A Warrior's Love

Chapter 22: In conclusion

(K’aalógii: Butterfly in Navajo)

(Shidáí: Maternal uncle in Navajo)

(Ayóó anííníshní: I love you in Navajo)

Wyatt’s voice was cold, his eyes flashing gold and red at this point.

Becky knew then that she had overstepped her bounds, so now she needed to tread very carefully as to not upset Wyatt even more. So, with that thought in mind, she softly said, “Wolf Wyatt, I know it really isn’t your “concern” as you put it, that’s true, but will it hurt to give me your opinion of the situation?” she asked, wanting him to understand. She then continued, trying to explain, “I’ll try to give you an example and perhaps it will help you understand why I’m asking you this.” She hummed slightly, thinking, then said, “It’s kind of like when Demi and I go shopping and she asks me if I like a dress she sees. I might think to myself, I’ll never wear the dress, so why does my opinion of it really matter? Still, I give her my opinion on the dress. However, I give it, not only because she asked for it, but also because she is my friend and it makes her happy to know if I like it or not.”

Wolf Wyatt cocked his head studying her. His eyes were, slightly squinted as they roamed over her face. He then gruffly asked, “So, me giving you my opinion on this subject will make you happy?”

“Yes, yes, it will make me very happy to have your opinion,” Becky agreed as she nodded her head vigorously.

Finally, Wyatt gave her a slight nod. He then closed his eyes and took a deep breath as if he were clearing his thoughts. When he opened his eyes, they were solid gold showing his alpha side was dominant, he began speaking, “If they are not happy in their pack, then it will be a constant argument between them about where they should live. Time and time again, each one will be putting in to move which will cause discord between them and their wolves. Over time, it will no longer matter how much they love each other, it will wear on their relationship and both will be miserable. As time passes it will completely tear them completely apart, destroying not only their love for each other but also their wolves. This is no way to live, so if it were me, I would tell them to go to some of the packs neighboring each of theirs and find one where they can be happy. They should look for one where their wolves feel content because when your wolf feels as if it fits in, it will make the transition to a new pack much easier.”

Becky gave him a dazzling smile as she brushed her hand across Wyatt’s cheek. She then murmured, “Thank you wolf Wyatt.”

“Now, would you like to explain why you asked this question of me, my precious? And explain to me why SHE is here?” Wolf Wyatt asked, his voice once more holding a snarl as he glared at Cherry.

“Because I asked her to come, Wolf Wyatt, and before you say anything let me explain why,” Becky almost begged.

Wyatt didn’t look happy about her answer, but he gave a nod for her to continue.

“You remember how I told you I didn’t want you to kill Cherry because somewhere out there her mate was searching for her? Well, he found her Wolf Wyatt and he has been looking for her for almost as long as you looked for me and because you were merciful, he found her. When Cherry came to me and told me, I was so happy for her, and I wanted to meet the man that has made her so happy. He deserves to be happy my love, and I want him to be just as happy that he found her as I am that you found me.”

Wyatt glanced over her shoulder. Becky turned to see Cherry and her mate as they began to walk forward, eventually stopping and standing a few feet from where she and Wyatt stood.

“My name is Lucas, Warrior Stone, sir,” Lucas said as he gave a respectful half bow. He then continued, “Cheryl told me how you could have killed her for what she had done, yet you didn’t, instead, you spared her.”

“I spared her only because my mate asked it of me,” Wolf Wyatt growled, his eyes once more flashing red as he looked over at Cherry.

“I know, but I am still grateful, to both of you,” Lucas continued, bringing Wolf Wyatt’s gaze back to him. Taking a deep breath, he continued, “Ever since Cheryl told me that Becky had invited her to come, I have been looking forward to the chance that I might be able to thank you for sparing her life. You see, I have been looking for my mate since I turned sixteen and I’m now twenty and had all but given up hope of ever finding her.

“When my Alpha made me come here for training, I almost disobeyed him and didn’t come, which would have caused me to be tossed in the cells for my disobedience. I was beyond really caring, however, and thought to myself, why bother? I’m without a mate, my pack hates me because of my scars and lack of agility. My next thought was, perhaps I should just go rogue and take my chances without a pack. I didn’t though, not only because I have my sister to care for but also because my wolf convinced me to come. He argued that we had nothing to lose in coming here and that we might even decide to stay if Alpha Bannon would have me and my sister. So, I sucked it up and came, even though I’m no more warrior material then a Chihuahua puppy is!”

Wyatt remained silent as he continued to stare at Lucas. It was as if he were trying to decide if his words were true or not.

