A Second Chance at Forever

Chapter 1491

Chapter 1491
Hailey caught the glint of worry in Eleanor’s eyes and her voice took on a solemn tone, “Eleanor, over the past six months,
Bernard has tried everything to bring you back, to wake you up. I can see it in the way he carries himself-he loves you even more
than Garrett ever did. So, from now on, be a little kinder to him. Let him feel what it’s like to be cherished by family.”
Marriage isn’t just about romance; over time, it fosters a deep familial bond. Bernard missed out on that growing up, so now it’s
your role as his wife to play the part of family and shower him with the kind of love he’s never experienced.
Eleanor nodded vigorously, her gaze softening as she looked down at the baby dozing in her arms. “Right now, my world
consists of him and our baby. Of course, I’ll do everything in my power to treat him well, but I’m scared...”
A mist of tears blurred her vision, her heart aching uncontrollably, “Hailey, there’s still a chip in his brain. I’m terrified that one day
he might...”
Hailey quickly reached out, resting her hand on Eleanor’s shoulder with a comforting pat, “The doctors said as long as we teave
it be, there won’t be any issues. Besides, Cedric and the others are searching for a specialist. With so many people on it, we’ll
find a way.”
Struggling to hold back her tears, Eleanor replied in a choked voice, “I hope they find someone soon to take out the chip... he
shouldn’t have to suffer anymore.”
While others worried about the threat to Bernard’s life, Eleanor feared the pain it caused him. Hailey knew only a wife could feel
such concern for her husband. “As long as you’re by his side, he won’t feel the pain.”
To Bernard, nothing was more devastating than the thought of being abandoned by Eleanor. Physical pain was inconsequential
in comparison.
Musing on this, Hailey’s thoughts drifted to Garrett, who also loved Eleanor deeply. She wondered if his severe depression was
resurfacing as he licked his wounds in solitude.
Feeling a twinge of guilt, Hailey seized the moment while Eleanor was lost in her thoughts, pulling out her phone to send a
message to Garrett, [Garrett, she’s awake now. You can rest easy.]
Eleanor, noticing Hailey’s serious expression as she typed, guessed who the message was for and, after a moment of silence,
spoke with regret, “Hailey, could you please apologize to Garrett for me? I’m really sorry.”

Her words during her brief amnesia had likely caused him much distress, and the guilt was compounded by the knowledge that
her situation had contributed to his depression.
Hailey glanced at her, then quickly typed out a message, [Also, she remembers everything now. She asked me to tell you she’s
sorry and hopes you won’t hold it against her.]
Garrett, sitting in his study, stared at the message for a long time before responding, [Tell her, I had my bout of amnesia, now
she’s had hers. We’re even. She should let guilt towards me.]
As Hailey read his words, her eyes welled up. Before she could reply, another message from Garrett came through, [Hailey, I
wish you happiness, and I wish the same for her.]
Unable to hold back, Hailey let the tears flow, [Garrett, you’ve taken care of her and supported her since childhood. Even I can’t
let go of that bond, how could she possibly forget?]
Garrett, watching the snowflakes dance outside his window, sent one last message, [Bernard has already repaid those debts to
me on her behalf. All that was left was the amnesia, and now... that’s resolved too. There’s no debt left between us.]
He should have died in that car crash, but he was saved by that million-dollar Bernard paid. Every tragedy, every struggle for
power within the family, Bernard had been there, repaying the debts of Eleanor’s childhood.
With everything repaid, it was only natural for Bernard to have Eleanor. There was just one thing Garrett needed to clarify-to cut
the last thread of fate tying them.
Bernard, after dealing with Cedric, was heading back to the hospital room when his phone buzzed. He checked it, finding a text
from Garrett,
[Her amnesia, only remembering her life before eighteen, was because the love you two share is so profound, it eclipsed her
earlier memories. She remembered a time without such heavy burdens, not me.]
[And here’s a secret, I liked her first. Afraid she’d fall for someone else when she grew up, made sure she fell for me first. But
from the start, she’s always felt more kinship than romance towards me, and you... you’re the one she chose to love.]
After reading the messages, Bernard’s stoic expression softened with complexity. Garrett was removing the thorns from his
heart, but Bernard had known Eleanor’s true feelings since she declared she’d die with him.

He didn’t need explanations from anyone else, but he respected Garrett’s intentions and, after a pause, he replied, [I understand.
Thank you.]
Putting away his phone, Bernard quickened his pace back to the hospital room. He entered to find Eleanor holding their baby,
both of them laughing with Hailey. His own face couldn’t help but reflect their happiness, “What’s got you two so cheerful?”

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