A Summer Of Missing Princesses

Chapter Our Final Goodbyes

“So, where to next?” I ask.

“Tellis,” Korallee says, “And I’ll give you money for a boat back to Mycono and then back to Fairwood.”

“Really? You’d pay for my trip?” I ask.

“But of course, you’ve already done so much for me,” Korallee says, “And after all, I AM a princess.”

Korallee moves to the driver’s seat. Carefully, she recalls the correct order of switches to flip and then pulls the lever.

“Earth is directly south of here. That’s easy enough. Then we have to find our itty bitty islands,” Korallee says.

“They don’t FEEL that small from the ground,” I say.

“But in comparison to how big the universe it...” Korallee says.

“What was that thing that Sìneag said...? Those who stray wind up back where they belong...?” I ask.

“Those who wind up in the wrong time period usually make their way back to the correct one,” Sìneag says.

I was nowhere near correct on that quote. Anyhow, I sure hope that what Sìneag said is true. Otherwise, we’ve all been gone from Earth for a few years, probably. We soar down to Earth from Vamp. I bet to those watching from the surface, our spaceship reentering the atmosphere looks rather peculiar.

We fly towards the wide ocean between two larger land masses (I have no idea what those places are called...). As we get closer to the ocean, we start to be able to detect where our islands are. From up here, they appear to form a big diamond. Sìneag and Aleena have their faces pressed against the window, watching in wonder.

“So much blue!” Sìneag comments.

“I know, right?” Aleena asks.

“Eh, I guess it’s alright,” Sìneag says with a shrug.

“Okay, this looks like Tellis down here...” Korallee says, adjusting the spaceship to the correct trajectory.

“Yep! That’s the one!” I say, confirming Korallee’s thoughts.

“So, Selima, I suppose you’ve always been big on traveling,” Mór says.

“I suppose so. But I’ll finally be settling down once I get to Mycono,” I say with a shrug, “Who knows what the future has to offer.”

“Personally, I think living in Mycono Kingdom is the best thing ever!” Sìneag says, “I mean, sure, time is a bit wonky, but it just serves up adventure after adventure! And, well, I wish I could go on even more adventures.”

“Why not?” Korallee asks, “You should be allowed to do as you please.”

“They all say that it is much too dangerous. They don’t trust me...” Sìneag says with a pout.

Korallee activates the landing gear as we get closer and closer to Tellis Kingdom. Then, we land in a field on a farm. Korallee chuckles and looks back at us.

“Well! I attempted to land on clear ground! I think I may have plowed a field with that one!” Korallee says, “It’s a straight shot to the castle from here.”

“Where exactly are we?” Sìneag asks.

“Farming Community 2,” Korallee says.

“Oh yeah! That’s why there are so many wheat crops over here!” I say with a laugh.

“Too much farm! Farms are stinky!” Sìneag complains.

“But it is essential for our survival,” Aleena points out.

“Yeah, but did they really need so many farms in one kingdom?” Sìneag asks.

“Leading farming kingdom. We export the most farm goods,” Korallee says as the spacecraft taxis up north along side the river.

“I can already see the castle from here,” I say.

We stop the ship before we reach the castle. We all get out, leaving our spacesuits behind.

“Well, that’s the end of our space adventure,” I say.

“I don’t know yet what I want to do with the spacecraft,” Korallee says.

“Keep it just to say you own one, I guess,” I say.

The castle guards up on the roof of the castle notice us approaching and quickly rush to open the front gate.

“WELCOME, ADVENTURERS!” one guard calls to us.

“WE HAVE RETURNED!” Korallee says.

The door opens completely and a few other guards quickly escort us inside. When we step inside the castle itself, the king stands waiting for us.

“Children! You have returned safely!” the king exclaims, “Most excellent! We shall have a feast in celebration!”

“Father, may I speak to you for a moment,” Korallee says, looking her father in the eyes.

“What is it, my dear?” the king asks, bending down a bit.

“I... I was wondering if, perhaps, you have room for one more in the castle... I mean! If it’s not okay, I guess we could figure something else out!” Korallee says.

“One more? What ever do you mean?” the king asks.

Mór steps forward, bowing respectfully to the king.

“Your majesty... My own father does not wish to have me come home... I don’t have anywhere else I can go... If you accept me, I’ll gladly become your servant,” Mór says.

