A Stranger in the Night

Chapter 27

Luna's POV

I was quite distracted on my walk to the library. I may have already taken a few wrong turns, but I was able to find a servant to help me. Once in, I was reminded of how amazing it was. The smell of old books filled my senses and my soul felt at peace. I walked down the main walkway in the library, running my hands along the old books that were stacked perfectly within the shelves. This was a happy place for me. "Luna? Is that you?". I spotted Lucas sitting on the long, brown leather couch by a big window that looked out over the back patio behind the house. His beautiful blue-green eyes were watching me as I walked towards him, a smile slowly growing on his face. "Yes. Just me.". I smiled back at him, I felt the flutter of butterflies within my stomach starting to stir. He stood to greet me, kissing me gently on the cheek then sitting down, guiding me to the seat beside him. "I'm sorry you're going through this Luna.". I gave him an awkward smile, "Why are you sorry? You haven't done anything.". He smiled briefly, before grabbing a hold of my hand. "I know. But I should have been there. I should have fought more to be with you, to protect you. You almost died at the club...and if something did happen to you, I could never forgive myself.". He hung his head low, guilt written all over his face. "It's ok. I'm ok.". He hugged me tightly, as if he was never going to let me go. "Luna, I need to ask you something.". My heart stopped. "Ummm....ok.....what's going on Lucas?". I sat there, anticipating what he was going to say. "Come with me back to the Commune. I will keep you safe and protected within the pack. In the short time I've known you, you've blown me away with your personality, vitality, and beauty. Your laugh is intoxicating and I want to be near you always. Please say yes, come away with me and let me love you....the way you deserve to be loved...".

Well, what a predicament I find myself in. Just me, plain old boring me. Well not so boring since I found out why I like water and ice a little more than most people. But moving on, just me, here I am one day, minding my own business and now, I have a powerful, charming, handsome vampire and a strong, caring and attentive werewolf fighting for me. How the hell did I get myself into this situation. I didn't know what what to do. I mean, I cared deeply about Lucas, possibly almost as much as he cares about me. The love and attention he has given me is second to none and I know I have feelings for him but with Alex, it's different. The more I thought about, I knew, it's more than just feelings. I needed him. His devilish smile made me weak at the knees. His touch always sends shivers all over my body, in a good way. My body craves his touch when he is not around and my soul cries for him. I didn't want to hurt either of them, but I knew I was about to.

"Lucas, I do care about you alot and I know I have feelings for you....it's just that, my heart.....". He grabbed my hand and smiled. "You're heart already belongs to someone else. I know.". He kissed me softly on the cheek. "He better treat you better than he has recently. You deserve all the happiness in the world Luna....and the day he doesn't give that to you, I will be right here waiting.". I giggled at him, "Oh you will be huh? I'm sure you will wait for me, you're the Alpha of your pack, I'm sure there's plenty of young women that throw themselves at you.". Nudging him as I spoke. He nudged me back and chuckled. "Perhaps, but none of them could ever hold a candle to you.....I will always be here Luna. Whenever you need me.". I smiled, just as Alex entered the room. "Sorry, I didn't mean to interrupt. I can leave.", looking fairly heartbroken at this stage. Lucas stood, holding my face and rubbing his thumb over my cheek. "No it's ok. I'm leaving.". He lent down and kissed my forehead, his kisses were always sweet and full of love. "Bye Luna. Take care of yourself. I'm sure we will see each other again and if you ever need help, you know where I am.". He smiled and began to exit the room, stopping to talk to Alex as he left. I couldn't hear what they were saying but I could tell Alex got his back up about it. Alex didn't say anything but just stared at him, but if looks could kill, I'm sure the one he was giving to Lucas would have. Lucas turned back one last time, smiled briefly then disappeared out if the room. I have to admit a small bit of my heart left the room with him at that moment.

After he left, my gaze shifted to Alex. He looked slightly jaded after his moment with Lucas, but the closer he got to me, the more his mood seemed to lift. "Are you okay? What was that about?". He smiled back at me, reaching out for my hand as he sat beside me on the seat. "It's ok. Nothing to worry about.". He seemed much calmer now, as he held my hand and kissed the back of it. "So, I have nothing to do today, except time with you. So what did you want to do?". I smiled, still distracted by the tiny ache in my heart for Lucas. "I don't mind. Its your House. You decide.". He smiled cheekily, "I have an idea.".

We ended up spending the day together, reading books in the library, going for a walk around the grounds and having lunch on the patio before returning to Alex's room. I was still a bit tired after the last week and just wanted to rest and Alex wanted to get cleaned up. After what seemed like an hour of showering, with me just waiting in his room, Alex exited from the walk in wardrobe, dressed smartly in black pants and a white long sleeve dress shirt. His hair framed his chiselled jawline, before falling perfectly onto his shirt, that was concealing his muscular figure. I felt very under dressed and ran my eyes over my own attire. Just some sweatpants and a top....not good enough to go out with him looking like this. Alex must have heard my thought trail and walked over to another door beside the walk in robe. He smiled directly at me as I sat on the bed and gestured to me to come to him. When I reached him, he put his hand around my waist and pulled me to his side. "Place your hand here.... I have a gift for you.". He whispered into my ear, sending chills down my spine. I moved my hand to meet his and placed it on part of the wall beside the door. The door began to slide open revealing another closet, filled with the most amazing outfits I have seen. Some beautiful dresses, designer jeans and tops, shoes, jackets, and more! When did he organise this? "I organised this not long after the first time you came here. I hoped you would be back some day to use and enjoy it. If there's anything you don't like, we can exchange it or if there's other things you want, we can go get them.".

