A Second Chance at Forever

Chapter 1286

Chapter 1286
Next, they needed to think about the inside information. Not everyone can gain entrance to Ace; one must receive an invitation
card issued by Ace and directions to a specific location.
Of course, not everyone who gets an invitation from Ace chooses to go. Some wealthy gamblers, however, are drawn by
curiosity. In Robin’s words, once you reach a certain level of wealth, life can seem devoid of meaning; only spiritual stimulation
can bring joy. Conversely, when one is destitute, only the acquisition of endless riches can provide satisfaction.
As for how members of Siren Organization infiltrated Ace, it’s because Ace knew that most members of Siren Organization came
from prominent families. They had distributed invitation cards to many such individuals long ago, hoping to randomly locate
members of Siren Organization. Mr. Penrod sent in those who had received an invitation card in batches to infiltrate Ace..
People like Bernard, Evan, and Caleb were specifically targeted by Ace. However, they didn’t pay much attention to this prior to
the mass killings. At that time, even Mr. Penrod and the rest of Siren Organization were unaware of Ace’s true purpose. They
only knew of an entertainment venue for the wealthy and gamblers called Area Opaca, codenamed Ace. It was only after Ace
initiated large-scale killings that they realized Ace’s true intent was targeting them..
After accepting an invitation, Ace would secretly observe the invitees at designated locations. Once Ace confirmed an invitee as
trustworthy, they would be drugged unknowingly.
Upon entry, invitees usually found themselves in an empty room controlled entirely by electronic devices. No one would appear,
not even during the deadly games. However, Evan mentioned that a man in black would appear during the final round to escort
those destined to die.
Before the games begin, à mechanical voice would explain the rules and the win-or-lose mechanism. After the briefing,
individuals could choose to leave or stay. Those who chose to stay had to follow Ace’s commands. Ace wouldn’t kill randomly;
only the losers would face brutal punishment.
The games were divided into sections, and invitees could choose their preferred section. However, once a section was chosen,
they had to clear all the games within it. If someone entered the door of death and survived, they could continue with the
remaining games until the final round. Only then could they decide to leave or challenge games in other sections. Few could
make it to the final round.

Moreover, those who survived and exited had to sign a non-disclosure agreement, under threat of assassination. This is why
members of Siren Organization were unaware of Ace’s initial purpose before the killings began. Additionally, the victors who
survived were drugged before being let out, so nobody knew the actual location of Area Opaca.
Evan shared this information with Robin despite his personal grudge because he, as a member of Siren Organization, was
tasked with uncovering Ace’s mastermind. After failing, he hoped that Robin, as the vice-president of the Premier Entrepreneurs’
League, could do something with the information about Ace.
Finally, there’s a difference in treatment between the wealthy gamblers and members of Siren Organization. The fate of wealthy
gamblers who lost games would be determined by the door of life and death. However, if members of Siren Organization who
infiltrated as gamblers were discovered, they would be taken for experimentation to be turned into Cyborgs. If successful, they
would be held captive; if not, they would be dissected.

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