A Stranger in the Night

Chapter 7

Luna's POV

I have only slept for a few hours but now I'm wide awake. Not able to sleep any longer, with my head still buzzing about last night. I can't believe it. Did it all just happen. I had a vampire in my apartment. A vampire who told me he was the man whom I had been dreaming of recently. Why can't I have just a normal life. It's why I came here and away from my home town. I just wanted everything to be normal. But now I have a vampire who has an interest in me. A vampire who saved my life and thinks I'm special. Why can't I just be like all the other girls and meet the man of my dreams, be whisked off my feet to some amazing place and fall head over heels in love. Nope. Not me, instead I have a vampire, who's probably sized me up as a tasty meal or pet. Ahhh Luna. You always know how to get yourself into these situations. Yet, even though I am beating myself up about this, I can't help but wonder if there's more to him than meets the eye. With him here, I felt calm and safe. I felt like I had known him already for an eternity and I was drawn to him. Everything about him, his smile, his scent, his body....I just needed him near me.

Trying to get over and push out all the questions in my head, I spent my day keeping myself busy. I contacted my clients I missed from yesterday and did their make up sessions this morning. They were both 2 really lovely, old ladies and were both very forgiving of me. After those were done, I came back to the apartment and did some cleaning, a bit of meal prep, watered my plants and did a bit of gardening before curling up in my arm chair to finish my book. I was reading a book about a girl who travelled back in time and falls in love with a king. I am a sucker for romance novels but they need some adventure in them too. I guess I was making up for the lack of adventure in my own life. I truly love reading. I thank my Father for that. He would spend hours reading with me and I have alot of fond memories of him and I sitting in his study by the fire and reading books together. I finish the last page in my book, hop up and place it back in the bookshelf on the wall. Lucky for me the bookshop is open tomorrow and the next book in the series is already out.

Figuring its already 8.34pm, I am presuming this vampire is not coming. So I resign myself to having a bath and getting ready for bed. After adding some essential oils to the bath, I slide in and attempt to relax, whilst letting the warm, soapy water cover my body. Instantly I feel release and the water calms my mind. I am ripped out of my peaceful state as I am deafened by a hard, loud knock at my door. Fearing I was wrong about the vampire calling on me, I quickly fling on my robe and run out to the door. Still dripping and leaving little spots of soapy water on the floor. I make a bee line for the door and peer through the peep-hole. Although it's not 100% clear, I see a man with his back to the door, black suit and dark hair. "Who are you?". I attempted to sound tough but pretty sure I sounded like a scared little girl. "Miss Luna, I am here to collect you.". Oh shit. I was wrong. "Ummm....sorry....still getting ready. I'll be down in 10 minutes.". Seriously, I should have known better. I rush to my room and struggle to decide on what to wear. I have no idea where I am going or what am I doing. What if this is my last night alive? What if he wants to make me a pet? Well you know what....I've got this. Perhaps I can delay this a little while. A quickly pull on my skin tight black pants, a low cut black top, with a loose fitting white button up shirt over the top. I scrunch up and tussle my fingers through my hair to create some waves, and apply a small amount of make-up to keep a more natural look. I never really was one to go all out with make up. It just didn't suit me. I quickly put on some silver jewellery. Silver was supposed to be bad for vampires wasn't it? Hopefully my looks would distract him enough to leave me alive. Ha, who am I kidding, I look hideous in anything I wear. I grab my phone off my bed side table and my purse before quickly heading out the door, locking it behind me. I glance over the stairs before deciding to take the elevator. Not that I was in a rush for being a vampires evening meal, but I couldn't be rude and turn up late for something. It's just not me.

As I exited my apartment building, I was met by the gentleman at my door again, waiting beside a sleek, black car. As I got closer to him, his facial features became clearer, I also noticed the emblem on his jacket. I could make it out to be a shield infront of a crow with its wings spread and letters on the shield. It was only then as I got closer and was able to make out the moustache, short ghoatie and gelled back hair, that I realised...."Mason? What are you doing here?". The gentleman smiled softly at me and gestured me towards the car, "Good evening Miss Luna. I am here to collect you.". Oh great. I rushed to get ready for this. "I'm sorry Mason. But I'm meant to be meeting someone. I am sorry but please tell your Master I can not meet him to apologise for the other night. And I am sorry Mason if I got you into trouble.". I began to turn and head back to the apartment disappointed that I had gotten this all wrong, when Mason begins to laugh loudly. "OK Miss Luna. I will inform Master Alex that you have a prior engagement and will not be joining him this evening.". I stop dead in my tracks. Wait! What? "Did you just say Master Alex?". He nodded, smiling and opening the door to the black sedan. "Yes Miss Luna. He is my Master. I am his driver. And I've been tasked with bringing you to him tonight. I know Master was disappointed that he could not come himself to collect you but he has been unexpectedly detained but will be there when you arrive, that is if you choose to join him this evening.". Feeling like an absolute fool, I begin my walk back towards the car. Mason still smiling at me, offering me his hand as I slide into the car. He hastily moves around to the drivers side and hops it. The car pulls away and I breathe slowly to try and relax my nerves.

