A Sex Slavee To Alien Masters

Chapter 566

It wasn’t even scratched, causing my family to surround the outfit and really look
“Made from the leather of some animal the women catch and skin. They have to
provide us with special tools to cut and sew it. Your slave would be undamaged
even if you put it in the middle of a battle,” Fredrick said proudly.
The hood on the outfit had a shield for my face. The men could attached a fine,
strong mesh to the front. No one could see in, but I could see out just fine. If the
men wished me entirely covered they should just pull up the hood and attach the
mesh to the front.
“Some men,” Fredrick said conspiratorially, “require such material for their pants
and coats. The Administrators instruct the shopkeepers when they are making
clothing. Those of us that work with fabric talk. We know of a few men that
require such specialized clothing.”
Fredrick looked at Damien and stepped slightly closer.
“Can you tell me why certain men require such tough clothing?” Fredrick
Damien was confused and didn't really understand the question. I could see it
from the look on his face. Inspiration hit me and I touched my stomach as I
Men with human ancestry may not have the same tough skin as a full blooded
Paterian male. My fragile skin was what Nu-reeh wanted protected, just as she
would protect my son.
Angela's Library
Christof Looked at me when I made the sound and he saw where my hands lay.
Our eyes met and I knew he understood now.
“Certain creatures,” he said slowly, “have softer skin than us. I imagine that the
offspring of those creatures would have to be protected.”
Fredrick smiled at Christof and Looked him up and down.
“At first,” he said, “your clothing was made that way. After a while the
Administrators sent down word you could wear what your Brothers wear.”
Fredrick wanted to know what we knew, namely that Christof had human
ancestry. Obviously no one had been sure how tough his skin would be when he
was small. I was personally uncomfortable sharing such information with him.
Evidently Damien was also. The family had to be protected at all times.
“We aren't sure, Fredrick,” he said politely opening the main door. “We must be
on our way. Nu-reeh expects us to reach the cabin around night fall.”
Evan and Bane assisted Damien and Fredrick’s family was guided out quickly.
Christof's ancestry was family business and not for public knowledge. I
personally was relieved that Damien had shooed Fredrick out. Certain things just
shouldn't be spread around, I understood that now.
After dressing me in a warm blue outfit, the new coat, gloves, and boots were put
on me. The material was very Light, but I felt no wind at all as the transport
started. The outfit would be very protective and not uncomfortable.
I looked around as we flew and four other transports went with us. Through my
mask I examined the other families. They were all armed and tough looking.
“You notice your guard?” Bane asked looking down at me.
I nodded and looked up at him.
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They will fly with us all the way to
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the cabin we stay in tonight,” he said.
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We are to share TYyetmiand
POORER 1 e Administrators
ordered that a family stand watch at
all times. The other men are to leave
in the morning, we assume before
3 » :
Nu-reeh arrives.” The content is on
Novelxo.org! Read the latest
chapter there!
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That was the oddest thing I'd ever
) 5 5
heard. We'd stayed severa tices
cabins i themelnte fod “Never once
hd We ad a guard when we went or
even while we slept. The content is
on Novelxo.org! Read the latest
chapter there!
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My hand strayed to my belly. I'd never
been pregnant with a son before.
either. I wonderedballthiswas
SERCH For my son. It seemed like
the only answer, but I was sure that
p . \
couldn't be it. The content is on
Novelxo.org! Read the latest
chapter there!

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