A Warrior's Love

Chapter 7: Getting a new car

(K’aalógii: butterfly in Navajo/ pronounced: Ah-loogie).

Becky walked into Wyatt’s waiting arms with a big smile and sighed happily as she rubbed her nose on his chest.

“You are right, if they are good mates, they won’t hurt each other,” Wyatt said as he wrapped his arms around her tightly. He then added, “Sadly, there are a few who are abusive, thankfully though, not many.”

Becky gave a nod of agreement.

Jeff left the room mumbling about needing something to drink.

Wyatt and Becky continued to just stand there in the middle of the room. They held each other tightly content to just be together at that moment.

Finally, Wyatt spoke up and said, “My wolf is more aggressive than most wolves K’aalógii. This might possibly be because I am a mix of warrior and alpha, but I’m not for sure about that. Although, Uncle teases me quite a bit about the “untamed” side of me.”

Becky looked up at him then, her beautiful blue eyes full of questions as she inquired, “Untamed?”

Wyatt gave a slight nod and said, “My father was a full-blooded Navajo Indian and a strong warrior wolf. Some believe that all warriors are decedents of Native Americans, and my father would tell me stories of how his ancestors preferred living as a wolf rather than staying in their human form. This made them wilder wolves than the wolves in the packs we live in today.”

“Oh, wow Wyatt, that is so cool!” Becky exclaimed. Then looking thoughtful she said, “So… that means your mom was Alpha Stone’s sister, right?”

“Yes. She was actually the oldest child, not him, and carried the alpha gene. She had no interest in being Alpha though, she was happy just being a warrior’s mate,” Wyatt explained.

“So, your dad didn’t wish to be Alpha?”

“No, warrior wolves are...” Wyatt closed his eyes. He tried thinking of the best way to explain how his wolf was that wouldn’t cause her to fear him. As he thought upon it, his wolf once more began to rise, wanting to explain to her how he was different. So, he let him.

“Wyatt?” Becky questioned softly, her hand moving to his face.

At her touch, Wyatt opened his eyes. He watched as her eyes widened for his eyes would now be glowing golden. He said, “Hello again my precious.”

Becky smiled softly as her fingers gently caressed his cheek as she murmured, “Hello Wolf Wyatt.”

“I am going to try and explain why warrior wolves are different,” Wolf Wyatt told her in his gruff voice.

“Okay,” she agreed.

“An Alpha is the leader and has to be a strong wolf because he has a pack that depends on him to lead them. If he were to show weakness no one would want to follow him. Sometimes the alpha will make a show of aggression when he needs to dominate a wolf. This is how he makes those who follow him obey if they become stubborn, but it usually doesn’t take much aggression because... well, he IS Alpha, and it is in our DNA to follow him.”

Becky gave a slight nod, showing that she understood so far.

So, he continued, “A warrior wolf, however, wears his aggression almost like a shield, making him seem almost angry most of the time. The least little thing can set off his anger and causing him to fight after all that is what he has been raised to do. This is one of the reasons why we train often, it gives us an outlet for our aggression and anger. We are also a brutal and harsh breed, we care little for social functions or being polite. We say what we think, and don’t worry about how it affects others. Whereas, the Alpha must always think about how what he says will affect the whole pack, not just himself. So, even though Father was a caring man to his mate and family, his uncaring attitude towards others would not have made him a good alpha.”

“Okay,” Becky murmured softly. “So, does that mean you will treat me differently than everyone else?”

“Yes,” he agreed.

“Jake, Demi’s mate, is a warrior. He seems so easy going though, him and his brother Tim,” Becky murmured then, looking puzzled. She then said, “I just don’t see the aggression in them.”

“Their wolves are not yet mature, nor have they been in battle. When they fight for the first time the aggression will come because they will need it to kill the offender. Their wolves will feel the need to protect their pack, whatever it takes, and it will be as if someone suddenly flipped a switch. For me, I had to grow up fast when my parents were killed. It set something off in me even though I was only ten,” he explained.

Wyatt then stood silent, watching Becky as she mentally digested what she’d been told. His gaze soon left her eyes though to fall upon her lips. He felt a need rising within him, a need to kiss her, and it was strong. So, he glanced back into her eyes to find she was now watching him. His gaze dropped back to her lips just in time to see her tongue flick out to lick her lips.

That was all it took for his need to take him over. With a growl, his lips descended to taste the sweetness of hers.

“I thought I took long enough for the two of you to be finished,” Jeff grumbled from the doorway.

Wyatt moved away, breaking the kiss.

