A Weekend With The Alpha

A Weekend with the Alpha Chapter 103

Zera's eyes widened in panic and Aaron must have seen the look on her face or felt the arrow coming because he moved and the silver-tip arrow pierced through his side. He grunted in pain but didn't let go because if he did, the ritual would t over.

For the rebellion pack to be in the field meant they had broken through lvan’s hold somehow and had pushed their way through the members of the pack defending the estate and territory. Her heart went out to everyone, especially Lionel, b she was also worried about herself and Aaron.

Another arrow flew towards him the next second and it pierced into his shoulder, making him groan out in pain, much mc than the first. Blood ran down his pierced shoulder, but he held onto her hand tighter than before. Her heart clenched in pain seeing Aaron in much pain because of this and she wanted to do something, but knew as much as protecting themselves was important, the ritual too was.

They had to stay still with their hands entwined, acting like the world around them wasn't in chaos. It won't be long now. She knew this.

She spotted about five figures moving out of the shadow and approach them and they didn't look like friends. Her heart doubled, and she feared for the very worse with every step they took.

She was scared. If the ritual was complete, then Aaron would be able to take on as many of them that came against him, but if not, they were doomed. With her disoriented mind, she couldn't tell how far the ritual had gone or know if their palms had healed up.

Aaron's gaze stayed locked on her weary ones, but he remained calm despite the pain of the incoming danger.

“Seven,” he muttered under his breath, and she wondered what he meant. “six” he continued. “Five."

Her eyes darted to the five men, two with glowing red eyes and three with yellow eyes still approaching them, and her heart raced rapidly. Updated by FindNovel.net, visit for more free novels These four were the other alpha who had sided wit alpha Theo to take down the Dominio pack, but alpha Theo was nowhere to be found.

“Four the men were so close now and letting her fear lead, she wanted to pull her hand from his and move on to attack them, but he tightened his grip around hers, stilling her, “three, two.” His eyes fluttered.

One of the men behind Aaron with yellow eyes drew his bow and fired two arrows having sharp silver heads towards ther “One. Aaron's lashes fluttered and his eyes blazed a bloody red as he said the last word. He let go of her hand and turn around to back her. He caught the arrow flying towards him with both hands and threw them back at two of the men who approached. They fell and the rest four stormed towards them faster. Zera turned around and found three men approaching her, their eyes glowing blue.

“Keep your back to mine!” he commanded, and she didn't know if she would obey because three werewolves move to attack her.

They launched forward, and she ran towards them, taking a few cuts which healed up, but ripping their hearts out and watching them drop to the floor, dead.

“Are you okay?” Aaron yelled out as he slammed the last alpha he fought with on the ground.

Zera stared at her bloody hands and her heart raced in her chest, not from fear, but delight. “I'm fine."

“Good,” he said and ripped out the heart of the one on the ground.

Just then Daniel, Ivan, Sesi Damor and Lionel and a few other members of Dominio’s pack ran into the open field where Aaron and Zera were. Lionel's arm was bleeding and Zera took hold of his hand, fearing a werewolf had scratched him. He noticed the look on her face and shook his head. “I fell and cut it open. I'm alright”

“We couldn't hold them off,” Damor informed Aaron who he stood beside in a tone of disappointment.

“You did well.” He commended him before asking, “Is everyone alright?”

“Yes,” they answered in unison.

“Did you complete the ritual?” Ivan asked.

Aaron nodded, “Yes. Remember, all we need is Theo. Once he's dead, the pack will scatter.” He informed them.

“Alpha Aaron Hart, we meet again." the infuriating voice of Theo said, stepping into the open field along with Nicole and three other werewolves.

“Theo,” Aaron growled. “I told you once, crossing territories on a full moon is forbidden!”

“And who's going to put me in my place?” he mocked, his eyes turning red.

Aaron stepped forward. “1 am.

Theo smirked. “As predictable as I thought. You might have completed the ritual to make you the strongest alpha, but something is stronger than even the strongest alpha, and that's a legion of alphas. You're barely an alpha. All the membe of your pack either ran away or are dead.”

He was getting under Aaron's skin and getting him angrier. “Did you come to talk or fight?” he roared, his hands growing into sharp claws.

“Oh, 1 didn't come to fight. I came to kill," he answered. “I hope you readied yourself because I didn't come alone.” He sai and about a dozen of his pack members made themselves known from behind, spreading out to show their faces, and another dozen soon after.

The members of the rebellion pack immediately surrounded them in the open field and their numbers were over fifty, fro what they could see.

“Where's Tosin?” Zera asked, not being able to place his face from amongst the crowd.

Aaron pointed to the left-hand side of Theo and there was the red-haired bastard Zera had had at the back of her mind each day she trained in the last week.

To get to him, she knew she would have to get through the other werewolves before her and she was ready.

The fight started, and everyone moved to either defence or offence. Lionel, who held a gun with silver bullets, fired and shot down anyone that came close to him.

Zera fought her way through the tugging crowd, trying to get to Tosin, when someone shoved her to the ground with force

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