So, in Wyatt’s silence, Becky took a good look at the man who was Cherry’s mate. She could tell he was blind in one eye because it was a milky blue instead of the bright icy blue of the other eye, and he had burn scars that started on his cheek and ran down his neck into the collar of his shirt. Sticking out her hand, she said, “Hi Lucas. I’m Wyatt’s mate Becky and I am so glad to meet you.”

Lucas’s face lit up as he smiled and right then Becky could see what Cherry saw in him. He had the look of a sweet man, who given a chance would touch anyone’s heart by his sincerity. He then said, “Cheryl has told me so much about you Becky. Mostly how sorry she was to have done you the way she did, but also how you gave her a second chance. You were a good friend, even when she didn’t deserve it, and we owe so much to you.”

“I’m just glad she found her mate and that you are a mate that loves her despite her past,” Becky told him honestly. “Now, did you hear what Wyatt said about the packs?”

“Yeah, and I think it is a great idea,” Lucas agreed. “I was sent here to train, but honestly I am no warrior and my alpha knew it when he sent me. I don’t have the speed or the bulk of a warrior, and I’ve had my tail handed to me every day since I’ve been here.”

“So, if your Alpha knew you were no warrior, why did he send you?” Becky asked Lucas with a frown.

Lucas gave a sad sigh before admitting, “Mostly because I am an embarrassment to the pack, and it was his way of getting me out of his way. He knows I’m not built to be a warrior, maybe he hopes someone will kill me and I’ll be one less worry for him.”

Becky gasp in shock, thinking, how could anyone treat someone like that? Is it because he has a disability? That’s really no excuse, it’s just sad really that he was treated in such a manner. Strangely, when I look at him, I feel a connection to him, and I wanted to help him if I can. I wonder if this is how Papa felt when he found me all those years ago?

With this thought in mind, Becky turned to look at Wyatt. She opened her mouth to ask him if he would help Lucas, only to find him still staring at the man. His eyes were still completely gold and he had a strange look on his face.

“Your alpha sent you to a warrior training, knowing you are no warrior? What are you then?” Wolf Wyatt questioned.

Lucas looked uncomfortable as he shuffled from one foot to the other, saying, “I don’t know, Warrior Stone, sir. Even before the fire, I had a small and wiry build. I’ve gotten taller, but I don’t bulk up as a warrior does. My sister, however, she’s twelve now and shows all the signs of being a tracker, a very good one. She can smell a pork rib from miles away if she’s hungry!” He then grinned and laughed lightly.

Wolf Wyatt stood silently for a moment then demanded, “Close your eyes.”

“Sir?” Lucas questioned, his head tilted, with confusion written on his face.

“Close your eyes and take a deep breath,” Wolf Wyatt repeated. When Lucas didn’t immediately do as told, Wyatt growled his eyes glowing gold and red once more as he loudly growled out his demand, “I said, CLOSE YOUR EYES!”

Lucas’s eyes snapped shut, as he whimpered slightly, tilting his head in submission.

“Now focus and tell me what you smell as far as food,” Wolf Wyatt said, sounding slightly calmer, but not much.

Then, everyone waited, almost holding their breath. Becky saw Lucas take a deep breath as a frown of concentration crossed his face.

Lucas took another deep breath, and another before saying, “I smell ham, eggs, pickles, tuna,” another breath before continuing with, “Swiss cheese, baked beans, ranch dressing, or maybe Italian, and chocolate... mm... and now I’m hungry!” He exclaimed as he opened his eyes.

“I believe you may be a tracker also,” Wolf Wyatt commented. He then asked, “What rank was your father?”

A sad look passed over Lucas’s face as he almost whispered, “Dad was a warrior, Mom was too, they were two of the best in our pack. They both down fighting that night trying to save my sister and me from the rogues that attacked our house. The rogues had the house surrounded, so Dad led the rogues that were in front of the house off, while Mom led the ones at the back away. This left my sister and I free to make our escape before the fire could kill us. If it wasn’t for Dad and Mom sacrificing themselves, my sister and I would have never made it out of that house alive. As it was, we barely made it and I have the scars to prove it.”

“Unusual for two warriors to have tracker children,” Alpha Bannon spoke up to say then.

“Lucas, my best tracker just mated and went to live within his mate’s pack. Perhaps you would like to join our pack, you and your sister. Wyatt may be a warrior, but he is also a very good tracker and could give you the training you need to be good at it,” Alpha Stone said.

Wolf Wyatt turned to stare at his uncle, and with a snarl, he said, “I almost killed his mate, Shidá’í, for her stupidity in harming my mate. Why would I want them in our pack, much less have to train him?”

Before Alpha Stone could speak, Becky answered, “Because everyone deserves a second chance, a chance to prove themselves, Wolf Wyatt, even Lucas. He could come train with you and then move on if they don’t feel comfortable in the Stone Pack. Please, Wolf Wyatt, give them a chance!”

