A Twofold Tale

Chapter Tafrara Takes Charge

At the moment of the arrest of Aziz Elbaz (Ali) and Dr. Asra Hanadi on Al’bassita, more than 25,000 people have already been prosecuted for the crime of having consensual sexual relations outside of marriage. There is a strong social movement for a repeal of the law, and now the celebrity couple is at the forefront of the scene. On one hand, the Minister of the Interior, Information, and Communication Technologies, Nizam Mahfoud, the most powerful man in the kingdom (wielding more power than the king himself), wants to stop Aziz Elbaz from leading a movement against the abusive censoring of the media and entertainment without at the same time making him a “martyr” for the cause. He wants to put him out of action and smear his reputation at the same time. Using Aziz’s sexual relations with Asra to smear him and put him in jail could indeed work, because of the traditional religious background of the country and the enormous power that Mahfoud holds. It is likely that he can get them both jailed, even if there is no physical evidence to prove their guilt. On the other hand, the fact that half the country wants to repeal the law as being out-of-step with the times and contrary to basic human rights in a secular society makes Mahfoud’s move a possible error of judgement. While Mahfoud still believes that the majority of the citizens are supportive of a strict religious government, Aziz and Asra have half the country behind them. Aziz is already loved for his music, and this whole affair can be an unexpected boost for the movement against censoring. In addition, the whole country witnessed the police brutality that Aziz and Asra were subjected to at their arrest through social media, and their attorney, Kaltoum Jiddi J.S.D., has filed a suit for this. The couple have the sympathy of everyone, no matter what they plead. Asra has been released from custody on bail, but Mahfoud has given the orders to detain Aziz Elbaz in prison until he has either been acquitted or found guilty. The court date has not been set.

Asra writes a letter to Ali, addressing him as Aziz in the probable case that it will be read by the police, and gives it to Kaltoum Jiddi to hand over to him when she has her visit. Asra, as to be expected, isn’t allowed to visit him:

My dear Aziz,

So much has happened in so little time. I feel like I’ve known you forever. I didn’t get the chance to tell you how I feel about you before we were separated. The last thing you said to me was ‘I love you’, and I’m sorry I didn’t respond. I’m not afraid. You’ll come out of this and I’ll hold you in my arms again, God willing. You’re not alone. I’m with you, Scheherazade, Kabira, and Yasser are with you, and half the country is behind you. Whatever happens, know that I love you too. I’ll never let you down.

Your Tafrara

After collecting her belongings and leaving the jail, she hails a cab and goes to the impound lot to get her Vantage droptop roadster back, asking the cabby to let her draw some cash from a cashpoint. When she arrives there’s a ratty hag of a policewoman at the desk. She’s scribbling on some official documents with her head down and doesn’t bother even to look up when Asra says hello. She keeps writing, making her wait for a good 10 minutes before looking up. When she does, she recognizes Asra immediately from all the buzz they got. Her face is still bruised from the beating.

“Holy shit, if it ain’t Aziz Elbaz’s slut, come to pick up her fancy car! Looks like you’ll have to find another tomcat, ’cause yours is gonna be stuck in the pound for a while!”

Asra doesn’t react to her provocation, responding coolly without any emotion. “How much is the fee?”

“What’s the slut’s name? I forgot… something like Ass Raw ’n’handy, isn’t it?”

“It’s Dr. Asra Hanadi, Director of the National Library.”

“OOOOH, the slut’s a VIP! Your fee just went up!” She finds the papers in an old rusty filing cabinet and puts them on the desk. “That’ll be 2000 for you M’lady, a special price just because it’s you! Pay, sign, and say please and I might give you the keys.”

Asra knows that it’s useless to argue or make a scene. She knows very well that the hag is going to pocket most of it. She has the cash, so she pays, signs the form, and calmly asks “May I have the keys please, officer?”

“Hahahahahaha! Ain’t she a polite little slut? Here are your keys, but you’ll have to get your pretty little fingers dirty.” She puts the cash in her pocket, walks outside into the lot, and drops the keys in some dog shit, smashing them down into it with the heel of her boot. “The car’s on the far side of the lot. I’m sure you’ll find it. Goodbye, VIP slut!” She goes back into the office without looking back.

After getting a packet of Kleenex out of her bag and using them to get her keys, Asra heads off to find her car, wondering to herself what kind of life the wretch must have had to cause such anger and hatred in her behavior. There’s nothing to be done about it now.

She enjoys the ocean air as she heads to her seaside bungalow for a good night’s rest. Once in bed, the thought of Ali alone in jail keeps her from sleeping. It’s a rough night in a comfy bed. ‘If only he were here with me.’

