A Stranger in the Night

Chapter 11

Alex's POV

It was a decent drive to the House. I wasn't sure why I was bringing her there, but for some reason I didn't want to take her home. I didn't like that she was staying in that neighbourhood, it wasn't safe, and with me, I would make sure she was. Her safety and happiness was the most important thing to me, although we barely knew each other, our destinies were already fated. I looked down at her as she rested her head on my chest, with my arm wrapped snug around her shoulders. She was so innocent and pure. I could tell by her energy that she has been through alot. But that's not the only thing I could tell. When I said she was special, she definitely was. But I'm not sure she was not aware as of why and neither was I for that matter.

The car turned into the long driveway that lead to the House. We were finally here. Whilst she rested on the drive, I ensured Mason called ahead to make all preparations for her arrival and that all were aware I was bringing her back with me. She would be treated as one of us and I would not be accepting any less. She began to stir as we the car came to a halt. I brushed the hair off her face and kissed her hand that I was holding. "Are we here?" She asked, rubbing her eyes and looking out the window at the building infront of us. I nodded, hesitant to get out of the vehicle, but excited to be bringing her here. I opened the door and slid out, holding her hand to guide her out. She stood there in the moonlight, looking a little nervous and apprehensive of her surroundings. She gazed around with wide eyes as I stood behind her, and gently placed my hand on the side of her arms. "You are safe here.", I whispered into her ear. I felt her relax a little but also began shivering in my hands. "Are you cold?". She nodded and began rubbing her arms to keep them warm. I took of my jacket and placed it on her. I relished in seeing her wearing my clothes. And it pleased me immensely that she felt comfortable enough to do so. I gently grabbed her hand before giving it a small squeeze. "Shall we?". She smiled at me, and squeezed my hand back. "Yes. Are you sure it's ok for me to be here?", she said with trepidation in her voice. I could feel her nervous energy begin to grow. "Of course. This is my home and you will always be welcome here.". She smiled again and followed me as we began to walk up the grand staircase towards the front doors.

One of my attendents came running down the stairs, before stopping to greet and bow to us. "Master, welcome home. Miss Luna welcome to Ventrue House. My name is Claude and I am here to help and serve you as you see fit.". Luna blushed at the formality of the welcome. "Thank you". I felt her press herself into me and squeeze my arm and hand a bit tighter. It warmed my heart and made me let out a slight laugh. "Thank you Claude. Has all I requested been prepared?". Claude bowed again, "Yes Master. All has been prepared and the East Wing is now as you requested. I have also taken the liberty of sourcing additional food for your guest.". I smiled and pulled Luna along with me as we continued inside. "Sorry Master, I must also speak with you in private. There is a matter that requires your urgent attention.". Luna looked at me and smiled before gesturing to me to go and speak with Claude. She takes a seat on the short wall at the top of the stairs and waits for me there. I grab Claude by the arm harshly, "This had better be of the uttermost urgency and importance Claude, or else...". Claude interrupts me, "Master. It most certainly is. We have received word that Meredith is on her way here to see you.".

I could feel the anger and frustration in me rise. I did not want her here, especially whilst Luna was here. "Wait! What? No. Send word back immediately that she is not welcome here.". Claude lowered his head, looking at his feet. "I am sorry Master. We have only received this information moments before your arrival and she is already on her way here. I believe that the King has sent her.". This was the last thing I needed right now. I had already respectfully declined her advances last time. But when the King gets something in his mind, he will not drop it until he sees it through. He was extremely stubborn, and I guess the apple didn't fall far from the tree with me. "My Father needs to stay out of my affairs.". I'm sure Claude could feel my anger rising as his energy changed. "I am sorry Master. But if I didn't tell you and she arrived, I'm sure it would have been the end for me.". He was right. Punishment would have been severe, but as my Number 1, he was safe. I dismissed him and returned to Luna. I didn't want her to worry about the matter, I just wanted her to enjoy her time here with me.

"Is everything ok?". Her sweet doe like eyes, staring up at me as I took her hand to help her up. "Yes, everything is fine.". I tried my hardest to hide my concern but I'm sure she had sensed something. "Hmmm...ok...". She squeezed my hand a little and followed in behind me. As we approached the House, the main door was pulled open by two of the House servants. Both bowing as we entered. I nodded to both and proceeded in. As we entered the main lobby, Luna's eyes became even wider than before, taking in all that was surrounding her. I watched her and traced her line of sight, as she looked at the high ceilings, the thick velvet drapes, the antique paintings and candelabras that adorned the room. "Wow.....". She whispered under her breath. I smiled briefly before leading her to the through a hallway and to another slow steeped staircase.

As we reached the top of the stairs, I felt I needed to give her some advice for things to do whilst she was here. "This area is the Masters' Floor. I would not walk around here alone at night, I know you will be safe here, and all the staff know who you are, however I do not want to risk anything.". She seemed nervous but nodded. We continued to walk and as we approached a large wooden door, with a black frame, I stopped. "This is the East Wing". I held my hand up to a sensor box that was at eye level to the door. The door unlocked and I held her hand before we walked in. She pressed herself against me for a moment as we walked in, clinging to me as if her life depended on it. However, once inside, and the door shut, she calmed, even stepping away from me to have a look around. "OK. So where are we? What is the East Wing?". I chuckled slightly at her. "This is the East Wing. There are several different parts of the house including the West, North and South Wings as well as the Great Hall, the Ballroom and the Caves. The East Wing is my wing. You are welcome to access any of the parts of this wing and my servants will see to your every need.". Luna plopped herself down on the couch. She just simply smiled at me, before eyeing the large fireplace on the far wall. "Does that work? I'm freezing.". I keep forgetting that we don't feel the cold as humans do. "It sure does.". I raise my hand at the fireplace and instantaneously the fire begins to burn brightly.". Luna approached the fire slowly, holding her hands out to feel its' warmth, before turning and walking directly towards me. She was truly stunning, and the way the light and shadows from the flames danced on her, made me weak at the knees. How I longed for her, for her touch, to have her as mine, completely, for eternity. But I can't rush this. I shook the thoughts out of my head as she began to speak. "Wow! So you can read minds, pass through walls, move with superhuman speed and start fires. You're just a bundle of party tricks rolled into one. Is there any other hidden talents you're keeping from me? Karaoke singing? Walking on water? Balloon animals?".

I found myself chuckling and admiring her sense of humour. She continued to approach me, closing the gap between us. She smiled at me, her blue eyes, sparkling and beautiful and lighting up her face. My need for her was growing. I just wanted to grab her pull her close to me and kiss her hard. But no. I couldn't do that till she was mine by her own choice. She took another step towards me. I could heart her heartbeat, rapidly speeding up and calling out to me. I could feel her energy, coming over me like a wave. I was intoxicated by her. I wanted her, I needed her, all of her, in every way, for all eternity. A mischievous smile began to grow on her face as she took yet another step towards me, closing the gap between us. She placed one hand on my chest before beginning to twirl her fingers in my hair. "It has been a long evening, and I'm getting tired. I guess I should get changed and go to bed. Can you show me where I will be sleeping?". God, this woman was going to be the death of me. I drew in a long deep breath, taking her sweet scent in as I did and tried my best to restrain myself from taking her right now. "You may have my bed. I will be up for some time yet as I have some matters to attend to. Whilst you sleep, I will make do on the lounge.", pointing over to the lounge infront of the fireplace. A look of disappointment came suddenly across her face. It broke my heart but I did not want to rush things with her. "Oh....ok....well". Just as a knock sounded on the door.

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