Becky felt her cheeks heat up, embarrassed at having been caught. So, she moved around Wyatt, heading for the bed, where her duffel bag lay, to finish packing. Pausing though, she turned to look at Wyatt as she asked, “Do I need to pack everything or just for tomorrow?”

“Just for tomorrow and Monday. After school I’ll bring you home to move everything,” Wyatt told her.

Becky nodded and continued toward the bed.

Wyatt then turned to Jeff to say, “I need to get a vehicle. I came with Ben since I didn’t think I’d need my own ride.”

“You’re staying just up the road, I can pick you up in the mornings,” Jeff informed him.

Wyatt shook his head and said, “No, I want to be able to take Becky to school and other places.” He looked at her then and asked, “Do you drive?”

“Sure... well, I have a license, but I very seldom drive since I don’t have a car. Demi picks me up for school usually, and either Papa or Mom take me other places,” Becky answered as she finished putting the last of her things in her duffel bag.

“Then you will go with me to find a vehicle,” Wyatt said. “Whatever we pick will be yours when we return to the Stone Pack.”

Becky stopped trying to close her duffel bag, which she’d stuffed too much inside of, and turned to look at Wyatt in awe. She whispered, “You’re really going to buy me a vehicle?”

“Yes,” Wyatt agreed. “You will need one because my schedule is very hectic at home.”

Becky squealed, moving back toward him and throwing her arms around his waist. She hugged him tightly as she exclaimed, “I don’t care why I’m getting it, I’m just excited to get one! Oh, can we go get one now?”

Wyatt nodded.

Becky’s fist pumped the air. She then grabbed his hand and dragged him out the door as she yelled, “Yes! What are you waiting for, let’s go!”

“Becky, where are you going in such a hurry?” Papa asked as he watched her pull Wyatt behind her down the stairs,

Jeff following behind them with her duffle bag, chuckling.

“Wyatt’s going to buy me a vehicle Papa!” Becky told him excitedly.

“Ah, that explains the excitement because I know you’ve been wanting one. I had actually thought about getting you one for your birthday,” Papa mentioned as he turned to look at Wyatt. He then suggested, “Try the lot on fifth and Green. It has a sweet little ride there that I think you will both like.”

Wyatt nodded, and they walked out as Papa headed toward the kitchen.

Crawling in the backseat of Jeff’s truck, Becky bounced with excitement. In a sing-song voice, she said, “I’m getting a vehicle of my own, I’m getting a vehicle of my own, and I’m so excited!

“She hasn’t driven in a while Wyatt,” Jeff cautioned. “So, you might want to hit a back road for her to brush up on her skills before letting her out into traffic.”

“It will be fine I’m sure. Once you learn you don’t forget.” Wyatt replied with a shrug.

When they turned into the lot, Becky saw it right in the front. It was a 1968 Dodge Charger in a deep purple that someone had restored. It was big and wide, jacked up in the back, with dual exhaust. When she got out of Jeff’s truck to look at it, she saw it had a Hemi motor in it and black leather interior. It just called to her and she loved it!

“It’s a total beast, but oh, it is a beautiful one,” Becky murmured as she gently ran her hand over its shiny fender.

“Hello folks, can I help you find something? If this is the one, you’re interested in, it is one fine ride,” the salesman told them as he crossed the lot. Once he was next to them, he said, “Let me crank it for you so you can hear it roar.”

“Roar? Aren’t cars supposed to purr?” Becky asked him, confused.

The salesman laughed and said, “Yes, little missy they are. Most do just that, but this one here has glass packs, and it will roar loud enough to rattle your windows.”

Then he cranked it up and proved what he’d just told them!

“Oh Wyatt, can we get it?” Becky asked him breathlessly as she stared at the car in awe.

Wyatt moved over to the car, popping the hood and looking under it. He then got down on the ground and looked under it before getting inside. He drove off the lot with the salesman at his side for a test drive. In about ten minutes he was pulling back into the parking space he’d left and climbed out of the car.

“Well, what do you think?” The salesman asked as he climbed from the passenger side.

“Let’s talk price,” Wyatt answered.

Then he and the salesman walked inside leaving Becky and Jeff standing next to the car.

“I can’t believe Wyatt is going to buy a car. As far back as I remember he’s always driven a truck, a big truck,” Jeff muttered looking at the car.

“He does?” Becky asked.

Jeff nodded.

Becky bit her lip, worried now that he was getting something, he wouldn’t like driving all because of her. So, she began second-guessing herself and said, “Oh, well, maybe we should have looked at other vehicles first before...”