She’s up early and ready to start acting on all the plans her mind kept coming up with all night long. Even if the leader is in jail, the revolution must go on. She knows that there are three main actions that need to happen: The manufacture of the drones needs to be disabled, the construction of the new prison in the desert needs to be stopped, and someone also needs to organize resistance and keep the momentum going while Ali is in jail. She can’t do everything, but she’s a good planner and organizer.

She sends a message to Scheherazade to ask if she come by and talk to her and Kabira. Scheherazade invites her to have breakfast with them at Aziz’s villa.

At the breakfast table it’s Scheherazade who starts the conversation, going directly to the point, “We all got a shock from the news article about Aziz and you. But Kabira and I both know what Nizam Mahfoud is capable of, after he tried to frame Aziz at Kabira’s wedding ceremony. So, we didn’t know how much was true. Is it true that you made love together?”

“Yes, but you know as well as I that it wasn’t Aziz that I made love to, it was Ali. He loves my double and his wife Fatima Zahra in his world. I don’t mind being his paramour in this world while he’s stuck here.”

“So you know all about the parallel worlds! I’m surprised that Ali told you, and even more surprised that you believed him!”

“He missed my double terribly, and he told me things about myself that he couldn’t have possibly known if we hadn’t already had an intimate relation. I must admit, it blew my mind, but I was convinced that he was telling the truth. As we were driving down to Barakat Shajarat Alzaytun oasis together Ali told me about his love for my double, and we became involved. By the way, the tribe will help us; Ali gave them 1 million dinars to buy whatever they need to sabotage the construction of the prison.”

“A million dinars! And of Aziz’s money! Well, I hope that they make good use of it! And now he’s in jail!”

“He was well aware of the risks. Aziz also spent a month in prison in Ali’s place on the other planet. Believe me, I can’t stand thinking of him being in jail either, but that just means that we have to pick up the work where Ali left off and hope that our attorney can get him out. She’s optimistic. I’m good at planning, and I have some contacts that can help us. You two can do your part by keeping the momentum of the resistance going. Have you started listing and contacting people yet?”

“Yes, we’ve started a list and we’re ready to call a first meeting this week.”

“Great, the people are behind Aziz and you two. Organize, use the media. For my part, I have a friend to see here in Al Madinat Aladwa who can help us, and then I’ll go back down to the oasis to help organize the operations there. From what Ali told me, we can’t hope to get him back to his planet before about 3 months or more. We’re not going to sit around waiting while Mahfoud carries out his plans! Ali would want for us to act, and we will, won’t we?”

Scheherazade and Kabira look at each other and without any hesitation they chorus “Yes!”

After breakfast, Asra calls an old friend from school, Chimere, who has special skills that could be very useful for their cause, should she agree to help them. She’s home and says to come over, she sends her localization. Her house is in a small coastal town just south of the city. It’s a quick drive, and not far from Asra’s own bungalow. From the outside it looks like all the other houses, traditionally built, with a flat terraced roof and a small walled garden all around. The gate is open so she walks up to the front door, where she notices something different; a heavy brass door knocker in the shape of a mermaid. She lifts it to knock and the door handle turns before she can let it drop. The sweet smell of jasmine incense meets her as she enters.

“Asra! Great to see you, it’s been ages! Come in, come in.” Her smile is tender and unfeigned. She’s dressed in a black silk kimono and her long black hair is pulled back in a neat low bun. She’s barefoot and motions for Asra to take off her shoes, which is normal everywhere in the country, most people wearing slippers. In fact there’s a pair at the door for Asra to slip into. The inside of the house is certainly not like the neighbors’. The shades are all down, and the lights are all subdued. The walls are in tadelakt, which is typical, but the color of it is a cool grey-mauve which isn’t at all typical.



“I’ll just be a minute, make yourself comfortable. I can’t wait to hear what you’ve come for!”

The traditional living room has been given a complete decoration overhaul, and now it’s very modern, with very low plush seats lining the walls on three sides in a U and cushions everywhere in all the shades of purple and violet imaginable. There are bookshelves on two of the three walls filled to the limit, on the third wall is an enormous mirror, and the fourth the front window. There are small tables interspersed and all of them have candles burning on them, even though it’s not even noon yet. Soft solo piano music is in the background, and the whole effect is very calming. Chimere returns with the traditional tea and cakes.

“So, Asra dear, tell me what brings you. One doesn’t need any psychic powers to know that it has to do with Aziz Elbaz after all the media attention you two got.”

“You’re right, but there’s a lot more to it than meets the eye. Let’s see how much of it you can glimpse without me telling you, and then I’ll fill you in on the rest, OK?”

“Ha, OK. You know what the neighbors call me?”

“I imagine it’s not too glorious”

“Al Shawafa.”

“But you don’t make potions and use the djinn!”