“Servant? Why! No! Aren’t you a princess like all the others?” the king asks.

“Yes, yes I am,” Mór says.

“You shall be my daughter, then! My castle is your castle!” the king says, taking her hands and standing her back up.

“Thank you!” Mór says, beginning to cry happy tears.

“Aw, so sweet!” Aleena exclaims.

“You other girls are welcome to join us for our feast, if you’d like,” the king invites.

“Well, I suppose it couldn’t hurt to stay a little longer... But after that, we really need to get going,” I say.

“Yeah, mother and father might be very worried about me!” Aleena says.

“Then take some food to go,” the king says, “I understand the urgency to finish the adventure you have started.”

“Thank you,” I say, bowing respectfully.

The king of Tellis is a big improvement over that other king from Drayzeen. King Bizzarous was very cruel towards us. I suppose the big difference is that this king is a Tellisi. The king escorts us personally to his table.

“Servants, please fetch three containers that our guests can take some food with them. It is important that we make sure they get home safely,” the king says.

“Yes, your majesty!” the servants say.

The servants rush away. When they return, they bring some fine containers with them. If I had to guess, the containers were probably crafted here in Tellis.

“Take what you’d like,” the king says.

As I examine the food spread along with Aleena and Sìneag, the servants continue to bring out more food. A few knights, allured by the fragrant scent of the feast, draw near to the table.

“Good afternoon, gentlemen!” the king says, “Please be respectful of our guests.”

“Yes, your majesty,” the knights say in unison.

The knights wait patiently for their turn. They only serve themselves after we have taken a share of the food. There is no shortage of food here, everyone can eat until they are full. Four more knights arrive, but these four are dressed in more ornate armor.

“Ah, my sons!” the king exclaims, “I was wondering where you were! I would like you to meet the newest member of our family!”

The four young men remove their helmets respectfully. Mór stares up at them from her seat at the table.

“A new member of the family, huh?” one knight says with a grin, “Well, welcome! You’ll love it here!”

“Thank you!” Mór says, blushing a little.

Aleena, Sìneag, and I step back with our containers of food filled.

“Thanks again, your majesty!” I say.

“Yeah! Thanks!” Aleena says, cheerfully.

“Take care, Mór and Korallee! Perhaps we can be allies,” Sìneag says, cracking her knuckles playfully.

The king laughs heartily.

“Of course! Of course! I wish you all well!” the king says.

We then leave the castle. I think Mór will fit in just nicely. Anyhow, the youngest two princesses will be coming with me on a boat ride back home. Aleena is already digging into her food as we are walking back to Tellis Port Town.

“Which prince do you think Mór will marry?” Sìneag asks me.

“Marry?” I ask.

“Yep! It’s so obvious! She’s a princess and they are princes! If she wants to keep the royal blood pure, she’ll chose to marry one!” Sìneag says.

“Ah, I see,” I say.

“I wonder if I’ll ever have a brother. My mom and dad don’t seem to be making any more babies...” Aleena says.

We reach the port just as a boat is pulling in. I keep the princesses close, holding the hands of each one. Many people with wildly different appearances are moving about. Stuff is being ported in, and ported out. I once again breathe in the familiar Tellis air.

“ALRIGHT! WHO’S BOARDING?!” the captain calls from the walkway onto the ship.

“Us three, sir!” I call back.

I hand the captain a portion of the money I received from Korallee (which I forgot to mention I received). The captain smiles and waves us on.

“You three are headed to Mycono, correct?” the captain asks.

“Yes, sir!” I call back.

“Very well, then. It was my next stop anyhow,” the captain says.

A few more people approach and pay their fare upon hearing the the boat is headed for Mycono. I guess Mycono Kingdom is popular currently. Everyone climbs aboard the boat and the captain follows.

“Hang tight, everyone! Mycono Kingdom is known to have time warps! Who knows when we’ll arrive!” the captain says with a hearty laugh, “I’ve sailed these seas for many years. It’s always a pleasure.”

I’m really glad that the king of Tellis allowed us to bring food with us. The trip back to Mycono seems to go on for a long time and we eventually do get hungry. The sun rises and sets a few times before we are caught up in a flash of light.

“Captain! We’ve just went back in time!” the sailor calls from the wheel.

“Ah, yes! How far did we go?!” the captain asks.

“15 years! We’re back in 1950!” the sailor announces.