“Becky, look at me,” Jeff said gently, causing her to look his way. He then softly said, “Wyatt never does anything he doesn’t want to do. So, if he didn’t want this car, he would have walked right past it without a glance. H said this car is for you though, and he already has a truck at home.”

“I hope you’re right,” Becky told him just as Wyatt and the other man walked out.

Wyatt had his usual blank face on, but the salesman was grinning from ear to ear.

Walking up to Becky, Wyatt held out his hand with a key dangling from it. He then softly said, “You will drive.”

“Oh Wyatt, are you sure? It’s been a while, I’d hate to scare you with my driving,” Becky said with a nervous wobble in her voice.

“You will be fine,” Wyatt told her. “Jeff, help me load our luggage into the trunk.”

“I’ve put a temporary tag on the car for you and wish you all a good day. Enjoy your car and let me know if I can help you with anything,” the salesman said before shaking their hands and leaving them for someone else.

Jeff and Wyatt walked over and grabbed the luggage from out of his truck.

Becky opened the door of the car. The smell of leather filled the air, as she sat down and ran her hand along the dash. She heard the trunk close, and looking in the rear-view mirror, she saw Jeff give Wyatt a light nod before heading to his truck and leaving.

“You need to adjust the seat and mirrors before we take off. Whoever drove this car was more my height than yours,” Wyatt informed her after he’d walked around to stand by the driver’s side door.

Becky nodded, then turned to put her feet inside the car. She then used the lever under the edge of the seat to pull it forward.

Wyatt closed her door as she adjusted the rear-view mirror. He then walked around the front of the car and after getting in the passenger side, he said, “Let’s go, I’m hungry.”

Becky’s stomach, as if remembering it was well past lunch, growled and she laughed as he winked at her. So, cranking the car, she agreed, “Lunch sounds wonderful and I know just the place.”

Very carefully, Becky pulled out of the lot. She then drove slowly down the street until she got a feel for the car. It was almost like driving Papa’s truck, only closer to the ground, so she soon relaxed.

“You drive well my little K’aalógii.”

“Thank you, Wyatt. I only got my license a year ago and have probably only driven a handful of times since learning to drive,” she explained. “Demi has a car, so she takes me to school and back. Mom doesn’t let anyone behind the wheel if she’s in the car.”

“What about Jeff?”

“His truck is a standard,” Becky told him with a sigh. “I can do a lot of things with this prosthetic foot of mine, but working the clutch is beyond my abilities.” Spotting the steakhouse, she pulled into their parking lot, shutting off the engine as she said, “This is Papa’s favorite steakhouse, so I thought you might like it. “You do like steak, don’t you?”

Wyatt gave her a “are you kidding me” look that caused her to laugh. He then got out of the car shaking his head and walked around to open her door. Next, he placed his hand on her back as they walked inside. The restaurant wasn’t very busy, it was well past lunchtime, so they were quickly seated and waited on.

Becky noticed their waitress kept looking at Wyatt, yet he paid her no mind. She had to laugh softly at the pout that crossed the woman’s face as she left to get the drinks.

Wyatt, hearing her, looked up from his menu to ask, “What is so funny?”

“You,” Becky told him. Then, propping her chin in her hand, she asked, “You don’t even see women, do you?”

He frowned, answering, “Yes, I see women, they aren’t invisible.”

“No, I mean... the waitress, she’s been watching you. I can see how badly she wants you to notice her, yet you don’t.”

“She does not interest me K’aalógii, you do,” Wyatt informed her. “I’ve learned to ignore women and their... flirtations. If I had paid them attention, then I might have given them the things that belong only to my mate. I have been told by many how handsome I am, but it meant nothing.”

“You are handsome Wyatt,” she told him in a whisper.

Wyatt’s lips curled up into a slight smile, then was gone as he spoke, saying, “That coming from you makes me believe that I am.”

His words made Becky feel all warm and gooey inside, as she began to think back to when Demi and Jake had first met.

I remember Demi telling me one time how when Jake calls her beautiful all her insecurities about her looks fall away, and she truly feels like she is beautiful. Is that how Wyatt felt when I gave him that compliment or is it a bit different since he’s a guy? Hm… I may never know because I’m too embarrassed to ask him. What I do know, is that I’m no longer content to sit across from him. I want to sit by him, to touch him, to have his heat warm me in this cool restaurant.

So, taking a deep breath, Becky dug deep for her courage and asked, “Wyatt, can I sit next to you?”

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