“True, but to them I’m the same. They think I use the djinn. Anyway, come close to me. Let me hug you.”

After a long embrace, more than a quarter of an hour holding each other with eyes closed, Chimere breathes a long sigh and sits back. Her eyes are looking straight ahead into space, and her breathing is heavy. She’s trembling but it’s almost imperceptible. Asra waits patiently. She sips her tea which has gone cold. After a moment Chimere comes out of her trance and gives Asra a bewildered look. “I’m afraid you’ll have to explain. I didn’t understand half of what I saw.”

Asra is intrigued, as she’s always been with her friend. “Just what did you see?”

“Aziz Elbaz isn’t Aziz. He’s a journalist named Ali, his wife’s name is Fatima Zahra, not Scheherazade. There’s a big danger for anyone who the government thinks is subversive, and he wrote a book about it. You’ve been having an affair with him for many years now. What does all this mean? Does Aziz have a secret identity, or maybe a secret hidden twin brother?”

“It’s no wonder you’re baffled. Reality is more amazing than fiction my dear Chimere. But you hit the nail on the head for why I came to see you. I’m part of a resistance movement, and I’d like you to join us.” Asra goes on to explain the whole story, leaving out nothing that she knows, including Nizam Mahfoud’s failed attempt to pin the rape and murder of a teenage girl on Aziz. When she’s finished she asks “So, are you with us? Can I count on you to help us?”

“Nothing would please me more. I’ve never had such a great opportunity to help people. It’s like a flash of lightning that’s made my whole purpose in life clear. Let’s get started, the sooner the better!”

They have lunch together and then Asra asks Chimere if she can travel with her to the Barakat Shajarat Alzaytun Oasis. She packs a small bag and they go to Asra’s office where she had locked away the digital files stolen from the Ministry of the Interior. She takes the files on a memory chip and tucks it into her bra. Fortunately she had taken that precaution before going to the oasis with Ali. It’s too late to leave today, so they go to Asra’s bungalow and spend the night there, spending the rest of the day making plans and discussing how they can carry out their mission. Chimere uses her power to study the plans for the drones and the prison. She discovers that the first deliveries have already been made from Al Naqab and can see the hangar where they’ve been stored. She can’t place its location but has some clues. She says it’s in a military base, and there aren’t very many in the country.

The next day they hit the road early in Asra’s Grand Cherokee 7 seater, taking the coastal road. Asra’s roadster is a lot faster but it only seats two, and they plan to take others with them. It’s perhaps a bit risky, but they decide to stay at the “The Ksar Stars” in Afthas, the hotel where Ali and Asra made love for the first time. Chimere wants to use her ESP to see what she can pick up. They’re able to get the same room that Ali had taken, and there’s some pay-off. The hotel staff recognize Asra and are full of sympathy, so the two have excellent service. With a little sweet talk the front desk clerk lets them see the register for the night of the scandal and Chimere lets her fingers drift over the names of the people who stayed there. She’s able to feel who the spy was, she’s able to make out her appearance, and they know the name she used, Layla Zaidi, probably not her real name but a good clue nonetheless. Chimere has some drawing and painting talent that she’s developed over the years and that she’s already used to sketch portraits for her detective work. She brought a little portable watercolor sketch box and once back in the room, is able to make a fairly accurate portrayal. It’s a face that could easily go unnoticed. She’s about 30, long light brown hair on an oval face with small eyes, a rounded chin and nose, her left eye brow slants up at a sharper angle than her right one. Her mouth is small with thin lips.

When they arrive at the oasis, Asra makes the introductions between Mas Anazar and Chimere while they have the traditional atay. Mas Anazar isn’t at all skeptical of the psychic detective’s power like many people are. He’s seen enough strange things to know that there are powers we cannot comprehend.

Asra gets down to business, “Mas Anazar, is your daughter Fadina here at the camp with you?”

“Yes she is my dear, I’ll send for her.” He sends one of his men and he returns in a few minutes with Fadina. They make introductions all around and Asra tells Fadina briefly about Nizam Mahfoud’s plans, then invites Fadina to join them. “I know that you studied tactical warfare and that you know how to use weapons. We could use someone like you on our team.”

“My father has already spoken to me about the mission to sabotage the building of the prison and I’ve agreed to help. Is there something else you need me for?”

“Yes there is, I’m creating an elite team to carry out some more dangerous missions. The work of sabotaging the construction is far less dangerous. I can’t pay you, but your father has been sufficiently paid by Aziz Elbaz already. Are you with us?”

“With great pleasure my sister Tafrara, you know I’ve always admired you.”

“Great, that’s already three of us. Mass Anazar, if you know of any other fearless women in the tribe that want to join us, please have them come to my tent to talk. We’ll leave in the morning.”

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