A Twofold Tale

Chapter Twin Worlds Are Born

Thirteen-and-a-half billion years ago, while the universe was coming into being, a phenomenon occurred when two identical galaxies were formed. Within these two galaxies, four billion, six-hundred million years ago, two identical solar systems were being formed, and sixty-billion years later two identical planets took shape turning around their identical suns.

Since the creation of the parallel worlds Al’ard and Al’bassita, they evolved identically right up to the birth of the twins Ali and Aziz Elbaz. Then a difference occurred in modern times; Ali died on Al’bassita and Aziz died on Al’ard. It was part of a plan, and the Creator continued to limit the butterfly effect so that the two planets continued to remain approximately 99% alike. Still, 1% allows for many differences. Meanwhile, everything prior to the two boys’ arrival was exactly the same. All of the ancient history was the same and all of the ancient construction. Ten years after the boys’ arrival, twin girls, Fatima Zahra and Scheherazade Bellali were born. Because it was also necessary for the Great Architect’s plan, Fatima Zahra died at birth on Al’bassita and the same for Scheherazade on Al’ard.

This Creating Force did indeed create everything for a reason. Think of this: there are thousands of plants that have healing powers, and each of these plants cures a different disease. It is obvious that this isn’t just a coincidence. There are no coincidences. In each of our lives, we have the power to make decisions and play a part in our destiny. Nonetheless, there is a plan, and the broad stokes of the big picture have all been predetermined by the Great Architect. This Force knows in advance what actions the players will take because it know s them better than they know themselves. Still it is necessary for the actors to play out their roles. In the creation of identical parallel worlds, but where evolution makes small changes, there could be a need to use elements from one world to make changes in the other for the desired outcome to emerge. This is he case of Al’ard and Al’bassita.

In every culture and civilization that we know of, This Creating Force has communicated to us through messengers, which we have labeled as prophets, mages, magicians, or angels. Many peoples, like the indigenous peoples of the American continents, believe that the Force also has more subtle ways of communication, like though nature, e.g., the whistling wind, the gurgling of a stream, or through the fauna and flora. Think once again to the plants; we know of many mind-altering plants and fungi. This is one of the means that the Great Architect has used to make the connection between the two worlds.

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