Despite my impending weakness, it wasn't so easy to take me out and almost every pack knew tha They knew the best way to get to me would be to strike at the weak link; Zion and Zera. I hated fighting with her, but I doubt she'll ever look at me and not see a cold-hearted monster. That wasn't who I wanted to be to her, that's not who I wanted to be from the very first time we met, but fate had made me the villain of my story fc a very long time. Perhaps it was time to stop running from it. “Are you with me, Aaron?” Sesi asked, snapping me out of my thought. “No, but I am now,” I answered, turning my focus to her. “I thought the plan was to get her on our side and not the other way around.” she trailed off, her eyes weary as she behel me. I wasn't proud of my actions. I had displayed a few actions since I found her months ago that I wasn't proud of. It was difficult to control emotions when the one meant for you can't stand your sight and tell you how much happier they wou be if you weren't in their life. “That's still the plan, but she has a habit of getting under my skin and making me do things I don't want to do,” I admitte and we stepped into the study room together. “We need to ready ourselves for the very worse this full moon. We cannot guarantee where our attack will come from. If they attacked Zion and Zera, they might plan to attack us next. I need to know you're down with whatever happens.” I didn't see the attack coming. I had closed eyes on the ones I knew could do such a despicable thing, which was the rebellion pack, but so far, my man on the inside told me nothing. That left me to believe they might have been unaware o the attack as well. I needed to protect my own. There was no other way around it. I felt grateful that I came in the time that I did and I didn’ want to think of what could have happened if I hadn't stepped in when 1 did. I didn’t want her terrified out of her mind, but I had to understand that she had been tossed into the realm of the supernatural and the truth she didn't know existed. I had to believe she just needed time and only said and did some things she did out of fear. She couldn't hate me... Not that she couldn't. I just didn't want a reality where she'd hate me. Ivan already sat waiting for us at the corner of the study with his arms folded across his chest and his eyes closed. “How long do we need to keep her here?” he asked. “As long as we need to. It's for her protection.” I reply and he opened his eyes. He stared at me for a moment before turning away. “She doesn't see it that way, though. “Because she doesn't understand,” I began, then paused and turned to him. “Can you see her?” I asked, stepping towards the armchair he sat on in the left corner of the room where he sat. It wasn't even a question. Ivan was the wise one in the pack and family. Most of the strongest packs had wise ones. It meant that despite having the werewolf blood; he was more human than the rest of the Harts. It also meant that he coul see things beyond the physical and travel between worlds and realms of the supernatural. This was his gift, and this mad him different. He could wander off in his mind while sitting in the same position. He could interact with people and make them believe he was real and with them when really he was in his room. When his ability first appeared, he had pulled a few pranks on all of us and we fell for it, but as the years went by, we got used to his tricks and figured out when he was the real Ivan and when it wasn't. He called it dream-walking and after year of practising; he learnt how to carry people with him into this world. Although stronger than the average human, Ivan hac never experienced his werewolf shift. We believed the magic flowing through his veins silenced his werewolf form. “Yes. I see her,” he answered calmly. “She's scared and wants to go home." His last sentence made my heart ache. I didn't want her scared; I wanted her safe and at peace, and she needed to see that. “Can I see her?" He took my hand without speaking or opening his eyes, and I found myself in the room we left Zera in. She sat on the floc close to the bed with her head buried between her legs. I heard small whimpers coming from her and I knew she was crying and in pain. This wasn't what I wanted to see, but there was no turning back. “Zera," I called out and her head slowly lifted and her eyes were red, making my heart hurt in my chest. “l am sorry." She shook her head, sniffing a little. “I need to go home. The corpses you left in my room probably have the cops crowdin my house now, and I need to return and clear my name." “I already have that taken care of, but trust me, here is the safest place you can be," I assured her. She looked even more confused, despite my assurance. “If you've taken care of things, why can't I go home?” “Because your home isn't a safe place anymore. We believe those who attacked you are not yet done.” “Because your home isn't a safe place anymore. We believe those who attacked you are not yet done.” She dragged a shaky breath, “Why would anyone plan to harm me and Zion? We have not done anything wrong to anyone “They aren't coming for you because you harmed anyone, they are coming for you because of me.” Her eyes narrowed as she glanced up at me. She wanted to ask why, but the words didn’t come out. I knew the question she wanted to ask. “Zion has the Hart's blood and many don't like that. They don't like my family being the strongest bloodline to exist. They know with Zion alive, our legacy would continue, so they want him dead.” She pulled herself up from the floor. “You mean to tell me by bringing yourself into our lives you placed the life of my sor in danger?” When she puts it like that, it made me feel like a bad person. “Zera,” she stormed towards the door. “Where do you think you're going?” “Anywhere away from you and the danger you bring. I'm taking my son and we are leaving this minute.” “You think you have more safety out there than in here?” “I'll take my chances.” She pulled at the doorknob, but it was locked. She kept yanking at it despite her power not matchi it. “Not with my son, you won't," I answered. She turned to glare at me. “He's my son as well.” “He's more mine than yours!” “Pk you!” Her words struck a cord in me, and images of us entangled in blissful union flashed in my head, “Do not say what you dor mean.” “How about this? I wish I never met your” She spat at me angrily, and I pulled my hand away from Ivan's, returning to reality. There was no way I was going to get to her. She was not going to let me do that. She was as stubborn as they came. I couldn't reach her and make her see reasons, not when she already had her stubborn mind made up... “We need to focus on the full moon. It's tomorrow, Aaron, and you're not in the place to shift with the rest of us," Sesi spoke, making her presence known in the room and we turn to her. “I have always shifted," I told her, not knowing why she was suddenly taking me off my role. “And it has weakened you every month. You're barely healing from your intervention and we can't risk Ron taking over.’ The fight I had with Henry had left me in a terrible shape and my healing came slow, which was why Sesi feared Ron migh take over tomorrow. Ron was the name I gave my wolf form and if I shifted, showing any sign of weakness, he would seize the opportunity and take over. He was ruthless, bloodthirsty and stubborn whenever he took control, which was unlike m He hunted every and anything in his path and it got worse a few years ago. The human and wolf's form usually worked together for every werewolf and mine did once, but not anymore. So, as much as I could, I kept him in the background, never to come to the surface, not even when I shifted. He didn't like that, but nobody liked him, and this was the best. I could handle Ron tomorrow and still lead the pack. I did not have to be cut off, and I didn't like the thought of it. “This i my pack” “And you shall lead in human form. Damor will be in charge tomorrow and this is for the pack and you. Heal, alpha.” I hated to admit it, but Sesi was right. I was getting weaker than I used to be. It wasn't new to me at this point. This was w Henry, a beta, almost outmatched me while I tried to save Zera and Zion. The wounds he inflicted were still healing and n one except the ones in this room knew that. Zera would never understand that I killed Henry because I didn't have enough strength in me to subdue him. I was weak, and I grew weaker with every passing day.

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