“Wow! Amazing! On my way out of Mycono to Tellis, we went forward 15 years!” I say.

“Well, young ladies, you are arriving back where you belong,” the captain says.

The others aboard the ship murmur and talk excitedly amongst themselves about this amazing thing that has occurred. Mycono Kingdom, soon to be my new home, looms in the horizon. Sìneag runs along to the side of the ship I am staring out of.

“Home! Finally! I can’t believe I’m home!” Sìneag exclaims.

“Yay!” Aleena says, “Though I am going to miss you.”


A few others who got on around the time we did rush forward. The boat comes to a halt and the crew tosses the anchor into the ocean.

“Careful on the ramp on the way out!” the captain says as we get off.

“Thank you!” Aleena calls.

“Okay! Off to Mycono Castle!” I announce.

Thanks to Mycono’s nonlinear time, we make it to the castle within what feels like mere minutes.

“Daaaaaad! I’m hoooooome!” Sìneag screeches when we arrive at the castle.

“Hmmm, let me guess... Sìneag?” the king says with a chuckle, appearing from around the corner.

“Yep! Hi! I missed you, kind of!” Sìneag says, kicking her dad playfully in the leg.

“Ouch!” he yelps, “Well, thank you, Selima, for returning my daughter...”

“Dad! I went to outer space and everything! It was wild!” Sìneag exclaims.

“I bet it was...” the king says.

“Your majesty, I promise I will return after I drop Aleena off at her castle,” I say.

“Excellent! I see you have grown even stronger through your adventure. I know you will serve my kingdom well,” the king says.

“Thank you, your majesty,” I say.

“DAD! GUESS WHAT I’M ABOUT TO DO!” Sìneag calls out, suddenly at the top of the stairwell.

The king gasps in surprise as Sìneag proceeds to slide down the banister. Aleena claps and cheers excitedly, watching her friend play.

“Noooo!” the king exclaims and runs to catch his daughter before she can hit the ground.

The guards look over, not realizing they just failed their duty. The king grumbles angrily and sets Sìneag down on the ground.

“So, yeah, I’ll be back,” I say, turning to leave.

“I will write a note in regards to your servitude. Just in case you hit another time warp on the way out,” the king says.

“I wanna slide again,” Sìneag says, grinning.

I leave the castle with Aleena at my side. We are back to how it all began. I, a random teenage girl, set in charge of watching a princess.

“Are you sure you’re going to be fine living in Mycono...?” Aleena asks me as we head back to the shore.

“I can take care of myself. I’m over ten years old,” I say with a smile.

“But, I don’t know, it’s kind of weird. I can’t help but feel something is wrong with Mycono Kingdom,” Aleena says, “Like, the captain said we’re in 1950, but it doesn’t feel like 1950.”

“I guess I’ll figure it out as time passes,” I say.

We suddenly are standing at the docks again, even though we were a little ways away from the castle just a few moments ago. I look around and catch sight of another boat.

“Excuse me, the two of us are heading for Fairwood, do you mind taking us?” I ask, offering some money to the captain.

“I don’t mind, come on aboard,” the captain says.

Nothin of note occurs on the way back to Fairwood. Before we know it, time has passed. Suns have risen and suns have set. Princess Aleena and I now stand before the king and queen of Fairwood.

“Your majesties, I have returned with your daughter, Aleena,” I say, bowing.

“Well done, well done indeed, young Selima,” the king says, “I suppose you found and saved all seven princesses?”

“Yes, yes I have,” I say, “It was a strange summer, I would say. That seven princesses would all be missing at once.”

“And your journey is not over yet, is it?” the queen asks.

“Correct. I need to say goodbye to my friends and family, then I am heading back to Mycono Kingdom,” I reply.

“You keep that magic armor. It suits you well,” the king says with a smile.

“Thank you... Thank you for everything!” I say, “And, Aleena, it was a joy and a pleasure to travel with you.”

“Goodbye, Selima!” Aleena cries out, hugging me tightly, “Goodbye!”

“Goodbye, Aleena...” I say, “I gotta go...”

“Farewell, young hero! May many others like you follow in your foot steps, for a brighter tomorrow for everyone!” the queen says.

With that, I head home. My mom and dad rush to the door as I knock on it.

“Selima!” they cry out, embracing me.

“Mom! Dad!” I say, returning the hugs.

