A Second Chance at Forever

Chapter 1469

Chapter 1469
Mr. Keith nodded in assent, taking his place by the operating table, ready to assist the veteran old doctor at a moment’s notice.
As Dr. Moore had anticipated, complications soon began to cascade, one after another.
Handing over a scalpel to Mr. Keith, Dr. Moore then directed Ms. Amelia and Dr. Marcus to tackle various complications, while he
himself zeroed in on the critical issue of heart failure.
In his lifetime, Dr. Moore had snatched many souls from the jaws of death, but this case proved exceptionally thorny. Even he felt
a sense of helplessness in the face of the mounting complications.
While continuing the life-saving surgery, he had a nurse inform the waiting family members of the dire situation, handing them
the grim prognosis. Given the explosion of complications, even he couldn’t guarantee a successful outcome.
Outside the OR, Bernard Laurence, already steeped in despair, was handed the ominous notice. He stood there, a shell of a
man, utterly defeated and frozen in place.
“Mr. Laurence, I need your signature, please.”
Signing that document would mean acknowledging that Eleanor’s condition was beyond even The surgeon’s saving grace.
Bernard’s bloodshot eyes brimmed with a torment that made life seem worse than death, “Please, you can’t give up. You must
find a way to save her again!”
Hearing the desperate pleas from outside, The surgeon’s brows knotted tightly. With so many complications, what more could he
do? Even ten of him might not be enough.
In the incubator, the baby, perhaps sensing its mother’s peril, cried ceaselessly. The infant’s desperate wails touched everyone,
bringing tears to the eyes of Ms. Amelia, the doctors, and the nurses.
“I may not have your skills, but please, for Eleanor’s sake, give it everything you’ve got!”
Catching Ms. Amelia’s eye and then glancing at Dr. Marcus and the other doctors in the OR, all determined to save their patient,
Dr. Moore felt a flicker of hope reignite in his weary heart
“Everyone, keep fighting!”
“Yes, sir!”

That resounding “Yes!” seemed to marshal the collective strength of all the medical staff, its echo reaching the family members
gathered outside, moving them to their core.
The Laurence siblings, scattered across the country, had converged as quickly as possible, while Peterson Sharp, nursing a
bullet wound, arrived under the escort of his brothers from across the border.
By the time the other family members arrived at the hospital, the surgery had been underway for twelve long hours. The surgeon,
exhausted and trembling, handed over the surgical duties to Ms. Amelia and Dr. Marcus. The younger doctors, with their
remarkable talent, followed The surgeon’s every direction with precision.
Reflecting on the situation, Dr. Moore marveled at the patient’s fate. She had encountered four luminaries of the medical world.
While Ms. Amelia and Dr. Marcus might lag slightly behind Mr. Keith, they were no less adept at managing the complications.
Thanks to the relentless efforts of the medical team, the patient’s vital signs slowly stabilized. The blood pressure dropped, acute
organ failure ceased, the cerebral hemorrhage was contained, and the other complications dissipated. However, after enduring
such an ordeal, the patient slipped into a deep coma...
Dr. Moore knew this was as far as they could go; the patient’s body couldn’t withstand any more. Rising from his chair with the
last of his strength, he prepared to leave the OR as the doctors looked on in disappointed silence.
Bernard, his hands trembling with suppressed emotion and eyes dark with despair, pushed past the doctors at the door and
strode out, “I don’t want to hear that word!” His voice, raw with anguish, reverberated down the hallway, eliciting sympathetic
looks from the Laurences, the Sharps, and the Pines.
“Doctor, is there really no hope?” Yates stepped forward, his face etched with disbelief.
“A deep coma... it’s as good as gone unless a miracle happens. But the chance of that is almost zero,” Dr. Moore replied with a
heavy heart.
What miracle could there be for someone pulled back from such a brink?
The cold truth doused Bernard’s flicker of hope. His grip on the surgeon’s arm loosened and fell away. Like a soulless puppet, he
staggered into the OR under the watchful eyes of the medical staff. As he saw Eleanor, lifeless and entangled in a web of tubes,
tears he could no longer control cascaded down his cheeks.

The strong man, faced with his wife’s hopeless condition, collapsed to his knees beside the operating table, “Eleanor, you fought
so hard to come back, only to be trapped again. is the fog too thick on your way home? Can’t you find the way? Let me come to
get you, okay?”

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