"Miss Luna, are you ok? You seem nervous?". Nervous? Of course I'm nervous. I'm about to go to meet a vampire, probably about to be his dinner. "Yes. I guess I am a bit.". He let out a slight chuckle. "There is no need to be nervous Miss. I have seen to all the plans for this evening and I know Master is looking forward to meeting with you again.". That did not help the feeling I had growing inside me. "Mason, is he going to kill me, or make me his pet? If you know something you must tell me! You have let me go if you know this.". A shocked look came across his face in the rear view mirror. "Miss Luna, please do not despair. I know my Masters intentions for you are pure. He has been waiting for you for a long time and has a genuine care and concern for you and your well-being. I've been with Master a long time. I have not seen him react in such a way as he has with you.". My heart fluttered for a moment...what did he mean? How am I different to the others....and more importantly what others? Why has he been waiting for me? So many more questions filled my head and I tried to get some info out of Mason but he wouldn't give up any more. Just kept asking me to be open and honest with his Master. I agreed. Mason smiled. And like that, the car stopped.

We had arrived outside a small restaurant. There were no other cars around or people I could see for that matter. Mason opened the door and offered me his arm. I gently took it and followed him into the restaurant. The place was beautiful, small intimate tables with candles lit everywhere. Lots of greenery and vines hanging from the roof. A host greeted Mason with a bow and gestured to a door that led to a small outdoor garden area, which was also lit up with candles and lanterns and with one table and matching chairs set up in the middle. Then there he was. His back to us as we entered the area. Dressed in a cream long coat, and matching pants. His hair falling effortlessly past his shoulders. The suit was definitely made for him as it sat perfectly on his frame, giving shape to his broad, muscular shoulders and slender waste. He turned and smiled softly at me, making my heart flutter ferociously. "Thank you Mason, I can take it from here.". Mason nodded at the vampire. Before turning to me and smiling. I thanked him for his trouble and turned back to the vampire standing in front of me. He truly was stunning, even if he was a vampire. "Well thank you. But you don't need to keep calling me a vampire. We are both aware of what I am, and I do prefer to be called Alex.". I felt a small touch of distain at that comment after remembering he could hear my thoughts. I felt instantly guilty and realised not once since he had told me his name, that I had actually use it. "I'm sorry....Alex...". His name left a lump in my throat. I felt as if I shouldn't be mentioning his name. Like it was some sort of forbidden fruit that I had just found and would be in trouble for having. A brief smile lit up his face, "Luna if anyone is allowed to mention my name, it definitely should be you.". I blushed hard. He began to approach me and gently pushed my hair back off my cheek. "You look beautiful my dear.". My knees instantly turned to jelly. To hear him say that in real life and not in my dreams made my knees go weak. He took my hand and gently kissed it. It felt like sparks of energy shot from my hand down to my toes. What the hell was that! He smiled and looked deep into my eyes, the bright emerald green shimmering in the candle light. He led me to the table and pulled out my chair for me before helping me move it back into the table once I sat. I can't say I ever remember being treated like this.

I didn't have to order a thing. As soon as we were seated a server came out carrying a bottle of wine and a small bottle with a darker liquid in it. He set them both on the table before pouring me a glass on wine. Just after he left, another waiter arrived with a tray of antipasto food and set it down in the middle of the table. He leant down and whispered into Alex's ear before he was waved off. The server bowed and then turned to take his leave. I just sat there, casually admiring his handsomeness and the power he commanded. The candle light accentuated his chiselled jaw and reflected magically in his emerald green eyes. Alex literally took my breath away and I felt myself blushing again as I rubbed the hand that he kissed earlier. A smile came across his face. "Thank you for joining me this evening. I wasn't sure if you would come.". To be honest neither was I....but I'm kinda glad I did. If I went out like this and this was my last meal, hey, I don't think it would be that bad. "Thank you for inviting me and sending Mason. I mean your driver.". His face contorted. "First name basis with my driver hey?". Taken back by his question, I couldn't tell if he was jealous or upset with me. Why did it matter? "Mason seldom talks with my guests so I am curious as to how you got his name out of him.". Interesting, well he has been talking with me. I'm guessing has also probably told me more than he should. Alex's eyes furrowed and I felt he read that thought too. "Look, he saved my life the other night by picking me up. He didn't chat much but when I asked him his name he told me.". Alex seemed to relax a bit and nodded. He seemed ok with that answer. "I'm glad I sent him to follow you after the club when you declined the ride home.". What? He sent him to follow me....he did say he knew about the other night. I guess I should be grateful that he did but I was also a little bit pissed that he did too. He began to chuckle. "I know you refused but when I sensed something was wrong I gave Mason directions to find you and bring you safely home.". Well that does make alot of sense, reflecting over what had happened. "Anyway, we are not here to go over the other night or talk about my driver. I know you are wanting to know more about me and my world. So how about this. After our meal, we can go for a walk by the river and discuss anything you want to know.". I smiled and relished in the thought. Plus I was starving. "OK. Sounds like a plan.". He poured the dark liquid from the small bottle into his glass, holding it up proposing a toast. I held up my glass and softly clinked it against his. We both sipped on our liquids and smiled.

The meal was divine. I never have had such exquisite food and must have looked like a beast as I devoured it. I caught him having a slight giggle and watching me as I ate. He picked at a small amount of food, had a few sips of wine as well as the other dark liquid. During the meal, we did chat about a few things. He enquired as to my day and what I had done, before asking me about my apartment and how I came to living there. He expressed concern over the neighbourhood I was living in but I haven't really had any trouble...that was until I met him. I asked about the emblem on Mason's jacket. He winced at me bringing Mason up again as he has already stated that we were not discussing his driver but I was curious as to what it was. He explained it was his family crest and the letters on it were the initials of the family member that those servants/workers belonged to.

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