Wolf Wyatt turned to look at Becky, the red in his eyes now burning brightly as he said, “You will be the end of me, Precious. The last thing I want is for that... that girl to be in my pack close to you.”

“Oh, my love, it will be alright, I promise it will. For you see, I believed Cherry when she apologized to me and told me how sorry she was,” Becky told him. Then, giving him a kiss on his cheek she added, “And I won’t be the end of you because you love me.”

Wolf Wyatt reached down and ran his fingertips along her neck, stopping at the faint bite mark at the base of it. As he brushed his hand across the bite, she almost moaned at the sensation it left behind. He smirked, and suddenly his eyes were once more a dark chocolate brown and she found herself lost in their depths.

“Alright, K’aalógii, for you I will accept them coming to our pack. Also, only for you, will I take the pup under my wing and train him to be a tracker. Understand, I don’t do this for them, but for you, because you ask it of me, and I would do anything for you, my sweet K’aalógii. So, I will do it because Ayóó anííníshní.”

“Thank you Wyatt and you know I love you too, with everything in me I love you. You are a good man, a good wolf, a good warrior. I also believe, should you decide to, you will be a worthy alpha.”

Wyatt shook his head, disagreeing, as he murmured, “No, I am still too much monster to be an Alpha, K’aalógii. The warrior in me is too strong, and it would be at odds with the alpha inside, so it’s best to let that side of me stay mostly dormant. No matter what you say, I know it would be a battle to lead the pack the way an alpha would when the warrior in me cries for blood and has so very little patience.”

It was Becky’s turn to shake her head in disagreement, feeling a bit frustrated with his continued denial of who he was. So, she said, “Wyatt, you are not a monster, so stop calling yourself one, please. And you just did what any alpha would do when you answered my question. Yes, the human side of you said it wasn’t your responsibility, the warrior side of you said, “I’m not an alpha, but a warrior”, but the alpha part of you wanted to answer whether you will admit it or not.”

“I wouldn’t be a good Alpha Becky. Yes, I can lead the warriors into battle but that is so different from the day to day leading of the pack,” Wyatt told her softly, yet his voice now held a bit of confusion, as if he were no longer sure anymore.

Becky looked at him then, really looked at him. To most, his face would look blank and unemotional, but to her, she could see the fear, the uncertainty, and even a bit of need. It was a fear that he would never be good enough to be alpha, even though that was what he was born to be. She also saw the uncertainty, that he was no longer sure a warrior was all that he was. Then there was the want, the want to know what it would be like to take his rightful place as alpha of the Stone Pack. How could he not want it? It was what his birthright, it was what he was born to be, and whether he would admit it or not, he wanted it. Maybe he wasn’t ready yet and maybe he needed to take small steps toward it, but I know that one day he will get there. Until then, all she could do was give him support.

“Okay Wyatt, I won’t push you, but I do think it would be good for you to make more decisions similar to the one you made today, maybe go back to training with your uncle again on how to be an alpha,” Becky paused, wanting to word it right so he would understand what she was trying to say. “Every day when you train, you push your warrior side to be the best he can be, I think that your alpha side needs that also. It needs to be pushed, to grow, to learn, to be.... well, to be more.”

“I agree with her Wyatt. As your wolf ages, just like a child, he craves knowledge. So, if you aren’t constantly learning and growing your wolf grows bored, and a bored wolf can sometimes be a destructive one,” Alpha Bannon mentioned.

Alpha Stone nodded his agreement.

Mom must have decided that the conversation needed to be changed then because she said, “Alright I think it is time for the birthday girl and her mate to have a dance.” Then she pushed Wyatt and Becky toward the dance floor as someone restarted the music.

Wyatt took Becky in his arms, holding her tightly. Becky smiled as she lay her head on his chest, breathing in his spicy scent. She was content to be held in his arms as they swayed to the slow song that was playing.

“I love you so much Wyatt, and I only want the very best of everything for you,” Becky whispered to him as she gazed up into his beautiful brown eyes. “I want to shout it from the rooftops that I have a warrior’s love and that makes my life complete!”

Wyatt’s eyes glittered as he gave that barely-there smile of his. “I too want the world to know I have found love. You know, I may be a warrior wolf, but you, my lovely K’aalógii are a warrior at heart. So, I believe I can also say, I have a warrior’s love and that love makes my life complete also.”

Then grabbing hold of her waist, Wyatt lifted her up until their lips were level. Then, right there in front of their family and the pack, Wyatt kissed her, giving proof that she held a warrior’s love in the palm of her small hand.


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