A Second Chance at Forever

Chapter 1464

Chapter 1464
Bernard, whose sharp features softened in an instant, buried his face into Eleanor’s neck, holding her as if it was their final
goodbye, with all the strength he could muster.
He didn’t say a word, just held her silently. Outside the car window, rain began to fall, droplets pattering against the glass, soon
fogging up the view with a misty veil.
Bernard, running on a week of little sleep, his eyes bloodshot, stared at the rain streaming down. A weak smile flickered across
his lips, his heart heavy with despair, like the rain. blocking his path, obscuring his vision...
They had chosen the 10% chance to save their child over the 30%, but before they could even begin to hope, that very afternoon
as Bernard drove back to Fiord Roundabout, Eleanor started bleeding...
At first, it wasn’t much, but as Eleanor’s vision blurred to the point where she couldn’t distinguish the traffic lights outside, she
realized something was wrong. Looking down, she saw blood soaking through her clothes...
Reaching out to Bernard, her world went black just as her fingers grazed his sleeve, and she collapsed forward...
“Eleanor!” Bernard’s voice, panicked and fearful, was the last thing she heard before slipping into unconsciousness.
Pale with fear, Bernard held the unconscious Eleanor with one hand and gripped the steering wheel with the other, racin back to
the hospital as fast as he could.
Dr. Amelia, who hadn’t received Mr. Laurence’s order to stand down, stayed in the operating room, waiting for their return. It
wasn’t long before she saw a drenched Mr. Laurence, soaked by the rain, carrying a woman with her surgical gown stained red
with blood into the hospital.
“What are you waiting for? Save her, now!”
Jolted by Mr. Laurence’s roar, Dr. Amelia snapped to attention, rallying everyone to the operating room, while she approached to
take Eleanor from his arms. But Bernard swiftly dodged her, rushing to the OR with his wife in his arms.
As he laid Eleanor on the operating table, his tense body relaxed for a moment, then a chill crept up from his feet, leaving him
cold to the bone and unable to stand without leaning on the table, bending forward to watch Eleanor’s face lose color.

If it weren’t for the doctors already working to stop the bleeding and save her, Bernard would have erupted in anger again.
Seeing their frantic efforts, he didn’t care about the sterility protocols and slumped into a chair next to the operating table, his
eyes filled with despair, fixed on Eleanor.
Dr. Amelia and Dr. Marcus, after scrubbing up quickly and holding their hands up, entered the OR, followed by four nurses who
helped them glove up and get ready. The two of them, dressed in sterile surgical gowns, quickly took their places at the
operating table.
Dr. Marcus, making the first incision, reached out for the hemostatic tools passed by another doctor, working swiftly to stop the
bleeding and bring Eleanor back from the brink.
With the monitor showing her heart stabilizing, Dr. Marcus finally turned to the soaked Bernard, “Mr. Laurence, Mrs. Laurence
needs an emergency C-section now. The baby is threatening her life.”
It seemed fate was not in their hands, even though they had prepared to sacrifice for their child, the heavens weren’t granting
them that chance.
Bernard didn’t care about fate; he just wanted Eleanor alive, “Does she have even a 30% chance now?”
Dr. Marcus, holding the scalpel, looked at the unconscious yet not asleep Eleanor, “I can only promise to do my best.”
With no guarantees from the doctor, Bernard’s heart plummeted, “Marcus, Amelia, at all costs, save her life. That’s my only
The two doctors exchanged a look, then nodded under the weight of responsibility, “Mr. Laurence, you should step out. You’re
soaked, and it’s not safe for you to stay in a sterile OR.”
If it wasn’t for the risk of infection to Eleanor, Bernard would have stayed, watching them cut into her, deliver their child, sharing
her pain. But now...
Bernard had no choice but to leave. He mustered the strength to stand, steadied himself on the operating table, and bent down
to kiss Eleanor’s forehead, “Sweetheart, hang in there. I will be waiting for you to come home. Remember, you have to come
Having said that, Bernard walked out of the OR, hiding his fear and reluctance. As the door shut behind him, he saw Eleanor
covered in bright red blood, a jarring color that stung his eyes...

Outside the OR, Bernard had no idea of the situation inside. He sat like a lifeless puppet, alone in the silence of the world. The
only light came from the red bulb of the OR, casting a chilling and desolate glow on the deserted corridor.
Time ticked away without a sense of how long had passed. Finally, the OR doors opened, and a doctor emerged, “Mr. Laurence,
the baby’s been delivered, but the mother is hemorrhaging. We can’t stop the bleeding... I’m afraid she might not make it...”

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