My heart fluttered at the kindness and effort he had put in and was now showing me, and reconfirmed for me that he still was thinking about me and doing things for me during all that time when I didn't hear from him. I threw my arms around him and pulled him in close to me. "Thank you...". I whispered into his ear. He wrapped his arms around me, pulled me in closer. I pulled away from him slightly to look into those piercing emerald eyes. As he ran his fingers down my face, brushing he hair off my neck, my knees went weak and my heart began to race. He gently placed his hand in my hair, grabbing the back of my head and pulled me in towards him. I bit down hard on my lip as the gap between us closed. My lips and body aching for his touch. He ran his thumb over my lip before swiftly moving in and kissing me deeply. My body tingling from head to toe. I pulled him in tighter to keep the kiss going. I didn't even notice myself lifting my leg and wrapping it partly around him. He must have approved because once I had, the hand still on my back was moving down and running along my leg, occasionally grabbing my thigh hard. I moaned slightly each time he grabbed my thigh, making him smirk slightly as he kissed me harder. He broke away for a moment, rearing his fangs. I winced at first, thinking he was going to bite me. "I'm sorry Luna. You just do things to me and I can't help that I'm enjoying this so much.". His fangs weren't the only thing showing how much he was enjoying this. I could feel the bulge of his manhood pressing hard against me. As I looked down, the strain on his black pants was extremely noticeable now and I couldn't fight the stir within my own core. I let out a cheeky grin as I moved to kiss him again, slowly lifting myself up on tip toes and rubbing my body against him. He let out a soft moan, "Ahhh Luna! Stop it! You keep doing that and I won't be able to control myself for much longer.". I giggled at his response, as well at my body's own response to him. I am never usually like this with a guy but with him, I couldn't help myself.

As I moved to kiss him again, I slightly bit on his lip, pulling it back slightly. He groaned again, before lifting me up and wrapping my legs around his waist. Within a flash, we were on his bed. He had me pinned down, his body holding me in place, with his hands placed beside my head. He lowered himself down and began to kiss me again, whilst slowly rubbing his manhood against me. I rocked my hips back in response, causing him to moan again and bite down on his lip. He lent down and kissed me again, slowly moving his kisses down my neck, before removing the t-shirt I was wearing. I arched my back as he removed it, and opened myself up to being explored. His soft touch as he ran his fingers along my chest felt like pure heat was emanating out of him. He began to kiss my chest softly and I couldn't help but wrap my arms around him, before grabbing a tuff of his hair. He pulled away for a second and stared me dead in the eyes. "Luna... I don't want to force you into this, if it's not something you want to do. Give me the word and I will stop now.". I could feel his manhood throbbing as his body rested on mine. There was no way he wanted to stop....and neither did I. Without a second thought I ran my hand over his black pants, concealing his largeness and rubbed gently a few times. He groaned deeply as I rubbed. I leant forward towards him and whispered, "I want this....". He smiled, flashing his fangs at me, but I wasn't scared of them. I wanted him....fangs and all.

He sat up on his knees for a moment, removing his own shirt. I ran my hands over his chest and down his stomach. Stopping just at the top button of his pants, which were bursting at the seams trying to restrain him. I wanted him so bad, my body felt like it was going to explode if I didn't have him soon. Again, that devilish smile arose on his face. "Breathe darling....all in good time. I want you to enjoy this as much as I am.". I gulped, swallowing hard on my breath. His teasing was getting too much for me. I pulled him towards me as I felt a rush of energy flow through me. He met my rush with an intense kiss, as we both of eagerly began removing the rest of our clothes. He then lowered his muscular body onto me, his eyes were glowing a fiery red. I was mesmerised by the magic in them. He ran his hand over my breast, kissing them softly as he moved his hand further down onto my stomach, then moving onto my core. I shuddered at the sensation as he rubbed his fingers against me gently. I arched my back towards him, wanting more, letting out rhythmic, soft moans. He responded quickly as I felt two fingers slip into me. The sensation pure esctacy as he moved them in and out, building with intensity as I began to moan more. I suddenly felt a rush from my core and screamed out his name.

As I opened my eyes after the release, his eyes - still fiery - were fixated on me. The smile he wore beared his fangs that almost glistened in the light. He leant down and kissed me deeply again. His lips were so soft and inviting and left me wanting more. He moved to slowly start kissing my neck, one arm now placed beside my head and the other holding and grabbing my hip. I could feel his manhood pulsing as he rested on top of me. I felt his fangs as he ran the tips of them gently along my neck line. He turned his head to the side and gritted his teeth. "God damn it Luna! I want you so bad, all of you.". I tilted my neck, opening myself up for a bite. I wanted him to do it but think I was more so curious about it. Just as I tilted my neck, a surge of energy came from him as I felt his girth penetrate me. Again I felt ecstasy as he moved himself slowly in and out of me. I grabbed his neck and pulled him in close to me, rocking my hips back at every movement he made. He dropped his head down, into the crease of my neck. I tilted my head again, I wanted him to do it. He stared into my eyes before rearing his fangs. Still thrusting into me, he slowly moved to position himself above the pulse point on my neck. He began to thrust into again but now with more intensity. I felt like I was going to explode, my knees were beginning to shake and I was biting down on my lip so hard that I had actually started to bleed a little. "No...not yet darling...just hold on a bit longer...". But I couldn't hold out for much longer, I could feel the energy building up again and the more he thrusted into me, the more I needed that release. I grabbed down onto the sheets as he fiercely bit into my neck, causing me to moan in delight. The sensation of the bite and the orgasm took me to another world. My head was spinning and I gave in and rode the sensation till the end. We collapsed together as we both finished our orgasms, wrapping ourselves in one another, panting heavily.

As I laid in his arms, I realised that this is where I wanted to be, where I needed to be, with him.

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