“We’ve missed you so much!” my mom says.

“I know, and I’m sorry... I did what had to be done,” I say.

“My dear child...” my dad says, “I’m so glad you’re still alive...”

“Mom, dad, I have some news, and you aren’t going to like it...” I say.

“Oh no, what happened...?” my mother asks.

“I’m going to live in Mycono now... I pledged myself to the king in exchange for a gift for the princess,” I admit, “But, I will continue doing good deeds for those who need it.”

“I’m proud of you, Selima... Seems you have grown up!” my father says.

“Our daughter is an adult now... Go, then, Selima! Your duty awaits!” my mother says.

“I’ve gotta go see a few friends of mine, then I’ll leave,” I say.

My parents give me another hug before allowing me to go. I go first to my friends Rosa and Donna who are playing outside.

“Rosa, Donna!” I call to them.

“Selima!” they cry out, running to greet me.

“Selima, are you going back to the summer camp?” Donna asks.

“Sorry, but I have to leave for another kingdom...” I apologize to them.

They both seem rather disappointed. Then, they look surprised, pointing to something behind me.

“Look! A pony!” Rosa exclaims.

I turn and see the white and brown pony, Erik-James, rushing towards me at full gallop. Clinging to his back for his dear life is Rider.

“Rider! Erik-James!” I exclaim.

“Whoa!” Rider yells, halting Erik-James before he can run me over, “I was wondering why Erik-James started acting up! He must have sense you were nearby!”

“Well, good! I was going to go looking for you two!” I say.

“You were?” Rider asks.

“Yeah, I need to say goodbye,” I say.

“Goodbye? Are you seriously leaving again?” Rider asks.

Erik-James suddenly looks very sad.

“I’m going to Mycono Kingdom. I mean, you can come with me, if you’d like...” I say.

“Mycono Kingdom...” Rider says, “Well...”

“You don’t have to. I can go alone...” I say.

“I mean, I don’t have anything better to do...” Rider says.

Erik-James nuzzles me affectionately.

“By the way, have you seen Ruadh?” I ask, “I wanted to say goodbye to him as well.”

“Ah, Ruadh... Well, you see...” Rider says.

“He died?” I ask, looking shocked.

“DEAD MAN! DEAD MAN!” Rosa and Donna shriek.

“No! Ruadh actually JUST left for Mycono!” Rider says with a laugh, “He wanted me to tell you!”

“WHAT?! That’s a crazy coincidence!” I exclaim.

“Yeah, so if we go, we might meet him there at some point!” Rider says.

“Oh, but he may be in a different time period by now...” I say.

“What do you mean?” Rider asks.

The kids also look confused.

“Mycono has this weird thing where time is not consistent or linear... So those who go there, may end up in a different year,” I explain.

“Ah, well... I guess it’s just you and I again,” Rider says.

Erik-James snorts and swishes his tail.

“And Erik-James,” Rider says.

With that, Erik-James gets happy again, whinnying.

“Okay, so I have just one more thing to do,” I say.

Rider, Erik-James, Rosa, and Donna all watch curiously as I walk out of the village.

“Where are you going?!” Rider calls after me.

“Meet me at the docks! I have a promise to keep!” I call back.

I make my way to Honeywood Village, which isn’t too far from Forest Village. There, I find my friend Timber Wolf sitting near her house, looking sad.

“Timber,” I say, coming to sit beside her.

“Selima?” Timber asks, curiously.

“It is I,” I say.

“W-What are you doing here?” Timber asks.

“I have something for you,” I say.

I pull out the red covered journal that, despite the vigorous traveling I’ve been through, is still perfectly in tact.

“It’s your turn,” I say, putting the journal in her hands, “Use it when you feel ready.”

Timber looks me in the eyes and says, “Thank you.”

“I’ve gotta go away... There’s another kingdom calling for me,” I say.

“...you’ll disappear...just like my sister...” Timber says with a sniffle.

“Be brave, Timber... The world may be scary, but a little courage goes a long way,” I say, gently hugging the young girl.

“Goodbye, Selima... And thank you... I will cherish this gift,” Timber says.

This is where my first adventure comes to a close. I sincerely hope that Timber Wolf will grow up to be as brave, or braver, than I felt during this journey. Now, a new adventure calls me. A bright new future, with new challenges to come!

The End!

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